35,389 research outputs found

    Positive Definiteness of Paired Symmetric Tensors and Elasticity Tensors

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    In this paper, we consider higher order paired symmetric tensors and strongly paired symmetric tensors. Elasticity tensors and higher order elasticity tensors in solid mechanics are strongly paired symmetric tensors. A (strongly) paired symmetric tensor is said to be positive definite if the homogeneous polynomial defined by it is positive definite. Positive definiteness of elasticity and higher order elasticity tensors is strong ellipticity in solid mechanics, which plays an important role in nonlinear elasticity theory. We mainly investigate positive definiteness of fourth order three dimensional and sixth order three dimensional (strongly) paired symmetric tensors. We first show that the concerned (strongly) paired symmetric tensor is positive definite if and only if its smallest MM-eigenvalue is positive. Second, we propose several necessary and sufficient conditions under which the concerned (strongly) paired symmetric tensor is positive definite. Third, we study the conditions under which the homogeneous polynomial defined by a fourth order three dimensional or sixth order three dimensional (strongly) paired symmetric tensor can be written as a sum of squares of polynomials, and further, propose several necessary and/or sufficient conditions to judge whether the concerned (strongly) paired symmetric tensors are positive definite or not. Fourth, by using semidefinite relaxation we propose a sequential semidefinite programming method to compute the smallest MM-eigenvalue of a fourth order three dimensional (strongly) paired symmetric tensor, by which we can check positive definiteness of the concerned tensor. The preliminary numerical results demonstrate that our method is effective

    Graph Fourier Transform Based on β„“1\ell_1 Norm Variation Minimization

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    The definition of the graph Fourier transform is a fundamental issue in graph signal processing. Conventional graph Fourier transform is defined through the eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian matrix, which minimize the β„“2\ell_2 norm signal variation. However, the computation of Laplacian eigenvectors is expensive when the graph is large. In this paper, we propose an alternative definition of graph Fourier transform based on the β„“1\ell_1 norm variation minimization. We obtain a necessary condition satisfied by the β„“1\ell_1 Fourier basis, and provide a fast greedy algorithm to approximate the β„“1\ell_1 Fourier basis. Numerical experiments show the effectiveness of the greedy algorithm. Moreover, the Fourier transform under the greedy basis demonstrates a similar rate of decay to that of Laplacian basis for simulated or real signals

    Formulating an nn-person noncooperative game as a tensor complementarity problem

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    In this paper, we consider a class of nn-person noncooperative games, where the utility function of every player is given by a homogeneous polynomial defined by the payoff tensor of that player, which is a natural extension of the bimatrix game where the utility function of every player is given by a quadratic form defined by the payoff matrix of that player. We will call such a problem the multilinear game. We reformulate the multilinear game as a tensor complementarity problem, a generalization of the linear complementarity problem; and show that finding a Nash equilibrium point of the multilinear game is equivalent to finding a solution of the resulted tensor complementarity problem. Especially, we present an explicit relationship between the solutions of the multilinear game and the tensor complementarity problem, which builds a bridge between these two classes of problems. We also apply a smoothing-type algorithm to solve the resulted tensor complementarity problem and give some preliminary numerical results for solving the multilinear games

    Stationary probability vectors of higher-order two-dimensional transition probability tensors

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    In this paper we investigate stationary probability vectors of higher-order two-dimensional symmetric transition probability tensors. We show that there are two special symmetric transition probability tensors of order mm dimension 2, which have and only have two stationary probability vectors; and any other symmetric transition probability tensor of order mm dimension 2 has a unique stationary probability vector. As a byproduct, we obtain that any symmetric transition probability tensor of order mm dimension 2 has a unique positive stationary probability vector; and that any symmetric irreducible transition probability tensor of order mm dimension 2 has a unique stationary probability vector

    Cross-media Similarity Metric Learning with Unified Deep Networks

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    As a highlighting research topic in the multimedia area, cross-media retrieval aims to capture the complex correlations among multiple media types. Learning better shared representation and distance metric for multimedia data is important to boost the cross-media retrieval. Motivated by the strong ability of deep neural network in feature representation and comparison functions learning, we propose the Unified Network for Cross-media Similarity Metric (UNCSM) to associate cross-media shared representation learning with distance metric in a unified framework. First, we design a two-pathway deep network pretrained with contrastive loss, and employ double triplet similarity loss for fine-tuning to learn the shared representation for each media type by modeling the relative semantic similarity. Second, the metric network is designed for effectively calculating the cross-media similarity of the shared representation, by modeling the pairwise similar and dissimilar constraints. Compared to the existing methods which mostly ignore the dissimilar constraints and only use sample distance metric as Euclidean distance separately, our UNCSM approach unifies the representation learning and distance metric to preserve the relative similarity as well as embrace more complex similarity functions for further improving the cross-media retrieval accuracy. The experimental results show that our UNCSM approach outperforms 8 state-of-the-art methods on 4 widely-used cross-media datasets.Comment: 19 pages, submitted to Multimedia Tools and Application

    Copositivity Detection of Tensors: Theory and Algorithm

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    A symmetric tensor is called copositive if it generates a multivariate form taking nonnegative values over the nonnegative orthant. Copositive tensors have found important applications in polynomial optimization and tensor complementarity problems. In this paper, we consider copositivity detection of tensors both from theoretical and computational points of view. After giving several necessary conditions for copositive tensors, we propose several new criteria for copositive tensors based on the representation of the multivariate form in barycentric coordinates with respect to the standard simplex and simplicial partitions. It is verified that, as the partition gets finer and finer, the concerned conditions eventually capture all strictly copositive tensors. Based on the obtained theoretical results with the help of simplicial partitions, we propose a numerical method to judge whether a tensor is copositive or not. The preliminary numerical results confirm our theoretical findings

    Quantum Reflections of Nonlocal Optical Solitons in a Cold Rydberg Atomic Gas

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    Quantum reflection refers to a non-vanishing reflection probability in the absence of a classically turning point. Much attention has been paid to such reflections due to their fundamental, intriguing physics and potential practical applications. Here we propose a scheme to realize a quantum reflection of nonlocal nonlinear optical beams in a cold Rydberg atomic gas via electromagnetically induced transparency working in a dispersion regime. Based on the long-range interaction between Rydberg atoms, we found that the system supports low-power nonlocal optical solitons. Such nonlocal solitons can display a sharp transition between reflection, trapping, and transmission when scattered by a linear attractive potential, created by gate photons stored in another Rydberg state. Different from conventional physical systems explored up to now, the quantum reflection of the nonlocal optical solitons in the Rydberg atomic gas exhibits interesting anomalous behaviors, which can be actively manipulated by tuning the incident velocity and intensity of the probe field, as well as the nonlocality of the Kerr nonlinearity inherent in the Rydberg atomic gas. The results reported here are not only useful for developing Rydberg nonlinear optics but also helpful for characterizing the physical property of the Rydberg gas and for designing novel nonlinear optical devices

    Estimates for eigenvalues of Lr operator on self-shrinkers

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    Let x:Mβ†’RNx: M\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{N} be an nn-dimensional compact self-shrinker in RN\mathbb{R}^N with smooth boundary βˆ‚Ξ©\partial\Omega. In this paper, we study eigenvalues of the operator Lr\mathcal{L}_r on MM, where Lr\mathcal{L}_r is defined by Lr=e∣x∣22div(eβˆ’βˆ£x∣22Trβˆ‡β‹…)\mathcal{L}_r=e^{\frac{|x|^2}{2}}{\rm div}(e^{-\frac{|x|^2}{2}}T^r\nabla\cdot) with TrT^r denoting a positive definite (0,2)-tensor field on MM. We obtain "universal" inequalities for eigenvalues of the operator Lr\mathcal{L}_r. These inequalities generalize the result of Cheng and Peng in \cite{ChengPeng2013}. Furthermore, we also consider the case that equalities occur.Comment: 19 page

    The Contributions of Neutral Higgs Bosons to Charmless Nonleptonic B Decays in MSSM

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    We investigate the contributions of neutral Higgs bosons to nonleptonic transition b→qsˉs,q=d,sb \to q \bar{s} s, q=d, s under the supersymmetric context. Their effects to decay width and CP violation in corresponding exclusive decays are explored. The anomalous dimension matrices of the operators which have to be incorporated to include the contributions of neutral Higgs bosons are given. We find that when tanβ\beta is large (say, 50) and neutral Higgs bosons are not too heavy (say, 100 GeV), contributions of neutral Higgs penguin can dominate electroweak penguin contributions, and for some processes, they can greatly modify both decay width and CP asymmetry.Comment: 11 pages, typo corrected, references added, minor revisions mad

    Lossless Airy Surface Polaritons in a Metamaterial via Active Raman Gain

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    We propose a scheme to realize a lossless propagation of linear and nonlinear Airy surface polaritons (SPs) via active Raman gain (ARG). The system we suggest is a planar interface superposed by a negative index metamaterial (NIMM) and a dielectric, where three-level quantum emitters are doped. By using the ARG from the quantum emitters and the destructive interference effect between the electric and magnetic responses from the NIMM, we show that not only the Ohmic loss of the NIMM but also the light absorption of the quantum emitters can be completely eliminated. As a result, non-diffractive Airy SPs may propagate for very long distance without attenuation. We also show that the Kerr nonlinearity of the system can be largely enhanced due to the introduction of the quantum emitters and hence lossless Airy surface polaritonic solitons with very low power can be generated in the system
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