10 research outputs found

    Improving microbial protein synthesis in the rumen of sheep fed fresh tofu waste by crude tannin extract of Acacia mangium

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    Tannin can be found in many tropical plants and the presence of tannin may reduce the nutritional value of feed. However, it can give beneficial effect as it protects the protein from its excessive degradation in the rumen. Tofu waste is abundant in a country, including Indonesia, where tofu is produced widely. A feeding trial on sheep to study the effect of tannin on microbial protein synthesis and condition of rumen fermentation, digestibility and N retention of feed containing tofu waste was conducted. Fifteen sheep were allocated to one of 3 treatments, i.e: 1) control treatment, feed without tannin, 2) feed + tannin treatment and 3) feed + tannin + polyethylene glycol (PEG) treatment. The sheep was placed in the individual metabolism cage. They were fed with treatment feed for 14 days and then, the following 7 days, faeces and urine were collected. At the end of the treatment, rumen fluid was taken from each sheep before and after feeding. Rumen parameter (pH, ammonia, SCFA, protozoa) and microbial protein synthesis, digestibility, nitrogen retention were observed. Results showed that inclusion of 4% tannin in the feed depressed ammonia production in the rumen of sheep before and 3 hours after morning feeding. Total SCFA and individual SCFA were not different among treatments. Tannin did not affect daily feed intake. Tannin lowered the dry matter, organic matter and protein digestibilities but it significantly reduced ADF digestibility (P < 0.05) and tended to reduce NDF digestibility (P < 0.1). However, tannin increased the microbial protein synthesis. PEG addition was expected to bind tannin and alleviate the negative effect of tannin. Key Words: Tannin, Acacia Mangium, Polyethylene Glycol, Tofu waste, Digestibilit

    Supplementation of calcium-fatty acid to lactating cow to increase milk production and performance of dairy cow

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    One of energy sources for feeding  dairy cow is fat or oil, however, inclusion of fat or fatty acid at high level (>5% in the diet) may cause negative effect on rumen fermentation. Fat or fatty acid, therefore should be protected from its degradation in the rumen. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate protected product of palm oil fatty acid (Calcium fatty acid) made in the institute as feed supplement given on top of the ration. The first experiment was in vitro experiment using rumen liquor. Feed without and with Calcium fatty acid (Ca-FA) was incubated in buffer-rumen liquor and pH, total gas, ammonia and in vitro digetibility were measured. The second experiment was feeding trial with two treatments using 12 FH dairy cow divided into 2 groups with diet containing supplemntation 300 g of Ca-FA and other group is control treatment without supplementation. The feed was total mixed ration, comprises of elephant grass, ground corn, soybean meal, wheat pollard and coconut meal with protein content 15.1% and Net Energy for Lactation 1.53 Mcal/kg.. Feed was given to cow one month before parturition until 120 days of lactation period. Milk production was recorded daily. Faeces collection was done at the end of the experiments for 1 week to calculate total tract digestibility. The result of the in vitro experiment showed that no negative effect on in vitro rumen fermentation except higher digestibility (DMD Ca-FA addition vs control were 58.52% vs 53.99%) occurred due to addition of Ca-FA. The addition of Ca-FA increased milk production (11.41 vs 10.74 litre/day), but no effect on intake, total tract digestibility and milk quality, higher body weight of cow than control cow showing the benefit of using Ca-FA in the diet of dairy cow. In conclusion supplementation of Ca-FA at 300 g would be beneficial to increase milk production without negative impact

    Utilization of Jatropha curcas Seed Meal and its Limitation as Feed Ingredient

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    One of the alternatives to solve the problem of less fossil energy is to utilize plant as a new source of energy, i.e Jatropha curcas, known as physic nut. This plant has been promoted as a source of energy as its seed contains high level of oil which can be used as biodiesel. The meal produced after pressing the seed will become a by product which contains high level of protein but also contains several anti nutritive factors or toxic compounds. This causes a problem to utilize this seed meal for animal feed. This paper descibes the nutritional quality and anti nutritive factors of jatropha seed meal, detoxification of jatropha seed meal and its utilization as feed ingredient and the problem of its utilization. Jatropha seed meal as a feed ingredient has to go through a combination process of detoxification. There is a need to find a cheap and easy detoxification technology to produce a safe and high nutritional quality of jatropha seed meal for animal.   Key words: Jatropha curcas, anti nutritive factors, detoxification, utilization, proble

    Penambahan Eznim BS4 untuk Meningkatkan Degradasi Bungkil Inti Sawit dalam Rumen dan Pascarumen

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    Penambahan Eznim BS4 untuk Meningkatkan Degradasi Bungkil Inti Sawit dalam Rumen dan Pascarume

    Peningkatan Kandungan Protein dan Asam Amino Produk Fermentasi Bungkil Inti Sawit dengan Perbaikan Metode Fermentasi dan Penambahan Sumber Protein

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    Indonesia mengimpor bungkil kedelai dengan jumlah dan biaya yang tinggi. Ketergantungan terhadap impor bungkil kedelai dapat mengganggu kemajuan industri perunggasan dan mengancam ketahanan pangan nasional. Serangkaian penelitian telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai gizi, terutama kandungan protein dan asam amino bahan pakan lokal (bungkil inti sawit/BIS), sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti sebagian bungkil kedelai di dalam ransum unggas. Penelitian pertama dirancang untuk memperbaiki proses fermentasi dengan membandingkan efektifitas pretreatment BIS sebelum difermentasi. Dua perlakuan pretreatment, yaitu BIS dikukus dan di-autoclave dilakukan dengan masing-masing tiga ulangan sebelum difermentasi dengan Aspergillus niger. Kandungan protein kasar, protein sejati dan serat kasar produk fermentasi diukur serta dibandingkan dengan BIS yang tidak difermentasi. Dengan menggunakan metode pretreatment yang terbaik dari kegiatan pertama, penelitian kedua dilakukan untuk lebih meningkatkan kandungan protein dan asam amino produk fermentasi BIS dengan penambahan sumber protein sebelum fermentasi. Empat perlakuan, yaitu BIS tanpa penambahan protein (kontrol), BIS ditambah campuran asam amino dosis rendah, BIS ditambah campuran asam amino dosis tinggi dan BIS ditambah dengan tepung daun singkong 10%. Setiap perlakuan diamati kandungan protein kasar, protein sejati, asam amino dan serat kasarnya setelah difermentasi. Hasil Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner 2015 660 menunjukkan bahwa pretreatment dengan autoclaving menghasilkan kandungan protein kasar dan protein sejati produk fermentasi BIS yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang dikukus. Penambahan sumber protein berupa asam amino atau tepung daun singkong sebelum proses fermentasi BIS, mampu menghasilkan produk fermentasi dengan kandungan protein kasar, protein sejati dan beberapa asam amino esensial yang lebih tinggi, namun kandungan serat kasar yang lebih rendah. Penambahan tepung daun singkong merupakan yang terbaik karena menghasilkan peningkatan asam amino esensial methionine dan tryptophan yang tertinggi

    Potency and Utilization of Cocoa Pod Husk as an Alternative Feed for Ruminants

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    Cocoa pod husk (CPH) is potential as an alternative source of feed for ruminants due to its quantity and quality. The availability of CPH in Indonesia during the harvest season is abundant and able to feed around 635,305 animal unit (AU) per year. Cocoa pod husk as a feedstuff which contains crude protein between 6.80-13.78%; NDF 55.30-73.90% and ADF 38.31-58.98% is a source of fiber and can replace grass. However, CPH also contains antinutritional compounds such as lignin, tannin and theobromine. In order to optimize the use of CPH as feed, treatments are needed to improve the nutritive value and digestibility, to reduce negative effects and to extend shelf life. Processing methods can be conducted physically, chemically and microbiologically. Processing can improve the nutritional value of CPH especially the protein content. Feeding livestock using processed CPH showed better weight gain than that of unprocessed CPH. Besides, the attempt to utilize CPH as feed can overcome the shortage of forage, especially during dry season and increase ruminant productivity around the area of cocoa plantations

    Evaluation of nutritive value of palm kernel cake fermented with molds as source of protein in ruminant

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    The objective of the research was to improve the nutritive value of PKC through fermentation and to evaluate its degradation characteristics in the rumen and post rumen digestibility as a protein feed source for ruminants. PKC was fermented using Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viridae and Aspergillus oryzae. To evaluate the in sacco rumen degradability, 2 rumen fistulated females Fries Holstein 3.5 years old were used. Samples were incubated in the rumen for 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Determination of dry matter (DM) degradation characteristics value and crude protein (CP) in the rumen was calculated based on formula y = a + b (1 - e-ct). The experiments were conducted using a completely randomized design with four replicates. The results showed that fermentation increased protein content of the PKC by 79.21% with the highest increase from fermentation using Aspergillus oryzae (88.34%). DM and CP degradability ​in the rumen and post rumen of fermented PKC was affected by type of mold used for fermentation. Fermentation increased the amount of water soluble DM (a) of fermented PKC with average of 46.7%, but the value of insoluble but degradable fraction in the rumen (b) was decreased. Fermentation by molds resulited in the reduction of fraction of insoluble CP but degradable (b) in the rumen by 50.42%. PKC fermentation by Aspergillus oryzae resulted in the higest CP degradability in the rumen and post rumen. It can be concluded that PKC has a high content of degradable CP in the rumen even without fermentation. Protein source from PKC fermented using Aspergillus oryzae categorized as the best source of feed protein in terms of increasing CP content and digestibility

    Utilization of Jatropha curcas Seed Meal and its Limitation as Feed Ingredient

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    One of the alternatives to solve the problem of less fossil energy is to utilize plant as a new source of energy, i.e Jatropha curcas, known as physic nut. This plant has been promoted as a source of energy as its seed contains high level of oil which can be used as biodiesel. The meal produced after pressing the seed will become a by product which contains high level of protein but also contains several anti nutritive factors or toxic compounds. This causes a problem to utilize this seed meal for animal feed. This paper descibes the nutritional quality and anti nutritive factors of jatropha seed meal, detoxification of jatropha seed meal and its utilization as feed ingredient and the problem of its utilization. Jatropha seed meal as a feed ingredient has to go through a combination process of detoxification. There is a need to find a cheap and easy detoxification technology to produce a safe and high nutritional quality of jatropha seed meal for animal

    Improving microbial protein synthesis in the rumen of sheep fed fresh tofu waste by crude tannin extract of Acacia mangium

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    Tannin can be found in many tropical plants and the presence of tannin may reduce the nutritional value of feed. However, it can give beneficial effect as it protects the protein from its excessive degradation in the rumen. Tofu waste is abundant in a country, including Indonesia, where tofu is produced widely. A feeding trial on sheep to study the effect of tannin on microbial protein synthesis and condition of rumen fermentation, digestibility and N retention of feed containing tofu waste was conducted. Fifteen sheep were allocated to one of 3 treatments, i.e: 1) control treatment, feed without tannin, 2) feed + tannin treatment and 3) feed + tannin + polyethylene glycol (PEG) treatment. The sheep was placed in the individual metabolism cage. They were fed with treatment feed for 14 days and then, the following 7 days, faeces and urine were collected. At the end of the treatment, rumen fluid was taken from each sheep before and after feeding. Rumen parameter (pH, ammonia, SCFA, protozoa) and microbial protein synthesis, digestibility, nitrogen retention were observed. Results showed that inclusion of 4% tannin in the feed depressed ammonia production in the rumen of sheep before and 3 hours after morning feeding. Total SCFA and individual SCFA were not different among treatments. Tannin did not affect daily feed intake. Tannin lowered the dry matter, organic matter and protein digestibilities but it significantly reduced ADF digestibility (P < 0.05) and tended to reduce NDF digestibility (P < 0.1). However, tannin increased the microbial protein synthesis. PEG addition was expected to bind tannin and alleviate the negative effect of tannin