12 research outputs found

    Implant Stability Measurement Six Weeks After Implantation

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    Oseointegracija je strukturalna i funkcionalna veza između povrÅ”ine kosti i dentalnog implantata. Njegova se stabilnost postiže izravnim kontaktom koÅ”tanog tkiva i titan-oksida na povrÅ”ini implantata. Nedavno je razvijen instrument za analizu rezonantne frekvencije, a koristi se novom jedinicom nazvanom kvocijent stabilnosti implantata (ā€žimplant stability quotientā€œ - ISQ). Svrha: Studijom se željelo ustanoviti koliko vrijednosti ISQ-a ovise o dobi i spolu, zatim o promjeru i dužini implantata te mjestu ugradnje, odnosno može li se uspjeÅ”na oseointegracija predvidjeti u odnosu prema navedenim parametrima. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 30 pacijenata - 17 žena i 13 muÅ”karaca u dobi između 23 i 71 godine. Ukupan broj implantata bio je 53, a primijenili su se oni iz sustava Straumann, tipa Standard Plus s povrÅ”inom SLA. Rezultati: Å est tjedana nakon operativnog zahvata pacijenti su doÅ”li na kontrolni pregled te im je Osstellom izmjeren ISQ. Jednosmjernom analizom varijance potvrđena je statistički znatna razlika u vrijednosti ISQ-a u odnosu prema spolu te promjeru implantata. U odnosu ISQ-a i različitih dobnih skupina te dužine usatka i mjesta implantacije, nije potvrđena statistički znatna razlika. To su preliminarni rezultati i oni se moraju potvrditi u nekoj budućoj studiji s većim brojem pacijenata.Osseointegration is a structural and functional connection between the bone surface and the dental implant surface. The stability of dental implants is accomplished by direct contact between the bone tissue and the titanium-oxides on implant surface. Recently, a clinical instrument has been developed to analyze the resonance frequency by using a new unit called the implant stability quotient (ISQ). Purpose: The aim of this study was to establish whether the ISQ level depends on the age and gender, implant diameter and length and implant position, that is, could successful osseointegration be predicted by these parameters. Material and Methods: This study included 30 patients, 17 females and 13 males aged between 23 and 71. The total number of implants was 53. The Straumann implants system, type Standard Plus with a sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA) surface was used. Results: Six weeks after the surgery, the patients had a follow-up exam and the ISQ levels were measured by Osstell. Univariate analysis of variance has shown significant difference of ISQ value regarding gender as well as between ISQ and implant width. No statistically significant correlation was shown in relation of ISQ and different age groups, implant length and implant placement These are preliminary results that need to be confirmed in some future studies that will include more patients


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    Tiskane pločice (TP) predstavljaju 3 do 5% mase EE otpada, ali su ujedno njegov najsloženiji dio, s najvrijednijim ali i najopasnijim komponentama. Tehnologija recikliranja TP-a s ciljem iskoriÅ”tavanja vrijednih metala je usvojena, no zbog složenosti procesa, ograničeno se primjenjuje. Približno 70% mase TP-a predstavlja nemetalna komponenta (NMF) odnosno plastika, keramika, staklo i slično bez tržiÅ”ne vrijednosti. Procjenjuje se da u RH godiÅ”nje nastane između 350 i 600 t NMF-e. Zbog sastava i sadržaja Å”tetnih spojeva i elemenata opasni je otpad, koji se u nerazvijenim zemljama uglavnom odlaže, dok ga razvijene spaljuju uz znatne troÅ”kove. Rad se bavi ispitivanjem postupka, koji koriste NMF kao sirovinu u proizvodnji betona. Uz kratki pregled zbrinjavanja TP-a i NMF-e, u radu se daje i pregled dosadaÅ”njih svjetskih iskustva u zbrinjavanju NMF inkapsuliranjem u beton ili cement. U radu su prikazani i dobiveni rezultati istraživanja - laboratorijska ispitivanja čvrstoće betona s NMF-om kao punilom. U ispitivanjima se 5% mineralnog agregata supstituiralo NMF-om različite granulacije te se ispitala tlačna čvrstoća kocki starih 7 odnosno 28 dana. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata dane su smjernice za nastavak ispitivanja s ciljem koriÅ”tenja NMF-a kao repromaterijala. Učinkovitost inkapsuliranja Å”tetnih tvari određena je ispitivanjem eluata u standardnim uvjetima.Printed circuit boards (PCB) represent 3 to 5% by weight of WEEE and are also its most complex part with the most valuable and the most dangerous components at the same time. Recycling technology of PCBs is adopted in order to exploit valuable materials, but due to the process complexity, technology is limited in application. Approximately 70% by weight of PCBs is non-metal fraction (NMF) which includes plastic, ceramics, glass and similar materials without market value. It is estimated that in Republic of Croatia arises between 350 and 600 tons of NMF on annual basis. Due to its composition and content of hazardous components NMF is hazardous waste that is mostly disposed in undeveloped countries, while developed countries incinerate it at significant costs. This paper deals with investigation of procedures which use NMF as raw material in concrete production. With a brief overview on disposal of PCBs and NMF, in this paper also is given overview on current experiences in disposal of NMF by encapsulation in concrete or cement. The paper presents the results of laboratory studies on strength of concrete with NMF as filler. In the studies 5% of mineral aggregate was substituted with NMF of different granulation and was tested on compressive strength of cubes aged 7 and 28 days. Based on the obtained results, guidance for continuation of studies with the aim of using NMF as raw material is given. Encapsulation efficiency of the harmful substances was determined by testing the leachate in the standard conditions

    Effects of Low-Level Laser Treatment on Mouth Dryness

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    Mouth dryness (MD) is usually followed by inadequate mechanical cleaning of the mouth and decrease in the levels of salivary antimicrobial proteins (including secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA)). It is accompanied by difficulties during speaking and food swallowing, with an unpleasant taste, burning sensations in the mouth and higher susceptibility to oral diseases. Low-level laser treatment (LLLT) can intensify cell metabolism and its application on salivary glands could improve salivation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of LLLT on salivation of patients suffering from MD. The study included 17 patients with MD. Their major salivary glands were treated with low intensity laser BTL2000 on 10 occasions. The whole unstimulated and stimulated saliva quantities were measured just before the 1st, after the 10th and thirty days following the last (10th) treatment. In the samples of unstimulated saliva concentrations of sIgA were estimated by using ELISA method and its quantity in the time unit was calculated. The visual analogue scale (VAS) score was used to assess burning and/or pain intensity at these three time points. Statistical tests revealed significant salivation improvement quantitatively and qualitatively, i.e. increase in the quantity of saliva and sIgA. VAS score was also significantly improved and no side effects were observed. Conclusions: According to the results of this study, application of LLLT to xerostomic patientsā€™ major salivary glands stimulates them to produce more saliva with better antimicrobial characteristics and improves the difficulties that are associated with MD. This simple non-invasive method could be used in everyday clinical practice for the treatment of MD

    Serum and Salivary Parameters in Patients with Recurrent Aphthous Ulcerations

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    Svrha: Rekurentne aftozne ulceracije (RAU) bolest je nepoznate etiologije koju posreduju T- limfociti, a uglavnom se pojavljuje uz neke druge bolesti poput imunodeficijencije, hematoloÅ”kih deficita, preosjetljivosti na određenu vrstu hrane i gastrointestinalnih bolesti. Ipak, to Å”to oboljeli od RAU-a imaju hematoloÅ”ke deficite joÅ” je uvijek kontroverzno pitanje, kao i utjecaj stresa na pojavu rekurentne aftozne ulceracije. Ispitanici i postupci: Od 30 bolesnika s RAU-om (36,27 Ā± 15,308 godina) i 30 kontrolnih ispitanika (29,83 Ā± 9,082 godina) uzeto je po pet mililitara krvi kako bi se odredile vrijednosti željeza, vitamina B12 i folne kiseline te po dva mililitra sline zbog određivanja vrijednosti salivarne alfa-amilaze enzimskim imunotestom. Svi sudionici ispunili su i ljestvicu stresa. Rezultati: Prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja nije bilo razlika u vrijednostima serumskog željeza, vitamina B12 i folne kiseline između bolesnika s RAU-om i sudionika u kontrolnoj skupini. Osim toga nije bilo razlika ni u razini salivarne alfa-amilaze između bolesnika s RAU-om tijekom akutne faze i remisije u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, kao Å”to nije bilo razlike u broju stresnih događaja između 3 ispitane skupine. Zaključak: Kod oboljelih od RAU-a nije indicirano rutinsko određivanje navedenih hematoloÅ”kih parametara. Nadalje, razina salivarne amilaze i ljestvica stresa ne pokazuju da su pacijenti s RAU-om viÅ”e u stresu od sudionika u kontrolnoj skupini.Purpose: Recurrent aphthous ulceration (RAU) is a T-cell mediated oral disease, sometimes concomitant to other systemic diseases such as immunodeficiencies, haematological disturbances, and sensitivity to certain types of food, gastrointestinal diseases and stress. However, there are still conflicting data regarding haematological deficiencies and stress in RAU patients. Material and Methods: From 30 patients with RAU (age range 36.27 Ā± 15.308 years) and from 30 controls (age range 29.83 Ā± 9.082 years), a 5 ml of venous blood was taken in order to determine levels of serum iron, vitamin B12 and folate. Furthermore, all participants filled out the stress scale and 2 ml of their saliva was taken to determine levels of salivary alpha amylase by enzyme immune test. Results: The results of this study show that there are no significant differences between patients with RAU and controls regarding levels of iron, vitamin B12 and folate. There were no significant differences in salivary amylase levels and stress scores between patients with RAU during acute phase and remission period and as well as compared to the controls. Conclusion: We might conclude that patients with RAU are not to be sent routinely to the screening of serum iron, vitamin B 12 and folate. It should be pointed out that salivary amylase levels do not indicate that patients with RAU are more stressed out than controls

    The Prevalence of Systemic Diseases and Medications in Patients with Oral Lichen Planus

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    Lichen planus je kronična imunosna upalna bolest koja često zahvaća sluznicu usne Å”upljine. Sustavne bolesti i lijekovi smatraju se precipitirajućim čimbenicima u njegovom nastanku. Svrha rada: ispitati prevalenciju sustavnih bolesti i lijekova u bolesnika s oralnim lihenom planusom(OLP) i utvrditi njihovu međusobnu povezanost. Materijal i metode: anamnestički podatci uzeti su retrospektivno iz medicinskih kartona 145 bolesnika s OLP-om od čega 104 žene i 41 muÅ”karca koji su radi liječenja OLP-a upućeni na Zavod za oralnu medicinu. U svih je bolesnika dijagnoza OLPa postavljena na temelju kliničkih i histopatoloÅ”kih kriterija. Podatci o sustavnim bolestima i lijekovima u bolesnika s OLP-om bilježeni su za period od dvije godine (jesen 2007.- jesen 2009.) i uspoređeni sa prevalencijom sustavnih bolesti i najčeŔće koriÅ”tenih lijekova u bolesnika s oralnom leukoplakijom (LPL) kao i s podatcima opće populacije prema nacionalnom registru bolesti. Svi su podatci obrađeni primjenom Ļ‡2 testa, s razinom značajnosti od p<0,05. Rezultati: sustavne bolesti imalo je 77,9% bolesnika s OLP-om; značajno viÅ”e nego bolesnika s LPL, pri čemu je najučestalija bolest bila hipertenzija. Hipertenzija je najučestalija bolest u općoj populaciji prema podatcima iz nacionalnog registra. Zaključak: sustavne bolesti učestalije su u populaciji pacijenata s OLP-om u odnosu na LPL, pri čemu se veća prevalencija hipertenzije među bolesnicima s OLP-om ne može smatrati etioloÅ”kim čimbenikom za razvoj OLP-a jer hipertenzija prevalira i u općoj populaciji.Lichen planus is a chronic immunologic inflammatory disease that frequently involves oral mucosa. Systemic diseases and medications are considered to be precipitating factors in the development of oral lichen planus. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of systemic diseases and medications in patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) and to determine possible causal relationship. Materials and methods: Retrospective data included medical records of 145 patients, 104 women and 41 men who were referred to the Department of Oral Medicine. All patients had clinical and histopathological criteria fulfilled for diagnosis of oral lichen planus. Data were collected for the period of two years (autumn 2007- autumn 2009). These data were compared with the prevalence of systemic diseases in patients with oral leukoplakia (LPL) and general Croatian population according to the national statistical register. The same comparison was made for the used medications. Obtained data were analyzed by use of Ļ‡2 test with level of significance p<0,05. Results: Systemic diseases associated with OLP were found in 77.9% of patients. The most frequent disease was hypertension. Frequency of systemic diseases between patients with OLP and LPL has shown statistically significant difference. Conclusion: Increased prevalence of hypertension among OLP patients in comparison to the prevalence in the general population can not be interpreted as the etiological factor for the development of OLP since hypertension is the most prevalent disease in general population