124 research outputs found


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    Using Science Lessons to Promote Collaborative Problem Solving : Focus on the Knowledge-Constructive Jigsaw Method

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    本研究の目的は,協働的問題解決を生起させる中学校理科の授業の特徴を見出すことである。そこで,「知識構成型ジグソー法」に着目して,その手法を用いた先行の授業実践の分析や文献調査によって検討して,「知識構成型ジグソー法」を用いた中学校理科授業の特徴を明らかにした。また,「知識構成型ジグソー法」を用いた授業をデザインして実践することで,その有用性を検証した。This study aimed to investigate methods promote collaborative problem solving in junior high school science classes. Our focus was on the knowledge-constructive jigsaw method. We reviewed the literature on teaching methods in science classes. In the process, we noted good examples of such methods and identified key points made by various research groups. We ran pilot classes to test the ideas we had developed as a result. We introduced the knowledge-constructive jigsaw method into teaching practice

    Research into Development of Beliefs about the Goals and Purposes of Science Teaching : Analysis of Life Stories of Five Experienced Science Teachers

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    本研究では,理科教師の信念に関する先行研究の精査と5名の熟練理科教師のライフストーリーの分析により,理科教授の目的・目標についての信念の発達を明らかにすることを通じて,現職教育及び教員養成教育において理科教授の目的・目標についての信念を発達させることの価値とその具現化に向けた示唆を得ることを目的とした。まず,先行研究を精査し,理科教授の目的・目標についての信念という概念を明確化した。次に,信念の発達を明らかにすることに適した研究の方法論としてライフストーリーを採用し,それに基づいたインタビュー調査を計画・実施した。さらに,得られた語りを分析し,学校の内外を問わず様々な経験が理科教授の目的・目標についての信念を明確にするような影響を与えていること,学校外での経験をきっかけとして新たな概念が理科教授の目的・目標についての信念に加わる場合があること,理科教師になった時点で保持していた理科教授の目的・目標についての信念が教職生活を通じて変わっていないことを明らかにした。以上の結果を踏まえ,教職生活における理科教授の目的・目標についての信念の発達が学校内外における理科教師の連続的な学びとして捉えられること,教員養成教育が理科教授の目的・目標についての信念を構築する場として重要な役割を担っていること,という現職教育及び教員養成教育において理科教授の目的・目標についての信念を発達させることの価値とその具現化に向けた示唆を得た。This research, through analysis of five experienced science teachers’ life stories, was done to further evaluate prior research into beliefs of science teachers. Furthermore, it attempts to clarify the development of beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching to show how beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching develop through pre- and in-service teacher education/training, the value of this, and suggestions towards the realization of this. First, an overall concept of beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching is clarified by further evaluation of prior research. Next, life story was utilized as a research methodology for the clarification of belief development, and an interview survey was planned and conducted based on this methodology. The stories gained were analyzed, and the facts that various experiences, whether in or out of school, have an influence to clarify beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching, that there are cases where experiences outside of school can provide motivation for adding new concepts to one’s beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching, and that beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching that were held at the time of becoming a science teacher do not change throughout a professional career, were all made clear. Based on the above results, the development throughout one’s professional career concerning beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching is perceived as part of a science teacher’s consecutive professional learning, which happens in and out of school. Pre-service teacher education should make a vital role as giving an opportunity for developing beliefs about goals and purposes of science teaching. Suggestions were gained for how to realize development of beliefs about the goals or purposes of science teaching through pre- and in-service teacher education, as well as the value of this

    How Do Pre-service Science Teachers Develop Their Teacher Knowledge? : A Qualitative Study Focusing on Teaching Practice in Schools

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    本稿では,教育実習生が教育実習を通じて獲得・発達させた知識の内実とその要因を考察することを目的とした。まず,先行研究の分析によって教師知識を解釈するための枠組みを規定した。次に,国立A大学B中学校において教育実習を行ったひとつの教育実習班を事例としてフィールドワークを実施し,授業観察,批評会への参加,およびインタビュー調査を行った。そして,インタビューに調査よって得られたデータを,SCAT(大谷,2008b,2011)を用いて質的に分析した。 分析によって得られた結果を,メンターの影響,他者の授業観察,自身の実践に対する省察の3つの視点から整理し,Gess-Newsome(2015)の教師知識モデルを用いて,①メンタリングや師範授業の観察によって(理科)授業観を形成し始め,その(理科)授業観に基づいて自身の授業実践や批評会,他者の授業観察を省察的に捉えることで,知識基礎を獲得・発達させている点,②他の教育実習生との協働によって,より省察的に教育実習を行うことが可能になっている点の2点を考察した。This study aimed to explore the facts of what knowledge student teachers acquired/developed through teaching practice in schools, along with the primary factors behind this. First, a framework for interpreting teacher knowledge was stipulated through analysis of previous studies. Next, one teaching-practice group that trained student teachers in Lower Secondary School B Attached to National University A was selected to perform field work as a case. And also, we observed lessons, participated in reflective meeting/conference, and conducted interview survey. Then, the data that was gathered through the interview survey was analysed qualitatively with SCAT (Otani, 2008b, 2011). The results gained through analysis were classified from three viewpoints: the influence of the mentor, observations on other student teachers’ lessons, and reflection on their own practice. Discussing with the model of teacher professional knowledge and skill by Gess-Newsome (2015) , the followings were pointed out: (1) knowledge base is acquired/developed by capturing reflectively their own classroom practice, reflective meeting/conference and observations of other student teachers based on their view of (science) lessons, which is begun to construct through educative mentoring and observations lessons by the mentor; and (2) collaboration with other student teachers enables to conduct teaching practice more reflectively.本稿は,第64回日本理科教育学会中国支部大会において発表した内容を大幅に加筆・修正したものである

    Research into Development of Beliefs about the Goals and Purposes of Science Teaching : Analysis of Life Stories of Five Experienced Science Teachers

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    This research, through analysis of five experienced science teachers’ life stories, was done to further evaluate prior research into beliefs of science teachers. Furthermore, it attempts to clarify the development of beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching to show how beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching develop through pre- and in-service teacher education/training, the value of this, and suggestions towards the realization of this. First, an overall concept of beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching is clarified by further evaluation of prior research. Next, life story was utilized as a research methodology for the clarification of belief development, and an interview survey was planned and conducted based on this methodology. The stories gained were analyzed, and the facts that various experiences, whether in or out of school, have an influence to clarify beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching, that there are cases where experiences outside of school can provide motivation for adding new concepts to one’s beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching, and that beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching that were held at the time of becoming a science teacher do not change throughout a professional career, were all made clear. Based on the above results, the development throughout one’s professional career concerning beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching is perceived as part of a science teacher’s consecutive professional learning, which happens in and out of school. Pre-service teacher education should make a vital role as giving an opportunity for developing beliefs about goals and purposes of science teaching. Suggestions were gained for how to realize development of beliefs about the goals and purposes of science teaching through pre- and in-service teacher education, as well as the value of this.This article translated into Japanese is published in the journal Gakushu Shisutemu Kenkyu, Vol.3


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    研究期間 : 平成12-13年度 ; 研究種別 : 基盤研究C ; 課題番号:1268027

    How Do Pre-service Science Teachers Develop Their Teacher Knowledge? : A Qualitative Study Focusing on Teaching Practice in Schools

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    This study aimed to explore the facts of what knowledge student teachers acquired/developed through teaching practice in schools, along with the primary factors behind this. First, a framework for interpreting teacher knowledge was stipulated through analysis of previous studies. Next, one teaching-practice group that trained student teachers in Lower Secondary School B Attached to National University A was selected to perform field work as a case. And also, we observed lessons, participated in reflective meeting/conference, and conducted interview survey. Then, the data that was gathered through the interview survey was analysed qualitatively with SCAT (Otani, 2008b, 2011). The results gained through analysis were classified from three viewpoints: the influence of the mentor, observations on other student teachers’ lessons, and reflection on their own practice. Discussing with the model of teacher professional knowledge and skill by Gess-Newsome (2015), the followings were pointed out: (1) knowledge base is acquired/developed by capturing reflectively their own classroom practice, reflective meeting/conference and observations of other student teachers based on their view of (science) lessons, which is begun to construct through educative mentoring and observations lessons by the mentor; and (2) collaboration with other student teachers enables to conduct teaching practice more reflectively.This article translated into Japanese is published in the journal Gakushu Shisutemu Kenkyu, Vol.3