6 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSI: Kinerja sistem informasi mencerminkan tingkat keselarasan antara harapan pengguna dan kondisi sistem saat ini. Sistem informasi akan memiliki kinerja yang baik jika kemampuan sistem memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna.Masalah yang kerap kali muncul dalam kinerja sistem di Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat adalah masalah pemeliharaan. Masalah pemeliharaan tersebut akan berpengaruh terhadap keseluruhan kinerja sistem. Evaluasi pemeliharaan sistem di Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat ditentukan oleh indikator kinerja utama dan rekomendasi perbaikan. COBIT 4.1 sebagai kerangka acuan untuk merumuskan variabel yang mempengaruhi pemeliharaan sistem. Variabel dimodelkan dan dianalisis oleh beberapa skenario menggunakan Sistem Dinamik. Pengujian beberapa skenario dapat memenuhi target peningkatan level kematangan. Variabel yang dapat meningkatkan level kematangan dan mempengaruhi kinerja sistem adalah persentase platform yang tidak sejalan, jumlah komponen yang tidak supportable, jumlah sistem kritis, jumlah gangguan, jumlah insiden, dan jumlah jam hilang per pengguna per bulan. Hasil pemodelan, analisis, dan skenario kebijakan dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam merumuskan kebijakan manajemen untuk mengurangi keterlambatan yang diakibatkan oleh pemeliharaan.Kata Kunci : COBIT 4.1., Sistem Dinamik, evaluasi pemeliharaanABSTRACT: The performance of information system reflects the level of alignment between user ’s expectation and the existing system condition. Information system will have good performance if the system capability fullfil user’s requirements. The problem that appears in the system performance in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat is the maintenance problem. The maintenance problem will affect to the overall system performance. The evaluation of maintenance system in Balai Bahasa Provinsi Jawa Barat determined by key performance indicator and recommendation improvement. COBIT 4.1 framework as a reference to formulating variables that influence the maintenance system. The variables is modeled and analyzed by several scenarios using dynamic system. The testing of several scenario can filled the target achievement of increasing maturity level. The variable that have an increase the maturity level and influence to the system performance are the percentage platform not in line, the number of components that are not supportable, the number of critical system, the disturbance, the incident, and the hours lost per user per month. The result of modelling, analysis, and policy scenario can be used as a reference for formulating management policies to reduce delays due to maintenance.Keyword: COBIT 4.1, Dynamic System, maintenance evaluatio

    Early Detection of Stunting in Toddlers Based on Ensemble Machine Learning in Purbaratu Tasikmalaya

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    This research utilizes combines several algorithm model that improve the accuracy of early detection of stunting in toddlers in Purbaratu Tasikmalaya.  The ensemble method used a voting classifier to combine the prediction results of models. The data used in this research were anthropometric data from 195 toddlers in Purbaratu Tasikmalaya. Results of the testing have identified that the use of the ensemble model machine learning method produces high accuracy for 3 categories of anthropometric data categories tested, that combined accuracy value 97,43 %, 92,30%, and 94,87% for all ensemble model and category


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    School institutions are one of the areas of community activity that must implement health protocols in order to prevent the spread of covid-19. The implementation of health protocols in the prevention of Covid-19 requires the support of various components in schools including the commitment of policy maker, community support and facilities as well as increasing the capacity to empowerment of school communities. The purpose of this activity is to provide support to schools in implementing the adaptation of new habits in schools. A total of 34 teachers / staff from 4 schools were involved in this activity. The activity stages include advocacy, creative supportive environment and social support  as well as community empowerment. The results of this activity obtained the same perception and strong commitment from the principal regarding Covid must be a concern. Build an atmosphere and create a supportive environment by building community support (inside / outside of school) as well as providing physical facilities in implementing AKB. Community empowerment activities are carried out through ToT (Training of Trainers) regarding healthy behavior in adapting to new habits in schools in increasing knowledge and building positive attitudes about Covid-19. Suggestions are given to schools to keep commitments and provide support in providing facilities at schools and teachers / staff are expected to convey information about the adaptation of new habits to all students. Keywords : Adaptation to new habits, covid-19, schoo

    Analisis Semantik dalam Pemodelan Pengelolaan Naskah Jurnal Menggunakan Petri Net

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    Pengembangan pengelolaan jurnal merupakan bagian penting di Perguruan Tinggi. Jurnal merupakan salah satu media publikasi yang menjadi rujukan peneliti dalam mengembangkan bahan penelitiannya. Pengelolaan jurnal memiliki beberapa bagian alur proses salah satunya evaluasi naskah jurnal.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodelkan pengelolaan naskah jurnal kemudian merepresentasikan hasil perbaikan model kedalam rekomendasi proses pengelolaan naskah jurnal tersebut. Hasil pemodelan petri net menghasilkan graph yang belum sound dan terdapat bagian yang tidak live. Perbaikan struktur model menggunakan analisis struktur yaitu analisis semantik. Dari hasil analisis dihasilkan perbaikan alur place dan transition yang membuat graph yg soundness dan liveness. Hasil model perbaikan tersebut kemudian menjadi masukan untuk rekomendasi perbaikan sistem pada alur pengelolaan naskah jurnal.Kata Kunci—Proses Bisnis, Petri Net, Soundness, Liveness