55 research outputs found

    Mindfulness y cáncer. Eficacia de las intervenciones mindfulness en cáncer de mama

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015El cáncer es una de las enfermedades crónicas de mayor prevalencia y la segunda causa de muerte en la actualidad, tras las enfermedades cardiovasculares, tal y como muestra la SEOM. Los tratamientos para el cáncer se han centrado prioritariamente en la sintomatología física y en sus consecuencias, aunque cabe decir que desde hace unos años esta cobrando importancia el apoyo psicológico con terapias de segunda generación, como la terapia cognitivo- conductual, además de la investigación de terapias de tercera generación como el mindfulness la cual empieza a propulsar posibles mejoras en aspectos como la ansiedad, el distrés e insomnio que genera esta enfermedad. Este trabajo pretende observar la eficacia de distintos programas de mindfulness, para la mejora de síntomas psicológicos, en mujeres que han tenido o tienen cáncer de mama, así como observar si mediante la práctica mejora la sintomatología orgánica como la respuesta inmune, la respuesta del cortisol o la actividad de la telomerasa.Cancer is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases and the second leading cause of death today, after cardiovascular diseases, as shown by the SEOM. Cancer treatments have focused primarily on physical symptoms and their consequences, but it can be said that for several years this increasingly important psychological support second-generation therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, in addition to research third-generation therapies such as mindfulness, which begins to propel possible improvements in aspects such as anxiety, distress and insomnia generated by this disease. This work aims to observe the effectiveness of different mindfulness programs, to improve psychological symptoms in women who have had or have breast cancer and see if by practicing organic symptimatology immune response, cortisol response or telomerase activity improves


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    In this research we investigate whether quarterly earnings announcements are informative using awide sample of firms listed in the Spanish Stock Market (SIBE). We study the period comprised between thethird quarterly of 2002 and the fourth quarterly of 2003. We analyse whether abnormal returns are related tothe quarter in which the announcement is released, whether the announcement implies good or bad news forthe firm, the source of the information, the size of the firm and whether the firm is followed by analysts.Results show that quarterly earnings announcements are informative. We also obtain evidence of a possibleuse of insider information in the case of the announcements disclosed in the first quarterly of the year, thoserelated to small firms and to firms not followed by analysts. Se pretende comprobar si el anuncio de beneficios trimestrales tiene contenido informativo a través del estudio de la rentabilidad de títulos cotizados en el mercado continuo español para el período que abarca del tercer trimestre del 2000 al cuarto trimestre del 2002. Se analiza la presencia de rentabilidades anormales con la metodología del suceso y se incide en diferentes aspectos como son: el trimestre al que el anuncio hace referencia, el carácter positivo o negativo del beneficio, la fuente de información, el tamaño de la empresa y si se trata de una empresa seguida por analistas financieros o no. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la existencia de contenido informativo en los anuncios de beneficios trimestrales y presentan indicios de utilización de información privilegiada en la publicación de anuncios de beneficios correspondientes al primer trimestre del año y en el caso de empresas pequeñas y de empresas no seguidas por los analistas.Anuncio de beneficios trimestrales, rendimiento anormal, información privilegiada Quarterly earnings announcements, abnormal returns, insider information.

    Electromembrane processes for waste valorization: energy recovery and storage

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    This article reviews the most recent advances on the contribution of electromembrane-based technologies to waste valorisation through their implementation in the sustainable recovery and storage of energy from waste streams. Two driving forces are considered, salinity and pH gradients. Recent advances and challenges in ion exchange membranes (IEMs) and bipolar membranes (BPMs) are presented. Reverse electrodialysis (RED) and reverse bipolar membrane electrodialysis (RBMED) are evaluated as primary batteries to harvest energy from salty streams. The potential of combining RED/ED and RBMED/BMED as sustainable secondary batteries is also presented. Overall, it is concluded that increasing the membrane performance is a key aspect to rise the maturity of the proposed technologies along with their adaptation to the different characteristics of current and future waste streams potentially available for energy recovery and storage.Grant TED2021-129874B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/ 501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. Grant PID2020-115409RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/ 501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe. Grant PDC2021-120786-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/ 501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. M. Herrero-Gonzalez research was developed under the Margaritas Salas postdoctoral grant funded by the Ministry of Universities (Spanish Government) and the European Union-Next Generation EU

    Implementation of the Control Rod Movement Option by means of Control Variables in RELAP5/PARCS v2.7 Coupled Code (NUREG/IA-0402)

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    The objective of this work is to introduce an improvement in best estimate coupled neutronicthermalhydraulic 3D codes simulations, by adding a model for the control rod movement in the coupled code RELAP5/PARCS v2.7, by means of control variables, with the aim of being able to dynamically analyze asymmetric transient accidents, as the reactivity insertion accidents (RIA) in a nuclear reactor, reproducing all the reactors control systems. The modification developed in this work permits the automatic movement of the control rods, activated by the RELAP5 code control system, and also they can depend on signals related to the reactor reactivity, like pressure, fuel temperature or moderator temperature, etc., improving the realism of the calculation and increasing the simulation capabilities. This report was prepared by the Nuclear Engineering Group belonging to the Institute for Industrial, Radiophysical and Environmental Safety (ISIRYM) at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), which collaborates in the simulation area with the Spanish company Centrales Nucleares Almaraz-Trillo (CNAT). The Asociación Española de la Industria Eléctrica (UNESA, Electric Industry Association of Spain), equivalent to the American EPRI sponsored this work.Miró Herrero, R.; Ana Ibáñez, P.; Barrachina Celda, TM.; Martínez-Murillo, J.; Pereira, C.; Verdú Martín, GJ. (2014). Implementation of the Control Rod Movement Option by means of Control Variables in RELAP5/PARCS v2.7 Coupled Code (NUREG/IA-0402). United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/58958

    Healthcare workers hospitalized due to COVID-19 have no higher risk of death than general population. Data from the Spanish SEMI-COVID-19 Registry

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    Aim To determine whether healthcare workers (HCW) hospitalized in Spain due to COVID-19 have a worse prognosis than non-healthcare workers (NHCW). Methods Observational cohort study based on the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry, a nationwide registry that collects sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory, and treatment data on patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in Spain. Patients aged 20-65 years were selected. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed to identify factors associated with mortality. Results As of 22 May 2020, 4393 patients were included, of whom 419 (9.5%) were HCW. Median (interquartile range) age of HCW was 52 (15) years and 62.4% were women. Prevalence of comorbidities and severe radiological findings upon admission were less frequent in HCW. There were no difference in need of respiratory support and admission to intensive care unit, but occurrence of sepsis and in-hospital mortality was lower in HCW (1.7% vs. 3.9%; p = 0.024 and 0.7% vs. 4.8%; p<0.001 respectively). Age, male sex and comorbidity, were independently associated with higher in-hospital mortality and healthcare working with lower mortality (OR 0.211, 95%CI 0.067-0.667, p = 0.008). 30-days survival was higher in HCW (0.968 vs. 0.851 p<0.001). Conclusions Hospitalized COVID-19 HCW had fewer comorbidities and a better prognosis than NHCW. Our results suggest that professional exposure to COVID-19 in HCW does not carry more clinical severity nor mortality

    Riduzione delle emissioni di ammoniaca nell’agricoltura mediterranea attraverso tecniche innovative di fertirrigazione con liquami (LIFE16 ENV/ES/000400)

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    Esta publicación ha sido elaborada como resultado de los trabajos realizados dentro del proyecto LIFE ARIMEDA: Reducción de emisiones de amoníaco en la agricultura mediterránea a través de técnicas innovadoras de fertirrigación con purín (LIFE16 ENV/ES/000400). El proyecto LIFE ARIMEDA ha recibido fondos del Programa LIFE de la Unión Europea.Publishe

    Predictive Power of the "Trigger Tool" for the detection of adverse events in general surgery: a multicenter observational validation study

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    Background In spite of the global implementation of standardized surgical safety checklists and evidence-based practices, general surgery remains associated with a high residual risk of preventable perioperative complications and adverse events. This study was designed to validate the hypothesis that a new “Trigger Tool” represents a sensitive predictor of adverse events in general surgery. Methods An observational multicenter validation study was performed among 31 hospitals in Spain. The previously described “Trigger Tool” based on 40 specific triggers was applied to validate the predictive power of predicting adverse events in the perioperative care of surgical patients. A prediction model was used by means of a binary logistic regression analysis. Results The prevalence of adverse events among a total of 1,132 surgical cases included in this study was 31.53%. The “Trigger Tool” had a sensitivity and specificity of 86.27% and 79.55% respectively for predicting these adverse events. A total of 12 selected triggers of overall 40 triggers were identified for optimizing the predictive power of the “Trigger Tool”. Conclusions The “Trigger Tool” has a high predictive capacity for predicting adverse events in surgical procedures. We recommend a revision of the original 40 triggers to 12 selected triggers to optimize the predictive power of this tool, which will have to be validated in future studies