985 research outputs found
Directive speech acts intent to make other people to do something. The speaker tries to get
another person to take action. Keith Allan (1986) puts directive speech acts into six
categories; requestives, questions, reqirements, prohibitive, permissive and advisories. This
study attempts to seek directive speech acts in the compilation of Betawinese short stories
Sebelas Colen di Malam Lebaran: Setangkle Cerita Betawi written by Chairil Gibran
Ramadhan, and classifies them based on the six types of directive speech acts proposed by
Allan (1986). Since directive speech acts show the relationship between the speaker and
the hearer, it is of interest to reveal the politeness strategy as it is used to show awareness
of another person’s face related to social distance or closeness. This study is expected to
provide findings of how Betawinese as potrayed in the characters of short stories Sebelas
Colen di Malam Lebaran: Setangkle Cerite Betawi choose the politeness strategy to deliver
their directive speech acts. Four strategies of politeness proposed by Brown and Levinson
(1987) will be used in this study. Qualitative method will be applied to determine the type
of directive speech acts and the type of politeness strategy
Smartphone saat ini merupakan kebutuhansetiap masyarakat. Hal ini terlihat dari semua kalanganmenggunakannya terutama untuk kebutuhan hiburandalam hal ini adalah berselfie. Karena hal itu banyakvendor-vendor merek smartphone android yangmenciptakan smartphone dengan spesifikasi yang tinggi,karena banyaknya pilihan smartphone android selfie yangberedar di pasaran. Salah satu cara mengatasi masalahtersebut adalah dengan adanya suatu metode yang dapatmemberikan rekomendasi sebagai bahan pertimbanganuntuk pengambilan keputusan secara tepat. Penelitian inibertujuan membuat sistem pendukung keputusanpemilihan smartphone android selfie dengan menerapkanmetode Analytical Hierarchy Process yang dapatmenyelesaikan masalah dengan cara membandingkanantara smartphone android selfie satu dengan yang lain.Adapun yang menjadi kriteria dalam pertimbanganpemilihan smartphone android selfie yaitu harga, jenis layar,kualitas kamera, kapasitas memori, baterai. Hasil daripenelitian ini berupa kesimpulan perhitungan data darikuesioner yang disebar kepada mahasiswi dalam memilihsmartphone android selfie yang dapat dijadikan bahanpertimbangan untuk pengambilan keputusan dalammemilih smartphone android selfie yang paling banyakdipilih mahasiswi dengan menerapkan metode AnalyticalHierarchy Process sehingga diperoleh hasil yang terbaikdalam pengambilan keputusan
Peran Internal Audit dalam Implementasi Enterprise Risk Management berupa Pelaporan Kerusakan Prosedur Risiko.
Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) by Internal Audit in an orga-nization or company becomes important because Internal Audit is expected to help the organization achieve its objectives by approaching systematic and discipline to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance process. As for which affects it is the involvement of internal auditors, the relation-ship of the audit committee with the internal auditor, and ERM.This study aims to analyze the involvement of Internal Audit in Enterprise Risk mana-gement implementation. Internal auditors should assist both management and audit committees in risk management responsibilities and supervisory roles by examining, evaluating, reporting and recommending improvements to the adequacy and effec-tiveness of risk management processes. An interesting issue is whether internal auditors involved in corporate risk management have a link to the willingness of internal auditors to report to the audit committee.The population in this study are the internal auditors and audit committees who working in companies manufacturing and financial services. The reason for determining the company is because the researcher wants to know how internal audit is involved in ERM implementation on that entity. The sample used in this research is internal auditor at private company and at Banking in this case internal auditor at local bank.The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis with SPSS version 23 pro-gram. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption test, F-statistic hypothesis test to test influence together with 5% confidence level and use t-statistics to test partial regression coefficients. This re-search was conducted to analyze how much influence the role of Internal Audit in applying Enterprise Risk Management in the implementation of Audit.The result of this research is that the high level of internal auditor involvement in Enterprise Risk management implementation has no significant and significant im-pact on reporting of damage to risk management procedures. This indicates that the role of internal auditors in corporate risk management does not affect the reporting of damage to corporate risk management procedures. While the characteristics of strong relationships between internal auditors and audit committees positively and significantly influence the reporting of risk procedures, this indicates that internal audits that have strong internal audit-audit committee relationships strongly support internal auditors who have high involvement to report damage Greater risk procedures
Metode Proses Desain dalam Penciptaan Produk Fashion dan Tekstil
Proses desain sering digunakan dalam metode penciptaan desain produk secara umum maupun dalam bidang desain mode, yang telah dipublikasi oleh jurnal-jurnal internasional sejak 1900an hingga saat ini. Proses desain telah dieksplorasi di banyak disiplin ilmu, termasuk desain interior, teknik, perencanaan lingkungan arsitektur, tekstil dan pakaian. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah menyajikan macam-macam metode proses desain dalam bidang desain mode yang telah dimuat di jurnal internasional ranking Q1 dan Q2 berdasarkan Scimago Journal & Country Rank. Dari hasil review diperoleh tiga macam metode proses desain, metode pertama yaitu kerangka konseptual desain pakaian, tiga tahap proses desain, dan double diamond model (model berlian ganda). Kerangka konseptual desain pakaian (apparel design framework), terdiri dari 6 thap: identifikasi masalah, ide-ide awal, perbaikan desain, pengembanga prototipe, evaluasi, dan implementasi. Pada metode pertama ini juga membahas kriteria dalam membuat pakain berdasarkan kebutuhan pengguna yang disingkat sebagai FEA (Fuctional, Expressive, Aesthetic). Metode kedua adalah tiga tahap proses desain, yang meliputi: definisi masalah dan penelitian, eksplorasi kreatif dan implementasi. Metode ketiga adalah double diamond model yang meliputi empat tahap yaitu: menemukan, mendefinisikan, mengembangkan, dan menyampaikan. Artikel ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan penulisan metode pada artikel ilmiah dari proyek/ tugas akhir mahasiswa maupun program-program penelitian lain.
The design process is often used in the method of creating product designs in general and in the field of fashion design, which has been published by international journals since the 1900s until now. The design process has been explored in many disciplines, including interior design, engineering, architectural environmental planning, textiles and clothing. The purpose of this study is to present various design process methods in the field of fashion design that have been published in international journals ranked Q1 and Q2 based on Scimago Journal & Country Rank. From the review results obtained three kinds of design process methods. The first method is apparel design framework, a three-stage design process, and a double diamond model. The apparel design framework consists of 6 stages: problem identification, initial ideas, design refinement, prototype development, evaluation, and implementation. In this first method, it also discusses the design criteria based on user needs which are abbreviated as FEA (Fuctional, Expressive, Aesthetic). The second method is a three-stage design process, which includes: problem definition and research, creative exploration and implementation. The third method is the double diamond model which includes four stages: discover, define, develop, and deliver. With this article, it is hoped that it can be used as a method in articles from student final projects / assignments and other research programs
Implementing Project-Based Learning (PBL) in Final Collection to Improve the Quality of Fashion Design Student
Fashion design education is one of education that prepares students to work in fashion design field. Students research future fashion trends, sketch designs, select colors, fabrics and patterns, and give instructions on how to make the products they designed. Fashion design education not only nurture and develop student's creative skills, it also teaches essential practical skills such as production techniques and material properties, to create a final product. According to this, new educational methods and strategies are needed in order engage students in the learning process and guarantee higher quality. Project-based learning (PBL) is example of educational approach that takes in account student-center learning. Project based learning (PBL) provides opportunities for students to build these qualities, as well as more deeply learn traditional academic content and understand how it applies to the real world. The methods of Literature review will apply in this research. Literature searches process through journal, proceeding and book. Literature searches are also undertaken most using computer and electronic databases. PBL methodology enhances students learning and improves students' confident, technical skill, soft skill and prepare graduate for professional practice. The benefit of implementing PBL are increase team work skill and student motivations, articulation between theory and practice, inquiry and problem solving
Implementasi E-learning dengan Metode Asynchronous untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Pembelajaran dengan Pendekatan Tam Studi Kasus pada Smk Insan Kreatif
The development of information technology and is rapidly increasing in this era of globalization, it was probably inevitable again, one of which is the development of Internet technology in all fields, not least in the field of education. SMK INSAN CREATIVE as an educational institution has a problem in transforming the conventional education into digital form,the problem is the lack of time that occurs between teacher and student communication, the difficulty of finding information or material that is taught, and the difficulty of teachers in the delivery of content to students.For learning E-Learning system, more focused on providingeducation and training materials as learning evaluation was done. And communication between students and students, teachers and teachers, and students and teachers to be able to interact with one another. As the process of learning to be more interactive with each other. Digital learningactivities undertaken include obtaining materials, and interactive exercises. The results of the exercise undertaken by the student, can be used as a parameter of learning success that has been done. Communication can be done on the E-Learning system, among others, the communication between students and students, teachers with teachers, and teachers with the students. Communication has been hampered by limitations of distance and time can now be addressed.Because of the researcher to build and design the application of web-based E-Learning to enhance the students' learning motivation. Hopefully, by the application of E-Learning these teachers will be easier to deliver material to be conveyed and for students to better understand the material provided, as a method of learning is given more interactive and fun
Application of problem based instruction’s model in science about food additive and its relation with healthy have purpose to describe feasibility of RPP IPA, student activity, student result, and student responses during and after study. In this study, used two class, are experiment class which use problem based instruction’s model and the other class use guided discovery’s model. Analyze of data with t’ test show result that application produce different average of study result. From calculating, different average of study result experiment class and control class, t is 10, 70 and than that result have compared with t of table with 5% signification as 1,668. These results show that t’ calculate bigger than t table so zero’s hypothesis is rejected. Beside that, the result examined again with right t test and got t as 10.70, this result bigger than t as 1, 69 so zero’s hypothesis is rejected again. The meaning is application of problem based instruction’s model give average of study result higher than guided discovery’s model. This study conclusion is application of problem based instruction’s model give average of study result higher than guided discovery’s model. Keywords: problem based instruction’s model, guided discovery’s model
Analisa Penerapan Animasi Interaktif sebagai Media Pembelajaran IPA pada Sman 7 Bekasi
The application of multimedia is used as to process the teaching to be made, interactive easy to digest by all the students.By learning based multimedia that is tools of knowledge management the process of development knowledge not only happened indoors class course, where teachers give the subject matter in direct, but with equipment supply computers, application program multimedia and tissue, the students can actively involved in learning process independently to visit library and other facility equipped facilities learn to use multimedia to improve performance students in a school.This research use the the theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with data analysis using structural equation modelling (SEM) of the software analysys of moment structure (AMOS) verslon 7.0. Variable used in this approach is latent exogen variable as independent variable ( x or ability to use computers and endogenous variable latent as the dependent variable (y): performance of expectancy (pe), effort expectancy (ee), social influence (si), facilitating precedent (fc), attitude toward technology (at), symbolic adoption (sa)
Modul matematika SMP program BERMUTU: eksplorasi program pengolah angka sebagai media pembelajaran matematika SMP
Modul 1 berisi tentang pengembangan Excel untuk media pembelajaran bilangan.Pada bagian ini akan dibahas pemanfaatan formula dan fungsi yang tersedia dalam Excel untuk melakukan operasi hitung sederhana. Selain itu akan dibahas pula bagaimana cara membuat program aplikasi interaktif menggunakan Excel terkait operasi hitung sederhana bilangan bulat.
Modul 2 berisi tentang pemanfaatan fungsi untuk menghitung ukuran pemusatan dan membuat distribusi frekuensi. Selain itu akan dibahas bagaimana memanfaatkan fasilitas grafik untuk membuat diagram batang, sekaligus membuat aksesorisnya, yaitu: memberi judul, memberi keterangan/label pada sumbu horisontal dan vertikal, mengubah atau memberi warna,
menambah atau menghilangkan grid, memberi label data, dan
melebarkan batang. Pada akhir bagian ini diberikan contoh aplikasi interaktif tentang pembuktian peluang menurut definisi empiris beserta cara membuatnya.
Modul 3 : berisi tentang pengembangan formula untuk menentukan penyelesaian sistem persamaan linear dua variabel dan pembuatan grafik interaktif garis lurus menggunakan fasilitas Control Tools dan tanpa Control Tools
Penerapan Teknik Quilting pada Baju Pesta dengan Sumber Ide Merpati Hijau dan Calathea
The green pigeon has beautiful wings dominated by green color. Calathea leaves are oval, striped motif. This study aims to provide a descriptive description of the process of making and finishing the finished party dress by taking the idea of green doves and Calathea leaves, using quilting techniques. This research method uses three stages in the design process (a three stages design process) consisting of problem definition and research, creative exploration and implementation. The initial stage of determining the concept of a women's party dress design that took inspiration from green doves and Calathea leaves focused on feminine and masculine styles. In the second stage, making moodboards and developing ten sketches of women's party dress designs were used as references. The two selected designs were realized through making construction patterns. At the implementation stage, quilting ornaments are applied as the main focus or center of attention in party attire. The process of making quilting uses satin, crinolin, and brocade. The end result of party wear is as expected, by creating dresses that combine feminine and masculine styles. The fashion style looks feminine with a slim bottom skirt and looks masculine at the top using an outer that looks straight and dashing
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