4 research outputs found

    Aligning Human Resource Management with Knowledge Management for Better Organizational Performance: How Human Resource Practices Support Knowledge Management Strategies?

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    Contributing to the HR-approach to knowledge management (KM), this chapter aims at outlining the role of human resource management (HRM) in supporting KM through utilizing the theoretical and empirical literature. The article is divided into two sections. The first section presents various knowledge concepts, KM perspectives and KM strategies. This section ends up by linking these topics in a KM sequential model which helps us to track the philosophical underpinnings and perspectives of each KM strategy. The second section investigates various HR orientations and HR practices and situates their differing contextual characteristics under each KM strategy. It aligns various HR practices with different KM strategies; suggesting that HRM is most effective as a combination of practices that are consistent and sharpened in supporting each KM strategy, which is part of the organizational strategy. The debated practices are recruitment and selection, compensation management, training and development, performance management, retention management and career management. Each of those practices is speculated to alter based on the chosen KM strategy; presenting a framework that is useful for practitioners and academics alike. The review ends up by identifying some research gaps and opportunities to be carried out in future studies. Those research gaps, if addressed, will extend our understanding of KM and the supporting role HRM

    PKM Tools for Developing Personal Knowledge Management Skills among University Students

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    This study aims to investigate how PKM tools support university students for developing personal knowledge management skills. It has been done based on the PKM Skill model developed by Avery, Brooks, Brown, Dorsey and O’Conner (2001) and Sharif and Hosseingholizadeh's (2016) PKM tools taxonomy. This research focuses on how PKM tools can support PKM skills in an academic environment. Data was collected from master's and PhD students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM) (n=362). Results showed there is significant relationship between seven PKM skills and the use of PKM tools. The strength of the correlation is between the use of PKM tools and the securing, and analyzing skills. Also, the PKM skills play different and important role in awareness, being skilled in use of PKM tools and also the rate of usage. Some of PKM tools can be used by students to support their PKM skills. Moreover, results revealed that there is no significant relationship between usefulness and perceived ease of using and use of PKM tools. This necessity is felt more in the academic environments and among graduate students, since the nature of student's educational activities and research as knowledge worker, require skills of search, collect, transfer and sharing of information and knowledge.

    A Systematic Review and Synthesis of Empirical Research on “Knowledge Leadership”: A New Insight in the Field of Knowledge Management

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    This paper aims to synthesize findings drawn from studies on knowledge leadership to identify the key trend of research in the knowledge management literature over the past two decades. A systematic literature review was performed over a data set of 149 related studies published in the international journals indexed by the WoS, SCOPUS, ProQuest, Google Scholar, Emerald Insight, and Elsevier databases between 2001 and 2021. The findings conceptualized the nature of “knowledge leadership” and revealed six core themes focusing on multiple leadership styles, knowledge leadership for learning, effective KM leadership, leader-member exchange, and customer knowledge leadership. Additionally, the content analysis revealed the importance of knowledge leaders being more transformational, distributed, empowering, and visionary. It has been widely reported that transformational leadership is a significant driver of knowledge management practices in the organization. This study provides an integrated picture of effective knowledge leadership for managers and practitioners that significantly depends on a paradigm shift from hierarchical structures and traditional models of leadership to the use of shared, distributed, and networking leadership. Given this increasing interest in studying the role of leadership in KM, it is interesting to investigate the research trend of knowledge leadership in the KM literature.https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.20088302.2022.20.4.11.

    The basic requirements of interaction of university-industry: a knowledge management approach

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    The main goal of this study was to examine the basic requirements of interaction of University-Industry with knowledge management (KM) in the Engineering School of Ferdowsi University (ESFUM). To achieve this goal, a case study research method is used. All members of faculties in the engineering school are selected as target population. According to the research results, the basic requirements of interaction U-I was categorized in nine main categories such as perceived usefulness, perceived necessity, knowledge goal setting, knowledge coherence, valuation of knowledge, action learning, knowledge relevance, shared language and taking risk. Also, the quantitative results showed that perceived usefulness and perceived necessity of knowledge, shared language, action learning, valuation of knowledge, taking risk, knowledge coherence, knowledge relevance and knowledge goal setting got the highest rate in the population studie