60 research outputs found

    Behavioral Pattern of Overweight and Obese School Children

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    The aim of this study was to determine socio economic, health status, nutritional and behavioral differences in obese, overweight and normal weight children attending first grade elementary school. In overweight group there is 13.8% of boys and 12.6% of girls, in obese group 8.3% of boys and 6.9% of girls. In factor analysis 12 factors was excluded with cumulative loading of 60% variability. Discriminant analysis was performed with 12 factors as predictive variables and discriminant variables were three BMI groups: normal weight, overweight and obese. Function 1 discriminate well normal weight group from overweight and obese group. Overweight and obese groups is described with lower number of children in the family and lower order of birth, higher education of parents, they eat less vegetables and fruits, spend more time playing computer games, have less physical activity, drink more alcohol with their meals, exactly opposite to normal weight group

    Behavioral Pattern of Overweight and Obese School Children

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    The aim of this study was to determine socio economic, health status, nutritional and behavioral differences in obese, overweight and normal weight children attending first grade elementary school. In overweight group there is 13.8% of boys and 12.6% of girls, in obese group 8.3% of boys and 6.9% of girls. In factor analysis 12 factors was excluded with cumulative loading of 60% variability. Discriminant analysis was performed with 12 factors as predictive variables and discriminant variables were three BMI groups: normal weight, overweight and obese. Function 1 discriminate well normal weight group from overweight and obese group. Overweight and obese groups is described with lower number of children in the family and lower order of birth, higher education of parents, they eat less vegetables and fruits, spend more time playing computer games, have less physical activity, drink more alcohol with their meals, exactly opposite to normal weight group

    Prevalence and five-year cumulative incidence of abdominal obesity in Croatian women of childbearing age: the CroHort study [Prevalencija i petogodiŔnja kumulativna incidencija abdominalne pretilosti u žena fertilne dobi u Hrvatskoj]

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    Generalised obesity is increasing in prevalence globally, however trends in abdominal obesity are less well known. In 2003, 1,999 women of childbearing age participated in the Croatian Adult Health Survey, of whom 598 (29.9%) participated in the second cycle in 2008. For 2008, the prevalence of abdominal obesity using the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criterion (waist circumference > or = 80 cm) was estimated at 70.3% (95% CI 61.8% to 75.7%), whereas the prevalence of abdominal obesity using the National Cholesterol Education Program, Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) criterion (waist circumference > or = 88 cm) was estimated at 48.6% (42.6% to 54.7%). The preceding five-year cumulative incidence was 54.3% (44.5% to 64.2%) and 35.2% (28.0% to 42.4%) using the IDF and NCEP ATP III criteria, respectively. The burden of abdominal obesity is high and rapidly increasing in Croatian women of childbearing age, the key population subgroup for obesity control

    Promjene u sastavu masnih kiselina fosfolipida mozga i jetre Ŕtakora hranjenih nemasnom dijetom

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    This study has been undertaken with the aim of elucidating the effect of a fat-free diet (FFD), which is known to be deficient in essential fatty acids (EFA), on the composition of fatty acids in the brain and liver glycerophospholipids of rats. Changes in the stereochemical distribution of fatty acids linked to the sn-1 or sn-2 position were of special interest. Two groups of animals were fed either the control diet (CD) or the FFD for two weeks. From the total lipid extracts of the brain and liver tissues, phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylinositol+phosphatidylserine (PI+PS) fractions were separated by column and thin layer chromatography (TLC). After digestion with phospholipase A2 (PLA2), fatty acids from the sn-1 and sn-2 positions were separately converted into methyl esters and analyzed by gas chromatography. In animals fed FFD, the relative levels of unsaturated fatty acids increased in the sn-1 position of the PI+PS fraction in both liver and brain tissues, as well as in the PE fraction from the brain tissue. In other fractions no statistically significant differences were found. When the levels of particular fatty acids were evaluated, significant decreases in the amounts of palmitic (PA, 16:0), stearic (SA, 18:0), and nervonic (NA, 24:1n-9) acids, and/or significant increases of eicosenoic (ENA, 20:1n-9), arachidonic (AA, 20:4n-6) and docosahexaenoic (DHA, 22:6n-3) acids were detected in some fractions. It can be concluded that in the brain and liver glycerophospholipids of rats fed FFD, the EFAs lacking in the diet were moderately substituted by endogenously synthesized unsaturated fatty acids.Ovo je istraživanje provedeno da bi se utvrdio učinak nemasne dijete, deficitarne esencijalnim masnim kiselinama, na sastav masnih kiselina glicerofosfolipida mozga i jetre Å”takora. Poseban je interes usmjeren na stereokemijsku raspodjelu masnih kiselina vezanih na sn-1 i sn-2 položaj. Životinje su podijeljene u dvije skupine i hranjene kontrolnom ili nemasnom dijetom tijekom dva tjedna. Primjenom kromatografije na koloni i tankoslojne kromatografije iz ekstrakta ukupnih lipida mozga i jetre izdvojene su ove frakcije: fosfatidilkolin (PC), fosfatidiletanolamin (PE) i fosfatidilinozitol+fosfatidilserin (PI+PS). Fosfolipidne su frakcije obrađene fosfolipazom A2 i masne kiseline s položaja sn-1 i sn-2 odvojeno prevedene u metilne estere i analizirane plinskom kromatografijom. Kod životinja hranjenih nemasnom dijetom utvrđeno je povećanje udjela nezasićenih masnih kiselina na položaju sn-1 PI+PS frakcije jetre i mozga, te PE frakcije mozga. U ostalim frakcijama nisu nađene statistički značajne promjene omjera zasićenih i nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Analizom udjela pojedinih masnih kiselina u nekim frakcijama utvrđeno je statistički značajno smanjenje udjela palmitinske (PA, 16:0), stearinske (SA, 18:0) i nervonske (NA, 24:1n-9) kiseline i/ili značajno povećanje udjela eikozaenske (ENA, 20:1n-9), arahidonske (AA, 20:4n-6) i dokozaheksaenske (DHA, 22:6n-3) kiseline. Zaključeno je da se u glicerolipidima mozga i jetre Å”takora hranjenih nemasnom dijetom nedostatak esencijalnih masnih kiselina djelomično nadoknađuje endogenom sintezom nezasićenih masnih kiselina

    Recipe from the past for the future: public health intervention represent a process for century

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    In the poor Bosnia, in the early 20(th) century endemic syphilis was widespread. Combating this disease entailed the necessity of etiology research, diagnosis and clinical nature of the disease, as well as the insight into the epidemiological image of this unresolved health problem. Thanks to the visionary, the enthusiasm and persistence of the expert team of doctors from that time in Croatia, School of Public Health and the Rockefeller Foundation as financial support, conditions were created to conduct population monitoring and research called "survey". The team of experts from Croatia and Bosnia led by Dr. Ante Vuletic began this important public health intervention in Central Bosnia underneath the mountain Vlasic 1934. In villages of mountain Vlasic people were living in very difficult social and unsanitary conditions. "Interviewers" worked in makeshift clinics in the rural schools Opare, Rankovici, Vitovlje Mehorica, Turbe, Bila and Gornji Vakuf. A hundred years later, a team of university professors from the School of Public Health "Andrija Stampar" led by Professor Silvije Viletic followed the footsteps of century "survey" on Vlasic in the summer of 2014. They determined that with the integrated approach to population monitoring and testing endemic syphilis in Bosnia was successfully suppressed

    80th Anniversary of the Publication of Endemic Syphilis in Bosnia: Survey by the School of Public Health in Zagreb

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    Certain regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina were prominent European sites of endemic syphilis. In 1934 and 1935 the School of Public Health in Zagreb, later the Andrija Å tampar School of Public Health, conducted two surveys on endemic syphilis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The surveys were well-described in the monograph published in 1939 by the School, under the title Endemic Syphilis in Bosnia: Survey by the School of Public Health in Zagreb (ā€œEndemski sifilis u Bosni anketa Å kole narodnog zdravlja u Zagrebuā€). This paper provides a description of the publication for the first time, presents the most important data from it, and explores its significance from the historical perspective

    Fizioterapijske intervencije kod poremećaja temporomandibularnog zgloba

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    Uvod: Tempromandibularni zglob je jedan od najsloženijih i najsnažnijih struktura ljudskog tijela. Njegove najvažnije funkcije su žvakanje i govor. Temporomandibularni zglobovi sa svake strane funkcioniraju zajedno, zato svako odstupanje koje utječe na bilo koji dio ovog miÅ”ićno-koÅ”tanog integriteta djeluje na obje strane, Å”to rezultira temporomandibularnim poremećajem. Cilj: Istražiti fizioterapijske procedure kod bolesnika sa temporomandibularnim poremećajem. Materijali i metode: Elektronskim pretraživanjem literature pretraživane su neke od dostupnih baza podataka kao Å”to su: Medline (PubMed, PubMed Central), Bibliografska baza. Ključne riječi koriÅ”tene u svrhu pretraživanja su: fizioterapija kod poremećaja temporomandibularnog zgloba i fizikalna terapija temporomandibularnog zgloba odnosno physiotherapy temporomandibular joint dysfunction i physical therapy temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Rezultati: Postupkom isključivanja dobiveno je 12 izvornih istraživanja, 2 prikaza slučaja i 6 preglednih članaka povezanih s ciljem istraživanja ovog rada. Zaključak: Fizioterapija je najbolji izbor kao rano konzervativno liječenje kod osoba sa temporomandibularnim poremećajima. Dokazana je njena učinkovitost kod poboljÅ”anja opsega pokreta, povećanja mobilnosti i smanjenja boli uz primjenu manualne terapija (miofascijalno opuÅ”tanje, Maitland metoda), terapijskih vježbi, Dry-needling- a, TENS-a, ultrazvuka i terapijskog lasera

    80th Anniversary of the Publication of Endemic Syphilis in Bosnia: Survey by the School of Public Health in Zagreb

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    Certain regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina were prominent European sites of endemic syphilis. In 1934 and 1935 the School of Public Health in Zagreb, later the Andrija Å tampar School of Public Health, conducted two surveys on endemic syphilis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The surveys were well-described in the monograph published in 1939 by the School, under the title Endemic Syphilis in Bosnia: Survey by the School of Public Health in Zagreb (ā€œEndemski sifilis u Bosni anketa Å kole narodnog zdravlja u Zagrebuā€). This paper provides a description of the publication for the first time, presents the most important data from it, and explores its significance from the historical perspectiv

    The Changing Pattern of Cardiovascular Risk Factors: the CroHort Study

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    Croatia has a long tradition of non-communicable disease prevention, but also obstacles to the implementation of preventive programs related to the general attenuation of public health and primary health care sector. The aim of this study was to determine trends in behavioral and biomedical risk factors and evaluate primary non-communicable disease and cardiovascular prevention. Physical inactivity was a leading risk factor with increasing trend and prevalence of 33.9% and 38.9% in men and women in 2008. In 2008, obesity was present in 26.1% and 34.1%, and hypertension in 65.8% and 59.7% of men and women. During the follow-up only smoking and alcohol consumption in men decreased significantly, while alcohol consumption and obesity in women, and hypertension in both sexes significantly increased. In the present situation, with the existing trends and environment it will not be possible to stop negative trends. Revitalization of public health activities and primary health care is essential


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    U nekim istraživanjima visceralna debljina bolje predviđa obolijevanje i umiranje od kardiovaskularnih bolesti i dijabetesa tipa 2 u usporedbi s općom debljinom mjerenom indeksom tjelesne mase. Čini se da postoji uzročno-posljedična veza između nakupljanja visceralnoga masnog tkiva i nastanka kardiovaskularnih bolesti i dijabetesa tipa 2. Procjena kardiometaboličkog rizika uključuje uz tradicionalne čimbenike rizika i informacije o intra-abdominalnoj debljini. Masno tkivo nakupljeno unutar trbuÅ”ne Å”upljine djeluje poput velike endokrine žlijezde te luči citokine odnosno adipokine koji pridonose nastanku inzulinske rezistencije i proupalnog stanja. Potkožno masno tkivo pak, čini se, djeluje kao protektivni metabolički spremnik. Od antropometrijskih metoda, opseg struka najbolje korelira s količinom visceralnoga masnog tkiva.Some studies indicate that visceral obesity may be a better predictor of morbidity and mortality related to cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes than general obesity measured by the body mass index. A causal relationship seems to exist between the accumulation of visceral fat and occurence of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Assessment of cardiometabolic risk comprises information on intra-abdominal obesity, as well as traditional risk factors. Visceral fat acts as a large endocrine gland, excreting cytokines and adipokines which leads to insulin resistance and proinflammatory state, whereas subcutaneous fat may act as a protective metabolic sink. Of anthropometric measures, waist circumference seems to best correlate with visceral fat
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