322 research outputs found

    Keterkaitan Kuantitas Pekerjaan Dengan Durasi Dan Tenaga Kerja Pada Proyek Konstruksi Bangunan Bertingkat Tinggi

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    Dalam proyek konstruksi dibutuhkan adanya perencanaan yang baik dalam bentuk schedule yang teratur. Schedule pada proyek konstruksi berbicara mengenai durasi tiap-tiap pekerjaan pada proyek konstruksi yang dipengaruhi oleh kuantitas pekerjaan dan jumlah tenaga kerja. Kuantitas pekerjaan dapat diperoleh dari Rencana Anggaran Biaya pada proyek konstruksi. Melalui kuantitas pekerjaan yang didapat dari RAB dan durasi pekerjaan yang didapat dari schedule dapat diperoleh keterkaitan yang disebut dengan daily output. Melalui daily output dapat diperoleh berapa jumlah tenaga kerja teoritis yang dibutuhkan berdasarkan indeks SNI 2008. Fokus pekerjaan daripada penelitian ini adalah pekerjaan struktur yang meliputi pekerjaan pengecoran, pemasangan bekisting, dan pembesian pada struktur kolom, balok, plat, dan dinding. Berdasarkan perbandingan data rencana antara proyek Hotel Cleo, proyek UK Petra Gedung P1-P2, dan juga proyek Fave Hotel, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa proyek UK. Petra Gedung P1-P2 memiliki nilai daily output dan jumlah tenaga kerja terbanyak untuk pekerjaan bekisting, pembesian, dan pengecoran pada masing-masing elemen struktur jika dibandingkan dengan proyek lainnya. Berdasarkan persentase perbedaan antara data rencana dan data nyata diatas dari daily output pada pekerjaan bekisting, pembesian dan pengecoran pada masing-masing elemen struktur bagian nyata memiliki indeks tenaga kerja yang relatif lebih sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan data rencana berdasarkan SNI 2008, kecuali pada pekerjaan pembesian tangga yang membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang lebih banyak

    Performance and Combustion Characteristics of an SI Engine Fueled With Fusel Oil-Gasoline at Different Water Content

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    The main objective of the current study is to investigate the impacts of fusel oil-gasoline blends with different water content on performance and combustion characteristics of an SI engine. The water content of fusel oil is reduced by employing rotary extractor method. The parameters examined in the current study are the effects of test fuels upon engine performance criteria, fuel combustion, location of CA50 and coefficient of variation of indicated mean effective pressure (COVIMEP). The experiments are conducted in a SI engine with two blending ratio of gasoline-fusel oil (FBWE10 and FAWE10) in addition to pure gasoline as a standard fuel under different engine speeds and constant 45% of WOT engine load. The study results reveal that engine power, torque, and brake thermal efficiency have slightly improved with fusel oil-gasoline blends that were obvious clearly after reduction of water content. On the other hand, though the brake specific fuel consumption of FAWE10 slightly improve compared to FBWE10 but still higher than gasoline. Furthermore, the peak in-cylinder pressure, rate of heat release, and rate of pressure rise enhanced with fusel oil-gasoline blends. The (CA 0–10) and (CA 10–90) duration could be simultaneously decreased by reducing the water content of fusel oil, all of that are helpful to improve the stability of combustion and thought to be reasons for the reduction in COVIMEP. As a conclusion, the reduction of fusel oil water content has played positively to enhance the combustion and performance characteristics of the fuel blend and result in more stable engine operation

    Congental myasthenic syndromes - diagnostics and treatment

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    Kongenitalni mijastenički sindromi (KMS) predstavljaju poremećaje granice sigurnosti neuralne transmisije na presinaptičkoj, sinaptičkoj i postinaptičkoj razini. Dijagnoza kongenitalnog mijasteničkog sindroma postavlja se na temelju kliničke slike koja uključuje mišićnu slabost uzrokovanu zamorom što se pojavljuje od ranog djetinjstva, oftalmoparezu, respiratornu insuficijenciju, poremećaj funkcije mišića inerviranih kranijalnim živcima te pad amplitude mišićnog potencijala pri repetitivnoj stimulaciji (dekrementalni odgovor) i odsutnost protutijela na acetilkolinske receptore (AchR) i mišićno specifičnu tirozinsku kinazu (MuSK). Neki kongenitalni mijastenički sindromi manifestiraju se kasnije, a mišićna slabost i dekrementalni odgovor pojavljuju se intermintentno sa selektivnom raspodjelom u određenim mišićnim skupinama. Molekularno genetska analiza je vrlo značajna u dijagnostici kongenitalnog mijasteničkog sindroma. Presinaptički kongenitalni mijastenički sindrom vezan je za recesivne mutacije gena CHAT (kolinacetiltransferaza). Sinaptički oblik uzrokovan je mutacijom podjedinice kolagenskog repa acetilkolinesteraze (AchE). Većina kongenitalnih mijasteničkih sindroma su postsinaptički, uzrokovani mutacijama gena AchR podjedinica. Najčešće su mutacije gena CHRNE za ε-podjedinicu. Općenito, besmislene ili mutacije s pomakom okvira čitanja uzrokuju kongenitalni mijastenički sindrom zbog smanjene ili odsutne ekpresije proteina i nasljeđuju se autosomno recesivno. Mutacije gena rapsina (RAPSN) uzrokuju primarni nedostatak AchR-a na završnoj ploči. U terapiji kongenitalnog mijasteničkog sindroma ponajprije se primjenjuju inhibitori AchE. Prikazujemo djecu s kongenitalnim presinaptičkim i postinaptičkim poremećajima koji su udruženi sa značajnom varijabilnošću kliničke ekspresije u okviru kongenitalnog mijasteničkog sindroma.Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) are genetically determined disorders affecting safety margins of neural transmission at presynaptic, postsynaptic and synaptic level. Diagnosis of CMS is made based on clinical symptoms including fatigable muscle weakness since infancy or childhood, decremental EMG response and negative antibodies to acetylcholine receptors (AchR) and muscle specific tyrosine kinase (MuSK). In some CMS the onset is delayed, weakness and EMG abnormalities appear intermittently in restricted distribution. Molecular genetic analysis has an important role in diagnosis of CMS. Presynaptic CMS are associated with recessive CHAT (cholinacyltransferase) gene mutations. The synaptic disorder is caused by mutation of the collagenic tail subunit of the AchE gene. However most CMS are postsynaptic, mostly caused by CHRNE gene mutations of AchR ε-subunit. In general, nonsense or frame shifting mutations cause CMS by decreased or absent protein expression and are inherited in autosomal recessive traits. Rapsyn gene (RAPSN) mutations cause primary endplate AchR deficiency. AchE inhibitors are the drugs of first choice in the treatment of CMS. We present children with presynaptic and with postsynaptic defects manifesting remarkable clinical heterogeneity

    Quasi-static compression properties of bamboo and pvc tube reinforced polymer foam structures

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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest for composite materials due to the superior capability to absorb energy and lightweight factor. These properties are compatible to be utilized in the development for transportation system as it can reduce the fuel consumption and also minimize the effect of crash to the passenger. Therefore, the aim for this project is to study the compression strength and energy absorbing capability for Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and bamboo tubes reinforced with foam. Several parameters are being considered, these being the effect of single and multiple tube reinforced foam structure, foam density, diameter of the tube as well as effect of different crosshead speed. The results showed that increasing the relative foam density will led to an increase in the compression strength and specific energy absorption (SEA) values. Furthermore, a significant increase of compression strength can be seen when several tubes are introduced into the foam while SEA remained almost the same. Finally, the influence of crosshead below 20 mm/min did not vary significantly for both compression strength and SEA

    Serum CD26 is related to histopathological polyp traits and behaves as a marker for colorectal cancer and advanced adenomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Serum CD26 (sCD26) levels were previously found diminished in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients compared to healthy donors, suggesting its potential utility for early diagnosis. Therefore we aimed to estimate the utility of the sCD26 as a biomarker for CRC and advanced adenomas in a high-risk group of patients. The relationship of this molecule with polyp characteristics was also addressed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>sCD26 levels were measured by ELISA in 299 symptomatic and asymptomatic patients who had undergone a colonoscopy. Patients were diagnosed as having no colorectal pathology, non-inflammatory or inflammatory bowel disease, polyps (hyperplastic, non-advanced and advanced adenomas) or CRC.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At a 460 ng/mL cut-off, the sCD26 has a sensitivity and specificity of 81.8% (95% CI, 64.5-93.0%) and 72.3% (95% CI, 65.0-77.2%) for CRC regarding no or benign colorectal pathology. Clinicopathological analysis of polyps showed a relationship between the sCD26 and the grade of dysplasia and the presence of advanced adenomas. Hence, a 58.0% (95% CI, 46.5-68.9%) sensitivity detecting CRC and advanced adenomas was obtained, with a specificity of 75.5% (95% CI, 68.5-81.0%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our preliminary results show that measurement of the sCD26 is a non-invasive and reasonably sensitive assay, which could be combined with others such as the faecal occult blood test for the early diagnosis and screening of CRC and advanced adenomas. Additional comparative studies in average-risk populations are necessary.</p