86 research outputs found

    Labour Conflicts in the Nigerian Public Sector: Causes and Resolutions Strategies

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    The :(J.im of this paper is to highlight the nature, causes and resolution strategies I mechanisms for labour conflicts in the Nigeria-public sector. It observed that when an organization has a dysfu,Y,lctionally high level of conflict, managers are likely to dissipat¢· valuable resources and time in order to achieve harmon:i~us work relations and that conflict can also be functioflt;il when it acts as catalyst for the use of initiative and creativity which can facilitate qualitative change in the Public Sector. The paper comprises of abstract; conceptual discourse; causes a/labour conflicts; the meaning and strategies of conflict resolution; conflict resolution in the Nigeria public sector; conclusiOIJJ and recommendations. Among the recommendations canvasser;/. are: the dismantling of obstacles to the use of · "mediation" as the first statutory method of resolving conflicts; further strengthening of the institutions responsible for conflict resolution; a call on government to imbibe the virtue of honouring valid agreements reached through consensual process of collective bargaining and to respect I uphold its own laws. Key Words: Labour conflict, Conflict resolution, Conflict Management, Public Sector

    Corruption and Public Accountability in the Nigerian Public Sector : Interrogating the Omission

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    The main objective of this paper is to interrogate the omission in the system of public accountability in the Nigerian public sector that has made corruption a monster. It is germane to state that corruption heightens wherever systems for ensuring effective accountability are weak. There are internal and external mechanisms for achieving accountability in the Nigerian Public life, but it appears that they are ineffective . This is due mainly to lack of political will in redressing the corruption dilemma. Additionally, the Nigerian penal (code) system or sanctions for weighty crimes such as corruption are weak and serve no deterrence to actual and potential offenders . The paper is segmented into : Abstract, Introduction ; Conceptual clarification ; Corruption and Public Accountability in Nigeria: A Discourse, Conclusion and recommendations . In order to rise above this challenge and make progress, the fallen status of our laws must be addressed through pragmatic implementation and committed leadership anchored on sound values and practic

    Collective Bargaining and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria’s Public Sector

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    The focus and thrust of this paper is to arouse the interest and minds of Managers on effective use of Motivation based on available theories and their application in organisations. It is also instructive to note that discerning Managers know the limits or bounds imposed by over dependence on theories, and when peculiar circumstances require prudent use of initiative. This is the hallmark of managerial savvy which is indispensable in organizational effectiveness. This paper is segmented as follows: Meaning of Motivation; Theories of Motivation (Maslow, Herzberg, Mcgregor, Vroom and Alderfer); A sequence of critique relevance and application to organizations which also contain recommendations, and conclusion. It concluded by linking Motivation theory to management practice and recommended that managers must be sensitive to employees’ needs in order to direct employees energies/creativity towards the attainment of organizational goals and objectives

    Public Policy Making Process: Agricultural and Rural Development Polices in Nigeria (1960 to Date)

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    The main aim of this paper is to highlight that successive Nigerian governments commit policy reversals and somersaults in the public policy making process using the agricultural and rural development policies as focus. In addition, intended policy beneficiaries are not carried along at the policy conception/formulation stage, hence implementation/execution are fraught with avoidable problems. These have been the bane of development efforts from independence to date. The paper is subdivided into: Abstract; Conceptual Issues; Public Policy Making Process; Agricultural and Rural Development Policies ( 1960 to date); Conclusion and Recommendations. The paper concluded cautiously that notwithstanding the odds against incrementalism as a decision-making model, since it seeks to guarantee continuity in government policies and programmes, it can redress the phenomena of policy reversals and somersaults which have become endemic in the Nigerian public policy making process. The paper recommended a collaborative approach with the critical section and stakeholders in the policy making process in order to stem the tide of disconnection between policy beneficiaries and the government. The paper also canvassed massive investment in training, research and development programmes through the strengthening of research centreslinsti tu te

    The Legal Framework of Collective bargaining in The Nigerian Public Sector - A Process Approach

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    This paper is directed at exploring the legal framework of collective bargaining in the Nigerian public sector using a process approach. The objective of the paper is to highlight the weaknesses of the legal framework within which collective bargaining operates in Nigeria. In other words, there are legal provisions regulating collective bargaining and industrial relations generally, but these laws are not completely capable of stopping conflicts in the workplace. This gap .. highlights the issue of implementation of laws in achieving smooth industrial relations process/system and ultimatel)i guaranteeing industrial peace through harmonious work relations. The data utilised in this paper were collected mainly from secondary, sources and the analytical method is central to the facts and opinions obtained from these sources. The paper concluded that the effective practice of collective bargaining and sanctity of its provisions and processes could offer a durable approach to achieving harmonious work relations in the public sector. It recommended among others that government should learn to honour valid agreements reached with unions and to respect and uphold its own law


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    The basic thrust of this paper is that the “Industrial Relation System Model” as propounded by Professor John T. Dunlop (1958) and Allan Flanders (1968) with subsequent contributions by other writers (mentioned in the paper) is applicable to collective bargaining in the local government councils and in the Nigerian industrial relations system in general. Indeed, the nature of salary administration since 1941 through several wage review panels bear eloquent testimony to the fact that the “output” of one collective bargaining exercise is “reprocessed” as “input” and through the “feedback” mechanism and interactions with the environment, the industrial relations system continues in its cyclic character. The environment and precipitating conditions include economic, political and social factors. The paper comprises of: abstract; methodology; conceptual discourse; theoretical framework / features of the industrial relations system model; application of the theory; findings / discussion of findings; Conclusion and recommendations. The paper concluded that the objective application of collective bargaining and the sanctity of its process can enhance peace and working harmony in public sector organizations, especially the local government system. The recommendations canvassed can effectively strengthen the use of collective bargaining in the local government syste


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    The central aim or focus of this paper is to highlight the role of local government (being the closest tier of government to the grassroots) in rural development. The paper posits that the Nigerian political arrangement negates the essence of federalism (which is decentralization) by being highly centralized. The fiscal practices grossly skewed in favour of the central government couple with lack of accountability among the governing elites conjoin to thwart efforts at meaningful development in the third tier of governance. The paper is made up of Abstract; Introduction; Conceptual Clarification; Self-help as an issue in rural development; Nexus between local government and Rural Development; Approaches to Rural Development, Conclusion and Recommendations. It concluded that local governments have not been able to play their constitutional roles, let alone making attempts at rural development due in the main to the fact that they have been emasculated by other tiers of government. It suggested the Integrated Rural Development (IRD) approach in view of its comprehensiveness for sustainable rural development. The paper strongly recommended autonomy for local governments. It further canvassed fiscal and political reforms as avenues for strengthening governance in the Nigerian local government system

    Local Government and The Localism Principle: A Review

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    The main aim of this paper is to highlight that despite the efforts of Successive (central) governments in Nigeria, at strengthening local government administration through the initiation of several refonns, they have not been able to convert the opportunities and their pro-ximity to the local populace into good account through qualitative service delivery. Proceeding from this, they have also not been able to justify their existence as a tier of government due to self-inflicted limitations which this paper explored. Th~ paper- is divided into: Abstract; Introduction; Conceptual discourse on local government and localism principle; A review of local government · and the localism principle in the light of several reforms; Conclusion and recommendations. The paper observed that reforms must be backed by the right (people-centred) approach to governance and a general attitudinal reorientation on the part of political leadership. The paper canvassed for the autonomy of the local governments, increase in re-venue generating efforts of this tier of government and a host of other reforms that can galvanise development in the grassroots
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