37 research outputs found

    Some Characteristics of the Referential and Inferential Predication in Classical Logic

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    In the article we consider the relationship of traditional provisions of basic logical concepts and confront them with new and modern approaches to the same concepts. Logic is characterized in different ways when it is associated with syllogistics (referential – semantical model of logic) or with symbolic logic (inferential – syntactical model of logic). This is not only a difference in the logical calculation of (1) concepts, (2) statements, and (3) predicates, but this difference also appears in the treatment of the calculative abilities of logical forms, the ontological-referential status of conceptual content and the inferential-categorical status of logical forms. The basic markers or basic ideas that separate ontologically oriented logic from categorically oriented logic are the (1) concept of truth, the (2) concept of meaning, the (3) concept of identity, and the (4) concept of predication. Here, this differences are explicitly demonstrated by the introduction of differential terminology. From this differential methodology follows a new set of characterizations of logic


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    Eseji su nastali u 2003. i 2004. godini kao dio realizacije mojih istraživanja holizma identiteta i socijalne triangulacije (identitet - znanje - društvena ontologija) tokom rada na istraživačkim projektima Znanstveno-raziskovalneg središča Republike Slovenije, Koper. Istovremeno je rad na projektima u Sarajevu, u sklopu međunarodnih i domaćih aktivnosti koje je organiziralo Filozofsko društvo "Theoria ", bio poticajan za promišljanje nekih značajnih pitanja koja se odnose na rearanžiranje ambijenta životnog svijeta modernog čovjeka

    Stoljeće rearanžiranja: nanoznanost i globalno društvo

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    Esej "Stoljeće rearanžiranja: nanoznanost i globalno društvo", dovodi u vezu modernu znanost (nanoznanost) i moderno društvo (globalno društvo) kroz odnos nanotehnologizacije i globalizacije kao najvažnijih procesa jedne mreže fenomena koji se dotiču na području tehničkih i društvenih znanosti. Autor karakterizira 21. stoljeće kao stoljeće rearanžiranja u kojem znanost i filozofija funkcioniraju sa zajedničke osnove koja je holistička i pragmatička. Komparacijom novih tehničkih metoda u znanostima o materijalima i novih procesa u društvenoj ontologiji autor stavlja u odnos dva pristupa i dvije skale identifikacije i reprezentacije: nanoskalu na području zananosti ο materijalima i globalnu skalu na području znanosti ο društvenim odnosima. Tehničke znanosti u formi nanoznanosti orijentirane su na stvaranje nove infrastrukturne paradigme: "ambijenta inteligentnog prostora" vođenog idejom "svi-u-digitalnom-svijetu". Društvene znanosti, koje sudjeluju na planu integracije i globalizacije, orijentirane su na stvaranje nove transnacionalne i spekulativne paradigme: "mobilnog hiper-prostora za internacionalno poslovanje" vođene idejom "svi-u-demokratskom-svijetu". Obje vrste znanosti proizvode istu vrstu nevidljive ontologije koja je dostupna samo virtualnoj identifikaciji i reprezentaciji zasnovanoj na osmišljavanju, stvaranju i proizvodnji programibilne supstancije i programibilnog identiteta. One produciraju identičnost / uniformnost u funkcionalnom operiranju tehničkim sredstvima i političkim principima. U sintagmi "društvo zasnovano na znanju" termin "znanje" ima značenje "znanje proizvodnje, znanje upotrebe i znanje operiranja pametnim (programibilnim) materijalima i pametnim (programibilnim) identitetom". U "D&D svijetu" (digitalnom & demokratskom svijetu) svi ljudi moraju znati upotrebljavati tehnološki mikro-svijet i politički makro-svijet kako bi postigli isti cilj: kontrolu nad prirodom i društvom. Nevidljivost ili iščezavanje realnih stvari, realnih sredstava komunikacije i realnih društvenih odnosa, jeste novo tehničko i ideološko sredstvo stvaranja "novog čarobnog svijeta"

    New Remarks on the Concept in Logical Use

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    The main thesis of this paper is directed against the traditional (cognitivetheoretical) definition of the concept which claims that the concept is the '' thought about the essence of the object being thought'', i.e. that it is “a set of essential features or essential characteristics of an object''. But the '' set of essential features or essential characteristics of an object of thought'' is a '' content’’ of the thought. The thought about the essence of an object is definition and the concept is not definition but the part of definition! Besides as the part of formal structure of thought, the concept possesses calculative logical properties that in formal logic (be it syllogistics, or the logic of propositions, or the logic of predicates) come to the front place of formal logical computation. Without the calculative properties of the concept, there would be no calculative properties of propositions which express the thought (thought structures). The calculative properties of a concept include the (1) degree of its logical generality (degree of variability), the (2) logical relations it can establish within the whole of the conceptual content, the (3) operability of the concept in structure of affirmation and negation, the (4) deducibility of either axiomatic or probabilistic systems. Therefore, I believe that, from the logical point of view, the definition of a concept should be applied in favor of its calculative properties that it possesses

    Analitička filozofija-izabrani tekstovi

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    Phenomenology of Anomaluos Causality

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    The conceptual framework that emerged in relation to Komsic’s theory of social pulsations is composed of notions we will deem convenient in the reception of this theory: the anomalous character of social causation, implicit normative inferentialism, projective semantics of social relations, projective sociology, projective social phenomenology, inferential explication of social relations, social inferentialism, and many others. This conceptual framework is part of a “partial doctrine” itself, or a counter-factual position within sociological theory that could legitimately be called projective sociology, or connectionistic social theory, that is founded on a new projective semantics of social relations. If we are able interpret Komsic’s approach to social theory through the conceptual framework presented here, then the evidence of its sustainability lies in the constructability of this new conceptual framework, that is in the mapping of structures which the two sets of propositions, or claims, produce when and if brought into resonance

    Heteroglossa: možnost filozofije religije

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    Prepoved heteroglosse, ki jo je v imenu oblikovanja nekakšne komunikacijske skupnosti prvi izpeljal sam Pavel iz Tarza, tj. prepoved samoizgrajevanja, prepoved osebnega pristopa k ontološkemu misteriju, večkratno nakazuje strah pred tranzitivnostjo misterija. S tem je tudi prvič v zgodovini prišel na dan strah institucije pred posameznikom. Taisti strah se je pozneje ohranjal stoletja: naj v Poeziji molči tisti, ki govori s simboli; naj v Umetnosti molči simbolična umetnost; naj v Filozofiji molči tisti, ki misli nemisljivo, ki izreka neizrekljivo. To implicira, da se naša zahteva po heteroglossi iz tega osnutka možne filozofije religije lahko in mora izpeljati na področju estetike, etike, filozofije in predvsem politike. Vprašanje možnosti heteroglosse je vprašanje svobode afirmiranja in negiranja, pravice do aritmike, do lastnosti, nenavadnosti, posebnosti. To je vprašanje pravice do nepripadanja skupnosti, v kateri Veliki hermenevtik stopa med osebnost in Mysteriumom

    Društvo jedne dimenzije

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    Društvo zasnovano na znanju je ekspertno društvo koje za svoje funkcioniranje koristi računarsku tehnologiju, znanje dizajniranja sistema za rješavanje problema organiziranjem struktura sektora društvene ontologije po uzoru na formalizirane sisteme koji se grade iz relacionih blokova podataka i algoritama ili ustanovljenih procedura komponiranja ovih blokova. Prihvatanje ovih metoda upravljanja društvom je osnova društvenog inženjeringa, a tehnokratska kompetentnost kojom se označava sposobnost pojedinaca i grupa da dizajniraju funkcije društva zasnovanog na znanju upravljanja postala je ideologija modernih društava. U cijeloj Evropi, a prije svega u znanstvenim i obrazovnim institucijama, u toku je formiranje ekspertnih timova, mreža odličnosti ili kompetentnosti, integriranih projekata i resusra itd. iz čijeg se angažmana trebaju dobiti formalizirani obrazci donošenja odluka i rješenja u upravljanju društvom

    Logical Identity: A Holistic Approach

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    It is my intention in this article to present some consequences of Quine’s thesis on the dependence of ontology on ideology (Quine, 1980), seeking an argument for my own thesis on the dependence (theoretical) existence of entities on identity type or ontology dependence on logic and language.If Quine's thesis is correct, then we can expand the resolution of this conclusion and say that ontology depends on the identity or on identification of the "identity criteria for conceptual schemes" (Davidson, 2001) which is constructed in the theory. Consequently I will speak about types of identity which adapts choice of ontology and of which depends ontology of a theory. Here I want to connect the different types of use of the term identity in Aristotle's writings and the different types of predications that are based on them with the concept of identity as the equivalence of symbols in modern logic. I want to reinterpret Quine's statement: "There is no entity without identity " in the form of imlication "What (kind of) identity such (kind of ) entity.