17 research outputs found
A phase II study of LFP therapy (5-FU (5-fluorourasil) continuous infusion (CVI) and Low-dose consecutive (Cisplatin) CDDP) in advanced biliary tract carcinoma
BACKGROUND: Unresectable biliary tract carcinoma is known to demonstrate a poor prognosis. We conducted a single arm phase II study of LFP therapy (5-FU (5-fluorourasil) continuous infusion (CVI) and Low-dose consecutive (Cisplatin) CDDP) for advanced biliary tract malignancies basically on an outpatient basis. METHODS: Between February 1996 and September 2003, 42 patients were enrolled in this trial. LFP THERAPY: By using a total implanted CV-catheter system, 5-FU (160 mg/m(2)/day) was continuously infused over 24 hours for 7 consecutive days and CDDP (6 mg/m(2)/day) was infused for 30 minutes twice a week as one cycle. The administration schedule consisted of 4 cycles as one course. RESIST criteria (Response evaluation criteria for solid tumors) and NCI-CTC (National Cancer Institute-Common Toxicity Criteria) (ver.3.0) were used for evaluation of this therapy. The median survival time (MST) and median time to treatment failure (TTF) were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: Patients characteristics were: mean age 66.5(47–79): male 24 (54%): BDca (bile duct carcinoma) 27 GBca (Gallbladder carcinoma) 15: locally advanced 26, postoperative recurrence 16. The most common toxicity was anemia (26.2%). Neither any treatment related death nor grade 4 toxicity occurred. The median number of courses of LFP Therapy which patients could receive was two (1–14). All the patients are evaluable for effects with an over all response rates of 42.9% (95% confidence interval C.I.: 27.7–59.0) (0 CR, 18 PR, 13 NC, 11 PD). There was no significant difference regarding the anti tumor effects against both malignant neoplasms. Figure 2 Shows the BDca a longer MST and TTF than did GBca (234 vs 150, 117 vs 85, respectively), but neither difference was statistically significant. The estimated MST and median TTF were 225 and 107 days, respectively. The BDca had a longer MST and TTF than GBca (234 vs 150, 117 vs 85, respectively), but neither difference was statistically significant. CONCLUSION: LFP therapy appears to be useful modality for the clinical management of advanced biliary tract malignancy
"音楽教育はともすると技術の習練一返倒になりやすく,習いだした技術のみを進歩,向上させる事がその教肯の主目的とたる傾向が強い。教員養成大学および小学校などにおける音楽教育は,専門家をつくる場ではない。小学校においては,情操を高め豊かな創造性を養う人間形成の一担を荷なう一教材として扱われる。大学においては,指導者となるために必要な知識と技術を身につけさせ,実際の場に面した時,子ども達の音楽的要求を把握し,子どもに潜在する音楽性を伸ばすことができる応用力,指導力のある教師を養成する事が,音楽教育の主目的である。1) よりよい教員養成を行なうためには,各教官が自分の専門分野にのみ固持せず,縦,横の連絡を十分にとり,綿密な計画のもとに誠意をもって学生の指導にあたらねばならない。2) 改善案の妥当性を検討するために,後期より1年児童学の学生を対象とし,「器楽ロ案」と「声楽」について改善案での教授をはじめだした。この結果をみて効果が大であれば,49年度より全学年に改善案による教育を実施したい。なお実験の結果は,次の機会に報告させていただく。