106 research outputs found

    Langdurig in de WAO

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    Langdurig in de WAO

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    An algorithm for the computation of posterior moments and densities using simple importance sampling

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    In earlier work (van Dijk, 1984, Chapter 3) one of the authors discussed the use of Monte Carlo integration methods for the computation of the multivariate integrals that are defined in the posterior moments and densities of the parameters of interest of econometric models. In the present paper we describe the computational steps of one Monte Carlo method, which is known in the literature as importance sampling. Further, a set of standard programs is available, which may be used for the implementation of a simple case of importance sampling. The computer programs have been written in FORTRAN 77

    Anesthesia for endobronchial laser surgery: a modified technique

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    We describe a technique for endobronchial surgery with the neodynium:yttium-aluminum-garnet laser, in which an insufflation catheter with side holes placed into the contralateral mainstem bronchus is used for high-frequency positive pressure ventilation. Thirty-five patients (45 procedures) were treated during general anesthesia using a rigid bronchoscope in combination with a fiberoptic bronchoscope. Perioperatively, oxygen saturation (SaO2), mean arterial pressure, and heart rate were recorded. SaO2 during the recovery period was comparable to that during the intraoperative period but was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that before the induction of anesthesia. There was a considerable (> or = 5%) increase in SaO2 at the end of the treatment in six patients, which indicates that the recanalization of the treated airway was successful. Our data support the assumption that, during endobronchial resection, selective ventilation of the nonaffected lung was adequate; in addition, subcarinal placement of the insufflation catheter with side holes was advantageous. We conclude that this technique contributes to the prevention of lung complications during endobronchial laser surgery. Implications: We describe a technique in which an insufflation catheter with side holes placed into the contralateral mainstem bronchus largely prevented inhalation of laser smoke and aspiration of blood and debris

    Werkt de reïntegratiemarkt?

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    Om zicht te houden op de ontwikkelingen op de reïntegratiemarkt, maakt het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid tweejaarlijks een inventarisatie van de stand van zaken op deze markt. Het voorliggende rapport maakt onderdeel uit van de inventarisatie in 2006 en onderzoekt de mate van marktwerking op de reïntegratiemarkt. Aan de hand van vijf concrete vragen brengt dit rapport enerzijds de prestaties van de reïntegratiemarkt in de periode 1999-2004 in beeld. Anderzijds geeft het aanbevelingen om de markt (nog) beter te laten werken. Daarvoor zijn administratieve bestanden van UWV en gemeenten geanalyseerd, zijn interviews gehouden met reïntegratiebedrijven en is op basis van de economische theorie beredeneerd wat de gevolgen kunnen zijn van een andere aanbestedingsprocedure