32 research outputs found

    Framework for assessing the governance pillar of agrarian sustainability

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    In many other countries, there are no comprehensive systems for assessment of the governance sustainability of agriculture and its importance for the overall agrarian development. This study tries to fill the gap and suggests a holistic framework for understanding and assessing the governance sustainability. The newly elaborated approach is “tested” in a large-scale study for assessing the governance sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture. The study has proved that it is important to include the “missing” Governance Pillar in the assessment of the Integral sustainability of agriculture and sustainability of agro-systems of various type. Assessment of the Governance sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture indicates that the Overall Governance Sustainability is at a “Good” but close to the “Satisfactory” level. There is a considerable differentiation in the level of Integral Governance sustainability of different agro-systems in the country. Results on the integral agrarian sustainability assessment based on micro (farm) and macro (statistical, etc.) data show some discrepancies which have to be taken into consideration, while assessment indicators, methods and data sources improved

    Как да измерим управленческата устойчивост на българското селско стопанство?

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    A need to include “the fourth” Governance pillar in the concept for understanding and the assessment system of (overall and) agrarian sustainability is increasingly justified in academic literature and finds place in the frameworks of government, international, private, etc. organizations. Nevertheless, still there is no general consensus on: whether and how to include the governance as a new pillar of agrarian sustainability; how to define the governance sustainability; what are the relations between the governance sustainability of a farming enterprise and agriculture; what are the critical factors of governance sustainability; how to formulate, select, measure and integrate diverse sustainability indicators; and how to properly evaluate the level of governance sustainability, etc. In Bulgaria, like in many other countries, practically there are no comprehensive assessments of the governance sustainability of agriculture and its importance for the overall agrarian development. This study tries to fill the gap and suggests a holistic framework for understanding and assessing the governance sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture. The newly elaborated approach is “tested” in assessment of the governance sustainability of country’s agriculture The study has proved that it is important to include the “missing” Governance Pillar in the assessment of the Integral sustainability of agriculture. Governance sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture indicates that the Overall Governance Sustainability is at a “Good” but very close to the “Satisfactory” level. Besides, results on the integral agrarian sustainability assessment based on micro (farm) and macro (statistical, etc.) data show some discrepancies which have to be taken into consideration in the analysis and interpretation, while assessment indicators, methods and data sources further improved. Having in mind the importance of holistic assessments of this kind for improving the agrarian sustainability in general, and the Governance sustainability of agriculture in particular, they are to be expended and their precision and representation increased. The later requires improvement of the precision through enlargement of surveyed farms and stakeholders, and incorporating more “objective” data from surveys, statistics, expertise of professionals in the area, etc. Since the elaboration of an effective framework for Governance sustainability assessment is far from complete our and other emerging suggestions have to be further discussed, experimented, improved and adapted to the specific conditions of evaluating agricultural system and needs of decision-makers at different levels

    Agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria – evaluating economic, social and ecological pillars

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    Sustainable development has become a major topic not only for economic science but in economic policy development. There is substantial literature dedicated to analyzing the different aspects of sustainability - economic, social and/or ecological. Agriculture has been recognized as one of the economic fields that has a multidimensional impact not only on the incomes and well-being of the employed but also on the rural population as a whole and the environment. This article presents a holistic approach for assessing agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria based on its economic, social and ecological aspects on sectoral macro-level. It is based on official statistical and other information as well as on expert evaluation. Our study has found that Bulgarian agriculture on the macro-level has good sustainability. Some of the sustainability aspects have higher levels (e.g. the economic aspect) while others (social and environmental) are inferior. Study results could help in focusing the political efforts, so that agrarian sustainability, in its social and ecological aspect, could be increased. However, a further research is needed to evaluate the level of sustainability at the micro-level, so that the major issues and problem areas are addressed accordingly

    Оценка на аграрната устойчивост в България на ниво район, екосистема, подотрасъл и стопанска организация

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    This paper applies interdisciplinary framework and assesses the level of agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria at regional, ecosystem, sectioal and farm levels. Factors for increasing agrarian sustainability are also identified, and directions for improving research, managerial and assessment practices suggested

    China-Bulgaria Rural Revitalization Development Cooperation Forum

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    Proceedings of China-Bulgaria Rural Revitalization Development Cooperation Forum, hold on 23 April, 2018, in Sofia. Chapters give a deep insights on diverse issues associated with agrarian and rural development in Bulgaria and China

    Методически въпроси на икономическото изучаване на услугите на агроекоситемите

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    This study adapt a holistic interdisciplinary framework for analysis, assessment and improvement of the system of governance of agro-ecosystem services. A review is made on development of research on this "new" issue. Agroecosytems services and defined and classified. The management of agro-ecosystem services is defined, and principles modes of mechanisms affecting behaviours of agrarian and non-agrarian agents (institutional environment, market, private, collective, public and hybrid forms) characterised. Multiple personal, economic, political, international, natural, etc. factors for governing choice are identified. The stages for improvement of the governance of agro-ecosystem services are characterised. A framework for assessment of agro-ecosystem services is presented. Importance of organic agriculture as a major form of ecosystem management is analysed.Direction of application of client value in economic analysis are specified. An approach for analysing greed cities as a new perspective form for ecosystem services management is worked out. Multiple assessment of environmental pressure of agriculture in Bulgaria and analysed

    Емпирично изследване на управлението на услугите на агроекосистемите в България

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    The study is a report from the second stage of the research project "Management of agro-ecosystem services", funded by the Agricultural Academy - https://maessbg.alle.bg The approach developed during the first stage for analysis, evaluation and improvement of the management system of the agro-ecosystem services in the country has been tested. A survey with agricultural producers identified the size and type of "produced" services of agro-ecosystems of different types, and the dominant forms, factors and efficiency of management of agro-ecosystem services. Primary micro-information was collected from managers of 162 "typical" farms of different legal type, size, production specialization, ecological and geographical location. The main agro-regions and basic agroecosystems (plain, mountainous, protected areas, non-favored areas, etc.) are covered, as well as 12 main specific agroecosystems and their agro-ecosystems - Western Stara Planina, Central Balkans, Danube Plain, Stara Planina, Northeast Fore-Balkans, Struma River Valley, Rhodopes, Pernik Basin, Radomir Field, Sredna Gora, Sub-Balkans, Thracian Lowland and Southeastern Bulgaria. By grouping and summarizing the collected primary information, the structure and volume of agro-ecosystem services in the country and in the main types of agro-ecosystems are identified - geographical, basic and specific ecosystems, subsectors of agricultural production, size and legal type of farming organization. Share of participating producers and degree of participation in storage and supply were used as proxy indicators for production volume of the respective types of holdings. The connection between the main characteristics of farm managers (gender, age, education, farming experience, etc.) and their knowledge and application of the concept of agro-ecosystem services has been established. The main domestic, market, contractual, collective, tripartite, etc. are identified. forms of management of agro-ecosystem services of different types in general and depending on the type of agro-ecosystem and the agricultural producer. An in-depth study of the predominant forms of management of basic agro-ecosystem services such as providing external access to the farm, biodiversity conservation, plant pollination, bioproduction, etc. has been established, and a link with specialization, location, etc. has been established. characteristics of holdings. The effectiveness of the various forms of management of agro-ecosystem services has been established by assessing the direct and additional costs associated with the supply and management of agro-ecosystem services, as well as the direct, additional and indirect effects of their supply. The main behavioral, economic, institutional, natural, etc. are identified. factors that stimulate or limit the "production" of agro-ecosystem services by farmers. The intentions of the agricultural producers related to the protection of ecosystems and ecosystem services in the near future have also been determined. An in-depth analysis of the development and efficiency of organic production as one of the main forms of supply of agro-ecosystem services by Bulgarian farms. A multifaceted analysis of soils has been made as part of Bulgaria's agri-environmental resource, on the example of rural areas in the South Central region. The possibilities for using the sludge from the wastewater treatment plants as a form of agro-eco-service in support of agriculture have been assessed. The use of the customer value category in the management of agro-ecosystem services is analyzed. Summarized conclusions and proposals for improving the approach to scientific analysis and guidelines for improving public policies and forms of public intervention, and individual, business and collective strategies and actions for effective management of agro-ecosystems and services of agro-ecosystems of different types have been prepared

    Управление и оценка на аграрната устойчивост – опит, предизвикателства и уроци от България и Китай

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    This paper applies interdisciplinary approach and assesses the system of governance and the level of agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria and China. The first part presents a holistic and practically applicable for the contemporary conditions of development of Bulgarian and Chinese agriculture framework for assessing the system of governance and the level of agrarian sustainability. The suggested approach is broadly experimented in Bulgaria for assessing the governance system of agrarian sustainability and the sustainability level of Bulgarian agriculture. In the second part the system of governance of agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria is analyzed and the efficiency of institutional environment and diverse market, private, collective, public and hybrid modes are evaluated. In the third part an assessment is made on the economic, social, environmental and integral sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture at national, sectoral, regional, ecosystem and farm levels. Factors for improving agrarian sustainability are also identified and the innovation activity and sustainability of alternative agriculture estimated. In the fourth part the governance and sustainability in Chinese agriculture at national, regional and local levels is analyzed, and results of a number of in-depth studies from Shanghai area are presented. Comparative study is also made on the systems of governance and the levels of agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria and China. Finally, the experiences and challenges in the governance and assessment of agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria and China are summarized and directions for improvement of research, management and assessment practices suggested