76 research outputs found

    Development Vision of Protected Areas in the Republic of Croatia: National Park ā€œKrkaā€ as a Trend Leader

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    This chapter provides an overview of the current state of the park system of R.Ā Croatia. The effectiveness of management, recent achievements and difficulties in the functioning of national parks and parks of the Republic of Croatia are analysed, especially in the light of fulfilling ecological functions, contribution to sustainable development and strengthening local community economies. Attention is drawn to the lack of a comprehensive strategy of national park system, shortcoming of a unique park policy that is necessary for social valuation of a protected areasā€™ role, their stable financing, professionalisation of park functions, professionalisation of workplaces and positioning in relation to other sectors. Through the development vision of the national park system, prospects of improving management are stated, conditions of increasing the efficiency of management are detected and the models of achieving greater financial sustainability are suggested. In the second part, NP Krka is shown as the leader of the trends through protection and management of its area for more than two decades. The practiced approach has positioned them in the very top of the Croatia park system according to the results of the management and quality of the solution. The key features of the NP Krka management concept are highlighted, due to the achieved financial autonomy and the high level of sustainability of NP Krka management. An important upcoming challenge in managing the NP Krka is the need to effectively preserve the biodiversity and ecosystem services of the protected area through the establishment of a higher level of adaptability and flexibility of management, primarily to reduce the impact and effects of climate change, as well as the more pronounced annual growth of visitors and the consequences it brings. An important impulse for the improvement of the management in the NP Krka will be the adoption of a new spatial plan that will define, based on the results of extensive multidisciplinary research, the opportunities for development of acceptable activities in the protected area

    Slučaj UskrŔnjeg otoka kao primjer čovjekovog utjecaja na okoliŔ; Dio II: Teorije o propasti druŔtva UskrŔnjeg otoka

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    U drugom dijelu rada daje se prikaz teorija koje se nastoje objasniti slom druŔtva koji se dogodio na UskrŔnjem otoku. Postoje brojne teorije koje u potpunosti ne objaŔnjavaju sve aspekte okoliŔnih i druŔtvenih promjena, stoga najnovija, interdisciplinarna teorija, nastoji obuhvatiti sve bitne elemente prethodnih teorija kako bi ponudila sveobuhvatno rjeŔenje. Ipak, ni ova teorija ne daje odgovore na sva otvorena pitanja. Slučaj UskrŔnjeg otoka i danas je aktualan, jer su problemi s kojima su se susreli stanovnici UskrŔnjeg otoka slični suvremenim problemima vezanima uz okoliŔ na globalnoj razini

    European Severe Storm Laboratory (ESSL)

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    Slučaj UskrÅ”njeg otoka kao primjer čovjekovog utjecaja na okoliÅ”; Dio I: Opća geografska obilježja i naseljavanje UskrÅ”njeg otoka

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    UskrÅ”nji otok jedan je od najizoliranijih komadića kopna na Zemlji. Unatoč njegovoj izoliranosti trajno je naseljen od srednjega vijeka. Njegovi prvi stanovnici su u nekoliko stoljeća razvili dobro organizirano druÅ”tvo, no razvoj tog druÅ”tva temeljio se na pretjeranom iscrpljivanju resursa, a ponajviÅ”e na intenzivnoj deforestaciji. Nakon dosega vrhunca razvoja, druÅ”tvo se uruÅ”ilo prije svega zbog neimaÅ”tine izazvane neodrživim razvojem, ali i zbog poklapanja prirodnih i druÅ”tvenih faktora. Prvi dio ovog rada bavi se općim obilježjima otoka i načinom života njegovih prvih stanovnika

    Ocjena fizičkog opterećenja statističkom analizom pulsa radnika na privlačenju drva

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    Results of investigation into the physical exertion of the log skidding workers: tractor driver, winch operator and choker are presented. The investigation consisted of laboratory and field measurements and included measurements of the heart rate and assessment of the work effect, the work time structure, and the worker\u27s physical exertion and energy consumption. According to the average rate during daily work, the physical exertion of the tractor driver and winch operator was classified as low exertion (75-95 min-1), whereas that of the choker was established as medium exertion (96-115 min-1). Energy consumption was calculated for the daily working time of 262 minutes, according to field measurements and tor normal eight-hour work. According to field measurement values the tractor driver\u27s and winch operator\u27s work was categorized as light work (1.23-2.51 MJ) and that of the choker as heavy work (2.52-6.30 MJ). According to the values for eight-hour work, the tractor driver\u27s and the winch operator\u27s jobs were classified as heavy work (2.52-6.30 MJ/8h) and the choker\u27s job as the heaviest (6.31-10.47 fv1J/6h).U članku se izvjeŔćuje o istraživanjima fizičkoga opterećenja radnika na privlačenju drva: traktorista, rukovatelja vitlom i kopčaÅ”a. Istraživanja su provedena tijekom laboratorijskih i terenskih mjerenja. ViÅ”ednevno snimanje rada na terenu obuhvatilo je studij rada i mjerenje pulsa svake minute s pomoću elektronskog pulsomjera lipa Respironics. Laboratorijsko testiranje izabranih radnika obuhvatilo je klinički pregled, izabrane laboratorijske pretrage, EKG, spirometriju, ergometriju i reografiju. Rezultati istraživanja odnose se na postignuti radni učinak, strukturu radnoga vremena te ocjenu fizičkoga opterećenja radnika na osnovi prosječnoga pulsa tijekom dnevnog rada i pripadajuće, posredno izračunane energijske potroÅ”nje. Prema nalazu prosječnoga pulsa tijekom dnevnoga rada fizičko opterećenje traktorista i rukovatelja vitlom svrstano je u klasu malog opterećenja (75-95 min-1), dok je opterećenje kopčaÅ”a u klasi srednjeg opterećenja (96-115 min-1). Dnevni utroÅ”ak energije izračunan je za dnevno radno vrijeme ostvareno pri terenskim mjerenjima i normalno osmosatno radno vrijeme. Prema kriteriju energijske potroÅ”nje istražena radna mjesta spadaju medu ona j Å”umarstvu s prihvatljivim opterećenjem. Rad traktorista i rukovatelja vitlom ocijenjen je kao laki rad (od 1,23 do 2,51 MJ). Izračunani utroÅ”ak energije čini 21-22% prosječno mogućega najvećeg utroÅ”ka energije za rad. Rad kopčaÅ”a svrstan je u razred teÅ”kog rada (2,52-6,30 MJ), a izračunani utroÅ”ak čini 43% od prosječno mogućega najvećeg utroÅ”ka energije za rad. Rad traktorista i rukovatelja vitlom ocijenjen je kao teÅ”ki rad (2,56-6,30 MJ/8h). Izračunani utroÅ”ak energije čini 41-43% prosječno mogućega najvećeg utroÅ”ka energije za rad. Rad kopčaÅ”a svrstan je, prema energijskoj potroÅ”nji u razred najtežeg rada (6,31-10,47 MJ/8h), a izračunani utroÅ”ak oni 80% od prosječno mogućega najvećeg utroÅ”ka energije za rad

    An overview of classifications and modern research of springs in the world and in Croatia

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    Zbog svoje važnosti izvori su bili predmet znanstvenih proučavanja već od kraja 17. stoljeća. Razvojem znanosti kroz 19., a posebno kroz 20. i 21. stoljeće, izvori su postali predmetom proučavanja različitih znanstvenih polja i grana. Rezultat raznolikih proučavanja izvora bogate su spoznaje o njihovim različitim obilježjima te razvoj brojnih klasifikacija. Temeljne klasifikacije nastale su početkom dvadesetoga stoljeća, a u posljednjih dvadesetak godina javlja se potreba i želja znanstvenika za interdisciplinarnim istraživanjima i klasifikacijama izvora. Međutim, danas joÅ” ne postoji ni međunarodno prihvaćena interdisciplinarna klasifikacija ni baza podataka izvora koje bi olakÅ”ale usporedbu dosad istraženih obilježja izvora i koriÅ”tenje istraživanjem dobivenih podataka. U Hrvatskoj se uglavnom istražuju i klasificiraju vodom bogati krÅ”ki izvori, koji čine atraktivne pojave u prostoru, dok su nekrÅ”ki izvori uglavnom manje istraživani. Cilj je ovoga rada predstaviti razvoj klasifikacija izvora kroz povijest, osvrnuti se na različitost pristupa istraživanjima koje su do njih dovele te predstaviti najznačajnija suvremena istraživanja izvora u svijetu i Hrvatskoj.Because of their importance, water springs have been the subject of scholarly study since the late 17th century. With the development of science in the 19th, and especially in the 20th and 21st centuries, they became the object of study of various fields and branches of science. The result of the diverse studies of springs is a rich knowledge of their properties and the development of numerous classifications. Most basic classifications were created at the beginning of the 20th century, but a need for interdisciplinary research and classification of springs has emerged in the last twenty years. Today, however, there is no internationally-accepted interdisciplinary classification or database of springs that would facilitate the comparison of researched features and the use of research data. In Croatia, water-rich karst springs, which are attractive phenomena, have been thoroughly researched and classified, while non-karst springs have been examined less. The aim of this paper is to present the development of spring classifications throughout history, to emphasize the variety of research approaches that have been used, and to present the most important modern research of springs in the world and in Croatia

    The Effect of Body Mass on Physiological Indicators in the Performance of Forestry Workers

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    The paper presents the results of research into the effects of body mass (BM) on basic physiological indicators of work capability among forestry workers. The indicators included the maximum theoretical heart rate, the maximum heart rate in exertion tests, and the basal energy expenditure. The effects of the deviation of the actual from the ideal BM values were analysed on a sample of 8 workers. The variables included age, body height and mass. These were used to determine the maximum theoretical heart rate. The maximum heart rate was determined in an ergonomic laboratory in a programmed exertion test on a treadmill. Using standard formulae in work physiology, values of work capability indicators were calculated for the actual and ideal BM of each worker. The results, embracing individual and summary values and their absolute and relative ratios, showed that workers exceeded their ideal BM by an average of 9.9 kg. In all workers, the maximum theoretical heart rate was higher than that achieved in the exertion test. It was also found that even significant deviations of the ideal from the actual BM (the actual BM was more than 20% higher than the ideal BM) did not have any considerable effects on the maximum theoretical heart rate. The analysis of oxygen consumption showed that in relation to physical capability of the ideal BM and the maximal theoretical heart rate, physical capability of each worker was lower by an average of 11.5%. The highest reduction of physical capability was found in those workers with the least favourable ratio between the theoretical and the maximal tested heart rate. It was concluded that on average, the basal energy expenditure in each worker was higher by 7.45% due to the deviation of the actual from the ideal BM. At constant values of other factors, this means an equivalently lower capacity for daily physical performance

    Assessment of Stress Level of Forestry Experts with Academic Education

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    This paper provides the results of an applied research of forests engineers connected to their risk of mental stress occurrence in everyday work. This paper also has a component of a basic research, in which the adequacy and reliability of applied methodology in this kind of researches is examined. The mental stress induced risk is tested by usage of an e-mail survey which consists out of 23-part ERI (Effort-Reward Imbalance) questionnaire. For the assessment of mental stress exposure level following indicators have been used: 1) ERI ā€“ ratio of devoted effort and achieved reward, and 2) overcommitment. These indicators have been analyzed in comparison to the demographic parameters (gender, age) and the complexity of assigned jobs of the interviewees. The interview was applied on a randomly sampled forestry experts employed in public and private sector. The analysis of reliability of the three components of ERI questionnaire has showed satisfactory internal consistency. Descriptive statistics has been done regarding gender and the complexity of assigned jobs. The testing of the Ā»devoted effort/achieved rewardĀ« variable (E/R index) has shown a statistically significant difference of the index value between male interviewees on managerial and standard expert positions. The value of E/R index was x1 at 18.97% of the sampled interviewees, which indicates a divergence between devoted effort and achieved reward, and also points to a possibility of mental stress occurrence risk. Multiple response tables have shown that female interviewees with less than 20 years of professional experience manifest stress related symptoms earlier than their male colleagues with similar professional experience do. Regression analysis has shown a significant correlation of E/R index to gender, internship and overcommitment. This research also assesses the viability of the applied method as an instrument of forestry experts\u27 mental stress level determination
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