16 research outputs found

    Dobre vijesti, mi smo Ŕesti; Interview: Ratko Medan

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    The game damages on agricultural crops in Croatia

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    Conflicts between wildlife and humans have been reported from all over the world, but in Croatia the extent and intensity of the conflict is increasing. Agricultural damage by game is a major concern for both agricultural and wildlife agencies at the national level. In this study 4,695 cases of game damage over a 4-year period were analysed. Results indicated that the total amount of economic impact on agriculture from game damage was significant. The distribution of payments shows that a majority of payments have lower economic value with an average amount of single payment being 477.08 ā‚¬. The annual number of payments was found to have a negative correlation coefficient (-0.469) to the total payment amount for damages. According to the number of payments (68% of the number of payments) and the payment amount (60% of total payment amount), the crop most often damaged was maize. Analysis of the data found that there was a negative growth trend of payment frequency and total payment amount for grape vineyards. The correlation between yearly number of payments and yearly production was not calculated for any crop. The high seasonal nature of payments was a determent of seasonal regression using a dummy variable regression (r2=0.93). A comparison of the monthly number of payments and monthly amounts is depicted by a time series using a seasonal line. The impact of wild boar damage on agriculture crops, in total, leads to the conclusion that this game species is a major problem. The results showed a specific subset of game damage in Croatia and, as such, it can be extrapolated to provide insight into the damage caused by wild boar in other countries

    MorfoloŔka varijabilnost populacije divlje svinje u Hrvatskoj

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    Between 2007 and 2009, a total of 181 individual wild boar were scored using nineteen morphological measurements from three geographical regions to describe morphological variety of the population throughout Croatia. In some regions we found phenotypical variability of the wild boar population based on hybridization The results of ANOVA show that some variables were significantly different (body weight, tail length, trunk length) but some of them were not homogenous for all age classes (circumference of shin, the most caudal point of scapula, circumference at chest) and were unable to highlight differences among the areas. The redundancy analysis (RDA) showed a connection of sampling sites with some morphological trait. Results of cluster analysis using TREE procedure indicate separation on the two subpopulations and suggesting the existence of morphological differences. Overall the results confirmed that different morphotypes of wild boar are detectable in some different areas of Croatia, and in some counties the wild boar population has been hybridized with domestic pigs, which result in phenotypical variability where the wild characteristics predominate. These results confirmed the need for population genetic studies to identify the different subpopulations of wild boar presently found in CroatiaIzmeđu 2007. i 2009. godine, ukupno 181 jedinki divljih svinja, koristeći devetnaest morfoloÅ”kih mjera sa tri geografske regije, koriÅ”teno je za opis morfoloÅ”ke raznolikosti populacije diljem Hrvatske. U nekim regijama pronaÅ”li smo fenotipsku varijabilnost populacije divljih svinja temeljenu na hibridizaciji. Rezultati ANOVA-e pokazuju da su neke varijable bile značajno različite (masa tijela, dužina repa, dužina rila), ali neke od njih nisu homo-gene za sve dobne skupine (opseg cjevanice, visina prednje noge od vrha plećke do tla, opseg prstiju). Multivarijatna statistička metoda (RDA) pokazala je povezanost lokaliteta s nekim morfoloÅ”kim osobinama. Rezultati klaster analize pomoću TREE postupka ukazuje na razdvajanje dviju podpopulacija i sugerira postojanje morfoloÅ”kih razlika. Ukupni rezultati potvrđuju da su različiti morfotipovi divljih svinja detektirani u različitim područjima Hrvatske, a u nekim regijama populacija divljih svinja je hibridizirala s domaćim svinjama, Å”to ima za posljedicu fenotipsku varijabilnost gdje ipak karakteristike divljih svinja prevladavaju. Ovi rezultati potvrđuju potrebu za populacijsko genetskim istraživanja kako bi identificirali različite podpopulacije divlje svinje koje trenutno obitavaju u Hrvatskoj

    Metastatski melanom u biopsijskom materijalu u razdoblju od 1995. do 2000. godine

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    Although melanoma is less common than other types of malignant skin tumors, including basal and squamous cell cancers, it accounts for about 75% of all skin cancer deaths. Melanoma is much more likely to metastasize to other parts of the body, which is not the case with other types of skin tumors. Metastatic spread is very common, particularly in advanced tumors of higher Clark and Breslow stage. The aim of the study was to analyze the prevalence and distribution of metastatic melanomas among biopsy specimens collected during the 1995-2000 period, and their relationship with primary melanoma, especially regarding Clark and Breslow staging. Metastatic melanomas were found in 210 of 75,390 (0.3%) surgical biopsies. There were 24 patients with 57 metastatic melanoma biopsies related to primary melanoma diagnosed at our hospital during the period of observation. The remaining 153 metastatic melanomas diagnosed at other hospitals or before the period of observation were not included in the study. Metastatic melanomas were more common in male patients (13 male and 11 female), age range 16-91 (mean age 53.0) years. In men, age range was 16-75, and in women 23-91 years. Metastatic melanomas occurred 1 month to 2 years (mean 4.9 months) after the diagnosis. They affected patients with Clark III-V and Breslow III-V. Metastases were not observed in Clark I-II patients; however, two metastases were detected in patients with Breslow thickness II. Also, a statistically significant increase in the prevalence of metastatic and primary melanomas (p<0.01 both) was recorded during the period of observation.Melanom je rjeđi od ostalih vrsta malignih tumora kože, uključuje bazocelularni i planocelularni rak, ali uzrokuje oko 75% svih smrti od raka kože. Melanom ima veću vjerojatnost metastaziranja u druge dijelove tijela, Å”to nije slučaj s drugim vrstama kožnih tumora. Metastatsko Å”irenje je vrlo često, poglavito kod uznapredovalih tumora viÅ”ega stadija po Clarku i Breslowu. Cilj ovoga ispitivanja bio je analizirati učestalost i raspodjelu metastatskih melanoma među biopsijskim uzorcima u razdoblju od 1995. do 2000. godine, te njihov odnos s primarnim melanomom, poglavito u smislu Clarkove i Breslowljeve klasifikacije prema stadijima bolesti. Metastatski melanomi nađeni su u 210 od 75.390 (0,3%) kirurÅ”kih biopsija. U razdoblju od 1995. do 2000. godine u naÅ”oj su Bolnici dijagnosticirana 24 bolesnika s 57 biopsija metastatskih melanoma povezanih s primarnim melanomom. Preostala 153 metastatska melanoma koji su dijagnosticirani u drugim bolnicama ili prije razdoblja promatranja nisu uključeni u ovo ispitivanje. Metastatski melanomi bili su čeŔći u muÅ”kih negoli u ženskih bolesnika (13 muÅ”kih i 11 ženskih) u dobi od 16 do 91 godine (srednja dob 53,0 godine). U muÅ”kih se bolesnika dobni raspon kretao od 16 do 75 godina, a u ženskih od 23 do 91 godine. Metastatski melanomi su se pojavili 1 mjesec do 2 godine nakon dijagnoze (srednja vrijednost 4,9 mjeseci). Metastatski melanom zahvatio je bolesnike sa stadijem III. - V. prema Clarku te III. - V. prema Breslowu. Metastaze nisu zabilježene u bolesnika sa stadijem I. - II. prema Clarku, međutim, dvije su metastaze nastale u bolesnika s debljinom II. stupnja prema Breslowu. U ispitivanom razdoblju opažen je i statistički značajan porast učestalosti metastatskih i primarnih melanoma (p<0,01 oboje)

    Ichthyofauna of the lower part of Bliznec stream

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    Uzorci riba lovljeni su elektroagregatom na donjem toku potoka Blizneca u dva navrata tijekom studenoga 2008. godine. Ukupno je ulovljeno 50 riba. Zabilježene su četiri vrste i to Carassius gibelio, Gobio gobio, Perca fluviatilis i Squalius cephalus, od kojih je S. cephalus najbrojniji. Sve vrste, osim klena imaju negativan alometrijski rast s b vrijednostima nižima od 3. Iako klen ima pozitivnu alometriju, b vrijednost mnogo je niža od hrvatskog prosjeka. I ostale proučavane vrste imaju b vrijednost ispod hrvatskog prosjeka. Faktor kondicije je vrlo nizak i ispod je hrvatskog prosjeka kod klena i grgeča, u prosjeku kod krkuŔe, a lagano iznad prosjeka kod babuŔke. Potok Bliznec vrlo je siromaŔan biotop kako za grgeča tako i ostale proučavane vrste.The fish were sampled in the lower parts of the Bliznec stream using an electroaggregate on two separate occasions in November 2008. A total of 50 fish were sampled. The samples belonged to 4 distinct species: Carassius gibelio, Gobio gobio, Perca fluviatilis and Squalius cephalus. Chub was found to be the most abundant. All species apart from chub were found to exhibit negative allometric growth (b<3), yet all of them exibit a b value lower than the croatian average. CF was found to be very low and below croatian average for chub and perch, average for gudgeon, and slightly above average for prussian carp. The freshwater environment of Bliznec stream was found to be a species poor biotope

    How to Plan Energy Policy Beyond 2030

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    U radu je obrađena problematika planiranja razvoja energetskog sustava u uvjetima ograničenja koja će proizaći iz globalnih dogovora o očuvanju klime. Analizirani su problemi planiranja, utjecaja pojedinih primarnih oblika energije i tehnologija. Osim toga navedeni su rizici, ograničenja i uvjeti planiranja. Prezentirana su pilot istraživanja mogućih posljedica ograničenja razvoja zbog značajnog smanjenja emisija CO2 na strukturu proizvodnje i potroÅ”nje energije. Ukazuje se na značajne strukturne promjene i povećanje troÅ”kova.The paper deals with problems of energy system development planning under restrictive conditions, which will be imposed by global climate preservation agreements. It analyses the problems of planning and impacts of particular primary energy forms and technologies. In addition, it specifies risks, restrictions and planning conditions. Pilot investigations of possible consequences of development restrictions related to considerable reductions of CO2 emissions on energy production and consumption structure are presented. Significant structural changes and cost increases are pointed out

    Heat demand mapping and district heating grid expansion analysis: Case study of Velika Gorica

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    Highly efficient cogeneration and district heating systems have a significant potential for primary energy savings and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the utilization of a waste heat and renewable energy sources. These potentials are still highly underutilized in most European countries. They also play a key role in the planning of future energy systems due to their positive impact on the increase of integration of intermittent renewable energy sources, for example wind and solar in a combination with power to heat technologies. In order to ensure optimal levels of district heating penetration into an energy system, a comprehensive analysis is necessary to determine the actual demands and the potential energy supply. Economical analysis of the grid expansion by using the GIS based mapping methods hasnā€™t been demonstrated so far. This paper presents a heat demand mapping methodology and the use of its output for the district heating network expansion analysis. The result are showing that more than 59% of the heat demand could be covered by the district heating in the city of Velika Gorica, which is two times more than the present share. The most important reason of the district heating's unfulfilled potential is already existing natural gas infrastructure