4 research outputs found

    Aerobic oxidation of aryl-himachalene using a combination of N-hydroxy phthalimide and cobalt(II) acetoacetate

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    An efficient aerobic oxidation of Ar-himachalene as bio-natural sesquiterpene employing the N-hydroxyphthalimide (NHPI), under mild conditions in presence of cobalt (II) afforded the corresponding alcohol, aldehyd and carboxylic acid in excellent yield and good selectivities. Keywords : Aerobic oxidation, Ar-himachalene, sesquiterpene, NHPI

    Natural phosphate as new, highly efficient and reusable heterogeneous catalyst for the selective preparation of beta-enaminoesters under solvent-free conditions

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    Natural phosphate (NP) has been found to be a new and highly efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the synthesis of beta-enaminoesters, by simple condensation of various primary amines with beta-dicarbonyl under solvent-free conditions. Keywords: Natural phosphate (NP), b-enaminoesters, solvent-free condition

    Development of a Sustainable and Solventless Friedel-Crafts Acylation Reaction of an Aromatic Natural Product “Ar-Himachalene” over Nanostructured ZnO as a New Catalyst

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    We describe the development of a sustainable and solventless acylation reaction of the naturally occurring product, namely 2,5,9,9-tetramethyl-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-5H-benzocycloheptene [ar-himachalene], with acid chlorides over a new type of flower-shaped ZnO nanosructure as a hetrogenous catalyst at room temperature. The ZnO nanoflowers can efficiently and selectively catalyze the acylation of the aromatic group of ar-himachalene and be reused up to three times by simple filtration and washing without significant loss in their catalytic activity. Keywords: Acylation, Natural product, Solventless, Zin Oxide nanostructure, Heterogenous Catalysis, Sustainability

    Ni(0)-CMC-Na Nickel Colloids in Sodium Carboxymethyl-Cellulose: Catalytic Evaluation in Hydrogenation Reactions

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    A recyclable catalyst, Ni(0)-CMC-Na, composed of nickel colloids dispersed in a water soluble bioorganic polymer, sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC-Na), was synthesized by a simple procedure from readily available reagents. The catalyst thus obtained is stable and highly active in alkene hydrogenations