25 research outputs found


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    The aim of the present study was to investigate thepotential benefit of hyperosmolar extender during the freezing-thawing process in rooster sperm. The goal was to minimize the amount of intracellular water and reduce the impact of intracellular icecrystal during the freezing process. A total of five 45-week old Hubbard commercial broilers were subjected to bi-weekly semen collections. Collected sperm was pooled and divided in three aliquots. The control aliquot was diluted with Tris-extender without further supplementation at 300 mOsm (Control). The two (2) other aliquots were diluted with Trisextender at 300 mOsm containing vitamin E (Vit E) or with Tris-extender without Vitamin E but at osmolarity of 450 mOsm (Hyper). After incubation at 22 °C for 15 min, all aliquots were cooled and then frozen in liquid nitrogen. A Computer Aided Semen Analysis (CASA) was used to investigate the impact on different motility parameters. After thawing, Hyperosmolar (Hyper) and vitamin E extenders showed the highest values in terms of sperm motility preservation. Hyperosmolar extender (Hyper) showed particularly the highest values in terms of VSL velocities and progressive motile spermatozoa, known as indicators of sperm quality. In conclusion, the present results revealed that a significant impact was observed when using extenders at osmolarity of 450 mOsmin rooster sperm, in the same manner and even better then when using vitamin E. The positive impact is probably related to the reduction of intracellular ice formation

    Ressources génétiques animales en Kabylie (Algérie)

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    La Kabylie est une région côtière montagneuse du nord-est algérien. Ce poster présente les principales espèces et races élevées dans cette région. Les ovins sont représentés par la race Tazegzawt, répertoriée récemment. Elle est reconnaissable à ses tâches noires à reflets bleuâtres, son nom kabyle signifiant bleu. Son poids peut dépasser 30 kg à 6 mois. La population locale de chèvres n’a pas fait l’objet de descriptions. Toutefois, la chèvre locale est adaptée aux massifs montagneux. Elle est de petite taille avec un poids vif d’environ 25 kg. Elle présente de longs poils et différentes couleurs de robe. La race bovine locale est issue de l’adaptation de la race brune de l’Atlas à un climat tempéré. Elle possède un petit gabarit (de 250 à 300 kg) et une robe grise ou allant du fauve brunâtre au rouge-brun. Par l’industrialisation de la production de volailles, les poules locales ont subi une érosion génétique sévère. Elles présentent ainsi une grande variabilité phénotypique et sont de taille moyenne (autour de 1,5kg). Le lapin local connaît une situation similaire et présente un poids de 2 à 3 kg. Il existe une tradition apicole importante en Kabylie. Les types d’abeilles exploitées ne sont toutefois pas encore caractérisés. Toutes les races citées ici sont menacées par le croisement ou l’abandon. Leur caractérisation génétique et zootechnique est nécessaire pour l’amélioration des systèmes de production familiaux, plus particulièrement en régions montagneuses, et la conservation de la biodiversité

    First analysis of the faecal microbiota of the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) reveals differences between a wild group and a tourist-provisioned group in the region of Bejaia, Northeast of Algeria

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    peer reviewedLe microbiote intestinal joue un rôle très important dans la physiologie et la santé des animaux. Malgré l’existence de plusieurs études sur diverses espèces de primates, le microbiote intestinal du macaque de Barbarie (Macaca sylvanus) reste inexploré. Notre étude vise à caractériser pour la première fois le microbiote fécal de cette espèce et étudier l'impact de l'approvisionnement alimentaire par les touristes sur celui-ci. Un total de 12 échantillons de matières fécales a été collecté dans deux groupes de M. sylvanus dans la région de Bejaia en Algérie. Le premier groupe est fréquemment approvisionné par les touristes dans le Parc National de Gouraya tandis que le second groupe dépend uniquement des ressources alimentaires naturelles dans la forêt de l’Akfadou. Après extraction de l'ADN, la composition du microbiote fécal a été analysé par séquençage de l'ADNr 16S. Un suivi du comportement alimentaire a également été réalisé pour évaluer le taux d’approvisionnement alimentaire du premier groupe. Nos résultats ont révélé d’une part la présence de 209 genres bactériens de 17 phyla dans le microbiote fécal des macaques de Barbarie. Les Firmicutes étaient le phylum bactérien le plus abondant, suivi des Bacteroidetes et des Verrucomicrobia. D'autre part, la comparaison entre le microbiote fécal des deux groupes d'étude a montré que l'activité touristique influençant le régime alimentaire était associée à un changement significatif du microbiote fécal de M. sylvanus. Le régime alimentaire potentiellement pauvre en fibres sur le site touristique a eu une influence négative sur la prolifération de genres bactériens présents en abondance dans le groupe sauvage, tels que les Ruminococcaceae. Une telle altération du microbiote fécal peut avoir des impacts négatifs sur l'état de santé de ces animaux en augmentant le risque d'obésité et de maladie et appelle des mesures de gestion particulières pour réduire les pratiques d'approvisionnement dans les zones touristiques

    Effects of incorporating 3% and 6% nettle powder on zootechnical performance, oxidative status and physicochemical characteristics of commercial turkey meat

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    editorial reviewedThe aim of this study was to investigate the impact of incorporating nettles (Urtica dioica L.) on the zootechnical performance, biochemical and physicochemical parameters of the meat and the oxidative status of the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) reared under intensive conditions. The evaluation of the potential of this ingredient was carried out by comparing two rates of dietary incorporations, 3 and 6%, of nettles powder in three commercial feeds corresponding to three growth phases, during 12 weeks of rearing. The feed was distributed ad-libitum during the whole rearing phase. A total of 72 one-day-old turkeys were assigned to 3 dietary treatments, consisting of three replicates of eight birds each. Results showed that nettle leaves significantly improved the growth performance, with live weight at 12 weeks of age (P<0.05), which is higher in the group fed with 3% nettle powder (NP3%) than in the groups fed with 0% (NP0%) and 6% (NP6%) nettle powder (NP3%: 10534g; NP0%: 9829g; NP6%:9233g; P<0.05). Over the rearing period, the NP0% group recorded a better feed conversion ratio (NP0%: 2.86; NP3%: 3.03; NP6%: 3.06; P=0.03). Mortality was similar between the three groups (8% average). Oxidative status was significantly affected by supplementation among the three groups (P<0.001). The antioxidant capacity, measured by the way of Total Antioxidant Capacity, Glutathione Peroxidase, Superoxide dismutase, Catalase and Malondialdehyde, was linearly improved with the level of incorporation of nettle powder (P<0.001). No significant differences were recorded between the 3 groups for the chemical composition (water, protein, Fat and ash) and physicochemical parameters (pH24, WHC, Cooking loss, Redness, yellowness and brightness) of the meat

    Effect of olive leaf incorporation in animal feed on broiler turkey (<i>Meleagris gallopavo</i>) growth performance, welfare, oxidative status, and blood and biochemical serum parameters

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    peer reviewedAbstract. This work investigates how incorporating olive leaves (OLs) (Olea europaea) into turkeys' (Meleagris gallopavo) diets affects their performance, welfare, blood biochemical parameters, and oxidative status of those reared in intensive farming conditions. The potential of this ingredient was assessed by comparing two dietary incorporation rates of olive leaves, 3 % and 6 %, in three commercial feeds corresponding to three growth phases over 15 weeks where feed was provided ad libitum. A total of 270 animals (broiler medium strain) were used. They were divided into three groups: the OL0, OL3, and OL6 regimens with OL incorporation rates of 0 %, 3 %, and 6 %, respectively. Animals were allocated to three pens of approximately 15 m2 of surface area; each pen had 30 animals, with a density of three turkeys per square meter. Throughout the rearing period, the diet had no effect on bird mortality. Olive leaves boosted growth rates. Indeed, after the experiment, the OL3 group had significantly higher weights than the OL6 and OL0 groups, which had the lowest feed conversion ratio. Furthermore, after bleeding, the weights and evisceration was significantly (p 0.05) in carcass yield or gizzard or liver weights. OL supplementation improved oxidative status but had no effect on animal welfare or blood biochemical parameters, with the exception of the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), which was significantly (p < 0.05) lower in the OL3 group than in the OL0 and OL6 groups. Except for the mean cholesterol level, which was significantly (p < 0.05) lower in the OL3 and OL6 (1.29 g L−1) groups compared to the OL0 group, and the albumin level, which was higher in the OL0 group compared to the OL6 group, no significant effect was observed on biochemical serum parameters. Thus, a 3 % OL supplementation in the turkey diet appears promising for improving the bird's growth performance

    Characterization of the Hamra sheep breed in western Algeria

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    editorial reviewedThe present work is a part of a National Research Project (PNR Algeria 2022) dedicated to the development of the Hamra sheep breed in his cradle western Algeria. The aim of this study is to characterize the morphology, growth and reproductive performance of this ovine breed. A sample of 15 rams and 30 ewes were used for the morphological characterization versus a total of 1,328 head for the growth and reproduction performance carried out at the technical livestock institute in Saida area located in the western Algeria. Hamra sheep breed is small compared to other Algerian breeds. It has a dark brown (mahogany) head and legs, a blackish-blue tongue, white wool, spiral horns, and a fine, medium-length tail. Total body length is 124.5 cm for males and 110.5 cm for females, with a trunk length of 78.6 cm for males and 67.7 cm for females. Depth, width and circumference of chest are respectively 40.3 cm; 30 cm; 116.4 cm for males, and 34.2 cm; 22 cm; 99.8 cm for females. Growth monitoring showed an average birth weight of 3 to 3.6kg, depending on sex (male or female) and litter size (single or double). Live weights reached an average of 17.9kg for males and 16.2kg for females at 90th day of age. The ewes' reproductive performances are as follows: 82.2% for fertility, 97% for fecundity and 118% for prolificacy at birth and weaning. In conclusion, the Hamra breed has shown promise performances in terms of growth, but its butchering potential needs more assessments. Further studies are required to establish a conservation strategy becoming urgent by the uncontrolled introduction of genetics from other sheep breeds.PNR- Algérie12. Responsible consumption and productio

    Backyard poultry in Kabylie (Algeria): from an indigenous chicken to a local poultry breed?

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    peer reviewedBackyard poultry is considered as a powerful tool for poverty alleviation. It is further promoted as a way of empowering women in communities where there is gender bias in poultry raising. The low-input systems involved are based on local breeds that are perfectly suited to their environment. However, socio-economic processes put local genetic resources under pressure, leading to the erosion of biodiversity. The present survey addresses this issue in the case of Kabylie, a mountainous coastal region of Algeria, through a survey conducted in 90 households raising poultry, a morpho-biometric description of 315 local chickens, and a performance evaluation of both growth and egg production in experimental semi-intensive conditions. The socio-economic profile of poultry smallholders in Kabylie reveals poor education and high diversification of agricultural assets and confirms gender bias in poultry keeping. The erosion of local genetic resources in chicken is found to be severe despite their cultural importance in Kabylie. From complementary surveys among experienced poultry keepers, the major original local type is postulated to consist of three varieties with black plumage (pure black, mottled and barred). The performance evaluation raised promising results, suggesting that some degree of improvement of low-input backyard systems could be pursued by exploiting the local breed. Finally, a strategy for a revival of the local breed through the support of the most involved smallholders is outlined in accordance with the information collected in the survey.L’élevage de volailles d’arrière-cour constitue un outil important de lutte contre la pauvreté. Il est en outre promu comme mode de renforcement de la position féminine dans une communauté, sous réserve de l’observation dans les faits du biais de genre classiquement rapporté dans le contrôle de cet élevage. Les systèmes à faible niveau d’intrant concernés sont basés sur des races locales rustiques, adaptées à leur environnement. Néanmoins, des processus socio-économiques mettent sous pression ces ressources génétiques locales, menant à une érosion de la biodiversité. La présente étude aborde cette problématique dans le cas de la Kabylie, région côtière montagneuse de l’Algérie, au travers d’une enquête auprès de 90 ménages élevant des poules, d’un relevé morpho-biométrique réalisé sur 315 sujets locaux ainsi qu’une évaluation des performances de ponte et de croissance dans des conditions semi-intensives expérimentales. Le profil socio-économique des petits éleveurs de poules en Kabylie révèle un faible niveau de formation, une grande diversification de l’outil agricole et confirme le biais de genre mentionné plus haut. Une érosion génétique sévère a été trouvée, en dépit de l’importance culturelle de la poule en Kabylie. Une enquête complémentaire auprès d’éleveurs expérimentés indique que trois variétés de plumages noirs (noir pur, caillouté, barré) sont considérées comme constituant les principaux types locaux d’origine. L’évaluation des performances a fourni des résultats prometteurs, suggérant qu’un certain degré d’amélioration des systèmes d’élevage d’arrière-cour pourrait être recherché sur base des types locaux. Finalement, en accord avec l’information recueillie dans cette enquête, une stratégie de revivification de la race locale au travers d’un soutien aux éleveurs les plus impliqués est brièvement proposée