355 research outputs found

    History and Philosophy of Science at the Crossroads of Doctoral Education’s Reforms: Polemical Notes

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    The article examines the importance of the discipline of “History and Philosophy of Science” in the context of a new model for training doctoral students. The Russian universities and institutions of higher education should begin its implementation in September 2021. The author analyzes the history of the development and implementation of the course of “History and Philosophy of Science” as an academic discipline, which took place against the background of transformations in doctoral education. The article shows that the significant efforts of the professional philosophical community aimed at conceptualizing the methodological and methodical foundations of the discipline were successful and played an important role in the process of training doctoral students. The professional community not only gave an adequate response to the challenge of the educational reform, but also used it as a chance for renewal, realization of its own scientific and pedagogical potential. The transition to a new model of doctoral education, taking into account the modern realities of the knowledge society, should take into account the need to form critical thinking in postgraduate students as the most important competence. The change of focus from educational training to research component should not lead to utilitarian approach implementation aimed at purely quantitative indicators. The high quality of training future researchers, and focus on the development of human capital meet the challenges posed by the contemporary knowledge society

    ВІМ-технології як метод оптимізації використання ресурсів в будівельній галузі

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    The article is devoted to the efficiency of using ВIM–technologies for implementation of modern requirements of reduction of terms and cost of design, development, optimization of design solutions based on experience in the design of new buildings and structures, provision of necessary information support of the investment project during its entire life cycle. The article describes a new approach for the design of a construction object.Information modeling of a building is an approach to design, construction, equipping, ensuring responsible operation and repair of a building (to control the life cycle of an object), which consists in accumulation and complex processing in the process of designing all architectural-design, technological, economic and other information about a building with all its interconnections and dependencies, when the building and the objects of its life support are considered as a single system.A three-dimensional model of a building or other construction object associated with a database in which each element of the model can be assigned all the necessary attributes. The peculiarity of this approach is that the construction object is designed in fact as a single whole: The change of any of its parameters automatically changes in its parameters and objects, up to drawings, visualization, specifications and calendar graphics.The use of the information model goes beyond the planning and design phase of the project, covering the entire life cycle of the building and supporting all processes, including cost management, construction management, project management, site operation and environmental management.ВIM is a process of optimization of design and construction. Optimization of design and construction is possible with the help of an information modeling method. Optimization of the duration of the work is proposed to be carried out by determining their duration, taking into account the optimal level of time reserve, at which the total losses associated with the downtime of the front of work, the crews of workers are minimized. ВIM-technologies is our future, which will improve Ukrainian construction.Стаття присвячена ефективності використання ВІМ-технологій для реалізації сучасних вимог скорочення термінів і вартості проектування, оптимізації проектних рішень на основі досвіду при проектуванні нових будівель і споруд, забезпечення необхідною інформаційною підтримкою інвестиційного проекту впродовж всього його життєвого циклу. Визначено, що програма з розробки та впровадження інформаційних технологій комплексної автоматизації проектування та підтримки життєвого циклу будівлі та споруди, необхідна для впровадження сучасних інформаційних систем і технологій, що підвищують ефективність виробництва, якість і конкурентоспроможність продукції та послуг підприємств будівельної галузі.Аналіз сучасного стану будівництва дозволив визначити, що сьогодні в Україні не спостерігається масове впровадження ВІМ-технологій. Освоєння інформаційного моделювання будівель відбувається, але носить, в основному, опосередкований характер і ніяк не стимулюється зі сторони держави. Для вирішення завдання із покращення ресурсного забезпечення будівництва, запропоновано використання інформаційного моделювання будівлі, результатом виконання якої є оптимізація використання обмежених виробничих ресурсів.Визначено переваги застосування інформаційної моделі об’єкту: моментальне отримання доступу до будь-якої інформації про об’єкт, якісний контроль робіт на всіх етапах, уникнення колізій у проектах, істотне скорочення вартості будівництва, а також більш раціональне використання ресурсів, збір і комплексну обробку архітектурно-конструкторської, технологічної, економічної інформації про об’єкт у процесі його проектування. Так, враховуючи усі взаємозв’язки між компонентами цієї інформації, інженери та архітектори можуть розглядати будівлю комплексно – як єдиний об’єкт.  У статті описаний новий підхід для проектування будівельного об’єкта, як єдиної системи в одній числовій моделі. Реалізація моделі на практиці дає можливість виявити резерви для вивільнення ресурсів та напрями їх використання, що сприятиме підвищенню рівня прибутковості виробництва за умови ефективного використання його ресурсного потенціалу

    Plasmon effect on triplet-singlet energy transfer in the dye-doped Langmuir-Blodgett films

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    The effect of silver plasmonic nanoparticles on triplet-singlet energy transfer in the donor-acceptor pair of organic dyes was studied. Layered dye films were prepared on the surface of glass and island silver films using the Langmuir-Blodgett method. Amphiphilic analogs of Rose bengal and polymethine dye were used as donor and acceptor of energy. A polymer monolayer was deposited between monolayers of donor and acceptor molecules to exclude the competing triplet-triplet energy transfer. The spectra of delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence of donor-acceptor films and the delayed luminescence lifetime of donor in these films have been measured. It is shown that a threefold increase in the fluorescence intensity and a twofold increase in the donor phosphorescence intensity are observed on silver island films. The successful triplet-singlet energy transfer is evidenced by both the quenching of donor centers and appearance of sensitized delayed fluorescence of the acceptor with the duration close to the donor triplet lifetime. In the presence of silver nanoparticles, in addition to enhancement in the intensity of the donor emission, an increase in the efficiency of tripletsinglet energy transfer was observed. The obtained results can be used in various optical devices

    Age-dependent, subunit specific action of hydrogen sulfide on GluN1/2A and GluN1/2B NMDA receptors

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    © 2017 Yakovlev, Kurmasheva, Ishchenko, Giniatullin and Sitdikova. Hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) is an endogenously produced neuroactive gas implicated in many key processes in the peripheral and central nervous system. Whereas the neuroprotective role of H 2 S has been shown in adult brain, the action of this messenger in newborns remains unclear. One of the known targets of H 2 S in the nervous system is the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor which can be composed of different subunits with distinct functional properties. In the present study, using patch clamp technique, we compared the effects of the H 2 S donor sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS, 100 µM) on hippocampal NMDA receptor mediated currents in rats of the first and third postnatal weeks. This was supplemented by testing effects of NaHS on recombinant GluN1/2A and GluN1/2B NMDA receptors expressed in HEK293T cells. The main finding is that NaHS action on NMDA currents is age-dependent. Currents were reduced in newborns but increased in older juvenile rats. Consistent with an age-dependent switch in NMDA receptor composition, in HEK239T cells expressing GluN1/2A receptors, NaHS increased NMDA activated currents associated with acceleration of desensitization and decrease of the deactivation rate. In contrast, in GluN1/2B NMDA receptors, which are prevalent in newborns, NaHS decreased currents and reduced receptor deactivation without effect on the desensitization rate. Adenylate cyclase inhibitor MDL-12330A (10 µM) did not prevent the age-dependent effects of NaHS on NMDA evoked currents in pyramidal neurons of hippocampus. The reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT, 2 mM) applied on HEK293T cells prevented facilitation induced by NaHS on GluN1/2A NMDA receptors, however in GluN1/2B NMDA receptors the inhibitory effect of NaHS was still observed. Our data indicate age-dependent effect of H 2 S on NMDA receptor mediated currents determined by glutamate receptor subunit composition. While the inhibitory action of H 2 Son GluN1/2B receptors could limit the excessive activation in early age, the enhanced functionality of GluN1/2A receptor in the presence of this gasotransmitter can enlarge synaptic efficacy and promote synaptic plasticity in adults

    Collinder 135 and UBC 7: A Physical Pair of Open Clusters

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    Given the closeness of the two open clusters Cr 135 and UBC 7 on the sky, we investigate the possibility of the two clusters to be physically related. We aim to recover the present-day stellar membership in the open clusters Collinder 135 and UBC 7 (300 pc from the Sun), to constrain their kinematic parameters, ages and masses, and to restore their primordial phase space configuration. The most reliable cluster members are selected with our traditional method modified for the use of Gaia DR2 data. Numerical simulations use the integration of cluster trajectories backwards in time with our original high order Hermite4 code \PGRAPE. We constrain the age, spatial coordinates and velocities, radii and masses of the clusters. We estimate the actual separation of the cluster centres equal to 24 pc. The orbital integration shows that the clusters were much closer in the past if their current line-of-sight velocities are very similar and the total mass is more than 7 times larger the mass of the determined most reliable members. We conclude that the two clusters Cr 135 and UBC 7 might very well have formed a physial pair, based on the observational evidence as well as numerical simulations. The probability of a chance coincidence is only about 2%2\%.Comment: Accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 5 pages, 2 figure

    Superconducting and magnetic properties of a new EuAsFeO0.85F0.15 superconductor

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    Polycrystalline samples of a new superconducting EuAsFeO0.85F0.15 compound with critical temperature Tc=11K were prepared by solid state synthesis. Its electric and magnetic properties have been investigated in magnetic fields from 0.1 to 140000 Oe. Critical magnetic fields Hc1, and Hc2 were measured and hence the magnetic penetration depths and the coherence length have been estimated. The temperature dependence Hc2 (T) exhibits clear hyperbolic - type behavior starting with the lowest fields. The data derived were used to estimate probable high Tc and Hc2 in compounds doped with rare-earths having small atomic radii.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 13 reference