35 research outputs found

    Using Drew Carey in the Classroom

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    This teaching note describes how to use Drew Carey’s short public policy documentaries in the classroom, and as part of a writing assignment for an introductory microeconomics class. Students are challenged to identify the core microeconomic concepts that are relevant to real-world policy matters, including healthcare, immigration and jobs

    ECON 1B: Microeconomics Course Redesign

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    Poster summarizing course redesign activities for ECON 1B: Microeconomics.https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/davinci_itcr2014/1005/thumbnail.jp

    California Voting and Suburbanization Patterns: Implications for Transit Policy, MTI Report 12-05

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    Public transit is an environmentally friendly transportation mode that usually focuses on transporting people within and to the city center. However, over the last 60 years, population and employment has been suburbanizing. As the median voter lives further from the city center, and thus enjoys fewer benefits from accessing public transit, does this reduce such a voter’s propensity to support public investment in public transit improvements? We analyze voting patterns on 20 transit-related ballot propositions from state-wide elections in California between 1990 and 2010. Controlling for demographic, socio-economic and political ideological factors, we focus on the role of suburbanization as a possible causal factor in determining public support for public transit investment. The results provide a rich picture of the attitudes towards transportation policy among California voters, and will help policy makers to better understand citizen preferences and to better predict how future trends will shift support towards or against transit. Finally, we suggest ways policy makers can use urban land markets to increase support for trans

    The Impact of Center City Economic and Cultural Vibrancy on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation, Research Report 11-13

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    Urban planners and scholars have focused a great deal of attention on understanding the relationship between the built environment and transportation behavior. However, other aspects of the urban environment – including the vibrancy and quality of life in urban areas – have received little attention. This report seeks to close this gap by analyzing the effects of both land-use and urban vibrancy on transportation patterns. Analysis of data from a variety of sources suggests that in addition to the built-environment, the vibrancy of the urban environment also affects transportation behavior. Moreover, vibrancy affects land-use patterns. By integrating objective measures of center-city quality of life into transportation choice models, our new statistical results inform public policy. We discuss specific public policy options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing public transit use

    Intellectual Property and Antitrust Limits on Contract: Comment

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    In their chapter in Dynamic Competition and Public Policy (2001, Cambridge University Press), Burtis and Kobayashi never defined their model\u27s discount rate, making replicating their simulation results difficult. Through our own simulations, we were able to verify their results when using a discount rate of 0.10. We also identified two new types of equilibria that the authors overlooked, doubling the number of distinct equilibria in the model

    Firm and industry effects in accounting versus economic profit data

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    This article presents estimates of firm and industry fixed-effects on profit rates for large US corporations, using both Economic Value Added (EVA), the popular measure of profits produced by Stern Stewart and Company, as well as simple (unadjusted) accounting measures as the dependent variable. We find that the improvement in explanatory power of the fixed-effect model is substantially greater when using EVA than has been documented with alternative measures

    The Persistence of Accounting versus Economic Profit

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    Drawing on Schumpeterian theory, this article presents estimates of a first-order autoregressive model of profit persistence for large US firms, using Economic Value Added (EVA), the popular measure of profits produced by Stern Stewart and Company, and simple (unadjusted) accounting measures from the Compustat database. We hypothesize about the differences we should expect to find between these two sets of estimates, and also provide a fresh normative assessment of the dynamic competitiveness of the US economy

    Understanding the M-form Hypothesis

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    The theory of the firm deserves to play a prominent role in both the undergraduate and graduate industrial organization curriculum, both because of the vast amount of attention that has been paid to this area over the last four decades, as well as its practical relevance for strategy and antitrust. This lecture briefly presents some background on the theory of the firm in general, and the M-form Hypothesis in particular. The M-form Hypothesis is an important theory of firm structure, developed by Chandler (1962) and Williamson (1975). A mathematical model, discussion section and accompanying lecture slides illustrate the concepts necessary to understand the M-form Hypothesis

    Outsourcing in U.S. Cities, Ambulances and Elderly Voters

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    Many of the largest cities in the United States outsource emergency medical services. This paper develops a political economy model of city service provision. Empirical analysis of emergency ambulances in the 200 largest U.S. cities finds that a number of variables are significant determinants of amblu- ance outsourcing, including the fraction of a city\u27s voters over the age of 65. This finding provides evidence that interest-group politics are important, and suggests a particular shape of the contracting cost curve

    University Scholar Series: Matthew J. Holian

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    Trends and Relationships Related to Air Pollution, Regulations, and Economic Growth On September 30, 2015, Dr. Matthew J. Holian spoke in the University Scholar Series hosted by Provost Andy Feinstein at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library. His talk was titled “Trends and Relationships Related to Air Pollution, Regulations, and Economic Growth.” Dr. Holian’s recent research involves air pollution in California and India. His analysis of data from numerous sources reveals trends and relationships related to air pollution, regulations, and economic growth among other factors. His most recent article, “Household Carbon Emissions from Driving and Center City Quality of Life,” explores the relationship between a dynamic city center and carbon emissions. Dr. Holian is an Associate Professor of Economics at San José State University. In 2014, he was awarded the Early Career Investigator Award at SJSU, which is given to only two junior faculty members annually to recognize success in research.https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/uss/1025/thumbnail.jp