4,075 research outputs found

    Orbital effects in manganites

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    In this paper I give a short review of some properties of the colossal magnetoresistance manganites, connected with the orbital degrees of freedom. Ions Mn{3+}, present in most of these compounds, have double orbital degeneracy and are strong Jahn-Teller ions, causing structural distortions and orbital ordering. Mechanisms leading to such ordering are shortly discussed, and the role of orbital degrees of freedom in different parts of the phase diagram of manganites is described. Special attention is paid to the properties of low-doped systems (doping 0.1 - 0.25), to overdoped systems (x > 0.5), and to the possibility of a novel type of orbital ordering in optimally doped ferromagnetic metallic manganites.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, to be published in J. Mod. Phys.

    Orbital Compass Model as an Itinerant Electron System

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    Two-dimensional orbital compass model is studied as an interacting itinerant electron model. A Hubbard-type tight-binding model, from which the orbital compass model is derived in the strong coupling limit, is identified. This model is analyzed by the random-phase approximation (RPA) and the self-consistent RPA methods from the weak coupling. Anisotropy for the orbital fluctuation in the momentum space is qualitatively changed by the on-site Coulomb interaction. This result is explained by the fact that the dominant fluctuation is changed from the intra-band nesting to the inter-band one by increasing the interaction.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Parametric resonance at the critical temperature in high energy heavy ion collisions

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    Parametric resonance in soft modes at the critical temperature (TcT_{c}) in high energy heavy ion collisions is studied in the case when the temperature (TT) of the system is almost constant for a long time. By deviding the fields into three parts, zero mode (condensate), soft modes and hard modes and assuming that the hard modes are in thermal equilibrium, we derive the equation of motion for soft modes at T=TcT=T_{c}. Enhanced modes are extracted by comparing with the Mathieu equation for the condensate oscillating along the sigma axis at T=TcT=T_{c}. It is found that the soft mode of π\pi fields at about 174 MeV is enhanced.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure Some statements and equations are modified to clarif

    Orbital dynamics in ferromagnetic transition metal oxides

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    We consider a model of strongly correlated ege_g electrons interacting by superexchange orbital interactions in the ferromagnetic phase of LaMnO3_3. It is found that the classical orbital order with alternating occupied ege_g orbitals has a full rotational symmetry at orbital degeneracy, and the excitation spectrum derived using the linear spin-wave theory is gapless. The quantum (fluctuation) corrections to the order parameter and to the ground state energy restore the cubic symmetry of the model. By applying a uniaxial pressure orbital degeneracy is lifted in a tetragonal field and one finds an orbital-flop phase with a gap in the excitation spectrum. In two dimensions the classical order is more robust near the orbital degeneracy point and quantum effects are suppressed. The orbital excitation spectra obtained using finite temperature diagonalization of two-dimensional clusters consist of a quasiparticle accompanied by satellite structures. The orbital waves found within the linear spin-wave theory provide an excellent description of the dominant pole of these spectra.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Kaluza-Klein Multi-Black Holes in Five-Dimensional Einstein-Maxwell Theory

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    We construct the Kaluza-Klein multi-black hole solutions on the Gibbons-Hawking multi-instanton space in the five-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory. We study geometric properties of the multi-black hole solutions. In particular, unlike the Gibbons-Hawking multi-instanton solutions, each nut-charge is able to take a different value due to the existence of black hole on it. The spatial cross section of each horizon can be admitted to have the topology of a different lens space L(n;1)=S^3/Z_n addition to S^3.Comment: 8 pages, to be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Parametric amplification with a friction in heavy ion collisions

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    We study the effects of the expansion of the system and the friction on the parametric amplification of mesonic fields in high energy heavy ion collisions within the linear σ\sigma model . The equation of motion which is similar to Mathieu equation is derived to describe the time development of classical fields in the last stage of a heavy ion collision after the freezeout time. The enhanced mode is extracted analytically by comparison with Mathieu equation and the equation of motion is solved numerically to examine whether soft modes will be enhanced or not. It is found that the strong peak appears around 267 MeV in the pion transverse momentum distribution in cases with weak friction and high maximum temperature. This enhancement can be extracted by taking the ratio between different modes in the pion transverse momentum distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures LaTeX: appendix adde

    Pressure Effects in Manganites with Layered Perovskite Structure

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    Pressure effects on the charge and spin dynamics in the bilayer manganite compounds La22xSr1+2xMn2O7La_{2-2x}Sr_{1+2x}Mn_2O_7 are studied theoretically by taking into account the orbital degrees of freedom. The orbital degrees are active in the layered crystal structure, and applied hydrostatic pressure stabilizes the 3dx2y23d_{x^2-y^2} orbital in comparison with 3d3z2r23d_{3z^2-r^2}. The change of the orbital states weakens the interlayer charge and spin couplings, and suppresses the three dimensional ferromagnetic transition. Numerical results, based on an effective Hamiltonian which includes the energy level difference of the orbitals, show that the applied pressure controls the dimensionality of the spin and charge dynamics through changes of the orbital states.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Mode-coupling and nonlinear Landau damping effects in auroral Farley-Buneman turbulence

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    The fundamental problem of Farley-Buneman turbulence in the auroral EE-region has been discussed and debated extensively in the past two decades. In the present paper we intend to clarify the different steps that the auroral EE-region plasma has to undergo before reaching a steady state. The mode-coupling calculation, for Farley-Buneman turbulence, is developed in order to place it in perspective and to estimate its magnitude relative to the anomalous effects which arise through the nonlinear wave-particle interaction. This nonlinear effect, known as nonlinear ``Landau damping'' is due to the coupling of waves which produces other waves which in turn lose energy to the bulk of the particles by Landau damping. This leads to a decay of the wave energy and consequently a heating of the plasma. An equation governing the evolution of the field spectrum is derived and a physical interpration for each of its terms is provided

    Pre-K-Edge Structure on Anomalous X-Ray Scattering in LaMnO3

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    We study the pre-K-edge structure of the resonant X-ray scattering for forbidden reflections (anomalous scattering) in LaMnO3, using the band calculation based on the local density approximation. We find a two-peak structure with an intensity approximately 1/100 of that of the main peak. This originates from a mixing of 4p states of Mn to 3d states of neighboring Mn sites. The effect is enhanced by an interference with the tail of the main peak. The effect of the quadrupole transition is found to be one order of magnitude smaller than that of the dipole transition, modifying slightly the azimuthal-angle dependence.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp