81 research outputs found
Uncovering Regional Disparities – the Use of Factor and Cluster Analysis
The aim of this paper is to present a new methodology for the classification of spatial-economic entities in order to support a regional development policy. Such a classification may be obtained through the use of multivariate statistical methods – factor and cluster analysis, and is based on eleven economic and social indicators. The local government units of three Croatian counties are used as the working sample. Those are as follows: the County of Istria, the Lika-Senj County and the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. Factor analysis leads to identification of a small number of socio-economic dimensions that summarise adequately the information contained in the original set of variables. Cluster analysis is used to look for groups of towns and municipalities with similar levels of socio-economic development. Multivariate techniques were successful in identifying the main axes of socio-economic characterisation and the regions of the observed counties with differing degrees of development. The new methodology for spatial-economic entities\u27 classification enables a much more useful characterisation of the territory for policy-making purposes
The impact of cluster networking on business performance of Croatian wood cluster members
This paper investigates the link between cluster membership and performance of clustered companies. The object of the study is the Croatian Wood Cluster (CWC). The paper presents the results of a survey of 34 members of the Croatian Wood Cluster operating in wood and furniture industries. The survey was conducted in order to identify and analyse perceptions and attitudes of CWC members towards CWC objectives, activities and performance; the cooperation strength among cluster members and that with the players outside the cluster; the effects of clustering on the operational performance of the clustered SMEs; business and economic setting in Croatia, barriers for the work of the CWC and the relevancy of government policy measures. The empirical results indicate that the economic performance of the clustered companies is significantly predicted by the cooperation with public institutions, financial institutions and professional associations (such as the Agency for Investments and Competitiveness) provided by the CWC and by the access to cluster resources such as horizontal cooperation, fairs, exhibitions etc. Additionally, an access to credit, customers and competitors shows a significant positive effect on finance-based performance of the clustered companies. On the other hand, cooperation among cluster members and cooperation with scientific, high education and research institutions show no significant relationship with the company performance
Uncovering Regional Disparities – the Use of Factor and Cluster Analysis
Cilj rada je prikazati metodologiju klasifikacije prostorno-gospodarskih cjelina na temelju društveno-gospodarskih obilježja dijelova promatranog prostora kako bi se dala potpora i osnova politici regionalnog razvoja. Rad pokazuje da se korištenjem metoda faktorske i klaster analize mogu analitički izdvojiti jedinice lokalne samouprave koje su prikladnijim predmetom instrumenata i mjera regionalne politike. Promatrani prostor čine jedinice lokalne samouprave (JLS) (gradovi i općine) triju odabranih županija: Istarske, Ličko-senjske i Primorsko-goranske županije. Klasifikacija je izvršena primjenom metoda multivarijatne statistike, faktorske i klaster analize, a zasniva se na jedanaest (11) pokazatelja društvenogospodarskog razvoja. Na temelju odabranih društvenih, gospodarskih i demografskih pokazatelja, korištenjem faktorske analize (analize glavnih komponenata), dobivaju se faktori koji predstavljaju glavne dimenzije društvenogospodarskog razvoja promatranog prostora. Klaster analizom se na temelju zastupljenosti svake od dobivenih dimenzija u pojedinoj jedinici lokalne samouprave, iste svrstavaju u grupe (klastere). Tako dobiveni klasteri su homogeni, sastavljeni su od gradova i općina sličnih društveno-gospodarskih obilježja. Primjenom metoda faktorske i klaster analize analitički su izdvojene jedinice lokalne samouprave sličnih obilježja koje su kao takve prikladniji predmet instrumenata i mjera regionalne politike.The aim of this paper is to present a new methodology for the classification of spatial-economic entities in order to support a regional development policy. Such a classification may be obtained through the use of multivariate statistical methods – factor and cluster analysis, and is based on eleven economic and social indicators. The local government units of three Croatian counties are used as the working sample. Those are as follows: the County of Istria, the Lika-Senj and the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. Factor analysis leads to an identification of a small number of socio-economic dimensions that summarise adequately the information contained in the original set of variables. Cluster analysis is used to look for groups of towns and municipalities with similar levels of socio-economic development. Multivariate techniques were successful in identifying the main axes of socio-economic characterisation and the regions of the observed counties with differing degrees of development. The new methodology for spatial-economic entities\u27 classification enables a much more useful characterisation of the territory for policy-making purposes
Uncovering Regional Disparities – the Use of Factor and Cluster Analysis
Cilj rada je prikazati metodologiju klasifikacije prostorno-gospodarskih cjelina na temelju društveno-gospodarskih obilježja dijelova promatranog prostora kako bi se dala potpora i osnova politici regionalnog razvoja. Rad pokazuje da se korištenjem metoda faktorske i klaster analize mogu analitički izdvojiti jedinice lokalne samouprave koje su prikladnijim predmetom instrumenata i mjera regionalne politike. Promatrani prostor čine jedinice lokalne samouprave (JLS) (gradovi i općine) triju odabranih županija: Istarske, Ličko-senjske i Primorsko-goranske županije. Klasifikacija je izvršena primjenom metoda multivarijatne statistike, faktorske i klaster analize, a zasniva se na jedanaest (11) pokazatelja društvenogospodarskog razvoja. Na temelju odabranih društvenih, gospodarskih i demografskih pokazatelja, korištenjem faktorske analize (analize glavnih komponenata), dobivaju se faktori koji predstavljaju glavne dimenzije društvenogospodarskog razvoja promatranog prostora. Klaster analizom se na temelju zastupljenosti svake od dobivenih dimenzija u pojedinoj jedinici lokalne samouprave, iste svrstavaju u grupe (klastere). Tako dobiveni klasteri su homogeni, sastavljeni su od gradova i općina sličnih društveno-gospodarskih obilježja. Primjenom metoda faktorske i klaster analize analitički su izdvojene jedinice lokalne samouprave sličnih obilježja koje su kao takve prikladniji predmet instrumenata i mjera regionalne politike.The aim of this paper is to present a new methodology for the classification of spatial-economic entities in order to support a regional development policy. Such a classification may be obtained through the use of multivariate statistical methods – factor and cluster analysis, and is based on eleven economic and social indicators. The local government units of three Croatian counties are used as the working sample. Those are as follows: the County of Istria, the Lika-Senj and the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. Factor analysis leads to an identification of a small number of socio-economic dimensions that summarise adequately the information contained in the original set of variables. Cluster analysis is used to look for groups of towns and municipalities with similar levels of socio-economic development. Multivariate techniques were successful in identifying the main axes of socio-economic characterisation and the regions of the observed counties with differing degrees of development. The new methodology for spatial-economic entities\u27 classification enables a much more useful characterisation of the territory for policy-making purposes
The article deals with a proposal of
a new administrative-territorial
division at regional selfgovernment
level in the Republic
of Croatia. The main aim of the paper is to
obtain optimal administrative -territorial
division of the country which would
provide optimal performance of public
tasks and responsibilities at the regional
level. The proposal is obtained through use
of multivariate statistical methods, and it is
based on a wide number of demographic,
economic, and public functions indicators
measured on 20 Croatian counties. The
main grouping criterion is importance and
representatives of identified public functions’
dimensions. As a result of the analysis, seven
new regions are created and they should
replace the existing 20 counties. Each of
the obtained regions contains counties with
similar characteristics and similar capacity
for public function completition.U radu je prikazan prijedlog novog teritorijalnog ustroja jedinica regionalne samouprave
Republike Hrvatske dobiven primjenom odabranih metoda multivarijatne analize na većem
broju demografskih, ekonomskih i društvenih pokazatelja. Osnovni cilj rada je grupirati
županije u veće prostorne cjeline, koje bi bile učinkovitije u obavljanju javnih poslova iz
svog djelokruga. Prilikom formuliranja prijedloga teritorijalnog ustroja jedinica regionalne
prvenstveno se vodi računa da je osnovna razvojna zadaća formirane jedinice koordinacija
razvoja na svom području i kvalitetno i učinkovito obavljanje javnih funkcija. Stoga je kao
osnovni kriterij za objedinjavanje županija korištena homogenost u obilježjima društvenog
i gospodarskog razvoja i kapacitetima za obavljanje javnih funkcija korištena Pored toga
uvažavani su i dodatni kriteriji za klasifikaciju prostora preuzeti iz stručne literature (kriterij
funkcionalnosti, geografski i povijesni kriteriji, kriterij klasifikacije prostora za svrhe planiranja)
Cilj rada je razmotriti osnovna obilježja poreza na vlasništvo nad nekretninama,
analizirati važnost ovog poreznog oblika u poreznim sustavima zemalja
članica Europske unije (EU) te dati usporedni prikaz njegove primjene
po zemljama članicama EU (EU-28). Također, u radu se razmatraju i efekti
uvođenja i primjene ovog poreznog oblika u Hrvatskoj. Provedena analiza
ukazuje na značajne razlike u prihodnom potencijalu ovog poreznog oblika
između novih zemalja članica (EU-10) i zemalja koje su postale članicama
prije 2004. godine (EU-17). Prihodi od periodičkog poreza na nekretnine
čine u prosjeku 0,5 posto BDP-a (1,7 posto ukupnih poreznih prihoda) EU-
10, dok na razini EU-17 oni čine 1,0 posto BDP-a (2,5 posto ukupnih poreznih
prihoda). Na temelju usporednog pregleda predmeta oporezivanja,
načina utvrđivanja porezne osnovice, poreznih stopa te poreznih olakšica
i izuzeća po zemljama članicama Europske Unije (uključujući i Hrvatsku),
vidljivo je kako je u većini zemalja članica EU porez na nekretnine izvor
proračuna lokalnih vlasti koje ujedno određuju i visinu poreza. U radu se
zaključuje kako bi prilikom provođenja poreznih reformi koje uključuju i reforme
poreza na nekretnine, valjalo voditi računa o specifi čnosti poreznog
sustava pojedine zemlje.The aim of this paper is to consider the main features of immovable property tax,
the arguments for using real property taxation and to give a survey of recurrent property
tax regimes across EU countries. Recent empirical studies have identifi ed taxes on real
estate property as least detrimental to GDP growth. In line with these results the Council
of Europe invites Member States to review their tax systems, shifting tax intensity from
labour taxes towards taxes on consumption and property. However, when interpreting
aforementioned results, we should take into account the fact that these fi ndings are based
on a sample of OECD countries whose tax systems are traditionally based on the taxation
of income, profi ts and property. In contrast, tax structure in Croatia is rather different.
Croatian tax system is predominantly based on consumption taxation. The most abundant
source of budget revenues is Value Added Tax – VAT which accounts for 60% of total tax
revenues of government budget revenues, followed by special taxes and excise (18.3% of
total government budget revenues). The one part of the paper is dedicated to the analysis
of importance of recurrent tax on real estate property across EU member states. The importance
is measured by the share of the revenues of recurrent property taxes in the total
governmental revenues and in the GDP. The results of the analysis indicate that there is
a signifi cant gap between the new EU countries (EU-10) and the old member states (EU-
17) in terms of recurrent taxes on property in GDP and in total tax revenues. In 2011 the
average for EU-10 countries was around 0.5% in GDP (1.7% total tax revenues) vs 2.0 %
GDP average for EU-17 countries (2.5% of the total tax revenues). In addition, this paper
examines the application of recurrent property tax in the EU Countries. The research
leads to the conclusion that in most of the EU member states the recurrent property tax
is a local tax and it is typically levied at the sub-central level. On the other hand, objects
taxable with recurrent property tax, tax rates, procedure for setting tax rates, tax reliefs
and exemptions signifi cantly differ in the EU member states. Each country has a different
defi nition of real estate property, different approach on real property value and taxation
Cilj rada je istražiti kretanja u prerađivačkoj industriji Republike Hrvatske, i to s aspekta usporedbe osnovnih sektorskih pokazatelja s gospodarstvima zemalja članica Europske unije (bruto dodana vrijednost, promjene u produktivnosti rada, kretanje proizvodne aktivnosti sektora, tehnološka struktura), kao i s aspekta analize strukturnih obilježja i dinamike proizvodne aktivnosti i proizvodnih faktora hrvatske prerađivačke industrije na razini nacionalnog gospodarstva. Poseban dio rada odnosi se na analizu kretanja međunarodne razmjene sektora prerađivačke industrije Republike Hrvatske. Analiza je provedena na razini prerađivačke industrije kao cjeline, na razini tehnoloških skupina prerađivačke industrije i na razini odjeljaka prerađivačke industrije. Temeljno vremensko razdoblje analize je 2008. do 2015. godina. Dobiveni rezultati analize ukazuju na jednostavniju tehnološku strukturu hrvatskog sektora prerađivačke industrije u odnosu na sektor prerađivačke industrije Europske unije. U hrvatskom sektoru prerađivačke industrije dominiraju industrije niske tehnološke intenzivnosti, dok je njihov udio na razini EU znatno niži. Pokretači rasta europskog sektora prerađivačke industrije su u recesijskom i post-recesijskom razdoblju bile industrije visoke i više srednje tehnološke razine. Nasuprot tome, u Hrvatskoj je proizvodna aktivnost tih industrija još uvijek na razinama ispod 2008. i 2010. godine, a najuspješnije se oporavljaju industrije niske srednje tehnološke razine. Rezultati analize pokazali su kako se tijekom promatranog razdoblja od 2008. do 2015. godine nije dogodila transformacija/kovergencija strukture hrvatske prerađivačke industrije prema strukturi prerađivačke industrije Europske unije. Negativna kretanja dodatno su pospješena gospodarskom krizom koja je odgodila osuvremenjivanje strukture sektora.The paper examines developments in Croatian manufacturing industry, by comparing key EU manufacturing trends and by analysing structural characteristics and the dynamics of production and production factors at national level in the period from 2008 to 2015. The comparison is based on sectoral indicators such as gross value added, labour productivity, change in the volume of production output. The analysis is conducted on manufacturing industry in general, its levels of technological sophistication and its branches. Data for industrial manufacturing are grouped into four levels of technological sophistication: high-technology, medium-high-technology, mediumlow - technology and low-technology. Research results indicate that the Croatian manufacturing industry is lagging behind European manufacturing in terms of its technology structure. Croatian manufacturing sector is being dominated by low-tech and medium low-tech industries, while their share in the EU manufacturing is significantly lower. High-technology and medium-high technology industries have been main drivers of EU’s industrial growth during the recession and postrecession period. On the contrary, in the case of Croatia manufacturing industries with lower technological intensity are recovering most successfully, while production of manufacturing industries with higher technological intensity remains below the pre-crisis level
U radu se analiziraju strukturna obilježja i dinamika proizvodne aktivnosti i proizvodnih faktora u prerađivačkoj industriji Republike Hrvatske (RH) u razdoblju od godine 1997. do godine 2007. Analiza je usmjerena na prerađivačku industriju u cjelini, na tehnološke razine i na odjeljke prerađivačke industrije. Također se ispituje stanje tehnološke intenzivnosti proizvodnje i s njom povezan konkurentni položaj prerađivačke industrije RH. Rezultati analize pokazuju da struktura prerađivačke industrije Republike Hrvatske nazaduje i sve više zaostaje za europskom prerađivačkom industrijom, što u konačnici znači da ona gubi konkurentnost. Slabljenje konkurentnosti hrvatske prerađivačke industrije rezultat je nepovoljne tehnološke strukture, točnije dominacije i jačanja industrija niske tehnološke intenzivnosti.This paper analyses structural characteristics and the dynamics of production and production factors in the manufacturing industry in the Republic of Croatia in the period from 1997 to 2007. The analysis focuses on manufacturing industry in general, its main branches and its level of technological intensity. Thus the analysis also questions the conditions related to technological intensity of production and its influence on the competitiveness of Croatian manufacturing. The results indicate that the structure of Croatian manufacturing is falling behind European manufacturing, which suggests that Croatian
manufacturing is loosing its competitiveness. Lower competitiveness results from unfavourable technological structure, in so far that the industries characterised by low level of technological intensity are gaining strength and dominate the manufacturing sector
The economic performance of Croatian cities - statistical analysis
Ovaj članak se bavi statističkom analizom temeljnih pokazatelja poslovanja gradova u Hrvatskoj. Analiza je izvršena na uzorku od 127 hrvatskih gradova, pri čemu je podjednak naglasak stavljen na ocjenu uspješnosti poslovanja gradskih samouprava, kao i na ocjenu uspješnosti poduzetnika koji posluju u tim gradovima. Posebno se proučavaju razlike u ekonomskoj uspješnosti nastale zbog veličine gradova, pripadanja pojedinim županijama i većim geografskim regijama. Povrh toga, predmet analize je i priroda utjecaja političkih stranaka koje vladaju gradovima na ishod ekonomskih procesa u gradovima. U analizi se koriste Levenov test homogenosti varijance, ANOVA i Sheffeov post-hoc test. Rezultati analize pokazuju da postoje statistički značajne razlike u ekonomskoj uspješnosti gradova, pri čemu se posebno ističu razlike u ekonomskoj uspješnosti između malih i velikih gradova u zemlji, te između gradova smještenih u Sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj u odnosu na gradove smještene u ostatku zemlje.This paper presents a statistical analysis of fundamental economic (municipal and firm level) indicators of Croatian cities. The analysis is conducted on a sample of 127 cities, whereby the emphasis is being placed both on fiscal position of individual municipal administrations and business results of entrepreneurs doing business in those municipalities. The focus is also placed on differences in economic indicators stemming from size of the cities, the distribution of the cities in larger regional units and dominant political party in a city. The analysis applies Leven test for homogeneity of variance, ANOVA, and Sheffe post hoc-test. The results suggest that there are statistically significant differences in municipal economic indicators, with differences between small and big cities, and between cities in northwest Croatia when compared to the rest of the country
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