19 research outputs found

    Hakase no Aishita Suushiki dan terjemahannya Rumus di Hatinya: analisis kognitif terjemahan menurut teori Model-Meta

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    Eksplorasi kognitif dalam bidang terjemahan mengkaji proses terjemahan melalui dua jenis pendekatan iaitu concurrent verbalization iaitu hasil kajian ke atas penterjemah apabila melakukan kerja terjemahan menggunakan kaedah Think Aloud Protocol, analisis keylogging atau eyetracking manakala retrospective verbalization pula merekod data dari penterjemah selepas kerja terjemahan selesai dilakukan. Kajian kognitif dalam bidang terjemahan masih terlalu menumpukan kepada langkah-langkah yang berlaku semasa kerja penterjemahan dilaksanakan dan kurang memberi tumpuan terhadap proses kognitif yang berkaitan dengan latar-belakang budaya yang mempengaruhi penterjemah ketika membuat keputusan semasa melaksanakan tugas penterjemahan. Penterjemah merupakan seorang perantara yang memproses teks sumber dalam konteks dan budaya asal dan menghasilkan teks sasaran dalam konteks dan budaya berbeza. Proses kognitif yang berlaku dalam penterjemahan secara khususnya ialah persepsi penterjemah akibat dari pemprosesan maklumat realiti sekeliling penterjemah itu. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian retrospektif yang melihat kepada analisis kognitif iaitu persepsi penterjemah Normalis Amzah apabila beliau menterjemahkan novel Hakase no Aishita Suushiki karya Yoko Ogawa dalam bahasa Jepun ke bahasa Melayu ‘Rumus di Hatinya’. Kerangka teori Model-Meta diaplikasikan untuk melihat bagaimana penterjemah melakukan proses kognitif iaitu persepsi terhadap realiti teks sumber dan teks sasaran dalam proses terjemahan. Berdasarkan teori Model-Meta, proses kognitif seorang penterjemah dibentuk oleh tiga proses pembentukan persepsi utama iaitu generalisasi, pengherotan dan pengguguran. Penerokaan persepsi penterjemah ini dapat memberi gambaran proses yang berlaku sebelum penterjemah memilih strategi atau pendekatan penterjemahan. Penerokaan proses kognitif penterjemah ini bukan sekadar menjawab persoalan apa pendekatan yang dipilih tetapi menghuraikan mengapa penterjemah memilih pendekatan tersebut. Selain melihat kepada persepsi penterjemah, kajian ini juga membincangkan pendekatan yang diambil oleh penterjemah sama ada pendekatan penterjemah lebih menekan unsur asing foreignization atau cuba mendapatkan pengekalan unsur budaya sasaran iaitu domestication. Dapatan kajian mendapati proses generalisasi paling kerap digunakan dan penterjemah dilihat cenderung mengambil pendekatan domestication. Apabila penterjemah mengaplikasikan proses pengguguran, hasil terjemahannya menunjukkan kecenderungan kepada pendekatan foreignization dalam menterjemah. Proses pengherotan pula berlaku apabila penterjemah merasakan terdapat pertentangan antara unsur budaya bahasa sumber dengan budaya bahasa sasaran demi memastikan jalan cerita atau koheren teks tidak terganggu. Dapatan kajian ini juga menunjukkan kajian retrospektif boleh merekod proses kognitif iaitu persepsi penterjemah apabila menterjemahkan teks yang mengandungi budaya dasar yang terdiri daripada kepercayaan, tradisi dan nilai untuk mengikut kesesuaian dan penerimaan pembaca sasaran

    Promoting Decompartmentalised Learning Through Topical Presentation and Reflective Diary Writing

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    AbstractThe intended learning objectives of SKBL3113 Psikolinguistik includes possessing a firm understanding of psycholinguistic knowledge and applying the knowledge in other linguistic disciplines. Unfortunately, learners have difficulties in achieving these goals. Thus, this paper presents the intervention the course instructor made through topical presentations and reflective diary writing to assist undergraduates recall what they learned previously and remember what they were learning in SKBL3113 Psikolinguistik longer. Results show that learners who scored high marks in the topical presentations and reflective diary writing eventually did well in their quiz – an indication that decompartmentalised learning have begun to place

    Meanings of near-synonyms and their translation issues in the Holy Qur'ān

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    The Holy Qur'ān includes near-synonyms which have seemingly similar meanings but convey different meanings upon deeper analysis of the semantic constituents of these words. Such near-synonyms usually pose a challenge that often presents itself to the translators of the Holy Qur'ān. This study investigates the meanings of near-synonyms and their translation issues in the Qur'ān. It aims to identify the contextual meanings of Qur'ānic near-synonyms based on different exegeses of the Qur'ān. Then, it explains the nuances that exist between the pairs of Qur'ānic near-synonyms and how such nuances are reflected in two English translations of the Qur'ān. The study adopts the Relation by Contrast Approach to Synonyms (RC-S) as a theoretical framework for data analysis. It also employs the qualitative approach for collecting and analyzing the data of the study. Besides, it makes use of different exegeses of the Qur'ān to identify the differences in meaning between each pair of the Qur'ānic near-synonyms. The analysis of the data reveals that there exist some nuances between the pairs of Qur'ānic near-synonyms in terms of denotative and expressive meaning. The findings also show that the differences in meaning between the pairs of near-synonyms are not reflected in the English translations. Therefore, the study recommends that readers as well as translators should look for nuances between Qur'ānic near-synonyms whenever they find two words with similar meanings in order to perceive the Qur'ānic text appropriately and translatorsshould makeaneffort to reflect the nuances between the pairs of near-synonyms in their translation

    The interplay of Qur'ānic synonymy and polysemy with special reference to al-asfār and al-kutub (the books) and their English translations

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    This study investigates the meanings of the near-synonyms al-asfār and alkutub (the books) and their English translations. It aims at identifying the contextual meanings of the Qur'ānic near-synonyms based on different exegeses of the Holy Qur'ān. Then, it explains the semantic differences that exist between the Qur'ānic pair and how such semantic differences are reflected in two English translations of the Holy Qur'ān. Besides, it highlights the meanings of the polysemous lexical item alkutub (the books) in different Qur'ānic contexts and how the various senses of this lexical item are transferred to English. The study adopts the RC-S approach as a theoretical framework for data analysis. It also employs the qualitative approach for collecting and analyzing the data of the study. The exegeses of the Holy Qur'ān are consulted to identify the semantic differences between the Qur'ānic near-synonyms as well as the meanings of the polysemous lexical item alkutub (the books). The findings reveal that there are some semantic differences between the selected Qur'ānic near-synonyms and that such semantic differences are not reflected in the English translations. The findings also show that the polysemous lexical item alkutub (the books) and its singular formal-kitāb (the book) are literally translated in some Qur'ānic contexts. The study provides recommendations for readers as well as translators especially the translators of the Holy Qur'ān

    Multimodal communicative acts of Thailand’s private hospital website promoting medical tourism

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    Websites of private hospitals are significant channels for delivering the communicative acts in relation to information of hospitals’ facilities and expertise to international medical tourists. However, studies that involved communicative acts have mainly focused on examining the language mode. It overlooked the multimodal perspective which hinder prospective international medical tourists from receiving the intended promotional messages. This study, therefore, aims to examine multimodal realisations of representative and commissive communicative acts in Thailand’s private hospital website. Within Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) perspective, Halliday & Matthiessen’s model of textual analysis (2004) and Daneš’ classification of thematic patterns (1974) were utilised for language analysis, while Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2006) framework was adopted for visual analysis. Three webpages from a Thai private hospital website were analysed in relation to theme types and thematic progression for textual function in language analysis, and information value, saliency and framing elements for compositional function in visual analysis. Results based on the analysis of the communicative acts in the selected webpages aimed to inform and persuade prospective medical tourists. The multimodal communicative acts created a technologically established, sophisticated, reliable and caring representation of Samitivej Hospital through the high occurrence of unmarked themes, reiteration patterns, salient visuals and absence of framing. The findings provided communicative strategies to promote medical tourism to copywriters, website designers and medical tourism stakeholders in designing such websites

    Perkhidmatan terjemahan dalam-talian Malaysia: satu kajian awal

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    Dalam era globalisasi ini, pengetahuan dan penggunaan komputer serta Internet tidak boleh dipandang ringan. Pelbagai laman web menawarkan perkhidmatan terjemahan termasuk syarikat yang berpusat di Malaysia. Kertas ini merupakan satu kajian awal yang bertujuan membina satu kompendium perkhidmatan terjemahan dalam laman web oleh individu dan syarikat swasta di Malaysia. Kajian ini diharap dapat menyumbang kepada maklumat tentang aktiviti terjemahan dalam-talian di Malaysia khususnya kerana ketiadaan maklumat sebegini. Ini penting untuk memberi sedikit sebanyak gambaran mengenai industri terjemahan di Malaysia masa kini. Kertas kerja juga akan membincangkan perkhidmatan terjemahan dalam-talian dalam konteks yang lebih luas

    The Use of Corpus and Frame Semantics in a Lexicography Class: Evaluating Dictionary Entries

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    AbstractIn a lexicography class, linguistics students are taught the principles of arranging dictionary entries with the application of theories. There is also a need for the students to evaluate existing dictionary entries as well. Due to the importance of corpus use in a lexicography work (Atkins & Rundell, 2008), students were introduced to a Malay corpus and the Frame Semantics (Fillmore et al., 2003). Students were taught how to analyse the meaning of a word based on the frames and frame elements. The use of DBP-UKM 5 million Malay corpus and the framework of Frame Semantics were found to be beneficial in assisting students to evaluate the verb entries of memerlukan and mencari, two highly frequent verbs in Malay. Students were able to evaluate the two verb entries from the Kamus Dewan 4th Edition (KD4), a monolingual dictionary, and the bilingual Intelek Malay-English Dictionary (IMED). Students’ analysis findings will be presented and a few recommendations on teaching lexicography will be discussed in this paper