77 research outputs found
Hungary’s peri-urban middle-class – How households without real estate wealth realize social and personal aspirations [védés előtt]
The research presented in this paper takes an in-depth look into a specific group within present day Hungarian society: middleincome persons who live in peri-urban, not residentially zoned neighbourhoods. These areas, usually former allotment gardens or recreational zones for second homes, lack the residential infrastructure and amenities – paved roads, street lights, access to shops and services etc. – that make formal, residentially zoned areas convenient for permanent habitation. While this comes with a host of inconveniences for people who decide to permanently move to one of these areas, their obvious appeal is their relative affordability compared to formal residential zones
Gentrification and rescaling urban governance in Budapest-Józsefváros
The most stigmatised area of Budapest, the Eighth District (Józsefváros) has been undergoing significant urban and social change since 1989. However, compared with what rent gap theory would have forecast, gentrification took off relatively late. After a historical narrative of how rent gap in Józsefváros had been produced throughout the 20th century, we will argue that examining the mechanisms and outcomes of the three dominant dynamics of rescaling urban governance in Hungary – decentralisation without the redistribution of resources in the 1990s; EU accession and Europeanisation of public policies from the 2000s; and recentralisation after 2010 – help us understand when, where and how gentrification has been unwinding in Middle-Józsefváros, the
most dilapidated area of the Eighth District. The article will present three case studies of local urban regeneration as paradigmatic for the three rescaling dynamics: Corvin Promenade, Magdolna Quarter Programme, and
the ongoing Orczy Quarter project. It will show the underlying revanchist policies and discourses in each case. The main aim of the current paper is to illustrate how a scale-sensitive political economic approach can go beyond the mainstream public and political discourse in scrutinising gentrification, through shedding light on structural factors contributing to exclusion, criminalisation, displacement, and othering
A magánbérlakás-szektor működése és lehetséges szerepe a közösségi lakáspolitikában – a szociális lakásvállalatok koncepciója
A rendszerváltás után 25 évvel a magyar lakásrendszerben torz tulajdoni szerkezet jött létre, amelyben a tulajdonosok által lakott lakástípus domináns szerepet játszik. A bérlakások – mind a piaci, mind a közösségi szektor – alacsony aránya, összetétele és a bérleti feltételek komoly társadalmi feszültségek okozója, ami jól jelzi, hogy a társadalom milyen kis mértékben tud (kíván) a szegények lakhatási problémáin segíteni. Mivel a közeljövőben elképzelhetetlen nagyobb mértékű közösségi lakásépítési program, a szociális lakáspolitika erősödését a nem kihasznált magántulajdonú lakások magánbérleten keresztüli bevonása jelentheti. A tanulmány célja, hogy a magánbérlakásrendszer elemzésén keresztül megvizsgálja a nem lakott lakások közösségi lakáspolitikába való bevonásának lehetőségét. Olyan szociális lakásvállalati modell lehetőségét vázoljuk fel, amely központi szabályozás feltételeihez (lakbér-megállapítás, bérleti szerződés, lakbértámogatás) alkalmazkodva szociális és lakásgazdálkodási feladatokat együttesen lát el, részben a magánbérletek bevonásával, de hosszabb távon lakásfelújítással és új lakások építésével is
Bonyolultságelmélet és algebra = Complexity and algebra
Az elmúlt négy évben számos, a CSP-vel kapcsolatos problémát vizsgáltunk. 43 tudományos dolgozatot publikáltunk, ezek nagy részét vezető nemzetközi folyóiratokban. Legfontosabb eredményeink a következők: A Feder-Vardi tételt általánosítva beláttuk, hogy a CSP problémák osztálya polinomiálisan ekvivalens a Monotone Monadic Strict NP osztállyal. Igazoltuk, hogy a lineáris programmal approximálható CSP problémák osztálya pontosan az 1-szélességű osztály. Bebizonyítottuk, hogy függvényteljes algebrákra az ekvivalenciaprobléma bonyolultsága coNP-teljes. Továbbá beláttuk, hogy kommutatív gyűrűk felett a szigma ekvivalencia probléma P-beli, ha pedig a gyűrű Jacobson-radikál szerinti faktora nemkommutatív, akkor coNP-teljes. Kezdeményeztük a kiterjesztett egyenletmegoldhatóság és ekvivalencia vizsgálatát, és beláttuk a kapcsolódó dichotómiatételeket csoportokra. | In the last four years we studied several problems concerning CSP. We published 43 research papers, mainly in leading international journals. Our most important results are the following: We generalized the Feder-Vardi Theorem by proving that every Monotone Monadic Strict NP problem is polynomially equivalent to a CSP problem. We showed that the class of CSP problems that can be approximated by a linear program coincides with the class of problems of width one. We proved that the equivalence problem is coNP-complete for functionally complete algebras. We showed that the sigma equivalence problem can be solved in polynomial time for commutative rings and is coNP-complete if the factor by the Jacobson radical is not commutative. We introduced the extended equivalence and equation solvability problems and we proved the corresponding dichotomy theorems for groups
Conditioning on future exposure to define study cohorts can induce bias: the case of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid and risk of major bleeding
A principle of cohort studies is that cohort membership is defined by current rather than future exposure information. Pharmacoepidemiologic studies using existing databases are vulnerable to violation of this principle. We evaluated the impact of using data on future redemption of prescriptions to determine cohort membership, motivated by a published example seeking to emulate a “per-protocol” association between continuous versus never use of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and major bleeding (e.g., cerebral hemorrhage or gastrointestinal bleeding)
Risk Categorization Using New American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines for Cholesterol Management and Its Relation to Alirocumab Treatment Following Acute Coronary Syndromes
The 2018 US cholesterol management guidelines recommend additional lipid-lowering therapies for secondary prevention in patients with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ≥70 mg/dL or non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ≥100 mg/dL despite maximum tolerated statin therapy. Such patients are considered at very high risk (VHR) based on a history of >1 major atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) event or a single ASCVD event and multiple high-risk conditions. We investigated the association of US guideline-defined risk categories with the occurrence of ischemic events after acute coronary syndrome and reduction of those events by alirocumab, a PCSK9 (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9) inhibitor.In the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial (Evaluation of Cardiovascular Outcomes After an Acute Coronary Syndrome During Treatment With Alirocumab), patients with recent acute coronary syndrome and residual dyslipidemia despite optimal statin therapy were randomly assigned to alirocumab or placebo. The primary trial outcome (major adverse cardiovascular events, ie, coronary heart disease death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, or hospitalization for unstable angina) was examined according to American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association risk category.Of 18 924 participants followed for a median of 2.8 years, 11 935 (63.1%) were classified as VHR: 4450 (37.3%) had multiple prior ASCVD events and 7485 (62.7%) had 1 major ASCVD event and multiple high-risk conditions. Major adverse cardiovascular events occurred in 14.4% of placebo-treated patients at VHR versus 5.6% of those not at VHR. In the VHR category, major adverse cardiovascular events occurred in 20.4% with multiple prior ASCVD events versus 10.7% with 1 ASCVD event and multiple high-risk conditions. Alirocumab was associated with consistent relative risk reductions in both risk categories (hazard ratio=0.84 for VHR; hazard ratio=0.86 for not VHR; Pinteraction=0.820) and by stratification within the VHR group (hazard ratio=0.86 for multiple prior ASCVD events; hazard ratio=0.82 for 1 major ASCVD event and multiple high-risk conditions; Pinteraction=0.672). The absolute risk reduction for major adverse cardiovascular events with alirocumab was numerically greater (but not statistically different) in the VHR group versus those not at VHR (2.1% versus 0.8%; Pinteraction=0.095) and among patients at VHR with multiple prior ASCVD events versus a single prior ASCVD event (2.4% versus 1.8%; Pinteraction=0.661).The US guideline criteria identify patients with recent acute coronary syndrome and dyslipidemia who are at VHR for recurrent ischemic events and who may derive a larger absolute benefit from treatment with alirocumab.URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01663402
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