52 research outputs found

    Productivity improvement in Korean rice farming: parametric and non-parametric analysis

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    The published empirical literature on frontier production functions is dominated by two broadly defined estimation approaches – parametric and non‐parametric. Using panel data on Korean rice production, parametric and non‐parametric production frontiers are estimated and compared with estimated productivity. The non‐parametric approach employs two alternative measures based on the Malmquist index and the Luenberger indicator, while the parametric approach is closely related to the time‐variant efficiency model. Productivity measures differ considerably between these approaches. It is discovered that measures of efficiency change are more sensitive to the choice of the model than are measures of technical change. Both approaches reveal that the main sources of growth in Korean rice farming have been technical change and productivity improvements in regions of the country that have been associated with low efficiency.Crop Production/Industries, Productivity Analysis,

    BESTIE: Broadcast Encryption Scheme for Tiny IoT Equipments

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    In public key broadcast encryption, anyone can securely transmit a message to a group of receivers such that privileged users can decrypt it. The three important parameters of the broadcast encryption scheme are the length of the ciphertext, the size of private/public key, and the performance of encryption/decryption. It is suggested to decrease them as much as possible, however, it turns out that decreasing one increases the other in most schemes. This paper proposes a new broadcast encryption scheme for tiny IoT equipments (BESTIE), minimizing the private key size in each user. In the proposed scheme, the private key size is O(log n), the public key size is O(log n), the encryption time per subset is O(log n), the decryption time is O(log n), and the ciphertext text size is O(r), where n denotes the maximum number of users and r indicates the number of revoked users. The proposed scheme is the first subset difference based broadcast encryption scheme to reduce the private size O(log n) without sacrificing the other parameters. We prove that our proposed scheme is secure under q-Simplified Multi-Exponent Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (q-SMEBDH) in the standard model

    Simulation-Extractable zk-SNARK with a Single Verification

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    This revised paper improves the previous simulation-extractable zk-SNARK (SE-SNARK) in terms of performance efficiency and the security. It removes the G_2 operation in verification, without degrading performance and size, and analyze the security of the nested hash collision more deeply to strengthen the security. The simulation-extractable zk-SNARK (SE-SNARK) introduces a security notion of non-malleability. The existing pairing-based zk-SNARKs designed from linear encoding are known to be vulnerable to algebraic manipulation of the proof. The latest SE-SNARKs check the proof consistency by increasing the proof size and the verification cost. In particular, the number of pairings increases almost doubles due to further verification. In this paper, we propose two novel SE-SNARK constructions with a single verification. The consistency check is subsumed in a single verification through employing a hash function. The proof size and verification time of the proposed SE-SNARK schemes are minimal in that it is the same as the state-of-the-art zk-SNARK without non-malleability. The proof in our SE-SNARK constructions comprises only three group elements (type III) in the QAP-based scheme and two group elements (type I) in the SAP-based scheme. The verification time in both requires only 3 pairings. The soundness of the proposed schemes is proven under the hash-algebraic knowledge (HAK) assumption and the collision-resistant hash assumption

    Forward-secure Multi-user Aggregate Signatures based on zk-SNARKs

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    As a solution to mitigate the key exposure problems in the digital signature, forward security has been proposed. The forward security guarantees the integrity of the messages generated in the past despite leaks of a current time period secret key by evolving a secret key on each time period. However, there is no forward secure signature scheme whose all metrics have constant complexities. Furthermore, existing works do not support multi-user aggregation of signatures. In this paper, we propose a forward secure aggregate signature scheme utilizing recursive zk-SNARKs (zero knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARguments of Knowledge), whose all metrics including size and time have O(1)O(1). The proposed forward secure signature scheme can aggregate signatures generated by not only a single user but also multiple users. The security of the proposed scheme is formally proven under zero-knowledge assumption and random oracle model

    Combinatorial Subset Difference Public Key Broadcast Encryption Scheme for Secure Multicast

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    Public key broadcast encryption is a cryptographic method to securely transmit a message from anyone to a group of receivers such that only privileged users can decrypt it. A secure multicast system allows a user to send a message to a dynamically changing group of users. The secure multicast can be realized by the broadcast encryption. In this paper, we propose a novel combinatorial subset difference (CSD) public key broadcast encryption covering method which allows a generalized subset difference representation in which wildcards can be placed at any position. The proposed CSD is suitable for the secure multicast while minimizing the header size compared with the existing public key broadcast encryption schemes without sacrificing key storage and encryption/decryption performance. Experimental results show that the proposed CSD scheme not only reduces the ciphertext header size by 17% and 31% but also improves encryption performance (per subset) by 6 and 1.3 times, and decryption performance by 10 and 19 times compared with existing efficient subset difference (SD) and interval schemes, respectively. Furthermore, especially for subsets represented in a non-hierarchical manner, the proposed CSD reduces the number of subsets by a factor of 1000 times compared with SD and interval approaches. We prove the semantic security of our proposed CSD scheme under the l-BDHE assumption without the random oracle model

    Azeroth: Auditable Zero-knowledge Transactions in Smart Contracts

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    With the rapid growth of the blockchain market, privacy and security issues for digital assets are becoming more important. In the most widely used public blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, all activities on user accounts are publicly disclosed, which violates privacy regulations such as EU GDPR. Encryption of accounts and transactions may protect privacy, but it also raises issues of validity and transparency: encrypted information alone cannot verify the validity of a transaction and makes it difficult to meet anti-money laundering regulations, i.e. auditability. In this paper, we propose Azeroth\textsf{Azeroth}, an auditable zero-knowledge transfer framework. Azeroth\textsf{Azeroth} connects a zero-knowledge proof to an encrypted transaction, enabling it to check its validation while protecting its privacy. Azeroth\textsf{Azeroth} also allows authorized auditors to audit transactions. Azeroth\textsf{Azeroth} is designed as a smart contract for flexible deployment on existing blockchains. %According to the result of our experiment, the proof generation time is about 0.9s0.9s, and the asset transferring time is only 4.4s4.4s, which is practically usable. We implement the Azeroth\textsf{Azeroth} smart contract, execute it on various platforms including an Ethereum testnet blockchain, and measure the time to show the practicality of our proposal. The end-to-end latency of a privacy-preserving transfer takes about 4.4s4.4s. In particular, the client\u27s transaction generation time with a proof only takes about 0.9s0.9s. The security of Azeroth\textsf{Azeroth} is proven under the cryptographic assumptions

    SAVER: SNARK-friendly, Additively-homomorphic, and Verifiable Encryption and decryption with Rerandomization

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    In the pairing-based zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zk-SNARK), there often exists a requirement for the proof system to be combined with encryption. As a typical example, a blockchain-based voting system requires the vote to be confidential (using encryption), while verifying voting validity (using zk-SNARKs). In these combined applications, a typical solution is to extend the zk-SNARK circuit to include the encryption code. However, complex cryptographic operations in the encryption algorithm increase the circuit size, which leads to impractically large proving time and CRS size. In this paper, we propose SNARK-friendly, Additively-homomorphic, and Verifiable Encryption and decryption with Rerandomization or SAVER, which is a novel approach to detach the encryption from the SNARK circuit. The encryption in SAVER holds many useful properties. It is SNARK-friendly: the encryption is conjoined with an existing pairing-based SNARK, in a way that the encryptor can prove pre-defined properties while encrypting the message apart from the SNARK. It is additively-homomorphic: the ciphertext holds a homomorphic property from the ElGamal-based encryption. It is a verifiable encryption: one can verify arbitrary properties of encrypted messages by connecting with the SNARK system. It provides a verifiable decryption: anyone without the secret can still verify that the decrypted message is indeed from the given ciphertext. It provides rerandomization: the proof and the ciphertext can be rerandomized as independent objects so that even the encryptor (or prover) herself cannot identify the origin. For the representative application, we also propose a Vote-SAVER based on SAVER, which is a novel voting system where voter\u27s secret key lies only with the voter himself. The Vote-SAVER satisfies receipt-freeness (which implies ballot privacy), individual verifiability (which implies non-repudiation), vote verifiability, tally uniqueness, and voter anonymity. The experimental results show that our SAVER with respect to the Vote-SAVER relation yields 0.7s for zk-SNARK proving time and 10ms for encryption, with the CRS size of 16MB

    Privacy-preserving Identity Management System

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    Recently, a self-sovereign identity model has been researched actively as an alternative to the existing identity models such as a centralized identity model, federated identity model, and user-centric model. The self-sovereign identity model allows a user to have complete control of his identity. Meanwhile, the core component of the self-sovereign identity model is data minimization. The data minimization signifies that the extent of the exposure of user private identity should be minimized. As a solution to data minimization, zero-knowledge proofs can be grafted to the self-sovereign identity model. Specifically, zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive ARgument of Knowledges(zk-SNARKs) enables proving the truth of the statement on an arbitrary relation. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving self-sovereign identity model based on zk-SNARKs to allow any type of data minimization beyond the selective disclosure and range proof. The security of proposed model is formally proven under the security of the zero-knowledge proof and the unforgeability of the signature in the random oracle model. Furthermore, we optimize the proving time by checking the correctness of the commitment outside of the proof relation for practical use. The resulting scheme improves proving time for hash computation (to verify a commitment input) from 0.5 s to about 0.1 ms on a 32-bit input