127 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Homogeneity from Ore-bodied in Nigeria for Secondary Mineral Prospective

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    Samples from ore–bodied areas at different locations in Papalanto and Ifo in Ogun-State, South-West of Nigeria, where Ewekoro cement industry is situated, were analyzed so as to recover some secondary minerals of economic value. The following parameters were evaluated, conductivity, turbidity, colour, pH and other chemical parameters. Variations of Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), sulphate, nitrate, phosphate, chloride ion contents, and temperature were also studied. Mineral-forming heavy metals were in the ranges Fe: 89.0–1080 mg/l; Mg: 869–1120 mg/l; Pb: 23–80 mg/l; Zn: 180-480 mg/l. The concentration of nitrate is 20-35 mg/l; phosphate: 8-80mg/l; Dissolved Oxygen (DO): 30–45 mg/l; Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): 89-900 mg/l; pH: 6.1-8.5; Conductivity: 10-18μs/cm3 and temperature ranged between 25-27oC. Also in the tabulation are the results of the homogeneity of four geochemical explorations from other Nigerian ore-bodied environments for comparison. Correlations of some of the physical and chemical parameters have been established with the view of providing conditions for the formation of secondary minerals and the types of such minerals expected from the studied areas. The minerals may include the following groups of minerals: Adelite, Melilite, Cancrinite and Copriapite. The study apart from the present knowledge on ore-based baseline also present information on the pollution studies of the area under investigatio

    Maintenance Of Water Through The Development Of Activated Carbon Filter From Local Raw Materials.

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    111~ aim of til~ work is~~~ tltm:lop actiJ•tttedt:!"bmljilter fronr local ruw:materlttls su#f' 'us ba~1boo a11d cm:ollut;sllells to ti~UIIJlllill qllu/ltJ• ll'illel' }Or fttltllllll COII!IIIRIJ'!(Oit, by rcn~I)J>/ng odours, CO/our, taste U1f1 fheauculs. To UCfli~lli! tl1e mued o1111, fill auaeroblc fum~ce tif 9kg capacity wus tleslg,'/l!d iflld develope¥ for a'''ilffl''"m operutbllf tel/tpet:aturc of lOOfi'C. The raw I~UJterlllls 1/Si!tl for. actlVf!ted carbon a{!! ba~tboo ami CII~Jfttut ~lteff,si • A qllalttiry of 6kg ba111boo was mea&·ured and fed mto tile ftml ace ji~r four /lours of ltell(htg 111 tit~ 11b~te11ce tif ~yg{!JI; a tu. tempern/Jlre of90U' C. The experiltlettt WIL\' repetltetlll•itll tile st1111e qllautlty of coco1~Ut sflt:lls as tt/ bamboo. : Tkf ~ctivated carbt11i tif tke i11aterials was. gt01111d &'eparule/)' ill a mortttr wit/1 a pestle, Ulld sie\>6ti1Lf,lng BritMr a!'to sizye f1r9ker of di/Jere11t s~s; wltlc}t was used to flllfl/yse mutld)• li'IUI!l~ Tl1e result slliJwed tlrat. tlte le••el of coittaifrina!Z{S .i{etie significantly redr(ced,· coconut activated carbtm· was fi•uml to be beteer th1t11 bamboo lllltl' actiV«ted rviifr filf~'' ti/('!icles is more eff~eiellt itJ Wtller. filtratio/1. It can dum be cmrcludecl that activatetl ettrbrm from loc«l raHi muteria(f {Ike coco1111t shells tuut [Jumbos, W/1/ch are CORIIn0/1 iu Aft·icll, Cllll be IISI!d lillllfl{lltJliiiiJllflfi(.J' II'Uter for ftU~IUII cOIISff"fD01t


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    This study investigate.d students engineering career prospect among secondary school pupils iu Kaduna state by questionnaires and oral interviews. Percentage technique was listed to break down ihe data presentation aud analysis. The reslult shows that 24%, of the total number of respondents are willing to study engineering, 12% of this number are willit1g to study agricultural and mechanical engineering, I 3<i~~ civil; 16%, electrical; 10%, chemical; 20°/o, petroleum, 3%; f(x ceramic and other engineering is 14%. The performances of the pupils in the required subjects for engineering courses in the past ten years, that is, 1991 to· 2000 were also revealed. The: average percentage in English Language and Further Mathematics · is 43.0o/o, Mathe.nw• ics, 40.3°/o; Physics, 39.7%; Chemistry, 54.7%; Agricultural :science, 83.6'%; Technjca1 Drawing, 46.5%; Economic, 76.6<io, Wood and Metal Works, 57 .1l% .. The average percentage of the prospective engineering pupils for the past ten years in Kaduna slate was approximately 6o/o, which is very low. This led to the conclusion that some of tl1e problems responsible for t11is low output are lack or Htcilitics and inadequate teachers in these science subjects in many of these schools. Recommendations on how to improve the low output have been made in the pape

    A Study Of Physical Properties OF Selected Nigerian Clays For Furnace Brick Lining Production

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    The physical properties of some clay deposits from six locations ~pread over three States in Nigeria have been investigated for furnqce brick lining (refractory) production The principal jJroperfies of the clays determined were: sticking point tempera.ture, sinlering temperature, cold crushing strength, bulk density, appatent porosity, shrinkage/growth and thermal shock resistance. Shuwari clay has a refractoriness of 150rfC, apparent porosity, 14.02%, bulk density, 1.88 Mgm·3 • cold crushing strength, 7. 75 MPa. shrinkage/growth, 1.52% and thermal resistance of 6 cycles. Pulka clay has J sintering temperature of 125rfC wilh corresponding refractoriness of 140rfC, cold cntshing strength, 9. 25 lvfpa, apparent porosity, 15.87 %, bulk density, 1.61kfgm-3 and thermal shock resistance 1 cycle. Ngala clay has a low firing temperatun; of 1 OOO"C, sintering temperature, 120(/'C. Its cold crushing strength. apparent porosity and thermal shock resistance were not determined Ubulu-Uku clay sintering temperature was 1700"C, its estimated refractoriness 1900"C; apparent porosity, 17.0 %, bulk density 1. 70 Mgm-3 , and its estimated ·thermal shock resistance was 14 cycles. Ememukohwarien clay has sintering temperature of 140ffC. estimated refractoriness. 1650°C, cold cmshing strength, 7.74 1vfpii, bulk density. of 1. 78 Mgm·3 , apparent porosity, 16.77% and thermal shock resistance of 12 cycles. ljetu clay has sintering temperalure of 145rfC, estimated refractoriness, 170ifC, cold crushing strength was J 7.21 !vfpa, bulk density, 1. 7 4 Mgm·3 , apparent porosity, 15. 70% and thermal shpck resistance 12 cycles. The possible areas of application of the clays have been suggested in this paper


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    A Locally made cutting fluid emulsion of l5% concentration was formulated. M:tchinniJility tcsls wca·c condudcd on medium carbon steel using a single point ·high-speed steel (I-ISS) cuHing tools to determine the effectiv~ness of the formulated cutting fluid. The cutting speeds of 24, 27, 30, 33, and 361\1/min were used. The· flanks wear land and nose wear of the tool wcr·c measured after each machining interval using mitutoyo toolmaiH·rs microscope with a magnification of 30. It was found that the tool wear charadrris(ics and tool life, using the locally formulated cutting fluid were in close ag:·£_~J1Cllt wiJJLJh~- PTE'!YL<?.!ILJ1'Drks. The maximum deviation of 4.3% on flanf{-w-ca-i=-and 8.9% on nose wear were recorded

    The Effect of Accidents On The Productivity Of Some Companies In North-Eastern States Of Nigeria

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    A case study was carried out on five major companies in the NorthEastern States of Nigeria, to evaluate the effect ofindustrial accidents on their productivi~)'· The companies were Ashaka Cement Plc Gombe State, Savannah Sugar Company Adama'vva State, Asbestos Nigeria Limited Bauchi State, Maiduguri Flour Mill and Nigeria Bottling Company Pic Maiduguri both in Barno State. Data for t(1is study were based partially on companies pe1formance records over ten years which emanated from the questio.nnaires for tli~ workers on th.e pr~duction line, lora/ intervi~w of the semor personnel m the productwn !me and lastly by collectmg data t{u-ough their records. Percentage method was used to analyse result. The result showed that the causes of accident in all companies are due to carelessness of the workers and to "some extent lack of maintenance of the machine. There was no accident of material handling in four of the companies except in Savannah Sugar Company. Tlze result also indicate that the production capacity of Ashaka Cement Pic declined by 18.56% because of accident. Also Nigeria Bottling Company and Maiduguri Flour Mill liad their production capacity declined hy 16.67% and 40% respectively. However, the production capacity during accidents of Savannah Sugar Company and Asbestos Nigeria Pic could not be ascertained due to poor record keeping. 77~e management of t!tese companies could reduce the acci.dents and improve 011 their productivity through training in safety measure

    'The Effect of Various Heat Treatn1ents on the Hardness of Some Nigerian Steels

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    Two indig~nous steel, NST 37-2 and NST 60Mn were sruJi~d ro detem1ine rhe effect of various heat treannent!: on c.'leir hardness. Resulrs indicate lha! warer seems to be m•l>t efficient quenching medium where maximum hardne$s is rcquin:d. Howel'er, when: har\iness can be sacrificed, mineral oil can be used for qucn.;hing. NST 60Mn SLC:el, wilh higher manganese and carbon contents sbowed greater hardness at fast cooling rate. This grearer hardness was due to the greater amount of mancnsitic rransfonnation and precipitation hardening of carbides (Fe3C)._ Tbe air-cooled samples did nor sh'"' much increase in hardness ·because, !he stee-ls transfoml more imo ferrit~ and \'tl)' lirrJc of pearlire. The lechnologi;:~l importance of rhe results obuined in relation to Nigerian Stmcrural Adjusuncnl Programme (SAP} are discussed

    The Beneficial Effect Of Higher Molybdenum Content In Reducing Brittleness In Some Higher Strength Manganese Steels

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    •The beneficial effect of molybdenum in reducing brittleness in manganese steels were tested by adding 2-4% molybdenum in proportions to manganese alloys betweer, 10-14?~. The specimens of the alloys were solution treated under vacuum furnace at 9')0°C, '10)0°C and 11)0°C for 1 hour and then air cooled. Furthermore, these were tested for mechanical properties a.t room temperature. The broken specimens were examined by using the scanning electron microscope to ascertain that the mode of fractographs of the alloys solution treated at higher temperature, was intergranular at lower molybdenum content. The beneficial effect of a larger amount of molybdenum (1about l1~~), in re.ducing the susceptibility to intergranular embrittlement, was noticed in· the alloy. iuggestions were made in this paper on how a larger amount of molybdenum (about 4?.\) was found to prevent embrittlement in high slrength manganese s tee 1

    Heat Treatment Of Some Nigerian Constructional . Steels And Its Technological Application

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    if(~,:~::'::c~igerian constructional steils, NST 37-2 and NST 60Mn, were ~. ': h_eat· treated in various temperature ,, : quenching media of water, ·.mineral oil and air .to ascertain ti ... :1ardness for manufacturing purpose. Results indicate that water seems to be the most efficient ouenching media where maximum hardness is required. However, where hardness can be used for quenching. NST 60Hn steels, with higher Mn and C contents, showed greater hardness at fast coolin~ rates. This greater hardness was due to the greater amount of martensitic transformation and precipitation hardening of carbides (Fe 3C2.. ·The air-cooled samples did not show much increase in hardening because the steels transform more into ferrite with very little pearlite. The technological importance of these results are discussed in this paper to help the local manufacturing companies in adopting any of the quenching media above, which would suit their needs after the heat treatment. By so doing, the much needed spare parts for machinery in Nigeria in particular, and Africa 1n general can be produced locally
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