90 research outputs found


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    In classical theory, the risk is limited to mathematical expectation of losses that can occur when choosing one of the possible variants. For banks, risk is represented as losses arising from the completion of one or another decision. Bank risk is a phenomenon that occurs during the activity of banking operations and that cause negative effects for those activities: deterioration of business or record bank losses affecting functionality. It can be caused by internal or external causes, generated by the competitive environment. The concept of risk can be defined as a commitment bearing the uncertainty due to the likelihood of gain or lossbanking system, credit risk, multiple regression.

    Credit Risk Management in Terms of Basel III

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    As volatility has become the dominant environment in which banks operate, they were put in a position to meet new challenges and to face greater risks, reason for the Supervisory Institutions to develop complex models for credit risk management. On the other hand the financial crisis has shown that Basel II has several shortcomings and must be upgraded so the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) proposed in the end of 2009 Basel III, a comprehensive strategy for regulation, supervision and risk management of internationally-active banks.credit risk, management, financial crisis, Basel III.

    Positive surgical margins in nephron-sparing surgery; the great unknown

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    There is a currently a general trend towards organ-preserving surgery, and urology is no exception. Specifically, nephron-sparing surgery (NSS) has gained general acceptance for T1a renal cell carcinoma (guidelines recommendations). Moreover T1b, T2 and even T3 stage tumors have been included on the nephron sparing list at some centers. An unresolved issue is that of positive surgical margins (PSM), not only their detection but also the implications for follow up and treatment. This paper highlights data available on risk factors for PSM, their clinical relevance, and possible therapeutic consequences. From the surgeon’s viewpoint, NSS is a daring and risky surgical procedure. Urological guidelines stress the importance of NSS, and thus the trend is moving in that direction. Unresolved, however, is the problem of PSM. Trifecta, MIC, and pentafecta are applicable concepts which attempt to define the optimal endpoint of NSS, but further elaboration is necessary. Specifically, research needs to focus less on the concept of definitive margins and more on their identification and avoidance. Although some studies suggest that PSMs do not influence overall survival rate, the basic idea of preserving tissue that is not cancerous leads to further medical, social, and psychological considerations


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    The aim of the research was to monitor the growth process of the Limousin calves from birth to weaning (six months old). The research was performed on S.C.TAOS.S.R.L situated in Covasna. In this farm, the rearing of the calves was not made by a technological guide. The maintaining system was outdoor, during summer on pasture, and in the winter season, in free stabulation. The calves had been grown along with the mother cows, having free access to the paddock. The base of feeding was represented by semi-hay, corn silage, barley straw and cereals (barley, wheat and corn) and grazing is made on lowland meadow. The introduction of vegetal food into the calves ration is done at 3 weeks old. In the first period (first month old), the daily gain was 666.7 g at heifers and 800 g at calves. In the second period (from one month old until weaning), the daily gain was 1120 g at heifers and 1200 g at calves. The stress of weaning was present only to the young females; for ten days, these were restless, having the desire for sucking and the appetite for feed has decreased. Their bodyweight has decreased with 12%, the differences being significantly (p ≤ 0.05)

    Positive surgical margins in nephron-sparing surgery; the great unknown

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    There is a currently a general trend towards organ-preserving surgery, and urology is no exception. Specifically, nephron-sparing surgery (NSS) has gained general acceptance for T1a renal cell carcinoma (guidelines recommendations). Moreover T1b, T2 and even T3 stage tumors have been included on the nephron sparing list at some centers. An unresolved issue is that of positive surgical margins (PSM), not only their detection but also the implications for follow up and treatment. This paper highlights data available on risk factors for PSM, their clinical relevance, and possible therapeutic consequences. From the surgeon’s viewpoint, NSS is a daring and risky surgical procedure. Urological guidelines stress the importance of NSS, and thus the trend is moving in that direction. Unresolved, however, is the problem of PSM. Trifecta, MIC, and pentafecta are applicable concepts which attempt to define the optimal endpoint of NSS, but further elaboration is necessary. Specifically, research needs to focus less on the concept of definitive margins and more on their identification and avoidance. Although some studies suggest that PSMs do not influence overall survival rate, the basic idea of preserving tissue that is not cancerous leads to further medical, social, and psychological considerations

    Aproximación a los factores diferenciales de los centros y zonas comerciales de Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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    Esta investigación es una aproximación realizada en el periodo mayo – junio del 2022 y que se centra en la características y factores que determinan el atractivo de los centros y zonas comerciales de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, en concreto, analizando el Centro Comercial Meridiano frente a la Zona Comercial Centro. Utilizando datos de estudios previamente realizados y publicados, que se emplearon para llevar a cabo una comparativa con el estudio desarrollado a continuación, además de una encuesta realizada por el propio equipo de investigación, se analiza cuáles son las características determinantes, desde el punto de vista de los consumidores tinerfeños, del atractivo de los distintos factores comerciales. Entre los resultados obtenidos, se observó que la existencia de un aparcamiento en el Centro Comercial Meridiano tiene un peso importante a la hora de determinar el flujo de personas que acude a dicha distribución comercial y su grado de atractivo, además de haberse analizado las posibles mejoras de cada una de las distribuciones comerciales.This research is an approximation carried out in the period of May – June 2022 and it focuses on the characteristics and factors that determine the attractiveness of shopping centers and commercial areas in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, specifically, analyzing Meridiano Shopping Center compared to the Center Zone shopping area. Using data from previously carried out and published studies, that were used to create a comparison with the study developed below, in addition to a survey carried out by the research team itself, the determining characteristics are analyzed, from the point of view of Tenerife´s consumers, of the attractiveness of the different commercial factors. Among the results obtained, it was observed that the existence of a car park in the Meridiano Shopping Center is very important when determining the flow of people who go to said commercial distribution and its level of attractiveness, in addition to having analyzed the possible improvements of each of the commercial distributions

    Correlation between the quality of the blonde beer originating from a profil unit in the North-East of Romania and food safety

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    Natural, traditional beer is an alcoholic beverage, naturally saturated with carbon dioxide, which is obtained from barley malt, water, hops and yeast for fermentation. This is the third most consumed drink in the world, after water and tea, and the oldest alcoholic beverage on the entire planet. In this context, the main purpose of the research was to analyze the quality of the different types of blonde beer within a profile unit in northeast of Romania. In order to identify the technological features of beer production, the technological flow within the study unit was followed. The researched material was represented by 20 blonde beer samples, which came from four different types of beer (Suceava clasic, Călimani, Bermas and Solca), produced in the study unit. The samples were analysed organoleptically and then subjected to physico-chemical analyzes, determining: apparent extract, real extract, pH, alcohol concentration, total acidity, bitter value and CO2 concentration. Sensory analysis was performed by the scoring method, evaluating the appearance, colour, smell, taste, CO2 impregnation and persistence of the foam, the four types of beer evaluated having a good or very good quality. pH is one of the most important parameters regarding the taste and beer stability, the values obtained falling within the range 4.35-4.8, imposed in the study unit by product standards. CO2 concentration is another important parameter, all four types of blonde beer falling within the range of 0.3 - 0.5%. After analyzing all the results obtained, it is concluded that these products comply with the quality standards imposed by the legislation in force