18 research outputs found

    Mixului de marketing in sectorul bancar

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    Civilizatia financiara a ultimelor doua decenii ne-a pus in fata unei avalanse crescande de servicii financiar-bancare, servicii care au cunoscut pe plan international o crestere si o diversificare permanenta, piata acestora fiind din ce in ce mai dificil de cunoscut, anticipat si controlat. In aceste conditii, delimitarea marketingului serviciilor financiar bancare de cel al serviciilor in general apare ca un fenomen firesc, ca un raspuns la necesitatea de adaptare a teoriei economice la realitatea practica.servicii bancare, caracteristicile mixului de marketing in sectorul bancar, rolul personalului in activitatea bancara, banking services, characteristics of marketing-mix in banking industry, the role of employees in banks operations

    Customer Analysis, Defining Component of Marketing Audit

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    AbstractMarketing audit is a tool which measures the value, risk and effectiveness of marketing efforts of the organization. The starting point of the marketing audit is the market into the company operates, changes that occur at this level, expressed in terms of opportunities or threats. In the market, the consumer plays an essential role, focusing on analysis the provided value to the consumer and the costumer value for the organization. This article thus aims to present the main methods of analysis that can determine the value offered to the consumer by the company and the customer value for it, in order to establish the company's marketing strategy

    Modelarea comportamentului consumatorilor: elemente operationale

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    Articolul prezinta o categorie de modele de consum care arata modul in care cheltuielile de consum ale unei gospodarii sunt legate de venitul disponibil realizat de aceasta gospodarie si de rata dobanzii de pe piata financiara. Deoarece venitul ca si cheltuielile de consum se realizeaza in decursul timpului, astfel de modele dinamice de consum se mai numesc si modele de consum intertemporal, punandu-se astfel in evidenta faptul ca venitul disponibil realizat la un anumit moment de timp poate fi utilizat pentru consum la un moment de timp viitor, in timp ce decizia de consum luata la un moment de timp curent poate sa tina seama de venitul care va fi realizat in viitor.modele de consum intertemporal, restrictie de buget, conditie de transversalitate, mecanism de reglare, efect sinergic

    Strategii de marketing in sectorul serviciilor

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    Companiile de succes din sectorul serviciilor au o strategie precisa, clara, competitiva. Ele au o ratiune de a fi care impulsioneaza firma si care defineste in ultima instanta serviciul prestat. Cu o strategie bine conturata, managerii au mai usor posibilitatea de a accepta sau refuza anumite initiative; cu o strategie bine conturata, prestatorii stiu mai bine cum sa deserveasca consumatorii. Strategia va fi ghidul firmei, manualele de proceduri, mai mult sau mai putin voluminoase, nefiind suficiente.calitatea serviciilor, identificarea strategiilor pentru servicii, servicii standard, marketing, quality service, identifying service strategy, service standards

    Factorii de succes ai planificarii strategice de marketing

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    Aceasta lucrare isi propune sa prezinte pe de o parte factorii ce asigura implementarea cu succces a planificarii, dar si modelul multidimensional al acesteia, cu cele trei laturi: analitica, comportamentala si organizationala. De asemenea, sunt dezvoltate sectiunile planului strategic, si anume: directia strategica sau declaratia de misiune; obiectivele, strategiile de crestere si portofoliul de afaceri. Fiecare dintre acestea arata aportul gandirii strategice in domeniul planificarii de marketing. Prin urmare, pentru a atinge obiectivele de marketing, managerii trebuie sa creeze o directie strategica viabila, care conecteaza tendintele pietei cu nevoile si dorintele consumatorilor.marketing, planificare strategica, pozitionare, consumatori, strategic planning, positioning, consumers

    Evaluation of the Risk and of the Opportunities in Launching the New Banking Services

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    The creation of new products and services is acknowledged as being a necessity for the development of a company. Furthermore, due to the changes occurred in the banking field, the introduction of new services became for institutions a condition to remain competitive. The banking institutions which intend to be leaders in a domain should take the initiative and introduce new services. In the same measure, there are companies for which the cost of a potential failure is too high and they cannot allow it. They limit to introduce in their offer the products that have been tested on the market and have success among the consumers. This option in the marketing policy of the firm depends on several factors, such as the mission of the organisation, the intended objectives, the dimension and the resources of which it disposes and last but not least the nature of the new proposed service

    Credit Risk Evaluation

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    In the environment in which a bank functions there are many risk sources that determine the reduction of the profitability. These risk sources must be attentively identified, measured and taken into consideration for the elaboration of a bank’s general strategy of monitoring and disproof of the risks. The risk is generally defined as: the adverse effect that certain distinct incertitude sources exert over the profitability. The measurement of the risk requires that both the incertitude and the potential adverse effect over the profitability be surprised and evaluated

    Modeling Employee Satisfaction in Relation to CSR Practices and Attraction and Retention of Top Talent

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    In today’s economy, companies must work harder than ever to attract, retain and motivate talented employees in order to foster employee satisfaction, and in order to do so, CSR practices can provide a strategic tool. A green company no longer denotes solely the promotion of green products or reduction of energy consumption, as it has to incorporate proactive and innovative means of tracking sustainability while involving employees in such corporate behavior. This paper highlights an empirical study of responses from 10 multinational companies regarding their corporate social responsibility initiatives as a way to attract and retain good employees, while providing an appropriate environment for employee satisfaction, by constructing a structural equation model meant to expand HR literature and provide direct implications for organizations

    Major Trends in the Development of the Marketing Information System

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    Marketing data base is a very useful instrument through whitch you can use the marketing information from the internal system of the firm and any other information from the outside environment in order to reach the marketing objectives and functions. The development of a modern marketing information system using the systems of the unique data bases offer the possibility of stocking and using of an incredible volume of marketing information of numerical nature, text, graphic, sounds, voice and video images, simple and easy to access through automatic procedures delivered by the host systems of data bases administration (SGBD), locally or at distance