8,700 research outputs found

    Modeling spin transport in electrostatically-gated lateral-channel silicon devices: role of interfacial spin relaxation

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    Using a two-dimensional finite-differences scheme to model spin transport in silicon devices with lateral geometry, we simulate the effects of spin relaxation at interfacial boundaries, i.e. the exposed top surface and at an electrostatically-controlled backgate with SiO_2 dielectric. These gate-voltage-dependent simulations are compared to previous experimental results and show that strong spin relaxation due to extrinsic effects yield an Si/SiO_2 interfacial spin lifetime of ~ 1ns, orders of magnitude lower than lifetimes in the bulk Si, whereas relaxation at the top surface plays no substantial role. Hall effect measurements on ballistically injected electrons gated in the transport channel yield the carrier mobility directly and suggest that this reduction in spin lifetime is only partially due to enhanced interfacial momentum scattering which induces random spin flips as in the Elliott effect. Therefore, other extrinsic mechanisms such as those caused by paramagnetic defects should also be considered in order to explain the dramatic enhancement in spin relaxation at the gate interface over bulk values

    Efficiency and Nash Equilibria in a Scrip System for P2P Networks

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    A model of providing service in a P2P network is analyzed. It is shown that by adding a scrip system, a mechanism that admits a reasonable Nash equilibrium that reduces free riding can be obtained. The effect of varying the total amount of money (scrip) in the system on efficiency (i.e., social welfare) is analyzed, and it is shown that by maintaining the appropriate ratio between the total amount of money and the number of agents, efficiency is maximized. The work has implications for many online systems, not only P2P networks but also a wide variety of online forums for which scrip systems are popular, but formal analyses have been lacking


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    In this article, the degree of imperfect competition in the world market for soymeal exports is estimated using a structural econometric model. The procedure consists of estimating a demand function and the industry first-order profit-maximization condition, from which an estimate of the degree of market power can be retrieved. Using a nonlinear three-stage least squares procedure, the estimate of market power shows that the world market for soymeal exports is perfectly competitive. The empirical results also indicate that this market was competitive even prior to entry by Argentinean firms in the mid-1970s.Crop Production/Industries, International Relations/Trade,


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    Several studies have estimated the welfare effects of recent changes in the European Union's common policy on banana imports, based upon the assumption that the market is perfectly competitive. However, if the market is imperfectly competitive, predictions about changes in banana policy may be inaccurate. The objective of this paper is to estimate the degree of market imperfection in the German market for banana imports using dynamic methods. The hypothesis that this market is perfectly competitive is rejected, and, in addition, the degree of market imperfection is estimated to be higher using a dynamic model compared to previous static estimates.Marketing,

    Incipient ferralization and weathering indices along a soil chronosequence in Taiwan

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    The low hilly topography of Green Island, a volcanic island off southeastern Taiwan, includes an altitudinal sequence of sub-horizontal benches. We examined eight profiles along this sequence, ranging from pale brown loamy coral sand on the lowest bench that fringes the coast at an elevation of about 10 m to deep, intensely red and acid clay on the highest bench at about 240 m. Chemical analyses, differential Fe extractions, thin sections, X-ray diffraction of the clay minerals and indices of pedochemical weathering and strain indicated that soil development progressed by weathering of primary and secondary phyllosilicates through argilluviation in the intermediate stages to the generation of increasing quantities of free Fe. The Fe accumulates as free sesquioxides, which crystallize with age. Taxonomically the soil types progress from sandy coral Arenosol, through Eutric Cambisol, Hypereutric Lixisol and Acrisol to incipient Ferralsol (Udipsamment β†’ Eutrudept β†’ Udalf β†’ Udultisol β†’ Udox in Soil Taxonomy). The profiles are interpreted as a chronosequence, although this is complicated by minor and upwardly diminishing contributions of reef coral to the mainly igneous parent materials. There are also variations in the andesitic-basaltic bedrock, and minor aeolian inputs in the higher and older soil types. Regional eustatic sea-level correlations, 14C dating of carbonates on the two lowest benches and estimates of local tectonic uplift indicate that the incipient Ferralsols on the upper bench might date from about 150 ka. The transition through argilluvial Acrisols to incipient sesquioxide-dominated Ferralsols appears, therefore, to develop within 100–200 ka on Green Island, which is faster than usual
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