154 research outputs found


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    To better understand and analyze the education of evidence-based practice, it is necessary to review the context and premises of the formation of evidence-based practice itself. The beginning of the evidence-based practice movement in the teaching of health professionals’ dates back to 1910 and looking at the health care system; first, there was evidence-based medicine. In 1990, Sackett's initiative at McMaster University in Canada, it was decided to change the term "evidence-based medicine" to "evidence-based practice" (Mackey Bassendowski, 2017; Thom Eaves, 2015). In nursing, the beginning of evidence-based practice is linked to the reforms of nursing science and practice by the first nursing researcher, Florence Nightingale, from 1854 to 1910, although the term of “evidence-based practice” was not yet known at the time. The professional training of nurses as one of the leading health professionals is related to health policy and the development of nursing science. The European Qualifications Framework (EHEA) defines the expected learning outcomes for professionals with a bachelor's degree, including the skills to find, evaluate, reflect, and apply scientific information in practice (Bologna Working Group, 2005). Despite international and national recommendations, it is difficult for many higher education institutions to refine the steps of teaching evidence-based practice in nursing study programs. These difficulties are revealed by the ambiguity in the definition of the concept of evidence-based practice (Horntvedt et al. 2018).The problematic question is: What is the basis for integrating evidence-based practice training into college nursing study programs?The study is based on the scientific literature review.


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    The study analyses the role of reflection in the context of professional improvement as one of the assumptions for profession competence of the social pedagogues. It is noted that reflection of professional experience is important in the preparation of the specialists providing social pedagogic assistance and in the improvement of their competence to act in both defined and undefined professional situations. Applying the qualitative research it has been established that in order to improve the provision of social pedagogic assistance it is important to continuously reflect on own professional activity. The research has established that reflection is one of the factors of the competence of specialists of  the social pedagogics, since reflection of individual experience allows to consider actions, practicable methods, to foresee the results and the impact on the situation, on other people and on the person

    Assistance to Children Exposed to Domestic Violance: Situation in Lithuania

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the organisation of assistance for children after domestic violence experience in Lithuania. The methods of scientific literature, analysis of strategic document and legal acts, synthesis and generalisation were used. The main findings:Children in Lithuanian mostly experience physical aggression, but in recent year’s case of psychological violence are becoming more and more frequent. Increase of psychological violence against children allows to believe that specialists of Child‘s Rights Protection divisions as well as other specialists more actively and successfully identify the children that experience psychological violence and manifestations of such violence and apply corresponding measures. The legal framework for prevention of violence against the child is and the child‘s health care has been created. In cases of violence against children support to the victim and his/her family is provided and coordinated systematically by specialists of various fields and institutions, according to the needs of the victim. The complex support required by the children after experienced violence and their families (psychological, social, legal and psychiatric) is basically provided by non-governmental organizations the most of which are located in the major cities. In more remote places for the suffered children and their families it is really confusing to get support, especially the lasting one

    ugdymuiSI PALANKIOS APLINKOS KŪRIMAS Vaikų socializacijos centre

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    Although according to the description of the operational model of the children’s socialisation centre it is necessary to create friendly, comfortable and safe environment for the child, social adaptation of children in socialisation centres is usually a complicated process. The aim of this article is to analyse how the environment favourable for self-education of a child who is granted the average care measures is created in the community of children’s socialisation centre. The article analyses the results of the research conducted from March to May 2011. By employing the method of a questionnaire survey, 124 (79 % of the general population) 13–17 year old school pupils from six children’s socialisation centres were surveyed. While analysing the research data the descriptive statistics; χ2 (Chi-Square), Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis criteria have been applied. The research results revealed that during the adaptation period a child accommodated in the socialisation centre is provided with relevant support; positive pedagogical interactions prevail; interests of the learners are taken into account with a view to meeting their educational and self-expression needs. Through participation in the education activities children are taught to learn, communicate, collaborate, control own feelings and resist peer pressure and influence. The system of pre-vocational education has been developed in the children’s socialisation centres and the majority of children realise that they may pursue further formal education and acquire profession. KEY WORDS: child, children’s socialisation centre, community

    Saviugdos formavimosi kontekstas

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    Self-directed learning as a targeted individual’s own controlled cognitive process is oriented to the full development of personality and is very important for the formation of a mature personality. However, there are rare scientific sources that help to reveal the holistic formation context of self-directed learning and self-development processes, presenting specific features. Therefore, the aim of this article is to verify theoretically and empirically the most important aspects of the formation context of self-directed learning. Accordingly, two objectives are formulated: to analyze the conception of self-directed learning and to reveal the formation incitements of self-directed learning phenomenon in personal perspectives. Researches have raised the following issues: how is the self-directed learning phenomenon perceived, what are its origins, what constitutes self-directed learning, what are the process features of self-development, what are the techniques of self-directed learning, what is the value of self-directed learning in self-formation, etc.? We have marked several conclusions after scientific literature analysis and empirical research (in-depth interviews). First, self-directed learning is a substantial method of personal development, which stimulates to create a harmony of whole human internal potential by conscious, well-organized individual activities to pursue own targets and to decide on acceptable ways of self-development. It also involves a conscious process of self-education, which relates to self-knowledge, sense of life, changing behaviour, formation of values and continual learning to self-improvement in creating harmonious relationships with other people. Second, the formation context of self-directed learning depends on various factors and self-formation incitements. The main incitements for the formation of self-directed learning are described as personality factors: strong changing motives, self-consciousness, the willpower to change and the results of self-improvement. The need for personal transformation arises because of the dissatisfaction of recent life (costs of failure, growing unhappiness or frustration) and positive traction (admiration of specific human experience, charisma). Self-consciousness depends on personal desire to understand the phenomena that cause dissatisfaction, personal maturity analysis of one owns constant activity and behaviour, internal motivation for self-improvement and preparation to organize and realize self-directed learning as a method. The willpower to change is associated with the courage to overcome ourselves, determination to negotiate difficulties and to live according to our values in the name of peace and harmony with ourselves. The results of self-directed learning (as an incitement for the selfformation process) occur via positive impacts: growth of self-confidence for the acquired skills to manage ourselves and marked changes in ability to communicate.Saviugda kaip kryptingai paties individo valdomas pažinimo procesas, nukreiptas į visapusišką asmenybės tobulinimą, yra labai svarbi brandžios asmenybės tapsmui. Vis dėlto mokslinių tyrimų, padedančių atskleisti visuminį saviugdos formavimosi kontekstą bei pateikiančių konkrečius saviugdos proceso ypatumus, stokojama. Šio straipsnio tikslas – teoriškai ir empiriškai pagrįsti svarbiausius saviugdos formavimosi konteksto aspektus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti saviugdos sampratą bei atskleisti saviugdos fenomeno formavimosi paskatas asmenybinių veiksnių aspektu. Keliami šie probleminiai klausimai: kaip suvokiamas saviugdos fenomenas; kokios yra saviugdos atsiradimo prielaidos; kas sudaro saviugdos turinį; kokie yra saviugdos proceso ypatumai; kokie yra saviugdos būdai; kokią reikšmę suteikia saviugda asmenybės vystymosi procese? Tyrimui atlikti taikyti mokslinių šaltinių analizė bei empirinis tyrimas (giluminius interviu). Nustatyta, kad saviugda – esminis asmenybės tobulinimo metodas, kurio tikslas yra visų žmogaus vidinių galių darnos siekimas sąmoninga, tikslinga bei organizuota individo veikla, siekiant paties nusistatytų tikslų, pasirinktų priimtinų saviugdos būdų. Saviugdos formavimosi kontekstas priklauso nuo įvairių veiksnių ir būtiniausių saviugdos paskatų, kurių svarbiausios susijusios su asmenybiniais veiksniais: susiformavę motyvai keistis, savimonė, valios pastangos keistis ir saviugdos rezultatai. Kaitos poreikį lemia asmenį netenkinanti situacija (patirtos nesėkmės, augantis nepasitenkinimas ar nusivylimas) ir pozityvi trauka (sužavi konkretaus žmogaus patirtis, charizma). Savimonę skatina asmens noras suprasti nepasitenkinimą sukeliančius reiškinius, asmenybės brandą rodo nuolatinė savo veiklos ir elgsenos analizė, vidinė motyvacija saviugdai ir pasirengimas organizuoti ir realizuoti saviugdą. Asmens valios pastangos keistis siejamos su drąsa įveikti save, pasiryžimu įveikti sunkumus ir gyventi pagal savo vertybes siekiant santarvės ir harmonijos su savimi. Saviugdos rezultatai (kaip saviugdos proceso paskata) pasireiškia per patirtas teigiamas pasekmes: pasitikėjimo savimi augimas dėl įgytų gebėjimų save valdyti ir pasikeitusių gebėjimų bendrauti


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    The article aims to reveal the context of occurrence of ethical dilemmas providing social in-home services. The paper analyses situations experienced by social workers that determine the occurrence of ethical dilemmas in the provision of in-home services. The study involved 6 social workers providing in-home services with the work experience in service provision from 10 to 14 years. The research data collection method is the semi-structured interview. The data obtained in the interviews were analysed using the descriptive analysis method. Analysing the situation of social in-home services recipients it was observed that social in-home services are provided to the elderly, who, because of illnesses or age, are not able to look after themselves at home, who do not get help from relatives or such help is insufficient. It is stated that not all potential clients accept or get social in-home services. The article distinguishes the following factors influencing the occurrence of ethical dilemmas: conflicts of values, the wish of clients or of their relatives to deny the significance and meaningfulness of the services provided, ill-founded requirements of clients and their relatives, derogation of the professional status of the social worker, the conflict between personal and organizational values and the capability of the social security system

    Konsultuojamojo ugdymo kompetencijos taikymo galimybės socialinių darbuotojų rengime: teorinės prielaidos

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    There are different kinds of occupations that vary from day to day, getting more complex and requiring new knowledge and skills in this modern world. Economic developments and the rapidly changing needs of members of the public encourage schools to frame the outcomes which are oriented towards responding to the exclusive competences depending on nowadays. The social workers who provide assistance to the client (person or group) take an important role in this period of change. Social worker activities are focused on activation and empowerment of the client, so in order to provide with adequate and effective assistance, the specialist must be able not only advise costumers on how they can get help from various social institutions, but also to provide coaching. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the theoretical assumptions of development opportunities of coaching competence in social worker training. Coaching is understood as the motivation and help in achieving specific goals, and is also self-directed learning based on cooperation. The importance of coaching as an innovative approach to social worker education is displayed in supervision during which people learn how to solve problems together. The study found that the coaching competence in social worker practice is one of the essential skills, developing leadership, management skills in social work and enabling clients to strengthen their power in solving personal problems. Coaching competence development and in-depth training of social workers is one of the most important phenomenons in social work practice, by encouraging clients to solve independently their own problems, to adapt to the changing conditions of society and to integrate into the labor market.Šiuolaikiniame žinių ir informacijos pasaulyje kinta ir sudėtingėja visų sričių darbuotojų profesinė veikla, reikalaujanti naujų žinių ir gebėjimų. Ekonominiai pokyčiai ir sparčiai besikeičiantys visuomenės narių poreikiai skatina aukštąsias mokyklas formuluoti studijų rezultatus, orientuotus į laikmetį atliepiančių, išskirtinių kompetencijų ugdymą. Svarbų vaidmenį šiame kaitos laikotarpyje atlieka socialiniai darbuotojai, teikiantys pagalbą klientui (asmeniui ar jų grupei). Socialinių darbuotojų veikla yra orientuota į kliento aktyvinimą ir įgalinimą, todėl norėdamas asmeniui suteikti tinkamą ir veiksmingą pagalbą, specialistas turi gebėti ne tik konsultuoti klientus, kokią pagalbą jie gali gauti iš skirtingų socialinių įstaigų, bet ir atlikti konsultuojamojo ugdymo funkciją. Šio straipsnio tikslas – atskleisti konsultuojamojo ugdymo kompetencijos taikymo galimybių socialinių darbuotojų rengime teorines prielaidas. Konsultuojamasis ugdymas vertinamas kaip motyvacijos skatinimas ir pagalba klientui pasiekti konkrečius užsibrėžtus tikslus ir saviugda, grįsta bendradarbiavimu. Konsultuojamojo ugdymo kaip inovatyvaus mokymo metodo svarba socialinių darbuotojų rengime išryškėja supervizijose, kuriose ne tik sprendžiamos aktualios darbinės problemos, bet ir mokomasi, kaip jas kartu spręsti. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad konsultuojamojo ugdymo kompetencija socialinių darbuotojų praktinėje veikloje tampa vienu iš būtiniausių gebėjimų, plėtojančių socialinio darbuotojo lyderystės, vadybos įgūdžius ir įgalinančiu stiprinti kliento galias pačiam spręsti iškylančias problemas. Konsultuojamojo ugdymo kompetencijos plėtotė ir gilinimas į socialinių darbuotojų rengimą tampa viena iš svarbiausių socialinio darbo praktikoje, nes skatina klientus savarankiškai spręsti savo problemas, siekiant prisitaikyti prie besikeičiančios visuomenės sąlygų ir integruotis į darbo rinką

    Šiuolaikinė didaktika

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    Sparti įvairių visuomenės gyvenimo sričių raida, nuolatiniai socialinės ir ekonominės sistemos struktūros pokyčiai bei technologijų plėtra kelia naujų iššūkių švietimui ir su juo susijusiems procesams. Edukacinės paradigmos kaita inicijuoja modernaus ugdymo turinio, naujų metodų ir strategijų, inovatyvaus požiūrio atsiradimą. Atnaujintas ugdymo turinys, kai daugiausia dėmesio skiriama mokinio kompetencijoms ugdyti, kelia naujų reikalavimų ir mokytojams, privalantiems tinkamai organizuoti ugdymo procesą. Vienas iš svarbiausių kokybinių pedagogų rengimo ir jų kompetencijų tobulinimo veiksnių – šiuolaikinė didaktika. Mokymo priemonių šiuolaikinės didaktikos tematika Lietuvoje stinga, todėl šio vadovėlio tikslas – pateikti šiuolaikinę didaktiką kaip moky mo(si) proceso organizavimo pagrindą, ugdymo mokslo ir praktikos sintezę. Tam tikslui autorės remiasi ne tik savo pedagogine patirtimi, bet ir gausių mokslo šaltinių bei dokumentų analize. Vadovėlyje pateikiami ir sisteminami įvairūs mokymo(si), refleksijos bei įsivertinimo metodai. Pabrėžtina, kad nėra pasenusių ar absoliučiai idealių mokymo(si) metodų, nes tie, kurie gali būti tinkami vienokiomis aplinkybėmis, galbūt visiškai netiks kitokiomis

    Socialinio darbo praktikos bendruomenėje organizavimas mokymosi mokytis kompetencijos ugdymo aspektu: studentų požiūris

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    Contemporary university teaching/learning paradigm highlights the importance of learning to learn competence. Hence, the article analyses the organization of social work practice in community through the aspect of developing learning to learn competence. Research objectives include: - establish the prerequisites of developing learning to learn competence during social work practice in community; - reveal students’ opinions on the organization of social work practice in community through the aspect of developing learning to learn competence. Quasi-experiment design has been chosen for the research, which focuses on one group evaluation before and after the field experiment. The research sample is 58 fourth-year Bachelor program for social work MRU students, who studied alternative optional study subject – social work practice in community. Questionnaire based survey was applied to carry out the research on the change of learning to learn competence self-assessment. Based on competence portfolio content analysis, the reasons of the change in learning to learn competence self-assessment were revealed. The research showed that the development of learning to learn competence during social work practice in community is promoted by the application of the direct experience social worker preparation model, the main accent of which is student life experience or direct work experience, based on which competences and knowledge necessary for work in community could be developed. Future social workers’ learning to learn competence development is mostly influenced by purposefully selected practice tasks, which are focused on learning through active participation, seeking to take into account the foreseen study results and real community needs. Tasks focused on learning through active participation and community problem solving give the basis for the development of student learn to learn competence. Possibility to constantly reflect personal activity is important in seeking effective organization of social work practice in community and the development of learning to learn competences necessary for this work.Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas socialinio darbo praktikos bendruomenėje fenomenas kaip mokymosi mokytis kompetencijos prielaida. Mokymosi mokytis gebėjimų gilinimas ir plėtojimas taip pat svarbus būsimiems socialinio darbo profesionalams. Mokymosi mokytis kompetencijos ugdymo prielaidos socialinio darbo bendruomenėje praktikoje siejamos su praktikos organizavimu. Tinkamai organizavus socialinio darbo praktikos bendruomenėje modelį studentams sudaromos sąlygos analizuoti ir mokytis iš savo patirties, kritiškai įsivertinti įgytus gebėjimus. Straipsnio tikslas – išnagrinėti socialinio darbo praktikos bendruomenėje organizavimo mokymosi mokytis kompetencijos ugdymo aspektu vertinimą. Studentų mokymosi mokytis kompetencijos įsivertinimo pokyčio tyrimas ir kompetencijų aplankų analizė rodo, kad mokymosi mokytis kompetencijos socialinio darbo bendruomenėje praktikos metu ugdymą įgalina tiesioginis į mokymąsi iš patirties orientuotas socialinių darbuotojų rengimo modelis. Būsimųjų socialinių darbuotojų mokymosi mokytis kompetencijos ugdymą daugiausia lemia praktikos užduotys, parinktos tikslingai, orientuojant į mokymąsi veikloje, siekiant atliepti numatytus studijų rezultatus ir realius bendruomenės poreikius. Siekiant veiksmingai organizuoti socialinio darbo praktiką bendruomenėje ir plėtoti šiam darbui būtinas mokymosi mokytis kompetencijas, svarbi galimybė nuolat reflektuoti savo veiklą