3 research outputs found

    HUHEZIko (MU) Lehen Hezkuntzako Graduko ikasleen hizkuntza- eta kultura-identitatea

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    Ingurune urruti zein hurbilean gertatzen ari diren aldaketa sozioekonomiko nahiz kulturalek eragin zuzena dute gure hizkuntza- eta kultura-identitatean. MU-HUHEZIra datozen ikasle etorri berrien euskararen erabilerari eta euskal kulturaren pertzepzioari jarri diegu arreta, ikasle berrien profil horietan sumatzen diren aldaketen arrazoiak identifikatzeko. Helburu horrekin diseinatu zen lau urteko proiektuan, ikasleek EOSKOLA liburua irakurri behar izan zuten 2017-2018 ikasturtean; ondoren, elkarrizketa bat izan zuten egilearekin, eta, azkenik, galdetegi bati erantzun behar izan zioten. Egindako lanketatik ateratako emaitzek adierazi digute ikasleen hizkuntza-erabilera zein kultura-pertzepzioa askotarikoak direla, eta horri erantzuteko hizkuntza-konpetentziaren zein curriculumaren berrikuspena egitea —euskal dimentsioari arreta gehiago jarriz— beharrezkoa dela.Socioeconomic and cultural changes taking place in the far and near environments have a direct impact on our language and cultural identity. We focused on the use of the Basque language by the new students at MU-HUHEZI, and on their perception of Basque culture, in order to identify the reasons for changes observed in the profiles of these new students. In a four-year project designed for this purpose, the students first read the book EOSKOLA during the 2017-2018 academic year. They then had an interview with the author and completed a questionnaire. The results indicate that the students’ language use and cultural perceptions are diverse, and that in order to address this, it is necessary to review both language competence and the curriculum, with greater attention to the Basque dimension

    Association between prenatal exposure to air pollutants and newborn thyroxine (T4) levels

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    Background: Thyroid hormones play a key role in fetal and child development. Recent studies have linked prenatal exposure to atmospheric contaminants with changes in thyroid hormone levels in newborns, but the data from the few studies that have explored this issue are inconclusive. The present study aims to assess the association of total thyroxine (TT4) levels in newborns with weekly prenatal exposure to PM2.5 and NO2 and to identify sensitivity windows to exposure to air pollution in different developmental stages. Methods: This prospective cohort study included mother-child pairs from the INMA-Gipuzkoa project. Specifically, 463 mother-child pairs with data on PM2.5 and NO2 exposure during pregnancy and TT4 levels at birth were included. PM2.5 and NO2 levels were measured by high-volume aerosol samplers and passive samplers respectively during the women's pregnancies. TT4 levels were measured in heel-prick blood samples from infants. Data on maternal and infant covariates were gathered through questionnaires administered in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy and review of clinical records. Potential associations of PM2.5 and NO2 with TT4 levels over the entire pregnancy was assessed by linear regression models and DLMs were used to identify susceptibility windows. Results: The exposure of pregnant women to PM2.5 during pregnancy was positively associated with infant TT4 level at birth (β [95% CI] = 0.198 [0.091, 0.305]. DLMs identified three different sensitivity windows, one in the periconceptional period with a negative association between PM2.5 exposure and TT4 levels at birth, and a second (weeks 12–17) and a third one (weeks 31–37) with a positive association. In addition, the later the exposure, the stronger the association. In contrast, no association was observed between NO2 exposure and TT4 levels. Conclusions: The results indicate that prenatal exposure to PM2.5 could lead to a thyroid function impairment in newborns.This work is part of the INMA Project (INfancia y Medio Ambiente), which has received funding from the following organizations: Carlos III Health Institute (PI06/0867), Department of Health of the Government of the Basque Country (2005111093), Gipuzkoa Regional Government (DFG06/002) and the local councils of the study areas (Zumarraga, Urretxu, Legazpi, Azkoitia, Azpeitia and Beasain)

    Talking Pupils : the Arrue Proyect 2011 : research, results and contributions of experts

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    Este libro presenta los resultados del Proyecto Arrue 2011 y los enriquece con 23 artículos de expertos que analizan sus conclusiones. El Proyecto Arrue es un programa de investigación creado por el Clouster de Sociolingüística y aplicado al uso de la lengua vasca en la escuela.This book presents the results of the Arrue Project 2011 and 23 contributions covering experts’ views on and analyses of this research. The Arrue Project is a research programme on lenguage use by pupils in school, created by Soziolinguistika Klusterra.ES