5 research outputs found

    An overview on armor research for the laser fusion project HiPER

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    During the current preparatory phase of the European laser fusion project HiPER, an intensive effort has being placed to identify an armour material able to protect the internal walls of the chamber against the high thermal loads and high fluxes of x-rays and ions produced during the fusion explosions. This poster addresses the different threats and limitations of a poly-crystalline Tungsten armour. The analysis is carried out under the conditions of an experimental chamber hypothetically constructed to demonstrate laser fusion in a repetitive mode, subjected to a few thousand 48MJ shock ignition shots during its entire lifetime. If compared to the literature, an extrapolation of the thermomechanical and atomistic effects obtained from the simulations of the experimental chamber to the conditions of a Demo reactor (working 24/7 at hundreds of MW) or a future power plant (producing GW) suggests that “standard” tungsten will not be a suitable armour. Thus, new materials based on nano-structured W and C are being investigated as possible candidates. The research programme launched by the HiPER material team is introduced

    Temperature Evolution and Light Species Diffusion in Armor and Structural Material for Inertial Fusion Reactor Chambers: a Case for HiPER 4a

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    One of the most advance designs for HiPER fusion reactor is a spherical chamber 10 m in diameter based on dry wall concept. In this system, the first wall will have to withstand short energy pulses of 5 to 20 MJ at a repetition rate of 0.5-10 Hz mostly in form of X-rays and charged particles. To avoid melting of the inner surface, the first wall consists on a thin armor attached to the structural material. Thickness (th) and material of each layer have to be chosen to assure the proper functioning of the facility during its planned lifetime

    Diffusion Issues of Heat and Light Species in Laser Fusion Devices

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    There are several heat and mass diffusion problems which affect to the IFC chamber design. New simulation models and experiments are needed to take into account the extreme conditions due to ignition pulses and neutron flu

    Assessment of the behaviour of hidrogen isotopes and helio in the W armor for inertial confinement

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    After 10s the 90-99% of particles are released from the tungsten wall, mostly, towards the chamber. No element crosses the tungsten wall to the cooler. With 1x1022p/m2of He inside the W wall, He starts occasioning damages in the material. For case HiPER4a that is not a proble