141 research outputs found
Present status and future prospects of global confectionery sunflower production
Although sunflower is mainly grown for the production of vegetable oils in the world, there
are many countries that prefer confectionery sunflower hybrids and varieties (landraces).
Confectionery sunflower breeding is characterized by the fact that different markets have
different demands when it comes to the seed size, hull color and other traits, which makes this
process more difficult and costly. Confectionery low-oil protein type is used in the snack food
industry in the form of roasted sunflower seeds or dehulled as a part of snacks and baker's
wares, as well as for bird and pet feed. It currently represents less than 10% of total global
sunflower production. Seed of high protein sunflower usually varies in color, from black,
black with white stripes, to white and colorful. It is significantly bigger than the seed of oil
type sunflower, with thicker hull loosely connected to the kernel. The hull is easily separated
from the kernel and allows the whole seed to be dehulled. When creating confectionery
hybrids it is very important to combine genes responsible for high yield potential and good
technical and technological traits of the seed. In order to successfully obtain high yields and
adaptability for confectionery sunflower the main direction in breeding is defining an ideal
ideotype of plant for specific agro-ecological conditions, self-fertility rate, larger seed,
increased 1000 seed weight, protein content and quality. While lowering the seed oil content
and hull ratio and at the same time introducing resistance genes in order to achieve stability of
sunflower resistance to certain pathogen
Statistical confirmation of the wheat evaluation system
In this paper the results of the investigations on technological quality of new domestic breeding lines are statistically worked out, with an aim indirect and direct indexes of milling and backing to be found out as determination factors of wheat variety belonging to a certain technological group. The aim of the paper is on the basis of the interdependence of the selected indirect and direct indices, data to be found out if the indicated choice which define the variety belonging to a certain technological group is adequate, i.e. if in the classifying scheme another indices should be included.
Genetska varijansa komponenti prinosa suncokreta - Heliantus annuus L.
The main goals of sunflower breeding in Yugoslavia and abroad are increased seed yield and oil content per unit area and increased resistance to diseases, insects and stress conditions via an optimization of plant architecture. In order to determine the mode of inheritance, gene effects and correlations of total leaf number per plant, total leaf area and plant height, six genetically divergent inbred lines of sunflower were subjected to half diallel crosses. Significant differences in mean values of all the traits were found in the F1 and F2 generations. Additive gene effects were more important in the inheritance of total leaf number per plant and plant height, while in the case of total leaf area per plant the nonadditive ones were more important looking at all the combinations in the F1 and F2 generations. The average degree of dominance (Hi/D)1/2 was lower than one for total leaf number per plant and plant height, so the mode of inheritance was partial dominance, while with total leaf area the value was higher than one, indicating super dominance as the mode of inheritance. Significant positive correlation was found: between total leaf area per plant and total leaf number per plant (0.285*) and plant height (0.278*). The results of the study are of importance for further sunflower breeding work.Oplemenjivanje suncokreta u svetu i kod nas usmereno je na poveÄanje prinosa semena i sadržaja ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine, otpornosti prema bolestima insektima i stresnim. uslovima optimalizacijom arhitekture biljke. U cilju utvrÄivanja naÄina nasleÄivanja, efekta gena i meÄuzavisnosti ukupnog broja listova po biljci, ukupne lisne povrÅ”ine po biljci i visine biljke, izvrÅ”ena su dialelna ukrÅ”tanja iskljuÄujuÄi reciproÄna sa Å”est genetski divergentnih inbred linija suncokreta. Dobijene su signifikantne razlike u srednjim vrednostima za sva ispitivana svojstva F1 i F2 generaciji. Aditivni efekat gena je bio od veÄeg znaÄaja u nasleÄivanju ukupnog broja listova po biljci i visini biljke dok je neaditivni efekat gena bio znaÄajniji kod ukupne lisne povrÅ”ine po biljci uzevÅ”i u obzir sve kombinacije ukrÅ”tanja u F1 i F2 generaciji. ProseÄan stepen dominacije (H1/D)1/2 je kod ukupnog broja listova po biljci i visine biljke manji od jedinice iz toga se može zakljuÄiti da je naÄin nasleÄivanja parcijalna dominacija, a kod ukupne lisne povrÅ”ine je veÄi od jedinice Å”to ukazuje na superdominaciju. ZnaÄajna pozitivna meÄuzavisnost ustanovljena je izmeÄu ukupne lisne povrÅ”ine po biljci i ukupnog broja listova po biljci (0.285*), visine biljke (0.278*). Rezultati ovih istraživanja imaÄe znaÄaja u daljem radu na oplemenjivanju suncokreta
Linija X tester analiza morfoloÅ”kih svojstva i njihova meÄuzavisnost sa prinosom i sadržajem ulja suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.)
One of the primary tasks of sunflower breeding is the development of inbred lines by interspecific hybridization for the purpose of obtaining high-yielding, stable hybrids that are characterized by altered plant appearance and the ability to produce a higher number of plants per unit area under intensive agriculture conditions. Studied in this paper by the line x tester method were seven new divergent cms inbred lines (A) lines, three Rf restorers utilized as testers, and 21 F1 hybrids developed. Significant differences in the mean values of all the traits studied were observed. Highly significant GCA and SCA values were obtained for petiole length (PL) and total leaf area per plant (TLA). The nonadditive component of genetic variance played the main role in the inheritance of both these traits. This was confirmed by the GCA/SCA ratios for PL and LA in the F1 generation, which were below the value of one (0.43 and 0.07, respectively). The greatest average contribution to the expression of PL (49.9%) and TLA (57.1%) was found in the female A lines. A positive correlation was found between seed yield (SY) and PL (0.374*) and TLA (0.630**), while seed oil content (SOC) and TLA were found to be negatively correlated (-0.520**). The findings of this study can be used in the development of new high-yielding sunflower hybrids with high yields based on interspecific hybridization.Jedan od primarnih zadataka oplemenjivanja suncokreta je stvaranje inbred linija putem interspecijes hibridizacije radi dobijanja visokoprinosnih i stabilnih hibrida promenjenog izgleda koji u uslovima intenzivne agrotehnike omoguÄavaju poveÄanje broja biljaka po jedinici povrÅ”ine. Za linija x tester analizu koriÅ”Äeno je sedam novih divergentnih (A) citoplazmatski muÅ”ko sterilnih inbred linija nastalih interspecijes hibridizacijom, tri Rf-restorer linije kao testeri i 21 hibrid F1 generacije. Dobijene su znaÄajne razlike u srednjim vrednostima za sva ispitivana svojstva. IzraÄunate su visoko znaÄajne vrednosti OKS i PKS za dužinu lisne drÅ”ke (DLD) i ukupne lisne povrÅ”ine po biljci (ULP). Glavnu ulogu u nasleÄivanju oba svojstva ima neaditivna komponenta genetske varijanse. To potvrÄuje i odnos OKS/PKS u F1 generaciji koji je manji od jedinice i iznosi 0.43 za DLD i 0.07 za ULP. NajveÄi proseÄan doprinos u ekspresiji ovih svojstava imale su A-linije majke i to (49.9%) za DLD i (57.1%) za ULP. Ustanovljena je pozitivna meÄuzavisnost prinosa semena (PS) sa DLD (0.374*) i ULP (0.630**). IzmeÄu sadržaja ulja u semenu (SU) i ULP ustanovljena je znaÄajna negativna meÄuzavisnost (-0.520**). Ova istraživanja mogu biti od znaÄaja za stvaranje novih visoko prinosnih genotipova suncokreta na bazi interspecies hibridizacije
Komponente varijanse i efekat gena morfoloŔkih svojstava suncokreta (Helianthus annuus L.)
In order to enable progress in sunflower breeding, an increasing amount of attention has to be paid to the morpho-physiological traits (petiole angle and length) of this crop that have a significant effect on its seed yield and oil concentration. In the inheritance of petiole angle and petiole length the additive component of genetic variance had the predominant role in the F1 and F2 generation. The mean degree of dominance (H1/D)1/2 and the intersection of the expected regression line with the Wr axis indicated partial dominance in the inheritance of petiole angle and petiole length. Broad sense heritability for petiole angle was 88% and for petiole length 85%.Da bi se obezbedio napredak u selekciji suncokreta potrebno je obratiti veÄu pažnju na morfo-fizioloÅ”ke osobine (ugao lisne drÅ”ke i dužinu lisne drÅ”ke) koje znaÄajno utiÄu na prinos semena i sadržaj ulja. Radi prouÄavanja nasleÄivanja, efekta gena, komponenti genetske varijanse i heritabilnosti ugla i dužine lisne drÅ”ke Å”est genetski divergentnih inbred linija suncokreta u F1 i F2 generaciji primenjena analiza dialelenih ukrÅ”tanja za kombinacione sposobnosti, Griffing, 1956 metod 2, model I. Za ocenu komponenti genetske varijanse i regresionu analizu koriÅ”Äen je metod MATHER and Jinks (1982). Ocena heritabilnosti u užem smislu je raÄena po formuli MATHER and Jinks (1971). U nasleÄivanju ugla i dužine lisne drÅ”ke aditivna komponenta genetske varijanse je bila predominantna u F1 i F2 generaciji. ProseÄan stepen dominacije (H1/D)1/2 i presek oÄekivane linije regresije sa Wr osom ukazuje na parcijalnu dominaciju u nasleÄivanju ugla i dužine lisne drÅ”ke. Heritabilnost u užem smislu za ugao lisne drÅ”ke iznosi 88%, a za dužinu lisne drÅ”ke 85%
Komponente fenotipske varijabilnosti za preÄnik glave suncokreta
Sunflower is the main crop species for the production of edible oil in many countries of the world, including ours. Plant height and head size, form and position on the stem as well as the number of leaves, their size, duration and distribution on the plant all play an important role in defining optimal plant architecture in sunflower hybrids (Å koriÄ, 1975, 1989, 2002). In order to monitor the mode of inheritance and gene effects for head diameter in the F1 and F2 generations, half diallel crosses were made in six genetically divergent sunflower inbreds. The mean values of the trait in question differed significantly. The mode of inheritance of head diameter in the F1 generation was superdominance in all but four crosses, which had dominance instead. In the F2 generation, on the other hand, the prevailing mode was dominance, while superdominance was recorded in four cases. The dominant component accounted for the bulk of genetic variance, and the mode of inheritance of head diameter taking into account both the F1 and F2 generations was superdominance. These findings may prove valuable for developing high-yielding sunflower genotypes.Suncokret je u mnogim zemljama u svetu i kod nas osnovna biljka za proizvodnju jestivog ulja. Visina biljke, veliÄina, forma i položaj glave na stablu, broj listova, njihova veliÄina, trajanje i raspored na biljci imaju važnu ulogu u definisanju optimalne arhitekture hibrida suncokreta (Å koriÄ 1975; 1989; 2002). U cilju praÄenja naÄina nasleÄivanja i efekta gena preÄnika glave suncokreta u F1 i F2 generaciji izvrÅ”ena su dialelna ukrÅ”tanja iskljuÄujuÄi reciproÄna sa Å”est genetski divergentnim inbred linijama suncokreta. Dobijene su znaÄajne razlike u srednjim vrednostima za ispitivano svojstvo. PreÄnik glave se u F1 generaciji nasleÄivao superdominantno jedino se u Äetiri ukrÅ”tanja javila dominacija, dok se u F2 generaciji nasleÄivao dominantno, a superdominacija se zadržala u Äetiri kombinacije. Glavni deo genetske varijanse Äini dominantna komponenta, a naÄin nasleÄivanja preÄnika glave je superdominacija uzevÅ”i u obzir sve kombinacije ukrÅ”tanja u obe generacije (F1 i F2). Ova istraživanja mogu biti od znaÄaja u stvaranju visoko prinosnih genotipova suncokreta
Efekat heterozisa za prinos semena i komponente prinosa suncokreta
The development of new high-yielding and stable sunflower hybrids based on interspecific hybridization requires information on the heterotic effects for agronomically important traits in the F, generation. Heterotic effects for seed yield, plant height and head diameter were studied in interspecific sunflower hybrids developed by the line x tester method. The female inbred lines were developed by interspecific hybridization, while the male restorer inbreds with good combining abilities were used as testers in the form of fertility restorers. F, hybrids were obtained by crossing each tester with each female inbred. The inbred lines and their F, hybrids differed significantly in their mean values of the traits under study. Heterosis values for seed yield per plant were positive and highly significant relative to both the parental mean (98.4-274.1%) and the better parent (54.8-223.2%). Significantly less heterosis was recorded in the case of plant height relative to parental mean (19.0-66.0%) and better parent (-3.9-51.6%). With head diameter, the heterotic effect ranged from 19.0 to 55.6% (parental mean) and from 7.8 to 36.6% (better parent). The results of this study may be used for the development of new high-yielding and stable sunflower hybrids based on interspecific hybridization.Stvaranje visoko prinosnih i stabilnih hibrida suncokreta na bazi interspecijes hibridizacije zahteva posedovanje informacije o efektu heterozisa za agronomski važna svojstva u F, generaciji. Efekat heterozisa za prinos semena. visinu biljke i preÄnik glave prouÄavan je kod interspecijes hibrida nastalih ukrÅ”tanjem primenom linija x tester metoda. Inbred linije majke nastale su interspecijes hibridizacijom, a restorer inbred linije oca dobrih kombinacionih sposobnosti koriÅ”Äene su kao testeri u formi restauratora fertilnosti. Hibridi F1 generacije nastali su ukrÅ”tanjem svakog testera sa svakom inbred linijom majke. Vrednosti heterozisa za prinos semena po biljci bile su pozitivne i visoko znaÄajne u odnosu na roditeljski prosek (98.4-274.1%) i u odnosu na boljeg roditelja (54.8-223.2%). Znatno niži efekat heterozisa ustanovljen je za visinu biljke (19.0-66.0%) u odnosu na roditeljski prosek i u odnosu na boljeg roditelja (6.1-51.6%). Kod preÄnika glave vrednosti heterozisa su se kretale od 19.0% do 74.7% u odnosu na roditeljski prosek i od 11.6-36.6% u odnosu na boljeg roditelja
An analysis of heterotic potential for agronomically important traits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Study of inbreeding and heterosis in sunflower has been taking place for over 80 years now. Practical application of the phenomenon of heterosis in this species began after the discovery of a suitable source of cytoplasmic male sterility in 1969 and that of restorer genes. Many authors have reported significant manifestation of heterosis for seed yield and yield components as well. Also, the mode of inheritance of agronomically important traits in the F1 and F2 generations has been thoroughly examined. Positive correlations for yield have been established between parental lines and F1 hybrids. The GCA and SCA for yield and yield components have been well studied. Solutions have been suggested on how to increase the harvest index and sink capacity as well as the contributions of individual physiological parameters in the process of yield augmentation. In order to increase heterotic effects for seed yield and oil yield and direct and indirect yield components, it is necessary to increase the genetic variability of pre-breeding materials, achieve improved efficacy at the inbreeding stage, and streamline and accelerate the process of GCA and SCA evaluation using molecular markers and other biotechnology methods in order to achieve breeding goals. Seed oil content should be increased to over 55% using recurrent selection methods. Special focus in breeding programs should be placed on the development of high-oleic hybrids (>95%) with a high genetic potential for oil yield, resistance to the dominant diseases, and wide environmental adaptability that would be used for industrial purposes (production of biodiesel, or hydrogen). In order to extent the duration of sunflower oil stability, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols should be incorporated instead of alpha ones alongside the Ol genes. The exiting genetic variability of the cultivated sunflower makes it possible to develop hybrids with a genetic potential for seed yield of over 6 t/ha and seed oil content of over 55%. Most often, however, sunflower yields obtained in large-scale commercial sunflower production are in the 1.5-3.0 t/ha range. There are multiple limiting factors preventing the realization of the high genetic potential of this crop. Their removal will enable commercial sunflower yield to stabilize at levels of 4 t/ha and above. Diseases are the main limiting factor affecting sunflower production in all sunflower-growing parts of the world. Development of exotic germplasm through further use of wild sunflower species, distant hybridization and genetic transformations should be used to provide genes for resistance to all dominant pathogens and broomrape. Efficient breeding methods should be employed to increase sunflower tolerance of air and soil drought and salinity and to attain wider resistance to herbicides
Assessment of quality of new Rf inbred lines resistant to broomrape rase E (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) developed from H. deserticola by interspecific hybridization
Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) presents a serious problem in sunflower production in a number of countries. The population of broomrape has been stable in Serbia for a long period of time, but the racial composition has changed in recent years, with race E being predominant in the regions of north BaÄka and Banat. Cultivated sunflower is genetically narrow and deficient in many desirable genes. Sources of resistance genes to broomrape can be found in a number of wild sunflower species. New 7 Rf inbred lines (RHA-D- 1, RHA-D-2, RHA-D-5, RHA-D-6, RHA-D-7, RHA-D-8, RHA-D-9) were produced from interspecies population originating from H. deserticola (DES-1474-1) in IFVC. The inbreeding of the selected plants from interspecific populations started in 1995 (S1). The first screening of sunflower Rf lines for broomrape resistance was done in a glasshouse in 1999 (S5). The seed from the resistant plants was tested in infested fields, in the area of S. MiletiÄ and B. Topola during 2000 (S6). Selection of resistant plants was checked from 2001 (S7) to 2003 (S9). The same procedure was conducted in PaÄir from 2004 (S10) to 2008 (S14) and in the area of Lipar in 2009 (S15). Experimental hybrids were produced by crossing new Rf lines developed from interspecific population (DES-1474-1) resistant to broomrape race E with cms female lines susceptible to broomrape. The resistance of new 28 experimental hybrids to broomrape was checked on locations in Serbia (PaÄir 2006, 2007, 2008) and at the location (Lipar 2009) with three controls: hybrid BaÄvanin, resistant to race E, hybrid NS-H-111 resistant to race A, B, C, D, susceptible to E race and line AD- 66 susceptible to all broomrape races. The resistance of the same hybrids was also tested at a location in Romania (Baragan, Braila) in 2008. All examined hybrids were resistant to broomrape race E on all locations
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