8 research outputs found

    Home-school partnerships from the perspectives of mothers and pre-service teachers participating in a parent-teacher communication course

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    Correlational studies have consistently shown a significant, positive relationship between parental engagement in school and academic achievement. The literature further evidenced the important role of parent-teacher communication in promoting parental engagement. However, most Canadian universities do not offer undergraduate pre-service teacher education courses focusing on parents. This qualitative study investigated the impact of continuous, weekly interactions between parents and pre-service teachers, within the context of a parental communication course for pre- service teachers. Focus groups, interviews, and questionnaires were used to track the evolution of parents’ and pre-service teachers’ perspectives on parent-teacher partnerships. By the end of the course, pre-service teachers had gained a deeper understanding of the importance of parent-teacher partnerships, as evidenced by their ability to engage in self- reflection and problem-solving when discussing and interacting with parents. Moreover, the parents in this course gained knowledge about the educational system and felt empowered to play an active role in their children’s education. Overall, the findings showed that the parental communication course for pre-service teachers had a positive impact on both pre-service teachers’ and parents’ understanding of parent-teacher partnerships. Educating pre-service teachers about the importance of the parental- teacher partnership can promote increased engagement opportunities for parents in schools. This study provides evidence for the importance of including parental communication courses in all Canadian teacher education programs

    Decidua – actualităţi morfofuncţionale

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    The processes of deciduation of endometrium prepare the appearences of a structure which reprezented by decidua. This khew structure will regulated acceptation graft. Reprezented by pregnancy through specifi c immunologic mechanisms, which add endocrine and paracrine functions of decidua. The resence in decidua structures of numerous cytokine and cells with particular structures and activity, will permite trophoblastic invasion and changes to the interface level of mathernoplacentar. Profound study on decidua will lead to undestand with very high fi neness the mechanisms which is stoy on the basis of trophoblastic invasion

    Sindromul antifosfolipidic catastrofal asherson

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    Sindromul antifosfolipidic catastofal Asherson se dezvoltă rapid la persoanele pozitive pentru anticorpii antifosfolipidici, ca urmare a unui factor declanşator identifi cabil (infecţie, traumatism, coagulare inadecvată, patologie obstetricală). Cel mai frecvent este întâlnit la persoanele cu sindrom antifosfolipidic primar sau lupus eritematos sistemic (LES) ori afecţiuni „lupus-like” (LLD). Clinic, se manifestă prin tromboze ale vaselor mici, afectând diverse organe (inimă, creier, tract astrointestinal, rinichi, suprarenale). In 1/3 din cazuri apar ocluzii de vase mari, ca manifestări ale sindromului de răspuns infl amator sistemic (SRIS) sau sindromul de detresă respiratorie acută (SDRA). Cu toata terapia, precoce şi intensivă, ce constă în adminstrarea de anticoagulante, corticoizi, antibiotice, imunoglobuline intravenos, plasmafereză, mortalitatea rămâne crescută, ridicându-se la aproximativ 50% din cazuri

    A couples-focused intervention for smoking cessation during pregnancy: The study protocol of the Quit Together pilot randomized controlled trial

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    Tobacco smoking remains the leading global cause of preventable disease and death. Preconception and pregnancy smoking are high in Central and Eastern Europe. Quit Together is a partnership between a US university and a Romanian university, obstetrics and gynecology clinics in Romania, and other community partners in Romania. The objective of the Quit Together pilot study is to adapt, enhance and test the implementation feasibility and initial efficacy of an evidence-based pregnancy and postnatal couple intervention for smoking cessation in Romania. Quit Together builds on the Motivation and Problem Solving (MAPS) approach, enhanced by targeting the couples’ smoking behavior and focusing on dyadic efficacy for smoking cessation. The study is an ongoing randomized controlled trial of 120 Romanian pregnant smokers and their partners. Participants are randomized to: 1) an intervention arm consisting, typically, of up to 8 prenatal and postnatal telephone counseling calls for the women and 4 for their partners, combining motivational strategies and problem-solving/ coping skills to encourage the woman to quit smoking and the partner to support her decision; and 2) a control arm (usual care). The primary outcome is maternal biochemically verified smoking abstinence at 3 months postpartum. Quit Together has the potential to identify effective strategies to increase maternal smoking cessation during pregnancy and smoking abstinence after birth. If effective, Quit Together is expected to have a sustainable positive impact on the health of the child, mother and partner, and potentially reduced health system costs

    Defining the scope of the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance network in Veterinary medicine (EARS-Vet): A bottom-up and One Health approach

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    Background: Building the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance network in Veterinary medicine (EARS-Vet) was proposed to strengthen the European One Health antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance approach. Objectives: To define the combinations of animal species/production types/age categories/bacterial species/specimens/antimicrobials to be monitored in EARS-Vet. Methods: The EARS-Vet scope was defined by consensus between 26 European experts. Decisions were guided by a survey of the combinations that are relevant and feasible to monitor in diseased animals in 13 European countries (bottom-up approach). Experts also considered the One Health approach and the need for EARS-Vet to complement existing European AMR monitoring systems coordinated by the ECDC and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Results: EARS-Vet plans to monitor AMR in six animal species [cattle, swine, chickens (broilers and laying hens), turkeys, cats and dogs], for 11 bacterial species (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Staphylococcus hyicus, Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae and Streptococcus suis). Relevant antimicrobials for their treatment were selected (e.g. tetracyclines) and complemented with antimicrobials of more specific public health interest (e.g. carbapenems). Molecular data detecting the presence of ESBLs, AmpC cephalosporinases and methicillin resistance shall be collected too. Conclusions: A preliminary EARS-Vet scope was defined, with the potential to fill important AMR monitoring gaps in the animal sector in Europe. It should be reviewed and expanded as the epidemiology of AMR changes, more countries participate and national monitoring capacities improve