271 research outputs found

    On the Y Chromosome Haplotype of the First Farmers in the Historical Territory of Croatia and the Directions of Agricultural Diffusion in Europe

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    Agricultural production arrived in Croatia’s territory from the Middle East at around 6000 BC. The spread of agriculture in Europe, and thus also in Croatia, was spurred by the immigration of populations with the haplotypes Eu4, Eu9, Eu10 and Eu11 (nomenclature according to Semino et al., 2000). The shares (%) of today’s inhabitants with these haplotypes are the result of the high number of Neolithic immigrants and the relationship between immigrants and indigenous Palaeolithic inhabitants. The share of “Neolithic haplotypes” in Croatia is lower than in the countries (regions) through which agriculture expanded toward Croatia (Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria and Lebanon). Comparison of the share of “Neolithic haplotypes” in Croatia with the share of such haplotypes in countries north of Croatia (Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Germany) has shown that the share of Neolithic haplotypes in Croatia does not differ statistically from these countries. This indicates a specific relationship between the indigenous Palaeolithic inhabitants and the Neolithic immigrants in Croatia’s historical territory


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    Dosadašnja istraživanja o Nikoli Škrlcu Lomničkom (knjige 2, 3 i 4 iz 2000., 2001. i 2007. godine, urednika Stjenka Vranjicana) sveobuhvatno su prezentirala i analizirala aktivnost, za povijest Hrvatske, ove vrlo važne osobe. Aktivnost Škrlca na području poljoprivrede i agrarno-ekonomskih odnosa opširnije je obrađena u radovima Stipetića (2000.), Puljiza (2000.) i Roksandića (2000). U ovom članku se analiziraju oni detalji Škrčevih aktivnosti i pogleda koji bi možda mogli bolje osvijetliti ili pak nešto drugačije procijeniti njegove poglede i nastojanja u odnosu na gore citirana tri rada.The research so far on Nikola Škrlec Lomnički (Books 2,3 and 4 from years 2000, 2001 and 2007, editor Stjenko Vranjican) present and analyze comprehensively activities of this,for the history of Croatia, very important person. The activities of Škrlec in the field of agriculture and agrarian and economic relations were extensively elaborated in the works of Stipetić (2000), Puljiz (2000) and Roksandić (2000). In this article those details from his activities and views will be analyzed that may throw more light on or evaluate differently his views and efforts with respect to the above three works

    Venska tromboembolija u hitnoj medicinskoj službi - iskustva jednog centra

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    Given the importance of early recognition of acute venous thromboembolism (VTE ) and the nonspecificity of its symptoms and signs, it is essential to follow the guidelines for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions. Ultrasound examination of the entire lower extremity is currently the standard diagnostic method for symptomatic patients with a clinical probability of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) according to the Wells scoring system. The aim of this study is to show the demographic structure and analyze the number of patients in the emergency department with suspected venous thrombosis. In the past 10 years, 2,022 patients with DVT and 686 with pulmonary emboli have been diagnosed. Despite adherence to the diagnostic protocol, nearly two-thirds of patients require early ultrasound diagnosis. One-fifth of patients had thrombosis of the superficial venous system of the leg or arm. Thrombus was present in the veins of the lower leg in 37% of patients with DVT. The presence of thrombi above the knee, involving the deep femoropopliteal venous system, was found in as much as one-third of patients. These findings and current guidelines suggest that there is a paradigm shift toward more frequent use of DO AC in patients with DVT. However, greater educational efforts may be needed for many physicians to become comfortable with the use of DO AC in the outpatient management of patient populations at low risk for pulmonary embolism.Venski tromboembolizam označava duboku vensku trombozu i plućnu emboliju, a uzevši u obzir važnost ranog prepoznavanja, nespecifičnosti simptoma i znakova, neophodno je pridržavanja smjernicama prilikom donošenja dijagnostičkih i terapijskih odluka. Ultrasonografija je trenutno standardna dijagnostička metoda za simptomatske bolesnike s kliničkom vjerojatnosti VTE prema Wellsovom bodovnom sustavu. Cilj rada je prikazati demografsku strukturu i analizirati broj bolesnika u hitnoj službi sa sumnjom na vensku trombozu. Unazad 10 godina, dijagnosticirano je 2022 bolesnika s DVT i 686 plućnih embolija. Unatoč protokolu, u gotovo dvije trećine bolesnika neophodna je rana ultrazvučna dijagnostika, sve više prihvaćena od strane liječnika, posebno u uvjetima hitne medicinske pomoći. U petine bolesnika, 21%, utvrđena je tromboza površinskog venskog sustava noge ili ruke. U 37% bolesnika s DVT tromb je bio prisutan u venama potkoljenice. Prisutnost tromba iznad razine koljena, uz zahvaćenost femoropoplitealnog dubokog venskog sustava, dokazan je u 38% bolesnika. Rezultati istraživanja i trenutne smjernice sugeriraju da je došlo do promjena u izboru antikoagulacijske terapije kod bolesnika s DVT, u prilog DOAK-a. Međutim, možda će biti potrebni veći napori kako bi se liječnici odlučili za DOAK u vanbolničkim uvjetima liječenja bolesnika s plućnom embolijom

    Particle-Energy Distribution and Effective Temperature for the Hopping Transport in One-dimensional Disordered System

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    Recent numerical simulations of the electronic hopping conduction in disordered organics have indicated that the effective temperature may be suitable to describe the ensemble of electrons in the electric field. However, the reasons for the emergence of the effective temperature have not been clarified, and only phenomenological expressions for the effective temperature have been proposed based on numerical simulations. We address these questions here for an analytically tractable one-dimensional model with uncorrelated Gaussian disorder. The exact relation for the distributions of particles in energy is obtained, the analytical expression for the effective temperature is derived, and the limits of the applicability of the concept of the effective temperature are drawn

    Recombination at heterojunctions in disordered organic media: Modeling and numerical simulations

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    Multilayer organic electroluminescent devices derive their advantages over their single-layer counterparts from the processes occurring at heterojunctions in organic media. These processes significantly differ from those in the bulk of the material. This paper presents three-dimensional modeling, numerical simulations, and a discussion of transport and recombination in a system with a heterojunction. We consider partial cross sections for the creation of excitons and exciplexes, and probabilities for recombination in the respective channels. We examine the influence of the energy barrier, electric field, site-energy disorder, and structural disorder at an organic-organic interface on transport and recombination. In particular, we investigate optimal parameter domains for recombination in the exciton channel. The interface roughness, unlike the site-energy disorder, is found to strongly affect the partial cross sections

    Ferografija u službi održavanja po stanju

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    The model of maintenance is an algorithm of activities which aims at achieving the condition of a technical system that can ensure fulfilling the goals as well as predicting possible equipment breakdowns. Researches point out that corrective maintenance is associated with high cost and considerable time consumption. On the other side there are method of predictive maintenance, which presents a possibility to detect and predict a technical system failure and method of preventive maintenance, which performs the set tasks on technically correct systems in order to avoid failures. The paper accentuates and reviews the position and significance of the technology used for an early prediction of machinery wear by means of one out of a series of analyses of lubricant oils known as ferrography.Model održavanja jest algoritam aktivnosti koji ima za cilj dovođenje tehničkih sustava u stanje koje će omogućiti postizanje ciljeva, istovremeno predviđajući i mogućnost zastoja u proizvodnji. Istraživanja su dokazala kako korektivno održavanje ima za posljedicu visoke troškove i produženo vrijeme zastoja. Nasuprot ovim metodama postoji i prediktivno održavanje koje predstavlja mogućnost otkrivanja i predviđanja kvara tehničkog sustava te preventivno održavanje koje provodi zadane zadatke na tehnički ispravnim sustavima nužne za izbjegavanje kvara tehničkog sustava. U radu se izdvaja i daje pregled stanja i važnosti tehnologije koja služi za vrlo rano predviđanje stanja procesa trošenja tehničkog sustava i to uz pomoć jedne od niza analiza ulja za podmazivanje nazvane ferografija

    Particle-Energy Distribution and Effective Temperature for the Hopping Transport in One-dimensional Disordered System

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    Recent numerical simulations of the electronic hopping conduction in disordered organics have indicated that the effective temperature may be suitable to describe the ensemble of electrons in the electric field. However, the reasons for the emergence of the effective temperature have not been clarified, and only phenomenological expressions for the effective temperature have been proposed based on numerical simulations. We address these questions here for an analytically tractable one-dimensional model with uncorrelated Gaussian disorder. The exact relation for the distributions of particles in energy is obtained, the analytical expression for the effective temperature is derived, and the limits of the applicability of the concept of the effective temperature are drawn.</p

    Beyond the effective temperature: The electron ensemble at high electric fields in disordered organics

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    Hopping between localized polaronic states, with a Gaussian distribution in energy, is regarded as the main mechanism of electric conduction in disordered organics. Several authors have recently suggested that the hopping electrons, subjected to an electric field, can be described as a homogeneous ‘overheated’ gas, with its “effective temperature” sufficient for a parametrization of the ensemble and the current. It is not clear how such a picture could be reconciled with the observed strongly oriented filamentization of the flow. We show, through extensive numeric simulations, that the picture is misleading as it can overestimate the electron mobility by orders of magnitude. The reason lies in deviations of the average site occupancies from the effective Boltzmann distribution. The ensemble can be described by a distribution function with two parameters—the effective temperature and the variance of the occupancy deviations. The two are connected by a simple universal relation. The spatial structure of the occupancy deviations is found to be connected to the current filaments and its neglect is recognized as the cause for the failure of mobility calculations based on the overheated gas concept. Thus we identify those aspects, lying beyond the overheated gas picture, that are of a fundamental importance to a proper understanding of the transport in disordered organics

    The Origins of Agriculture Production in the Area of Croatia

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    Proizvodnja hrane, odnosno poljoprivredna proizvodnja započela je neovisno na tri geografska područja: Bliskom istoku, Dalekom istoku i Srednjoj Americi. S područja Bliskog istoka poljoprivreda se proširila po cijeloj Europi. Mjesta domestikacije i .irenje Triticum monococcum, Triticum dicoccum, ovaca i goveda omogućuju da se utvrde smjerovi širenja poljoprivrede. Sve točnije metode 14C kojima se utvrđuje starost biološkog materijala omogućuju da se odredi kada je počela poljoprivredna proizvodnja na konkretnom geografskom području i koliko se brzo širila. Proizvodnjom hrane stvaraju se uvjeti za pojačani prirast stanovništva i ubrzani razvoj društva. Otkrićem ljudskog genoma, i razvojem nove interdisciplinarne znanosti arheogenetike spoznaje se kad su se pojavili određeni haplotipovi ljudi pa kako se širila poljoprivreda seljenjem ili usvajanjem spoznaja o proizvodnji hrane. U razdoblju od oko 7000 . 5000 godina prije Krista razvile su se keramičke kulture koje su se širile istovremeno s poljoprivredom. Da bi se razumjelo kad je poljoprivreda pristigla na hrvatsko povijesno područje i kako se dalje širila važni su arheološki nalazi impresso, starčevačke, korenovske (kao dio kompleksa kulture linearnotrakaste keramike) danilske i lenđelsko – sopotske kulture.Food production, that is to say agricultural production begins independently in three different geographical areas: the Near East, the Far East and Central America. From the Near East agriculture spread to the entire Europe. Locations of domestication and spreading routes of Triticum dicoccum, Triticum monococcum, sheep and cattle enable us to establish directions of the spread of agriculture. Growing precision of 14C method by which date of biological material is determined makes it possible to determine the beginnings of agricultural production in specific areas and the rapidity of its spreading. Food production created the conditions for significant population growth and rapid social development. Discovery of human genome and development of a new interdisciplinary science of arhaeogenetics led to knowledge about dates of appearance of certain human haplotypes, from which the spread of agriculture by demographic diffusion or by acquiring food production know-how can be inferred. In the period between 7000 and 5000 BC developing pottery cultures were spreading simultaneously with agriculture. For the understanding of spread of agriculture to Croatia and its further advance, archaeological data on the Impresso, Starèevo, Korenovo (as a part of Linear Pottery complex), Danilo and Lengyel - Sopot cultures are of great importance