95 research outputs found

    Analiza vozila u programskoj aplikaciji AVL Cruise

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    Programska aplikacija AVL Cruise služi za simulaciju dinamike vozila i analizu pogonskog sklopa. Predviđena je za unaprjeđivanje i optimizaciju motora s niskom emisijom ispuÅ”nih plinova, pogonskih sklopova i kontrolu rada motora te ponaÅ”anje vozila u pokretu i svakodnevnim potrebama. U nastavku će se opisat kako se mogu koristiti opcije i koje su mogućnosti same aplikacije. Mogućnosti same aplikacije će se popratiti generičkim primjerom vozila, koje će se pri tome ispitivati u određenim uvjetima s napomenom da će se primjer ispitivati u ciklusu koji je standardom predviđen u zemljama Europe i SAD-a i ciklusu koji je izmijenjen, točnije modificiran i prilagođen realnijim uvjetima vožnje. Ova aplikacija je dio programskog paketa tvrtke AVL iz Austrije, koja se već viÅ”e od 60 godina bavi razvojem vezano za sve vrste vozila, od kamiona, osobnih vozila do motocikala, a uključeni su i u razvoj bolida Formule 1 za natjecateljsku momčad Red Bull

    Geometrijske karakteristike ovjesa bolida Formule Student

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    U radu je prikazana analiza konstrukcije ovjesa postojećeg bolida FSB Racing Team-a Arctos (FSB-RT-04), s kojim je tim nastupao na natjecanjima Formule Student u 2013. godini. Analiza ovog bolida napravljena je u dva programska paketa. U programskom paketu Lotus Suspension Analysis analizirana je kinematika ovjesa, a u programskom paketu CarSIM analizirana je dinamika vozila. Prije same analize navedeni su dijelovi FSAE pravilnika, koji se odnose na dinamičke ispitne procedure koje su podloge za simulacije provedene u okviru ovog rada te su detaljno objaÅ”njene geometrijske značajke ovjesa i njihov utjecaj ponaÅ”anje vozila u vožnji. S obzirom na uočene nedostatke u konstrukciji samog ovjesa i ponaÅ”anja FSAE bolida u vožnji, na temelju uputa i preporuka iz literature koja se odnosi na trkaća vozila, definirane su zahtjevi na ovjes vozila u cilju ostvarivanja željenog ponaÅ”anja u vožnji. U radu je prikazana izrada modela ovjesa u programskom paketu Lotus Suspension Analysis i izrada modela kompletnog vozila u programskom paketu CarSIM. Simulacijama vožnje izrađenih modela bolida kroz definirane ispitne procedure uspoređeno ponaÅ”anje u vožnji postojećeg bolida i bolida s u ovom radu određenim geometrijskim značajkama


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    Introduction: Vaccination against infectious diseases is the most effective, cost-effective, often unavoidable, or the only possible way to protect individuals and the population from infectious diseases. In the last ten years, a lack of understanding and knowledge about the benefits of vaccination has led to a decline in the number of vaccinated children and the danger of the reappearance of already eradicated infectious diseases. Objective: To examine the knowledge and attitudes about mandatory vaccination of children among students of the Faculty of Health Studies and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Mostar. Respondents and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted, which included 150 respondents in the third and fourth year of study, 50 respondents from the Faculty of Medicine, and 100 respondents from the Nursing and Sanitary Engineering study tracks at the Faculty of Health Studies. Data were collected through a self-assessment questionnaire. Results: Over 90% of respondents have a positive attitude towards vaccination and would vaccinate their children. The results show that respondents form their attitudes about vaccination based on academic activities. Students with a positive attitude about vaccination also showed greater knowledge about it. Nursing students have the weakest knowledge, followed by showing a greater aversion to vaccines than other respondents. More than a quarter of respondents are convinced of the connection between autism and vaccines, and this is also the case for autoimmune diseases. Conclusion: Although students of biomedical studies have positive attitudes about vaccination, the level of knowledge was more significant among students of the Faculty of Medicine compared to the study tracks of the Faculty of Health Studies

    On health and religion in modern society

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    The authors explain how religious beliefs can help preserving human health and facing illness, by promoting the values to be lived in order to alleviate the consequences of disease. Since the values in postmodern time have experienced a negative transformation, the authors attempt to wake up a feeling of optimism and provide orientation in everyday situations burdened by human forlornness. New religous movements and modalities of behavior of their followers, stir up the interest of the authors for exploring the consequences those movements lieve upon human health and upon conceiving health as a value. In conclusion, the authors offer a way out from the crisis of value system, by advocating an open, critical, and franc interreligious dialogue

    On health and religion in modern society

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    The authors explain how religious beliefs can help preserving human health and facing illness, by promoting the values to be lived in order to alleviate the consequences of disease. Since the values in postmodern time have experienced a negative transformation, the authors attempt to wake up a feeling of optimism and provide orientation in everyday situations burdened by human forlornness. New religous movements and modalities of behavior of their followers, stir up the interest of the authors for exploring the consequences those movements lieve upon human health and upon conceiving health as a value. In conclusion, the authors offer a way out from the crisis of value system, by advocating an open, critical, and franc interreligious dialogue

    Utjecaj položaja na obronku na odabrana kemijska svojstva pseudogleja u vinogradu

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    The study aimed to determine the effect of different slope positions on selected chemical properties of Pseudogley in the vineyard. The study was conducted in Zagreb, central Croatia. A total of 15 top-soil samples (0-30 cm) were collected from a hilltop, backslope, and footslope and analysed for pH, hydrolytic acidity (Hy), soil organic carbon (SOC) content, P2 O5 , K2 O, and potentially toxic elements (As, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn). A slight increase in mean pH value from the hilltop to the footslope and a decrease in Hy were observed, although differences were not statistically significant. The SOC content was low and uniform along the entire slope. A significantly higher concentration of P2 O5 at the footslope compared to the hilltop was established (10.4 and 3.4 mg/100 g of soil, respectively). The K2 O concentration at the footslope (29.7 mg/100 g of soil) was significantly higher than at the backslope (21.2 mg/100 g of soil). The Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations were significantly affected by slope positions in terms of download accumulation. The studied soil was contaminated by As, Ni, and Zn at the hilltop and the footslope and partly at the backslope, according to the Ordinance on the Protection of Agricultural Land from Pollution. The Cu concentrations exceeded the maximum allowed concentrations only on the backslope and footslope. The minor differences in studied soil properties between slope positions can be attributed to a short length, low and uneven inclination, and relatively short-term anthropogenic influence.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitog položaja na obronku na odabrana kemijska svojstva pseudogleja u vinogradu. Istraživanje je provedeno u Zagrebu, centralna Hrvatska. Ukupno je uzorkovano 15 uzoraka povrÅ”inskog horizonta tla (0-30 cm) sa gornjeg, srednjeg i donjeg dijela obronka i analizirano na pH, hidrolitski aciditet (Hy), sadržaj organskog ugljika tla, P2 O5 , K2 O i potencijalno toksične elemente (As, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn). Uočeno je blago povećanje prosječne pH vrijednosti i snižavanje Hy od vrha prema dnu obronka, iako razlike nisu bile statistički opravdane. Sadržaj organskog ugljika je bio nizak i uniforman duž cijelog obronka. Ustanovljene su signifikantno viÅ”e koncentracije P2 O5 na dnu u usporedbi s vrhom obronka (10.4 i 3.4 mg/100 g tla). Koncentracije K2 O bile su značajno viÅ”e na dnu (29.7 mg/100 g tla) u odnosu na sredinu obronka (21.2 mg/100 g tla). Koncentracije Cu, Pb i Zn bile su pod značajnim utjecajem položaja na obronku u smislu nakupljanja na dnu. Istraživano tlo bilo je onečiŔćeno s As, Ni i Zn na vrhu i dnu, te djelomično na sredini obronka prema Pravilniku o zaÅ”titi poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta od onečiŔćenja. Koncentracije bakra preÅ”le su maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije samo na sredini i dnu padine. Male razlike u istraživanim svojstvima tla između dijelova obronka mogu se pripisati kratkoj dužini obronka, malom i neujednačenom nagibu te relativno kratkotrajnom antropogenom utjecaju


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    SažetakGranulometrijski sastav tla (GST) jedan je od najvažnijih parametara fizičkih značajki tla. Određivanje GST najčeŔće se temelji na kombinaciji mokrog prosijavanja i pipetiranja, a razlike između pojedinih metoda temelje se na različitim tretmanima uzoraka u pripremi suspenzije za mokro prosijavanje i pipetiranje. Kako je do sada u mnogim laboratorijima koriÅ”tena metoda pripreme suspenzije s Na-pirofosfatom (i joÅ” se uvijek koristi), opravdana je upitnost usporedivosti rezultata s rezultatima normirane metode (norma ISO 11277). S obzirom na specifičnosti dviju metoda, postavljena je hipoteza o postojanju razlika između istih, bilo na razini granulometrijskog sastava ili teksturne interpretacije. U svezi s navedenim, cilj rada je testirati razlike između dviju navedenih metoda.Istraživanje je provedeno na 67 uzoraka Å”umskog tla, od čega je 15 uzoraka iz njegovog povrÅ”inskog dijela. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da nema statistički značajne razlike između metoda za sve uzorke, kako iz mineralnog i iz povrÅ”inskog dijela tla. Utvrđena je visoka korelacija između udjela svih istovrsnih frakcija određenih po različitim metodama.U interpretaciji teksturnih oznaka na temelju teksturnog trokuta utvrđena je značajna razlika između frakcije pijeska i frakcije praha, dok kod frakcija gline nije bilo statistički značajne razlike. Veći udjel frakcije pijeska utvrđen je interpretcijom na temelju teksturnih klasa po staroj metodi, dok je za prah obrnut slučaj.The purpose of this research was to comparison of two sieving and sedimentation methods for determination of particle size distribution (PSD). Until 2009, PSD was determined at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb by a sieve and pipette method after soil preparation using Na-pyrophosphate according to the Pedological manual (old method) (Å korić, 1965). Since the opening of the ecological-pedological laboratory at the Forestry Faculty in 2009, PSD determination has been performed according to the ISO 11277 (2009) Standard. The most important difference between the two methods is that according to the ISO 11227 Standard, pre-treatment is accomplished with hydrogen peroxide which oxidizes the organic matter, so that PSD is determined only in mineral soil particles, while according to the old method, the organic matter was not removed at PSD determination.The purpose of this research was to establish whether there was a difference in the results of PSD determination between the old method and the ISO 11277 Standard in the overall number of samples and particularly in the topsoil. Another goal was to test the difference in the textural interpretation of PSD results obtained by these two methods.For the needs of the analysis, 67 forest soil samples were taken from two areas in Croatia. The two methods were compared in order to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference in the total number of the samples. A comparison was also made to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference between the samples taken from the topsoil layer, since according to ISO 11277 the organic matter largely found in the surface soil part oxidizes.Statistical analysis and t-test revealed no statistically significant difference in any single fraction from the topsoil layer between the old method and ISO 11277. A high correlation was found in the topsoil layer for all the measured fractions (r = 0.98 for coarse sand, r = 0.96 fine sand, r = 0.94 coarse silt, r = 0.84 fine silt and r = 0.97 clay) as well as in the all established samples (r = 0.99 for coarse sand, r = 0.97 fine sand, r = 0.89 coarse silt, r = 0.88 fine silt and r = 0.97 clay).Based on the classification into three main fractions (sand, silt and clay) a higher percentage of sand and a lower percentage of silt was established by the old method compared with ISO 11277. This difference is directly reflected on textural interpretation. No statistically significant difference between the two methods was found for the clay fraction

    Guest Editorial: Smart Systems and Architectures

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    none5siÅ olić, P. ; Perković, T. ; Marasović, I. ; LĆ³pez-De-IpiƱa, D. ; Patrono, L.Å olić, P.; Perković, T.; Marasović, I.; LĆ³pez-De-IpiƱa, D.; Patrono, L
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