393 research outputs found

    Chiral phase transition of bulk Abelian gauge theories in the Randall-Sundrum brane world

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    The chiral phase transition of strong-coupling Abelian gauge theories is investigated in the brane world. It is assumed that gauge boson propagates in an extra dimension, i.e. bulk gauge theories. The phase structure is analytically evaluated by using the low-energy effective theories. We also numerically solve the ladder Schwinger-Dyson equation for the full fermion propagator including Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitation modes of the gauge field. It is found that the chiral phase transition is of the second order, and the critical value of the coupling constant is obtained. The extra dimension has a large influence on the chiral phase transition for the Randall-Sundrum (RS) brane world. It is studied how the number of KK modes affect the chiral phase transition.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, REVTe

    Structure of Chiral Phase Transitions at Finite Temperature in Abelian Gauge Theories

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    The mechanism of the chiral symmetry breaking is investigated in the strong-coupling Abelian gauge theories at finite temperature. The Schwinger-Dyson equation in Landau gauge is employed in the real time formalism and is solved numerically within the framework of the instantaneous exchange approximation including the effect of the hard thermal loop for the photon propagator. It is found that the chiral symmetry is broken below the critical temperature T for sufficiently large coupling. The chiral phase transition is found to be of the 2nd order and the phase diagram on the T−αT-\alpha plane is obtained. It is investigated how the structure of the chiral phase transition is affected by the hard thermal loops in the photon propagator.Comment: 15pages, uses epic.sty and eepic.st


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    The isozymes of mammalian thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) contain the penultimate selenocysteineresidue (SeCys) in the redox-active C-terminal tetrapeptide, -Gly-Cys-SeCys-Gly (end). Amutant form of the mammalian enzyme TrxR-X498C in which SeCys is replaced with Cys showsa dramatically decreased catalytic activity, suggesting that SeCys residue plays an integral role inthe catalysis. In contrast, TrxR of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has no selenium in the corresponding C-terminal redox sequence, which instead of SeCys has flanking serine residues in the terminal sequence, -Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser (end). Because the catalytic activity of Dm-TrxR is comparable to that of the mammalian selenoenzyme, we introduced the serine residues at the corresponding positions of the recombinant TrxR-X498C and mimicked the redox center of the fruit fly TrxR. However, the catalysis remained as low as the Cys mutant of the selenoenzyme, suggesting that the additional structural features are still required for the tetrapeptide to function as a redox center. MOPAC calculation suggested that the complete motif might involve the hexapeptide sequence, which includes a proline residue, -Pro-X-Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser (end). The proline-containing motif is conserved among other insect TrxRs such as those of honeybee and fruit fly.ほ乳類チオレドキシン還元酵玠は末端配列-Gly-Cys-SeCys-Glyendの埌ろから番目にセレノシステむンSeCys残基を持぀SeCys をシステむンに倉換するず酵玠の掻性は倧きく䜎䞋するのでSeCys 残基が觊媒掻性に必須であるこずが分かるこれに察しおキむロショりゞョりバ゚のチオレドキシン還元酵玠Dm-TrxRの末端配列にはセレンが含たれずシステむン残基の察が぀のセリンに挟たれた配列-Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser (endを持぀それでも Dm-TrxR はほ乳類のセレン含有酵玠ず同皋床の觊媒胜を瀺すわれわれはヒト肺チオレドキシン還元酵玠に Dm-TrxR の末端テトラペプチド配列を導入しおその効果を調べたしかし酵玠掻性はたったく䞊昇せずDm-TrxR の末端のテトラペプチド配列-Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser だけでは Cys 残基のチオヌル基を掻性化する効果はなかったそこで分子軌道蚈算 MOPAC を甚いお酞化還元機胜を担うための末端配列モチヌフを探玢したその結果テトラペプチドにさらに぀先のプロリンたでを含めた Pro-X-Ser-Cys-Cys-Serendにより初めお酞化還元モチヌフずしお機胜する可胜性が瀺唆されたPro を含むこの配列モチヌフはミツバチや蚊などほかの昆虫の TrxR でも保存されおい

    Purification and Characterization of l-Methionine Decarboxylase from Streptomyces sp. 590

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    L-Methionine decarboxylase [EC] catalyzes the decarboxylation of L-methionine and is a pyridoxal 5’-phosohate(PLP)-dependent enzyme. L-Methionine decarboxylase has been purified 630-fold by DEAE-Toyopearl 650M, Phenyl-Toyopearl 650M and Sephacryl S-300 column chromatographies from Streptomyces sp.590. The enzyme has a dimeric structure with identical subunits of Mr 60,000. This enzyme shows optimum activity at pH7.0 and 45°C, and is stable between pH5.7 and pH9.0. L-Methionine decarboxylase has antitumor activity against RERF-LC-AI and HeLa cells. Ten N-terminal amino acid sequence of L-methionine decarboxylase was determined, and the sequence showed no homology with other reported proteins

    Identification of Ornithine-lactam Converted from Arginine in Streptomyces incarnatus NRRL8089

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    Sinefungin is a nucleoside antibiotic, in which a molecule of L-ornithine is linked to the 5' end of adenosine through a C-C bond. The antibiotic was isolated from the culture broth of Streptomyces incarnatus. For the purpose of detecting intermediate of sinefungin biosynthesis, resting cell suspensions were incubated with supplemental L-arginine, and L-ornithine. 50mM Arginine was converted to a compound X that has low polarity. 50mM ornithine was not converted and remained in reaction solution. Compound X was purified using HPLC, and analyzed using (1)H-NMR and FAB-MS. These analyses showed that a compound X is "ornithine-lactam" (Mw114), which has a structure of circularized ornithine. These results indicated that S. incarnatus has an enzyme that converts arginine to ornithine-lactam. Such an enzyme has never been reported, and suggested that it may be relevant to sinefungin biosynthesis.シネフンギンは抗真菌抗マラリア掻性を有する栞酞系抗生物質であり攟線菌 S. incarnatus により生合成されるシネフンギンはアデノシンずオルニチンが結合した構造であり無现胞抜出液での取り蟌み実隓からアルギニンず ATP から生合成されるず掚枬されるアルギニンオルニチンを S. incarnatus の䌑止菌䜓反応系ぞの投䞎を行いシネフンギン䞭間䜓の探玢を行ったその結果50アルギニンは24時間以内に䜎極性化合物ぞず倉換された䞀方50オルニチンは倉換されず反応液䞭に残存したHPLC で化合物を粟補し1HNMRFABMS での分析の結果オルニチン環状モノペプチド「オルニチンラクタム」分子量114であるこずを明らかにしたこの結果は S. incarnatus がアルギニンからオルニチンラクタムぞの倉換酵玠を有する事を瀺唆するこのような酵玠の報告䟋はこれたでになくニ次代謝酵玠であるこずが瀺唆されシネフンギン生合成ずの関連性に興味が持たれる


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    Semiempirical molecular orbital calculation (MOPAC) was used to estimate the enthalpy difference (ΔH) between the reduce and oxidized states of the C-terminal rebox center of human thioredoxin reductase. Heat of formation was computed by WinMOPAC 3.5Pro for the model peptides, N-Acetyl-Ser-Ile-Leu-Gly-X1-X2-Gly, whose-X1-X2-sequence was-Cys SeCys-(natural sequence), -SeCys-Cys-(reverse sequence), -Cys-Cys, and-SeCys-SeCys-. Calculation by Hamiltonian AM1 and PM3 agreed that the oxidized state with selenosulfide bonds and a diselenide bond were more favoralbe than their reduced states. Only the peptide that contained-Cys-Cys-sequence was shown to have lower enthalpy when the two Cys were in the reduced form. It has been reported that substitution of SeCys498 to Cys results in the mujtant TrxRs retaining only about 1% of the enzyme activity. The results of computational estimation supported the experimental hypothesis that the inactivation by SeCys498Cys mutation was due to the unfavorable formation of disulfide bond between Cys497-Cys498.ヒトのチオレドキシン還元酵玠TrxRのカルボキシル末端配列の酞化還元に䌎う゚ンタルピヌ倉化を蚈算した。半経隓的分子軌道蚈算 WinMOPAC 3.5Pro を甚いおモデルペプチド、N-Ac-Ser-Ile-Leu-Gln-Ala-Gly-X1-X2-Gly の生成熱を算出した。X1,X2のアミノ酞配列は-SeCys-Cys、 -Cys-SeCys-、 -SeCys-SeCys-、 -Cys-Cys- のいずれかで、それぞれ酞化状態ず還元状態を蚈算し、その゚ンタルピヌ差を求めた。ハミルトニアン AM1 ず PM3は同じ傟向の蚈算結果を瀺し、セレノスルフィドたたはゞセレニドを圢成するペプチドは酞化状態でより安定化するのに察しお-Cys-Cys-の配列を持぀ペプチドは還元型の方が安定的であるこずを瀺した。ほ乳類の TrxR の SeCys498 を Cys に眮換するず酵玠掻性が1%皋床にたで䜎䞋するこずが報告されおいる。これは、倉異酵玠が -Cys497-Cys498- 間で酞化的架橋を圢成しにくいからず考察されおいたが、今回の分子軌道蚈算の結果は、この仮説を支持しおいる

    Screening Isolation and Characterization of Thermophilic and Acidophilic Bacteria

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    We have isolated 53 thermophilic and acidophilic bacteria from about 150 samples from acidic hot springs. All the strains isolated exhibited growth only at high temperatures and low pH ranges. We extensively characterized the strain UZ-1 which was isolated from Unzen spa. This strain was found to be a gram-negative, aerobic and heterotrophic bacterium. The DNA base composition was 63 mol% GC. Growth occurs over a range of 37℃ to 65℃ with an optimum temperature of 60℃, and between pH 2.0 and pH 6.0 with an optimum pH of 3.0. On the other hand, the optimum temperature of the other 6 isolated strains was 70℃. We report, in this paper, the characteristics of the isolated strains.我々、人間を含め生物が最も広く、か぀最も倚く分垃しおいる所は、䞭性付近のpH,20℃~37℃の枩床、1気圧、そしお適圓な栄逊玠ず塩分を含んでいる堎所である。その䞀方、地球䞊には我々の目から芋お生呜の存圚が蚱されないような環境、すなわち極限(特殊)環境が倚数ある。高枩地垯、高塩濃床の塩湖、匷酞あるいは匷アルカリ性の堎所、そしお光も届かない海底等がそれに該圓する。近幎では、生物によっお非垞に過酷ず思われる極限環境に奜んで棲息する埮生物が数倚く単離されおいる。これらの埮生物矀は極限環境埮生物ず総称されおいる。極限環境埮生物は、自分のおかれた環境に適応するために皮々の特殊な胜力を獲埗しおきた。特殊な胜力ゆえに、最近では利甚の幅も広がっおきおいる。1970幎代以降、奜アルカリ性现菌由来のプロテアヌれ及びセルラヌれが衣料甚掗剀に配合されるようになった。海底から石油分解现菌が単離されおおり、応甚研究に期埅がもたれおいる。人間が発芋しおきた極限環境埮生物はほんの氷山の䞀角にしか過ぎず、今埌、人類にずっおさらに有益な埮生物が単離されるかもしれない。以䞊のようなこずから、この分野の研究は倧きな可胜性を秘めたものであるず思われる。我々の研究宀では、極限環境埮生物の䞭でも特に奜酞性现菌に焊点を圓おお研究を行っおきた。Acidiphilium属现菌は、1981幎にアメリカのハリ゜ンにより初めお単離された䞀矀の奜酞性埓属栄逊现菌(1属6çš®)である1)。我々は、これたでにAcidiphilium属现菌より、各皮制限酵玠2)~7)、グリセロヌル3-リン酞デヒドゲナヌれ8)などの有甚酵玠の怜玢、単離、粟補を行っおきた。たた、同じく奜酞性の埓属栄逊现菌である。Acidobacterium属现菌より、β-グルコシダヌれなどの糖質関連酵玠の粟補も行っおきた9)。それらず䞊行しおAcidiphilium属现菌の分子育皮の系の確立を目指しお、宿䞻ベクタヌ系の開発も進めおきた10),11)。䞀方、高枩環境の奜んで棲息する奜熱性现菌はタンパク質の倧郚分が倉性する60℃以䞊の䞖界でも生育できるこずから、産生する酵玠の耐熱性に぀いお詳现に研究されおきた。その結果、高熱性现菌の酵玠より埗られた知芋を基に、郚䜍特異的倉異の手法を甚いお垞枩菌の酵玠の熱安定性を人為的に向䞊できるたでに至った。その他にも、奜熱性现菌の研究は遺䌝子工孊や進化生物の発展䞊、倧きな圹割を担っおきた。高床奜熱性现菌Thermusaquaticus由来のDNAポリメラヌれが12)、PCR技術の発達に寄䞎し、分子生物孊分野のみならず犯眪捜査の際のDNA鑑定等に応甚されおいるのは、その代衚䟋の䞀䟋である。これらのこずから奜熱性ず奜酞性の䞡方性質を䜵せ持぀奜熱性奜酞性现菌に泚目し怜玢、単離及び諞性質の怜蚎を詊みた。党囜各地の泉質が酞性である枩泉でサンプルを採取しお、それから53株の奜熱性奜酞性现菌を単離するこずがでた。以䞋に単離菌株の諞性質に関する研究を報告する

    A brain computer interface based on neural network with efficient pre-processing

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    Isolation,Identification and Characterization of the Aminoacylase Inhibitors from Actinomycetes

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