5 research outputs found

    The connection between the fear of public speaking and the student\u27s engagement in the preparation of oral presentations

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    Temelj međuljudskih odnosa je komunikacija koja je u danaÅ”njem svijetu neizbježna. Svladavanje komunikacijskih vjeÅ”tina predstavlja temelj uspjeÅ”nog komuniciranja, odnosno primateljevu sposobnost razumijevanja poruke onako kako ju je poÅ”iljatelj zamislio. Studenti se tijekom svog obrazovanja susreću s usmenim prezentacijama tijekom kojih se često pojavljuje i strah od javnog nastupa. U radu se istražuju čimbenici koji karakteriziraju strah od javnog nastupa te njihovu povezanost s komunikacijskim vjeÅ”tinama. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 75 ispitanika, studenata preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija SveučiliÅ”ta u Zadru, a realizirano je anonimnim anketom koja je postavljena na druÅ”tvenoj mreži Facebook u privatnoj grupi ā€žSveučiliÅ”te u Zadruā€œ. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da ispitanici tijekom usmenih prezentacija imaju strah od javnog nastupa u najvećoj mjeri zbog loÅ”e pripremljenosti i nepoznavanja komunikacijskih vjeÅ”tina.The foundation of human relationships is communication, which is inevitable in today\u27s world. Overcoming communication skills forms the basis of successful communication, moreover it is the recipient\u27s ability to understand the message as it was imagined by the sender. During the education students face with presentations during which the fear of public speaking often occurs. This paper examines the factors that characterize the fear of public speaking, and their relation to communication skills. The study was conducted on a sample of 75 subjects, undergraduate and graduate students of the University, and it was realized through anonymous survey, which was set up on the social network of Facebook in the private group "University of Zadar". The results showed that the respondents during the oral presentations have a fear of public speaking to a large extent due to poor preparedness and lack of communication skills

    Potencijal i potrebe razvoja inkluzivnog osiguranja za osobe s invaliditetom u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    DruÅ”tva za osiguranje ne mogu preuzeti rizike koje ne mogu procijeniti ili analizirati, stoga im je važna segmentacija i procjena rizičnosti osiguranika. Unutar postupka segmentacije osiguranika postoji opasnost od diskriminacije ranjivih skupina, poput osoba s invaliditetom. Ograničenost literature i slaba zastupljenost problematike osigurateljne inkluzije u znanstvenim istraživačkim radovima nameću potrebu za značajnijim proučavanjem i naglaÅ”avanjem važnosti inkluzivnog osiguranja. Temeljni cilj ovog rada je analizirati dostupnu znanstvenu literaturu iz područja inkluzivnog osiguranja za osobe s invaliditetom, detektirati potrebe osoba s invaliditetom za proizvodima osiguranja, postojeće stanje i razinu osigurateljne inkluzije te iznijeti preporuke za razvoj i dostupnost osigurateljnih proizvoda za osobe s invaliditetom. Istraživanje je provedeno primjenom kvalitativne metodologije, a podaci su prikupljeni metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua na uzorku od 34 osobe. KoriÅ”tene metode obrade podataka uključuju verbalnu transkripciju audiozapisa, interpretativnu fenomenoloÅ”ku analizu te kodiranje i kategorizaciju ključnih nalaza. Rezultati i rasprava u radu ukazuju na potrebu za značajnijom inkluzijom osoba s invaliditetom u ponudu proizvoda druÅ”tava za osiguranje, pokriće specifičnih rizika te prilagođeni distribucijski kanal

    Interorganizational employee mobility: A bibliometric analysis

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    This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of interorganizational employee mobility, 55 defined as a movement of employees between the source and destination organizations that goes beyond simple turnover behaviour. We use a bibliometric analysis approach that applies quantitative and statistical methods to bibliographic data to deepen our objective understanding of how research on interorganizational employee mobility has evolved over time and to examine whether interorganizational employee mobility is multilevel in nature. The results of the performance analysis and various science mapping methods (co-authorship analysis, co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and co-word analysis) reveal clustered networks of key contributors in the field (i.e., authors, journals, affiliations, countries). Authors from the field of management, mainly from the USA and Western European affiliations, dominate the field. However, few of them have more than one publication on the topic of interorganizational employee mobility, which indicates that the literature in the field is still scattered and not yet mature. Our findings contribute to the career development literature by providing a detailed insight into how career has changed over time and highlighting the main constructs and factors associated with individual decisions to change employers

    Interorganizational employee mobility: A bibliometric analysis

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    This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of interorganizational employee mobility, 55 defined as a movement of employees between the source and destination organizations that goes beyond simple turnover behaviour. We use a bibliometric analysis approach that applies quantitative and statistical methods to bibliographic data to deepen our objective understanding of how research on interorganizational employee mobility has evolved over time and to examine whether interorganizational employee mobility is multilevel in nature. The results of the performance analysis and various science mapping methods (co-authorship analysis, co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and co-word analysis) reveal clustered networks of key contributors in the field (i.e., authors, journals, affiliations, countries). Authors from the field of management, mainly from the USA and Western European affiliations, dominate the field. However, few of them have more than one publication on the topic of interorganizational employee mobility, which indicates that the literature in the field is still scattered and not yet mature. Our findings contribute to the career development literature by providing a detailed insight into how career has changed over time and highlighting the main constructs and factors associated with individual decisions to change employers