14 research outputs found

    Some results on concatenating bipartite graphs

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    We consider two functions ϕ\phi and ψ\psi, defined as follows. Let x,y(0,1]x,y \in (0,1] and let A,B,CA,B,C be disjoint nonempty subsets of a graph GG, where every vertex in AA has at least xBx|B| neighbors in BB, and every vertex in BB has at least yCy|C| neighbors in CC. We denote by ϕ(x,y)\phi(x,y) the maximum zz such that, in all such graphs GG, there is a vertex vCv \in C that is joined to at least zAz|A| vertices in AA by two-edge paths. If in addition we require that every vertex in BB has at least xAx|A| neighbors in AA, and every vertex in CC has at least yBy|B| neighbors in CC, we denote by ψ(x,y)\psi(x,y) the maximum zz such that, in all such graphs GG, there is a vertex vCv \in C that is joined to at least zAz|A| vertices in AA by two-edge paths. In their recent paper, M. Chudnovsky, P. Hompe, A. Scott, P. Seymour, and S. Spirkl introduced these functions, proved some general results about them, and analyzed when they are greater than or equal to 1/2,2/3,1/2, 2/3, and 1/31/3. Here, we extend their results by analyzing when they are greater than or equal to 3/4,2/5,3/4, 2/5, and 3/53/5.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1902.10878 by other author

    Proof of the Caccetta-Haggkvist conjecture for digraphs with small independence number

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    For a digraph GG and vV(G)v \in V(G), let δ+(v)\delta^+(v) be the number of out-neighbors of vv in GG. The Caccetta-H\"{a}ggkvist conjecture states that for all k1k \ge 1, if GG is a digraph with n=V(G)n = |V(G)| such that δ+(v)n/k\delta^+(v) \ge n/k for all vV(G)v \in V(G), then G contains a directed cycle of length at most kk. In [2], N. Lichiardopol proved that this conjecture is true for digraphs with independence number equal to two. In this paper, we generalize that result, proving that the conjecture is true for digraphs with independence number at most (k+1)/2(k+1)/2

    Aharoni's rainbow cycle conjecture holds up to an additive constant

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    In 2017, Aharoni proposed the following generalization of the Caccetta-H\"{a}ggkvist conjecture: if GG is a simple nn-vertex edge-colored graph with nn color classes of size at least rr, then GG contains a rainbow cycle of length at most n/r\lceil n/r \rceil. In this paper, we prove that, for fixed rr, Aharoni's conjecture holds up to an additive constant. Specifically, we show that for each fixed r1r \geq 1, there exists a constant crc_r such that if GG is a simple nn-vertex edge-colored graph with nn color classes of size at least rr, then GG contains a rainbow cycle of length at most n/r+crn/r + c_r.Comment: 10 pages, 0 figures. Upgraded the main result from the previous version so that it now holds up to an additive constan

    Further approximations for Aharoni's rainbow generalization of the Caccetta-H\"{a}ggkvist conjecture

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    For a digraph GG and vV(G)v \in V(G), let δ+(v)\delta^+(v) be the number of out-neighbors of vv in GG. The Caccetta-H\"{a}ggkvist conjecture states that for all k1k \ge 1, if GG is a digraph with n=V(G)n = |V(G)| such that δ+(v)k\delta^+(v) \ge k for all vV(G)v \in V(G), then GG contains a directed cycle of length at most n/k\lceil n/k \rceil. Aharoni proposed a generalization of this conjecture, that a simple edge-colored graph on nn vertices with nn color classes, each of size kk, has a rainbow cycle of length at most n/k\lceil n/k \rceil. With Pelik\'anov\'a and Pokorn\'a, we showed that this conjecture is true if each color class has size Ω(klogk){\Omega}(k\log k). In this paper, we present a proof of the conjecture if each color class has size Ω(k){\Omega}(k), which improved the previous result and is only a constant factor away from Aharoni's conjecture. We also consider what happens when the condition on the number of colors is relaxed

    Improved bounds for the triangle case of Aharoni's rainbow generalization of the Caccetta-H\"{a}ggkvist conjecture

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    For a digraph GG and vV(G)v \in V(G), let δ+(v)\delta^+(v) be the number of out-neighbors of vv in GG. The Caccetta-H\"{a}ggkvist conjecture states that for all k1k \ge 1, if GG is a digraph with n=V(G)n = |V(G)| such that δ+(v)k\delta^+(v) \ge k for all vV(G)v \in V(G), then GG contains a directed cycle of length at most n/k\lceil n/k \rceil. Aharoni proposed a generalization of this conjecture, that a simple edge-colored graph on nn vertices with nn color classes, each of size at least kk, has a rainbow cycle of length at most n/k\lceil n/k \rceil. Let us call (α,β)(\alpha, \beta) \emph{triangular} if every simple edge-colored graph on nn vertices with at least αn\alpha n color classes, each with at least βn\beta n edges, has a rainbow triangle. Aharoni, Holzman, and DeVos showed the following: (9/8,1/3)(9/8,1/3) is triangular; (1,2/5)(1,2/5) is triangular. In this paper, we improve those bounds, showing the following: (1.1077,1/3)(1.1077,1/3) is triangular; (1,0.3988)(1,0.3988) is triangular. Our methods give results for infinitely many pairs (α,β)(\alpha, \beta), including β<1/3\beta < 1/3; we show that (1.3481,1/4)(1.3481,1/4) is triangular.Comment: Accepted manuscript; see DOI for journal versio

    Cycles and coloring in graphs and digraphs

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    We show results in areas related to extremal problems in directed graphs. The first concerns a rainbow generalization of the Caccetta-H\"{a}ggkvist conjecture, made by Aharoni. The Caccetta-H\"{a}ggkvist conjecture states that if GG is a simple digraph on nn vertices with minimum out-degree at least kk, then there exists a directed cycle in GG of length at most n/k\lceil n/k \rceil. Aharoni proposed a generalization of this well-known conjecture, namely that if GG is a simple edge-colored graph (not necessarily properly colored) on nn vertices with nn color classes each of size at least kk, then there exists a rainbow cycle in GG of length at most n/k\lceil n/k \rceil. In this thesis, we first prove that if GG is an edge-colored graph on nn vertices with nn color classes each of size at least Ω(klogk)\Omega(k \log{k}), then GG has a rainbow cycle of length at most n/k\lceil n/k \rceil. Then, we develop more techniques to prove the stronger result that if there are nn color classes, each of size at least Ω(k)\Omega(k), then there is a rainbow cycle of length at most n/k\lceil n/k \rceil. Finally, we improve upon existing bounds for the triangle case, showing that if there are nn color classes of size at least 0.3988n0.3988n, then there exists a rainbow triangle, and also if there are 1.1077n1.1077n color classes of size at least n/3n/3, then there is a rainbow triangle. Let χ(G)\chi(G) denote the \emph{chromatic number} of a graph GG and let ω(G)\omega(G) denote the \emph{clique number}. Similarly, let \dichi(D) denote the \emph{dichromatic number} of a digraph DD and let ω(D)\omega(D) denote the clique number of the underlying undirected graph of DD. In the second part of this thesis, we consider questions of χ\chi-boundedness and \dichi-boundedness. In the undirected setting, the question of χ\chi-boundedness concerns, for a class C\mathcal{C} of graphs, for what functions ff (if any) is it true that χ(G)f(ω(G))\chi(G) \le f(\omega(G)) for all graphs GCG \in \mathcal{C}. In a similar way, the notion of \dichi-boundedness refers to, given a class C\mathcal{C} of digraphs, for what functions ff (if any) is it true that \dichi(D) \le f(\omega(D)) for all digraphs DCD \in \mathcal{C}. It was a well-known conjecture, sometimes attributed to Esperet, that for all k,rNk,r \in \mathbb{N} there exists nn such that in every graph with GG with χ(G)n\chi(G) \ge n and ω(G)k\omega(G) \le k, there exists an induced subgraph HH of GG with χ(H)r\chi(H) \ge r and ω(H)=2\omega(H) = 2. We disprove this conjecture. Then, we examine the class of kk-chordal digraphs, which are digraphs such that all induced directed cycles have length equal to kk. We show that for k3k \ge 3, the class of kk-chordal digraphs is not \dichi-bounded, generalizing a result of Aboulker, Bousquet, and de Verclos in [1] for k=3k=3. Then we give a hardness result for determining whether a digraph is kk-chordal, and finally we show a result in the positive direction, namely that the class of digraphs which are kk-chordal and also do not contain an induced directed path on kk vertices is \dichi-bounded. We discuss the work of others stemming from and related to our results in both areas, and outline directions for further work

    A counterexample to a conjecture about triangle-free induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number

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    We prove that for every nn, there is a graph GG with χ(G)n\chi(G) \geq n and ω(G)3\omega(G) \leq 3 such that every induced subgraph HH of GG with ω(H)2\omega(H) \leq 2 satisfies χ(H)4\chi(H) \leq 4. This disproves a well-known conjecture. Our construction is a digraph with bounded clique number, large dichromatic number, and no induced directed cycles of odd length at least 5.Comment: Moving one of the results to a different paper, where it fits bette

    Digraphs with All Induced Directed Cycles of the Same Length are not → χ -Bounded

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    For t > 2, let us call a digraph D t-chordal if all induced directed cycles in D have length equal to t. In an earlier paper, we asked for which t it is true that t-chordal graphs with bounded clique number have bounded dichromatic number. Recently, Aboulker, Bousquet, and de Verclos answered this in the negative for t = 3, that is, they gave a construction of 3-chordal digraphs with clique number at most 3 and arbitrarily large dichromatic number. In this paper, we extend their result, giving for each t > 3 a construction of t-chordal digraphs with clique number at most 3 and arbitrarily large dichromatic number, thus answering our question in the negative. On the other hand, we show that a more restricted class, digraphs with no induced directed cycle of length less than t, and no induced directed t-vertex path, have bounded dichromatic number if their clique number is bounded. We also show the following complexity result: for fixed t > 2, the problem of determining whether a digraph is t-chordal is coNP-complete.This research was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), RGPIN-2020-03912