3 research outputs found

    Study of physical-chemical stability in contaminated conditioners by bacteria

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    This work was carried out accelerated stability study that aims to provide data to predict the stability of the product. Emulsions were analyzed with and without preservatives, deliberately contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and samples with no contaminants. The test formulations were subjected to stress conditions to accelerate the emergence of signs of instability. The conditions used were: heating in oven (45 ± 2 ºC), cooling in the refrigerator (5 ± 2 ºC) and room temperature (22 ± 2 ºC). The samples were evaluated at time zero, 24 hours, 7, 15, 30, 60 and 90. We evaluated the organoleptic characteristics (appearance, color and odor) and the physico-chemical (pH, rheological behavior and density). Based on the results obtained in accelerated stability tests, it was observed that the inoculation of microorganisms do not result in significant changes and did not affect the physico-chemical properties, once the samples did not change, even though all situations in which theoretically would facilitate the process of instability. These results reflect the importance of microbiological control of cosmetic products, once the deliberate contamination of creams did not influence the physical stability of the formulation.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    <b>Verificação da atividade antibacteriana de sabonete líquido contendo extrato glicólico de Dimorphandra mollis Benth.</b>

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    Dimorphandra mollis Benth., Compositae, falsobarbatimão, é utilizada topicamente como cicatrizante, adstringente e antimicrobiano. No presente estudo, verificou-se a atividade antibacteriana de sabonete líquido contendo extrato glicólico de D. mollis (EGD) em diferentes concentrações (8, 15 e 20%) e em diferentes pHs (6 e 8). Foram preparadas cinco formulações (F) de sabonete: F1 - triclosan (0,1%), F2 - EGD (8%), F3 - EGD (15%), F4 - EGD (20%) e F5 - sem conservante. Cascas de D. mollis foram secas em estufa de ar circulante e pulverizadas. Os extratos brutos foram preparados por turbo-extração utilizando-se etanol. Após filtração, os extratos foram concentrados em evaporador rotatório, liofilizados e ressuspendidos em propilenoglicol para a obtenção do extrato glicólico. A atividade antibacteriana foi verificada pelo método de difusão em ágar, empregando cilindros em placa. Placas contendo Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Escherichia coli foram incubadas a 37ºC durante 24 horas. Após incubação, as leituras foram realizadas com paquímetro, observando-se o diâmetro do halo de inibição de crescimento bacteriano. Verificouse que o sabonete líquido contendo triclosan provocou inibição do crescimento bacteriano em ambos os pHs; já os sabonetes sem conservante e contendo EGD, independente da concentração e do pH empregados, não apresentaram atividade antibacteriana. <b>Palavras-chave</b>: Atividade antibacteriana. Sabonete líquido. Dimorphandra mollis Benth

    Development of an anti-aging cream with AHA/BHA and sunscreens

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    The skin aging is a matter of discomfort verified in the population. Thus, every day, new products are launched on the market to offer different manners to prevent the premature aging of the skin. In this context, active substances, as alpha and beta hidroxyacids (AHA/BHA), beyond the sunscreens, are considered a way of prevention and amelioration of the effects caused in the skin due to the time. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a cosmetic cream containing AHA/BHA and sunscreen. It was studied in relation to its physical-chemical and microbiological characteristics. According to the results, the formulation developed present a shelf life of 758 days and the preservative system was effective. Considering the parameters evaluated, the cream probably would be commercially accepted