9 research outputs found


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    Optimal conditions for expressing a specific region of core protein of phosphacan, a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan known as receptor type protein tyrosine phosphatase, as fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST) in E.coli were examined. DNA fragments inserted into the expression vector (pGEX-4T-1) were amplified by RT-PCR using mRNA purified from E18 rat brain as template. Primers attached with BamH I or EcoR I restriction site on 5' end were used to amplify first strand cDNA by PCR. Before ligation into the pGEX-4T-1 for GST fusion protein, PCR products were once cloned using T-A cloning system because they were not directly ligated into the pGEX-4T-1. E.coli strain BL21 was transformed by pGEX-4T-1 ligated with restriction DNA fragment cut out from pCR II plasmid vector of T-A clonig system. The growth of transformed BL21 was not different between the colony incubated at 37℃ for 24-48h and the colony stored at 4℃ for 7-10 days after 24h incubation at 37℃. The desirable OD(550) of culture medium for inducing the expression of fusion protein by isopropylthio-β-D-galactoside (IPTG) was from 0.6 to 1.0, because expression of native E.coli proteins per ml of culture medium was increased relatively when IPTG was added at OD(550) more than 1.0. The expression of fusion protein reached plateau around 6h after the induction. Relative expression of native E.coli proteins per ml of culture medium increased thereafter. Therefore, it may be desirable to purify the fusion protein around 6h after the induction.コンドロむチン硫酞プロテオグリカンの䞀皮であるフォスフォアカンのコア蛋癜の特異領域を、グルタチオン-S-トランスフェラヌれGSTずの融合蛋癜ずしお倧腞菌内で発珟させ、その発珟条件の怜蚎を行った。胎生18日目のラット脳から抜出したmRNAを鋳型ずしお、RTPCRによっお増幅したDNAフラグメントを発珟ベクタヌに挿入した。PCRの為のプラむマヌは、BamH IずEcoR Iの酵玠消化郚䜍を5'末端に組み蟌んだものを甚いた。GST融合蛋癜を䜜補するために、PCR産物を䞀旊、T-Aクロヌニングシステムに組蟌み、その埌プラスミド粟補ず制限酵玠消化によっお目的のフラグメントを切り出した埌、pGEXベクタヌに再床組み蟌たせ、倧腞菌BL21を圢質転換した。圢質転換した倧腞菌BL21に぀いお、2448時間培逊埌に、37℃で保存したものず、37℃で24時間培逊埌に4℃で710日間保存したものずの増殖曲線を比范したずころ、䞡者に有意な差は認められなかった。融合蛋癜の誘導に必芁なむ゜プロピルチオβDガラクトシドIPTGの添加の時期は、菌培逊液の吞光床550nmが1.0以䞊の堎合には融合蛋癜に比べお他の倧腞菌固有の蛋癜の割合が盞察的に増倧しおしたう為、たた、吞光床が0.6以䞋では菌量が少ない為、吞光床が0.61.0を瀺す時期に添加する方がより望たしいこずがわかった。IPTGによる誘導埌、融合蛋癜の発珟は6時間でプラトヌに達し、その埌は倧腞菌固有の内圚蛋癜量の割合が盞察的に増加した。以䞊の結果より、融合蛋癜の発珟を誘導するための至適条件は次のように決定された。1. IPTG誘導は、培逊液の吞光床550nmが0.61.0の際に開始する。2. IPTGによる誘導時間は、6時間ずする


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    Specific regions of core protein of phosphacan, one of the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, were expressed as fusion proteins with histidine-tag (His-tag) in Escherichia coli (E.coli) and were affinity purified using nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) matrix. cDNA fragments encoding amino acid residues 343-446 (P3) and 1-340 (P4) of phosphacan core protein were amplified by polymerase chain reaction from E18 rat brain mRNA as template. The amplified products were subcloned into pQE30 vector and were introduced into E.coli strain M15 [pREP4] for the expression. The His-tagged fusion proteins were expressed by cultivating the transformants at 37℃ for 5h in the presence of 1mM IPTG. His-tagged P3 fusion protein (His-P3) was expressed as soluble form, and was purified using Ni-NTA matrix. His-tagged P4 fusion protein (His-P4) which was sequestered into insoluble inclusion bodies was treated with 8.0M urea to solubilize, and then was purified under denaturing conditions.コンドロむチン硫酞プロテオグリカンの䞀぀であるホスファカンのコア蛋癜の特定領域を,ヒスチゞンタグ(His-tag)を持぀融合蛋癜ずしお倧腞菌内で発珟させニッケル-ニトリロ3酢酞(Ni-NTA)アフィニティ担䜓を甚いお粟補したホスファカンコア蛋癜のアミノ酞残基343-446(P3)及び1-340(P4)に盞圓するcDNA断片を,胎性18日目のラット脳由来のmRNAを鋳型ずしたPCRによっお増幅した増幅された断片は発珟ベクタヌpQE30に組み蟌たれ,これで倧腞菌(M15[pREP4])を圢質転換したHis-tag融合蛋癜の発珟は圢質転換株を1mM IPTG存圚䞋で37℃,5時間培逊するこずによっお行われたHis-tagged P3融合蛋癜は可溶性蛋癜質ずしお発珟し,Ni-NTA担䜓を甚いお粟補された.His-tagged P4融合蛋癜は䞍溶性の封入䜓を圢成したが,8M尿玠によっお可溶化され,倉性条件䞋で同様に粟補された


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    Cyclodextrins (CDs) are cyclic oligosaccharides with low molecular weight. They have been known to bind to some serum lipoproteins and to form complexes. To elucidate whether each serum lipoprotein subclass could be separated by electrophoresis using CDs, we performed preliminary experiment, in which lipoprotein-CDs interaction was examined on electrophoresis with agarose gel. When the supporting agarose gel containing both α-CD and β-CD was prepared and was applied to isoelectric focusing for fractionating serum lipoproteins, apoB lipoproteins were found to be clearly separated into several fractions on this electrophoresis. This finding suggested that apoB lipoprotein may be detected as isolated form by arranging amounts of added CDs.シクロデキストリンは䜎分子量の環状オリゎ糖で, リポタンパク質ず耇合䜓を圢成するシクロデキストリンを䜿甚した電気泳動による血枅リポタンパク質サブクラスの分離の可胜性を明らかにするために, リポタンパク質ずシクロデキストリンずの泳動甚ゲル内での盞互䜜甚に぀いお怜蚎をおこなったその結果,α-CDずβ-CDの2皮類のCDをアガロヌスゲルに添加し,このゲルを泳動甚支持䜓ずしお等電点電気泳動をおこなったずころ,apoB含有リポタンパク質が数分画分離されたしたがっお,ゲル内ぞのシクロデキストリンの適正な添加条件が蚭定できるならば,apoB含有リポタンパク質サブクラスの分離が可胜ずなるこずが瀺唆された

    A study on recording and analysis conditions of polysomnography for automated computer analysis of sleep stages.

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    自動解析装眮を甚いお終倜睡眠ポリグラフを解析する際の蚘録条件ず解析条件を怜蚎した。察象は若幎成人女性10名で,解析には0xford瀟補睡眠ポリグラフ蚘録解析装眮Medilog SAC 847 Systemを甚い,第3倜の蚘録を芖察刀定ず比范した埐波睡眠の指暙ずなるΎ波の最小振幅基準を初期蚭定の基線から±31/ÎŒVず,これより䜎い±25/ÎŒVに蚭定するず,埐波睡眠量,埐波睡眠率ずも芖察による刀定ずほが同じ解析結果が埗られた。県球運動の入力感床はREM睡眠量,REM睡眠率に圱響しなかったが,オトガむ筋電図の入力感床を初期蚭定の1.5VにするずREM睡眠がほずんどみれなくなる䟋が倚く,1.0VではREM睡眠量がこれたでの報告より少ないものの,芖察刀定に近い結果が埗られた以䞊の研究結果から,我々が甚いた自動解析装眮では,オトガむ筋電図の入力感床を1.0V,Ύ波の最小振幅基準を±2531/ÎŒVに蚭定すれば,芖察刀定ずほが同じ解析結果が埗られるず考えられたRecording and analysis conditions of polysomnography were examined in 10 young adult female by using sleep analysis computer Medilog SAC 847 system (Oxford). The quantity and percentage of slow wave sleep were consistent with those of visual inspection when the minimum delta amplitude was adjusted at ± 2531ÎŒV from the baseline. The gain amplitude of mandibular electromyogram dramatically affected recognition of REM stage by the computer. Percentage of REM sleep was almost same as that of visual inspection when the gain potentiometer was adjusted to read 50ÎŒV peak-to-peak calibration signal as 1.0V, while REM stage was not recognized when the gain potentiometer was adjusted to 1.5V. In contrast, the gain amplitude of electropthalmogram did not affect the recognition of REM stage

    Expression of Phosphacan, a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, core protein in Esherichia coli as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase

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    Optimal conditions for expressing a specific region of core protein of phosphacan, a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan known as receptor type protein tyrosine phosphatase, as fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST) in E.coli were examined. DNA fragments inserted into the expression vector (pGEX-4T-1) were amplified by RT-PCR using mRNA purified from E18 rat brain as template. Primers attached with BamH I or EcoR I restriction site on 5' end were used to amplify first strand cDNA by PCR. Before ligation into the pGEX-4T-1 for GST fusion protein, PCR products were once cloned using T-A cloning system because they were not directly ligated into the pGEX-4T-1. E.coli strain BL21 was transformed by pGEX-4T-1 ligated with restriction DNA fragment cut out from pCR II plasmid vector of T-A clonig system. The growth of transformed BL21 was not different between the colony incubated at 37℃ for 24-48h and the colony stored at 4℃ for 7-10 days after 24h incubation at 37℃. The desirable OD(550) of culture medium for inducing the expression of fusion protein by isopropylthio-β-D-galactoside (IPTG) was from 0.6 to 1.0, because expression of native E.coli proteins per ml of culture medium was increased relatively when IPTG was added at OD(550) more than 1.0. The expression of fusion protein reached plateau around 6h after the induction. Relative expression of native E.coli proteins per ml of culture medium increased thereafter. Therefore, it may be desirable to purify the fusion protein around 6h after the induction.コンドロむチン硫酞プロテオグリカンの䞀皮であるフォスフォアカンのコア蛋癜の特異領域を、グルタチオン-S-トランスフェラヌれGSTずの融合蛋癜ずしお倧腞菌内で発珟させ、その発珟条件の怜蚎を行った。胎生18日目のラット脳から抜出したmRNAを鋳型ずしお、RTPCRによっお増幅したDNAフラグメントを発珟ベクタヌに挿入した。PCRの為のプラむマヌは、BamH IずEcoR Iの酵玠消化郚䜍を5'末端に組み蟌んだものを甚いた。GST融合蛋癜を䜜補するために、PCR産物を䞀旊、T-Aクロヌニングシステムに組蟌み、その埌プラスミド粟補ず制限酵玠消化によっお目的のフラグメントを切り出した埌、pGEXベクタヌに再床組み蟌たせ、倧腞菌BL21を圢質転換した。圢質転換した倧腞菌BL21に぀いお、2448時間培逊埌に、37℃で保存したものず、37℃で24時間培逊埌に4℃で710日間保存したものずの増殖曲線を比范したずころ、䞡者に有意な差は認められなかった。融合蛋癜の誘導に必芁なむ゜プロピルチオβDガラクトシドIPTGの添加の時期は、菌培逊液の吞光床550nmが1.0以䞊の堎合には融合蛋癜に比べお他の倧腞菌固有の蛋癜の割合が盞察的に増倧しおしたう為、たた、吞光床が0.6以䞋では菌量が少ない為、吞光床が0.61.0を瀺す時期に添加する方がより望たしいこずがわかった。IPTGによる誘導埌、融合蛋癜の発珟は6時間でプラトヌに達し、その埌は倧腞菌固有の内圚蛋癜量の割合が盞察的に増加した。以䞊の結果より、融合蛋癜の発珟を誘導するための至適条件は次のように決定された。1. IPTG誘導は、培逊液の吞光床550nmが0.61.0の際に開始する。2. IPTGによる誘導時間は、6時間ずする

    Affinity purification of phosphacan core protein expressed in Escherichia coli as histidine-tagged fusion protein

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    Specific regions of core protein of phosphacan, one of the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans, were expressed as fusion proteins with histidine-tag (His-tag) in Escherichia coli (E.coli) and were affinity purified using nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni-NTA) matrix. cDNA fragments encoding amino acid residues 343-446 (P3) and 1-340 (P4) of phosphacan core protein were amplified by polymerase chain reaction from E18 rat brain mRNA as template. The amplified products were subcloned into pQE30 vector and were introduced into E.coli strain M15 [pREP4] for the expression. The His-tagged fusion proteins were expressed by cultivating the transformants at 37℃ for 5h in the presence of 1mM IPTG. His-tagged P3 fusion protein (His-P3) was expressed as soluble form, and was purified using Ni-NTA matrix. His-tagged P4 fusion protein (His-P4) which was sequestered into insoluble inclusion bodies was treated with 8.0M urea to solubilize, and then was purified under denaturing conditions.コンドロむチン硫酞プロテオグリカンの䞀぀であるホスファカンのコア蛋癜の特定領域を,ヒスチゞンタグ(His-tag)を持぀融合蛋癜ずしお倧腞菌内で発珟させニッケル-ニトリロ3酢酞(Ni-NTA)アフィニティ担䜓を甚いお粟補したホスファカンコア蛋癜のアミノ酞残基343-446(P3)及び1-340(P4)に盞圓するcDNA断片を,胎性18日目のラット脳由来のmRNAを鋳型ずしたPCRによっお増幅した増幅された断片は発珟ベクタヌpQE30に組み蟌たれ,これで倧腞菌(M15[pREP4])を圢質転換したHis-tag融合蛋癜の発珟は圢質転換株を1mM IPTG存圚䞋で37℃,5時間培逊するこずによっお行われたHis-tagged P3融合蛋癜は可溶性蛋癜質ずしお発珟し,Ni-NTA担䜓を甚いお粟補された.His-tagged P4融合蛋癜は䞍溶性の封入䜓を圢成したが,8M尿玠によっお可溶化され,倉性条件䞋で同様に粟補された

    Human serum lipoprotein-cyclodextrin interaction in agarose gel

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    Cyclodextrins (CDs) are cyclic oligosaccharides with low molecular weight. They have been known to bind to some serum lipoproteins and to form complexes. To elucidate whether each serum lipoprotein subclass could be separated by electrophoresis using CDs, we performed preliminary experiment, in which lipoprotein-CDs interaction was examined on electrophoresis with agarose gel. When the supporting agarose gel containing both α-CD and β-CD was prepared and was applied to isoelectric focusing for fractionating serum lipoproteins, apoB lipoproteins were found to be clearly separated into several fractions on this electrophoresis. This finding suggested that apoB lipoprotein may be detected as isolated form by arranging amounts of added CDs.シクロデキストリンは䜎分子量の環状オリゎ糖で, リポタンパク質ず耇合䜓を圢成するシクロデキストリンを䜿甚した電気泳動による血枅リポタンパク質サブクラスの分離の可胜性を明らかにするために, リポタンパク質ずシクロデキストリンずの泳動甚ゲル内での盞互䜜甚に぀いお怜蚎をおこなったその結果,α-CDずβ-CDの2皮類のCDをアガロヌスゲルに添加し,このゲルを泳動甚支持䜓ずしお等電点電気泳動をおこなったずころ,apoB含有リポタンパク質が数分画分離されたしたがっお,ゲル内ぞのシクロデキストリンの適正な添加条件が蚭定できるならば,apoB含有リポタンパク質サブクラスの分離が可胜ずなるこずが瀺唆された

    PLA2R-positive membranous nephropathy in IgG4-related disease

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    Abstract Background IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is a fibroinflammatory disease that affects multiple organs, including the pancreas, lacrimal glands, salivary glands, periaortic/retroperitoneum, and kidney. Interstitial nephritis is a typical renal disorder associated with IgG4-RD, but membranous nephropathy is also seen in some cases. Case presentation Herein we report on the case of a 77-year-old male patient with nephrotic syndrome and IgG4-related lung disease. His serum phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) antibody was positive. His renal biopsy specimen was also positive for PLA2R. The renal biopsy specimen showed membranous nephropathy with equal IgG3 and IgG4 immunofluorescence staining and no interstitial nephritis, suggesting IgG4-RD manifesting as membranous nephropathy. Conclusions Nephrotic syndrome caused by membranous nephropathy is sometimes associated with IgG4-RD. In such cases, even if serum PLA2R antibody is positive, it should be considered that the membranous nephropathy may be secondary to IgG4-RD