9 research outputs found
Makrakantarhinhoza svinja
Macracantarhynhosis are swine parasitoses caused by hookworm Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. Development of parasites included intermediate host in genus Scarabidae (Melontha vulgaris, Cetonia aurata, Polyphilla fullo, Anomalia vitis i dr.). Infection occurred when swine eat infected insects and usually occurred at extensive breeding. Adult hookworm are 10-17 cm long and 4-10 mm wide. They live in small intestine of swine, some carnivores and human. Pathology changes were at deep part of intestinal mucus where we found deep wund and bacterial infection at fixation places. Clinical signs are apathy.Makrakantarhinhoza je parazitoza uzrokovana sa akantocefalom Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. Razvoj parazita ide preko prelaznog domaćina - koleoptera iz roda Scarabidae (Melontha vulgaris, Cetonia aurata, Polyphilla fullo, Anomalia vitis i dr.). Infekcija nastaje kada svinje pojedu zaražene koleoptere, tako da se infekcije sreću u ekstenzivnom držanju. Paraziti su dugi 10-17 cm i široki 4-10 mm. Parazitiraju u tankim crevima svinja. Patološko delovanje se ispoljava u vidu dubokih rana u sluznici creva, toksičnim delovanjem metabolita i posledičnim bakterijskim infekcijama na mestu fiksacije. Od kliničkih simptoma prisutni su apatija, mršavljenje, anemija, konvulzija, a kod jakih infekcija i uginuća.
Askaridoza - stalno prisutan problem intenzivne svinjarske proizvodnje
Ascaridosis presence mast frequent, and most important, with global distribution with prevalence, dependent of bruding condition, were 5-95%. Chronical development of diseases induce permanent lasses at swine production through by low growth, weakly product results and by condemned of organs when presence larvar migration. At our parers we give outline on most important moment connected with swine askaridosis spread of parasites in our countries, pathogenesis and pathology changes and measure to prevention and eradication of diseases.Askaridoza predstavlja najčešću i najrasprostranjeniju parazitsku infekciju svinja, globalne distribucije, čija se prevalenca zavisno od uslova držanja kreće 5- 95%. Protičući u hroničnom obliku uzrokuje gubitke u svinjarskoj proizvodnji koji se manifestuju u vidu umanjenog prirasta, slabije konverzije hrane i odbacivanja organa kroz koje se odvija migratorna faza parazita. U našem radu dajemo kratak osvrt na najvažnije momente vezane za askaridozu svinja - raširenost ove parazitoze kod nas, patogenezu i patološke promene kao i mere preventive i suzbijanja oboljenja
Šuga - stalno prisutan problem intenzivne svinjarske proizvodnje
Scabies caused by Sarcoptes scabei var. suis presence most frequent, and most important health problem in farm breeding swine with global distribution with prevalence, dependent of bruding condition, were 5-95%. Chronical development of diseases induce permanent lasses at swine production through by low growth, weakly product results and by condemned of organs when presence larvar migration. At our papers we give outline on most important moment connected with swine scabies spread of parasites in our countries pathogenesis and pathology changes and measure to prevention and eradication of diseases.Šuga uzrokovana sa Sarcoptes scabei var. suis predstavlja jednu od najčešćih i najrasprostranjenijih parazitsku infekciju svinja, globalne distribucije čija se prevalenca zavisno od uslova držanja kreće 5-95%. Protičući u akutnom a potom hroničnom obliku uzrokuje rapidne gubitke svinjarskoj proizvodnji kroz umanjen prirast i slabije proizvodne rezultate. U našem radu dajemo kratak osvrt na najvažnije momente vezane za šugu svinja raširenost ove parazitoze kod nas, patogenezu i patološke promene kao i mere preventive i suzbijanja obolenja
Verminozni gastriti svinja
Verminal gastritis are swine parasitoses caused by nematodes of genus Spiruridea (Arduena strongyllinae, Gnathostoma hispidum,Physocephalus sexalatus and Simondsia paradoxa) and Trichostrongylidae (Hyostrongylus rubidus and Ollulanus tricuspis). In Serbia H. rubidus were occurred at 3-6% farm breeding swine and infection with Arduena strongyllinae, Gnathostoma hispidum, Physocephalus sexalatus and Hyostrongylus rubidus were occurredat extensive breeding condition. Pathology changes were at deep part of stomach mucus where we found deep wound and bacterial infection at fixation places. Clinical signs are apathy, slenderness, convulsion and at hard infection possibility died.Verminozni gastriti svinja je obolenje farmskih i ekstenzivno držanih svinja uzrokovano sa nematodama iz rodova Spiruridea i Trichostrongylidae. Obolenja su raširena širom sveta. U našoj zemlji, H.rubidus se sreće kod 3-6% farmski držanih svinja, dok je u ekstenzivnom držanju ustanovljena infekcija sa Ascarops strongyllinae, Gnathostoma hispidum, Physocephalus sexalatus i Hyostrongylus rubidus ali prevalence nije poznata. Patološko delovanje se ispoljava u vidu dubokih rana u sluznici želuca i posledičnim infekcijama na mestu fiksacije. Od kliničkih simptoma prisutni su apatija, mršavljenje, anemija, a kod jakih infekcija i uginuća. Značaj koji verminozni gastriti imaju kod svinja daleko prevazilazi pažnju koja joj se poklanja u našoj sredini i morala bi biti predmet jednog studioznog istraživanja
Metastrongilidoza svinja
Metastrongilidosis was parasitoses caused by numerous nematoda species from genus Metastrongylus. Development of parasites circulated via intermediate hosts – warious worms species. Swine infected eating infectious worms. Infection usually occurred at swine in extensive breeding. Lung was primary situs of parasites and all pathological changes we occurred there. Except primary pathology role, Metastrongylus was carrier of numerous bacterial and viral swine diseases.Metastrongilidoza je parazitoza uzrokovana sa više vrsta nematoda iz roda Metastrongylus. Razvoj parazita ide preko prelaznog domaćina - kišnih glisti. Infekcija nastaje kada svinje pojedu zaražene gliste tako da se sreću se većinom u ekstenzivnom držanju. Parazitiraju u plućima svinja. Patološke promene su locirane u plućima. Sem direktnog patološkog delovanja metastrongilide prenose više oboljenja svinja bakterijske i virusne etiologije
Dermatitis digitalis is an extremely contagious disease of cattle hooves multicausal etiology, which soon turns into a problem of the whole herd. It significantly decreases the milk, which may be in the global market economy can seriously undermine the competitiveness of producers who do not suppressed adequately. Analysis of data collected in 2013. and 2014th year coincides with the findings from the literature that bacterial causes of dermatitis digitalis in conditions of high temperature and humidity raised the number of infected animals in the warm period of the year. The most economical way to control this disease is constant zoohygienic implementation of measures and procedures: Hygiene herd at the prescribed level, proper design and construction of the reservoir, the proper design of the ventilation facility and strict implementation measures of disinfection and hoof bearing animals. The most effective way suppression diseases and hoof it to reduce the losses caused by the conditions of intensive livestock production that preventive measures and procedures as well as raising the level of biotechnology thinking of all employees in cattle production, while curative repair problems in patients with animals but does not eliminate losses manufacturer
Kokcidioza svinja u farmskom uzgoju
Parasites infection present continipus health problem at farm breeding swine. Large animal aglomeration present in farms was ideal source to spread of infection, especialy with protozoan agents. Protozoan parasites play importante role at complex of neonatal entheropathy of piglets, sporead together with other infectious agents like C.perfrigens tip C, E.coli, TGE rotaviroses and etc. From coccidia belonging Apicoplempexa family we found Isospora suis, several Eimeria species and Cryptosporida parvum.Parazitske infekcije predstavljaju stalne pratioce svinjarske proizvodnje. U intezivnom držanju se nalaze velike aglomeracije u ograničenom prostoru, a opasnost od nastanka i širenja bolesti se povećava uporedo s gustinom aglomeracije. Što je veći broj životinja na manjem prostoru, mogućnost širenja infekcija je veća pošto su uslovi smeštaja i ishrane u određenom vremenu istovetni i podjednako se povoljno ili negativno odražavaju na sve jedinke. To je posebno vidljivo pri protozoarnim infekcijama prasadi koje su uključene u kompleks neonatalnih enteropatija. Od kokcidija iz porodice Apicomplexa ovde se sreću Isospora suis, protozoe iz roda Eimeria i Cryptosporida spp. Zbog svoga značaja u patologiji prasadi ovde dajemo prikaz navedenih kokcidija kod svinja u našoj sredini
Dermatitis Digitalis Great Problem of Modern Cattle Production
Dermatitis digitalis is an extremely contagious disease of cattle hooves multicausal etiology, which soon turns into a problem of the whole herd. It significantly decreases the milk, which may be in the global market economy can seriously undermine the competitiveness of producers who do not suppressed adequately. Analysis of data collected in 2013 and 2014 years coincides with the findings from the literature that bacterial causes of dermatitis digitalis in conditions of high temperature and humidity raised the number of infected animals in the warm period of the year. The most economical way to control this disease is constant zoohygienic implementation of measures and procedures: hygiene held at the prescribed level, proper design and construction of the reservoir, the proper design of the ventilation facility and strict implementation measures of disinfection and hoof bearing animals. The most effective way suppression diseases and hoof it to reduce the losses caused by the conditions of intensive livestock production that preventive measures and procedures as well as raising the level of biotechnology thinking of all employees in cattle production, while curative repair problems in patients with animals but does not eliminate losses manufacturer