57 research outputs found
A field experiment was conducted to evaluate various weed management options on garlic (Alium sativum L.) production in Northeastern Croatia. This study focus on how different strategies of weed control affects weed community composition and economic benefit of weed management. An experiment was arranged as a complete block design with three different weed management strategies: chemical control (PRE EM and POST EM), mechanical control (three times during the season), and combination of chemical and mechanical treatments, together with weeded checks. Data on weed density, fresh above weed biomass and garlic yield per m2 were collected at the end
of the growing season, and were subjected to statistical and economic analysis. The mayor weeds found in the experimental plots were: Sorghum halepense, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Cirsium arvense and Chenopodium album. The various weed growth (density and biomass) and yield varied with application of weed management practices. Significantly lower values of weed density and fresh above weed biomass were recorded on plots with mechanical and combination of chemical and mechanical treatments compared to weeded check. Chemical application gave in this study insufficient weed control and resulted in lower yields compared to the mechanical treatments and combination of mechanical and mechanical weed control. The best cost: benefit ratio was observed on treatment with combination of chemical and mechanical weed control and can be successfully applied to boost up the bulb yield in garlic and to harvest the maximum profit for farmers.Poljski pokus je proveden na podruÄju sjeveroistoÄne Hrvatske s ciljem evaluacije razliÄitih strategija suzbijanja korova u ÄeÅ”njaku (Alium sativum L.). Predmet ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kako razliÄite strategije suzbijanja korova utjeÄu na korovnu zajednicu u ÄeÅ”njaku i kakav je ekonomski uÄinak
svakog od istraživanih tretmana. Pokus je postavljen po sluÄajnom blok rasporedu sa tri razliÄita tretmana suzbijanja korova: kemijsko (sa PRE-EM i POST-EM primjenom), mehaniÄko (tri puta tijekom vegetacijske sezone) i kombinaciju kemijskog i mehaniÄkog suzbijanja. Zakorovljena, kontrolna
varijanta je takoÄer bila ukljuÄena u pokus. Dobiveni podatci o gustoÄi korova, svježoj nadzemnoj biomasi korova i prinosu ÄeÅ”njaka prikupljeni su na kraju vegetacijske sezone te statistiÄki i ekonomski analizirani. NajznaÄajniji korovi tijekom provedbe pokusa bili su: Sorghum halepense, Ambrosia
artemisiifolia, Cirsium arvense and Chenopodium album. Primjenjene strategije suzbijanja korova razliÄito su utjecale na gustoÄu i nadzemnu biomasu korova te na prinos ÄeÅ”njaka. Signifikantno manja gustoÄa korova i njihova nadzemna biomasa u usporedbi sa zakorovjenom kontrolom utvrÄena je na
parcelama s mehaniÄkim suzbijanjem korova i s kombinacijom mehaniÄkog i kemijskog suzbiljanja. Aplikacija herbicida u ovom pokusu nije se pokazala uspjeÅ”nom i ostvarila je na kraju vegetacijske sezone signifikantno niži prinos u odnosu na ostale tretmane. Tretman s najboljem omjerom troÅ”kova i koristi jest kombinacija kemijskog i mehaniÄkog suzbijanja korova i može se preporuÄiti farmerima kao uspjeÅ”na strategija za postizanje visokog pronosa i ostvarenja maksimalnog profita
The United States of America Agriculture
Description and explanation of dynamic changes within the United States of America agriculture
make the scheme of this article. The authors analyse the structure and the dynamics
of changes in American agriculture over the last thirty years. During that period the
number of farms was reduced by great rate but their individual size enlarged (the average
largeness of nowadays farm is over 200 ha). Despite the improved economic and technological
conditions, the income from agriculture makes smaller and smaller part of the farmersā
families earnings while the wages from other occupations out of farms are prevailing.
The structure of consumption and the nourishment habits have also notably changed. The
consumption of certain sorts of meat is going down, while that of vegetables, fruits, poultry
and fish is increasing. Today only 2% of active population is occupied with agriculture
and approximately one fifth of American population lives in rural areas
Aldo A. Leopold - ostavÅ”tina za buduÄnost: Leopoldov centar za održivu poljoprivredu
Authors present the fundamental contributions of Aldo A. Leopold (1887-1948), internationally
renowned American conservationist, ecologist, scientist and scholar, exceptional
teacher, philosopher, and gifted writer. He was one of the pioneers who devoted his life
to thought about how farming should be productive but not interfere with natural systems.
As the nation s first professor of game management appointed to the Department of
Agricultural Economic in the University of Wisconsin, he devoted his activity to an idea
about sustainable agricultural production. According to Leopold, the aim of sustainable
agriculture is to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community.
Leopold spent much of his time writing about agriculture and many of his philosophical
statements seem to be the most meaningful today, and for his contributions he can stand
sholder to sholder with Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, and Sir Albert
Howard, founder of contemporary organic agriculture.
Authors descibe the institutions which cherish the Leopold legacy. They especially present
activities of the Aldo Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, established at Iowa State
University in 1987, and it represents one of the world leading institutions in sustainable
agriculture techniques. The main purpose of the Center is to identify negative impacts of
agriculture on natural resources and rural communities and contribute to development of
profitable farming system that conserve natural resources. Leopold Center cooperates with
Extention Service at Iowa State University and other groups in order to inform the public
of new research findings. The Center is open to researchers from around the world who
are interested in sustainable agriculture and specific projects and programs of the Center,
ra and also coordinates some of them
Declaring nutritional characteristics, expiration dates and instructions for safe preparation of food, substances causing potential allergies or intolerances contained in products may be of vital importance to buyers and consumers. Additional information, such as geographical indication or origin of the food and compliance with certain standards could play a decisive role in purchasing decisions. A comprehensive search of regulatory framework of food production, processing, distribution and labelling is conducted at the Croatian and EU level. Appropriate emphasis is given to the food-related legislation, marketing and intellectual property related legislation. Special attention is given to the declaration of: nutritional characteristics, substances or products
causing allergies or intolerances; geographical indication and origin of the food; quality seals; medicinal claims, organic food claims, and redundant, confusing and misleading signs. Legal obligations regarding mandatory food labelling are limited in terms of information. Voluntary food labelling can offer a large array of additional information, but it is still regulated in a very precise manner. Marketing communication, regarding their own brands, is an important component of the business for several reasons; it is an effective signpost for repeated
purchases; an entry barrier into the sector or possible sources of additional revenue. Manufacturers and traders can voluntarily apply labelling standards that are more stringent than minimally prescribed ones. In this way, they communicate their concern for customersā well-being and possibly achieve a competitive advantage over producers who do not demonstrate such a degree of social responsibility in their business.Deklariranje nutritivnih svojstava, roka za sigurnu upotrebu i upute za sigurno pripremanje hrane, tvari koje uzrokuju potencijalne alergije ili netolerancije sadržane u proizvodu mogu biti od vitalne važnosti za kupce i potroÅ”aÄe. Dodatne informacije, kao Å”to su zemljopisno podrijetlo ili izvornost hrane i usklaÄenost s odreÄenim standardima mogu imati presudnu ulogu u odlukama o kupnji. Sveobuhvatni pregled regulatornog okvira proizvodnje, prerade, distribucije i oznaÄavanja hrane proveden je na razini Hrvatske i EU-a. Primjeren naglasak stavljen je na zakonodavstvo vezano uz hranu, marketing i zakonodavstvo vezano uz intelektualno vlasniÅ”tvo. Posebna se pozornost posveÄuje deklariranju nutritivnih svojstava, tvari ili proizvoda koji uzrokuju alergije ili netolerancije; zemljopisnom podrijetlu i izvornosti hrane, oznakama kvalitete; medicinskim tvrdnjama, tvrdnjama o ekoloÅ”koj hrani te suviÅ”nim, zbunjujuÄim i znakovima koji dovode u zabludu. Pravne obveze vezane uz obvezno oznaÄavanje hrane ograniÄene su u smislu informacija. Dobrovoljno oznaÄavanje hrane može ponuditi velik broj dodatnih informacija, ali je i dalje regulirano na vrlo precizan naÄin. MarketinÅ”ka komunikacija o vlastitim brandovima važna je komponenta poslovanja iz viÅ”e razloga; to je djelotvoran putokaz za ponovljene kupnje, ulazna barijera u sektor ili moguÄi izvor dodatnih prihoda. ProizvoÄaÄi i trgovci mogu dobrovoljno primjenjivati standarde za oznaÄavanje koji su stroži od minimalno propisanih. Na taj naÄin oni komuniciraju svoju brigu za dobrobit kupaca i mogu postiÄi konkurentsku prednost nad proizvoÄaÄima koji ne pokazuju takav stupanj druÅ”tvene odgovornosti u svom poslovanju
Characteristics of women and men entrepreneurs according to the student population in Croatia
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to determine which characteristics the student population, especially student rural population, perceives as typical of women and men entrepreneurs, respectively, their grouping into latent factors, and the identification of possible differences in attitudes of respondents with regard to their demographic variables.
Methodology: An indicative survey was conducted on a sample of 1,157 respondents of the student population in Croatia by a questionnaire as a research tool. Descriptive statistical data analysis, inferential statistics, simple analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and exploratory factor analysis were used in the research.
Results: The results show that there are differences in attitudes towards the characteristics of women entrepreneurs and men entrepreneurs, with particular emphasis on differences in the perception of womenās entrepreneurship in rural areas.
Conclusion: Positive trends in thinking about womenās entrepreneurship in rural areas are very interesting and promising, which may eventually result in a reduction in the womenās unemployment rate in rural areas and in valuing women as capable entrepreneurs
ZnaÄaj korova s rubova polja za opraÅ”ivaÄe
Field margins are pollinator-friendly habitats and important refuges for many pollinators. As a valuable food resource throughout the vegetation season, not just when crop species are in flower, field margins need to be protect or restore in areas of intensive farming. This paper examines the floristic and functional structure of weed communities on field margins in the northeastern part of the Republic of Croatia. A phytocoenological survey was conducted during the summer period of 2017 and 2018. A total of 32 field margins was analyzed for species richness, abundance and their role for entomofauna. Floristically rich field margins consist of 72,6% plant species beneficial to pollinators. Foraging period can be stretching throughout the year, but stabile and high flowering period is from May to end of September. Among highest ranked honeybee plants, several invasive species with significant relative abundance are: Solidago gigantea, Asclepias syriaca and Amorpha fruticosa who pose a serious threat to plant biodiversity. Positive role of vegetation from field margins was not valuable for pollinators only, but they also serve as supply the substrates that provide a shelter and nesting sites.Rubovi polja su pogodna staniÅ”ta za brojne opraÅ”ivaÄe. S obzirom da su vrijedan izvor hrane korisnoj entomofauni tijekom cijele vegetacijske sezone, a ne samo u vrijeme cvatnje usjeva, potrebno ih je saÄuvati ili obnoviti, osobito na prostorima intenzivne poljoprivredne proizvodnje. U ovom radu ispitana je floristiÄka i funkcionalna struktura korovne
zajednice na rubovima polja u sjeveroistoÄnom dijelu Republike Hrvatske. FitocenoloÅ”ka istraživanja su provedena tijekom ljetnog razdoblja 2017. i 2018. godine. Bogatstvo vrsta, abundacija i njihova uloga za entomofaunu analizirani su na ukupno 32 poljska ruba. Florom bogati rubovi polja sadrže ukupno 72,6% biljnih svojti korisnih za opraÅ”ivaÄe. Razdoblje paÅ”e može trajati tijekom cijele godine, ali najjaÄi intenzitet je u vrijeme pune cvatnje od svibnja do kraja mjeseca rujna.
MeÄu najviÅ”e rangiranim medonosnim biljkama sa znaÄajnom relativnom abundacijom nalaze se i invazivne vrste Solidago gigantea, Asclepias syriaca i Amorpha fruticosa koje predstavljaju ozbiljnu prijetnju bioloÅ”koj raznolikosti. Pozitivna uloga vegetacije rubova polja ne pogoduje samo opraÅ”ivaÄima, nego služi i kao podloga koja osigurava skloniÅ”te i prostor za formiranje gnijezda
Analysis of distributional and promotional activities of winemakers
The objective of this paper is to determine how winemakers in Eastern Continental Croatia use marketing in their business. In addition, the paper aims to analyse the distribution of wine products and identify promotional activities that are considered most appropriate for the promotion of wine and further development of the wine sector. A survey was the method used to collect the data, and a survey questionnaire was used as the instrument. The survey was performed on a sample of n=30 winemakers from five counties in Eastern Croatia (Osijek-Baranja, Vukovar-Srijem, Virovitica-Podravina, Požega-Slavonija, and Brod-Posavina). The surveyed winemakers use a combination of direct and indirect distribution channels to sell their wine. The majority of surveyed winemakers sell wine through channels such as the cellar door and wine festivals. These channels are particularly attractive to small and medium winemakers because they can increase their profits. However, to be competitive in the market, Croatian winemakers must adopt new distribution channels and means of communication, increase their marketing efforts and make a shift from sales-oriented to market-oriented strategy
Socioeconomic characteristics of family farms in eastern Croatia
into the socioeconomic
characteristics of family farms is important
for the establishment of a suitable
developmental policy, especially now,
when the Croatian village is adapting to
new conditions. The authors use official
statistical data and the results obtained
from a questionnaire. They analyze
income from outside agriculture, the
ownership structure with regard to the
time when the farm was formed, average
farm size, the land market and land
tenancy, crop structure, breeding stock
and stock production and whether the
basic agricultural products are intended
for the market. They found that the
average size of farms in eastern Croatia is
gently increasing, whereas the average size
of family farms in Croatia as a whole is
decreasing. There are also differences in
crop structure, stock production and the
degree of market production between
Slavonia and Baranja, i.e. eastern Croatia,
and Croatia as a whole
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