61 research outputs found

    Financing Investment Projects the Relationship between Feasibility Study and Business Plan

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    The common characteristics of the investment efforts, the high complexity and generated impact, have determined significant mutations in the approach to the concept of investment in agriculture, from a simple expense undergone with a direct purpose (the accomplishment of unique objectives, or the reparation of a status quo) to complex projects (deviating the flow of rivers, leveled terraces, irrigation works, etc.), characterized by specific phases, activities and instruments. Initially defined as an ensemble of activities with a specific beginning and end, with a time, resource and budget limit, completed with the purpose of reaching a defined objective, projects have practically become the main operational tool at the level of organizations, in the investment field.project, investment, agriculture, financing, feasibility study

    Fiscal Evasion – Principal Cause and Consequence of the Romanian Gradual Transition

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    Unknown or almost nonexistent till ’90 years, the phenomenon of tax evasion had abundantly flourished in the Romania’s transitional economy, covering all its fields with black spots, under many, various and harmful appearance. The first laws stipulating the profit and the salary taxes also had revealed the appetite of the contributors for the tax evasion, in a small measure at the beginning, of course, because of the economic spirit of those years. After the regulations for the value added tax and the excise taxes, as well as due to the innumerable modifications of the fiscal legislation, the fiscal evasion knew a considerable development and diversification, greatly stimulated by the controversies between the fiscal and the bureaucratic pressure.tax evasion, tax avoidance, fraud, fiscal ability, fiscal law, black economy

    Sustainable Development And Demography

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    Sustainable development is another philosophy of human society, where the main purpose is to ensure life on earth as a period of time. At the heart of this new philosophy is man wherever he occupied on earth. To lay the foundations of sustainable development each country must take into account demographic issues, because every man has the main role in this process aims. Also, any action taken must take account of sustainable development.sustainable development, demographic, equity, efficiency

    Possibilities and Financing Limits of Romanian Companies by the Share Market

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    The IT&C sector is one of the most dynamic of Romania’s economy. It is estimated, for instance, that in 2007 800,000 PCs will be sold, almost 33% more than in 2006. Figures showing similar growth trends are also estimated in business software companies and the Internet. These estimates favorable to IT&C companies make it necessary for them to find new means to finance their development. We propose to present the possibilities and financing limits by IT&C firms while listing on stock exchange, especially on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BST) as a part of the firm’s general financing.PC, Web service, Bucharest Stock Market (BSM), financing sources,Internet, direct foreign investment

    The Necessity for the Modernization of the Technical-Material Base of Agricultural Exploitations within the Process of Forming Competition-Economy

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    The necessity for the modernization of the production processes in agriculture resides in the fact that this is the most important means to raise agricultural productivity, especially in the long term, to reduce production costs and to raise economic profitability, with a direct positive impact on the raising of income for the ones who undergo their activity in the agricultural sector. The case study conducted in Galati county covers the 2006-2007 period regarding the situation of the tractor and agricultural engine fleet as well as the evolution of chemically applied fertilizer consumption.agriculture, agricultural engines, technical equipment, consumption, intake

    The Necessity for the Modernization of the Technical-Material Base of Agricultural Exploitations within the Process of Forming Competition-Economy

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    The necessity for the modernization of the production processes in agriculture resides in the fact that this is the most important means to raise agricultural productivity, especially in the long term, to reduce production costs and to raise economic profitability, with a direct positive impact on the raising of income for the ones who undergo their activity in the agricultural sector. The case study conducted in Galati county covers the 2006-2007 period regarding the situation of the tractor and agricultural engine fleet as well as the evolution of chemically applied fertilizer consumption.agriculture, agricultural engines, technical equipment, consumption, intake


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    This paper treats the methodology used in the product unit diagnostic analysis by entities where products are obtained in several subordinated entities with management autonomy. It also presents the relations based on which overall effects of the structural changes on cost per product unit are quantified, as well as the relations used in the analysis of some calculation items.cost per product unit; structure; constant costs; variable costs

    Fiscal Evasion – Principal Cause and Consequence of the Romanian Gradual Transition

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    Unknown or almost nonexistent till ’90 years, the phenomenon of tax evasion had abundantly flourished in the Romania’s transitional economy, covering all its fields with black spots, under many, various and harmful appearance. The first laws stipulating the profit and the salary taxes also had revealed the appetite of the contributors for the tax evasion, in a small measure at the beginning, of course, because of the economic spirit of those years. After the regulations for the value added tax and the excise taxes, as well as due to the innumerable modifications of the fiscal legislation, the fiscal evasion knew a considerable development and diversification, greatly stimulated by the controversies between the fiscal and the bureaucratic pressure

    Fiscal Evasion – Principal Cause and Consequence of the Romanian Gradual Transition

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    Unknown or almost nonexistent till ’90 years, the phenomenon of tax evasion had abundantly flourished in the Romania’s transitional economy, covering all its fields with black spots, under many, various and harmful appearance. The first laws stipulating the profit and the salary taxes also had revealed the appetite of the contributors for the tax evasion, in a small measure at the beginning, of course, because of the economic spirit of those years. After the regulations for the value added tax and the excise taxes, as well as due to the innumerable modifications of the fiscal legislation, the fiscal evasion knew a considerable development and diversification, greatly stimulated by the controversies between the fiscal and the bureaucratic pressure

    Critical Analysis of the Sharpe Ratio: Assessing Performance and Risk in Financial Portfolio Management

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    The Sharpe Ratio, serves as a crucial tool in assessing the relationship between return and risk. This study proposes a critical analysis of the Sharpe Ratio, addressing not only its practical applicability but also its involvement in the decision-making process for investors and portfolio managers. The aim of this research is to uncover the depth of interpretation of the Ratio, surpassing its simple use as an efficiency indicator. A detailed evaluation of the factors influencing the outcome of this ratio is proposed, along with an analysis of its impact on investment decisions. The primary objective of the study is to investigate thoroughly the components of the Sharpe Ratio and how they can provide a more nuanced perspective on performance. This critical analysis makes significant contributions to understanding and applying the Sharpe Ratio in the complex context of financial markets, offering crucial insights for those involved in the investment decision-making process