46 research outputs found

    Survey datasets on the influence of conflict management strategies on academic staff productivity in selected public universities in Nigeria

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    The articlepresenteddataontheinfluence ofconflict management strategiesonproductivityofAcademicStaffofselectedpublic universitiesinNigeria.Atotalof368copiesofquestionnairewere administeredtotheacademicstaffofselectedthree(3)Public UniversitiesintheSouth–WestZoneofNigeriaand325copies werereturnedanddeemedusable.Thisrepresentsaresponserate of 88.32%.Emphasiswaslaidontheyearofestablishmentofthe selected universitiesbasedonthefactthatovertheyears,these universitiesarelikelytohavebeenexposedtoconflicts andthe strategiesformanagingthem.Thestudyadoptedthequantitative approach withadescriptiveresearchdesigntoestablishtrends relatedtotheobjectivesofthestudy.Thequestionnaireusedfor this studywasadaptedfromtheworkofRahim(2002)[4].The population ofthisstudyincludedalltheAcademicStaffofthe selected publicuniversities.Datawasanalyzedwiththeuseof multiple regressionandstructuralequationmodeling.Thedataset is madeavailableandaccessibleformorecomprehensiveresearch

    Exploring the Role of Human Capital Management on Organizational Success: Evidence from Public Universities

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    The demand for higher education in Nigeria has been considered as not only an investment in human capital, but also a pre-requisite for economic development. Consequent upon the expansion of higher education in Nigeria, quite a number of institutions have suffered decay due to poor work environments, inadequate educational facilities and poor funding which have resulted into unabated brain drain, strike and turnover. However, the need to develop talents is no longer hidden, what remains controversial is knowing the best method for managing human capacity especially in Nigerian State owned universities. Thus, this study examined the relationship between human capital management and organizational success using three State owned universities in Southwest, Nigeria. These universities (Ekiti State University (EKSU), Lagos State University (LASU), Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) were chosen for their uniqueness. Survey research design was adopted with 398 respondents (staff). Self-administered questionnaire was adopted and analyzed with the adoption of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). However, the results indicated that adequate leadership practices; learning capacity; workforce optimization; knowledge accessibility; workplace culture and; mentorship are significant predictors of organizational success in higher education.

    Exploring the Role of Human Capital Management on Organizational Success: Evidence from Public Universities

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    The demand for higher education in Nigeria has been considered as not only an investment in human capital, but also a pre-requisite for economic development. Consequent upon the expansion of higher education in Nigeria, quite a number of institutions have suffered decay due to poor work environments, inadequate educational facilities and poor funding which have resulted into unabated brain drain, strike and turnover. However, the need to develop talents is no longer hidden, what remains controversial is knowing the best method for managing human capacity especially in Nigerian State owned universities. Thus, this study examined the relationship between human capital management and organizational success using three State owned universities in Southwest, Nigeria. These universities (Ekiti State University (EKSU), Lagos State University (LASU), Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED)) were chosen for their uniqueness. Survey research design was adopted with 398 respondents (staff). Self-administered questionnaire was adopted and analyzed with the adoption of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). However, the results indicated that adequate leadership practices; learning capacity; workforce optimization; knowledge accessibility; workplace culture and; mentorship are significant predictors of organizational success in higher education

    Value relevance of financial statements and share price: a study   of listed banks in Nigeria

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    This paper examined the effects of value relevance of financial statements on firms share price in Nigeria. In achieving the objectives of this research, the fact book from the Nigerian Stock Exchange Market and the audited financial statement of listed banks spanning the period 2010-2014 were used. Also, a total of 15 listed banks in the Nigerian stock exchange market were selected and analyzed for the study using the purposive sampling method. However, in analyzing the research hypotheses, the study adopted the use of both descriptive statistics and the use of Fixed Effects Panel data method of data analysis technique. Findings from the study showed that a significant positive relationship existed between earnings per share (EPS) and Last day share price (LDSP). The study recommends the need for banks in the country to improve on the quality of earnings reported, since it has a stronger ability to explaining share prices of firm