9 research outputs found

    Professional certification: Promoting and recognising successful teaching practices

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    This paper focuses on the challenge of developing a system forrecognising and rewarding accomplished teachers operated by the teaching profession – a standards-based professional learning and certification system. While the focus is on recent Australian experience, it draws on the experience of several countries that have sought to reform teacher career structures and pay systems so that there is a closer alignment between career progression and increasing expertise. Over the past twenty years or so, teacher associations in several countries have demonstrated that the profession has the ability to reach a consensus on teaching standards without imposing uniformity of teaching style. These standards indicate that the profession can lay down long term professional development goals for its members based on research and successful professional practice. A standards-based professional learning and certification system has the potential to overcome major limitations in traditional systems of professional learning for teachers: the lack of clarity about what teachers should get better at; the lack of incentive to attain high teaching standards, and the low level of ownership and control teachers have over the professional development system

    National Curriculum and National Professional Standards: Potentially a Powerful Partnership

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    The author discusses the potential impact on Australian education of the creation of the interim National Curriculum Board (NCB) and subsequently the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and of the National Partnership on Quality Teaching (NPQT). The author argues that their roles should be seen as distinct, but complementary and mutually reinforcing – which has important implications for the new national curriculum, the success of which will depend fundamentally on the willingness and capacity of teachers to meet related standards

    A Study of Work Practices in Tasmanian Government Schools: Final report to the Australian Education Union – Tasmanian Branch

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    The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) conducted an online survey of members on behalf of the Tasmanian Branch of the Australian Education Union (AEU). The survey, which was open to teachers, school leaders (principals and assistant principals) and education support staff working in Tasmanian government schools and offices, was available to the majority of members of the Union in August 2017, and remained open for four weeks during Term 3. The survey was based on one conducted for the Victorian branch of the AEU in 2016. The survey of the work of union members in Tasmanian government schools focussed on the hours of work by school staff, staff perceptions of their work, and the relationship between work practices and the quality of teaching. More than 3000 teachers, school leaders and education support staff completed the survey, a response rate of 60%

    Attracting the best and brightest to teaching

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    Creating increasing demand for teacher education from high achieving students is an important step in improving outcomes in our schools, as Lawrence Ingvarson explains

    School improvement and a strong professional learning community

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    School leaders and teachers are improving the quality of teaching and student outcomes by strengthening their school as a professional learning community. Lawrence Ingvarson explains how

    Teaching talent : the best teachers for Australia\u27s classrooms

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    Australian business leaders want to see reforms to school education that improve learning outcomes and opportunities for all students. If we are to continue to compete effectively in the global market, the quality of our education system needs be among the best in the world. Research has shown that improving the quality of teaching is the most effective way to achieve better educational outcomes for individual students. Excellent teaching is the key to increased student engagement and higher levels of achievement, regardless of student background

    Teacher learning and continuous professional development

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    This chapter discusses teacher learning and professional development ofout-of-field teachers from the point of view of the literature. It examines what makesthis kind of learning and development effective and explores the ideas surrounding the varying rationale for the introduction of such teacher learning and professional development opportunities. Classical approaches to professional developmentare discussed in addition to several emerging international models of professionaldevelopment that are currently being employed in the Republic of Ireland, Englandand Australia for in-service out-of-field teachers of mathematics predominantly butalso a range of other subject disciplines (in the case of South Korea). Details of thestructure of each of the models of professional development for in-service teachersare outlined using a country case study approach. Comparisons are made betweenthe techniques employed in each country to upskill out-of-field teachers in specificdisciplines. This chapter also proposes an international framework for teacher learning and professional development for out-of-field teachers that encompasses the bestaspects of each country’s approach