408 research outputs found

    School improvement practice in Ugandan secondary schools : Case study

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    After introduction of Universal Secondary Education Policy in Uganda, secondary schools were struggling to adopt rapidly increase of students’ number with scarce resources. This study focuses on school improvement process initiated by schools. Case study of six secondary schools indicates that the head teachers identified various challenges and solved some of them. One of the finding is discrepancy between the issues raised by students and those by teachers.本研究は日本学術振興会の科学研究費(課題番号25285232;研究代表者吉田和浩)により実施したものである

    Including the Excluded: The Case of Slow Learners at Buloba Primary School, Uganda

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    This article describes a study of Mathematics teachers at Buloba Primary School in Uganda. The purpose was to analyse the teachers’ perceptions, essential practices for creating inclusive classroom environments for slow learners, and implementation challenges. This quasi-experimental research included a focus group discussion, an interview with the headteacher, three lesson observations and post-observation focus group discussions. The results indicate that the teachers have mixed perceptions and several practices: peer learning, certain teaching methods, linking teaching to real-world applications, seating environment, and providing a threat -free classroom environment. Highlighted challenges include heavy workloads, limited time, inadequate training, mixed classes of both slow and fast learners, inability to identify slow learners, class size and lack of knowledge. It emphasizes the need to define and develop reference frameworks of teacher competencies and institutionalize in-service teacher education programmes through school-based practices and research.Group C: Teacher Professional Developmen

    Pre-Service Training of Elementary School Teachers in Burkina Faso

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    This research is to start from the history of primary pre-service teacher training in Burkina Faso in order to give an updated reading of the system of pre-service teacher training for primary schools. We will examine a certain number of contents to provide a good understanding of this sub-sector of education. Thus, understanding the pre-service training of primary school teachers based on the training curriculum, the discovery of teaching programs, the training scenario for trainee teachers in INFPE (Institut National de Formation des Personnels de lʼEducation= National Institute for the Training of Education Personnel), the process of course scheduling during pre-service training, the organization of teaching and evaluation, the trainer pole with the condition of lecturers, the current situation of trainers and their certification background in the INFPE are some of the concerns that we intend to refl ect upon. Finally, we will have a look at the collaboration in pre-service training with the content of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) interventions in pre-service training in Burkina Faso and the current challenges of the trainers at the INFPE

    ウガンダ キョウワコク ニオケル チュウトウ ガッコウ リカ ジュギョウ : セイト ノ シテン オ チュウシン トシテ

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    Based on observation of five science lessons in secondary schools, focused group interviews students, and interviews of teachers, their perspective of science lessons was examined. Students consider science lessons are very important for their future carrier and daily life. They want to understand science concept better through experiments. They also think continuous assessment helps to improve their understanding. Science teachers basically have same visions but they cannot implement their ideal lessons because of school environment

    Towards an Implementation of the Lesson Study During the Pre-service Training of Basic Education Teachers in Burkina Faso

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    This study aimed to implement an effective Lesson Study model during primary school pre-service teachers\u27 training in Burkina Faso. The stakeholders were trainee teachers, full-time trainers, INFPE officials, and some former JICA short-trainees who were promoters of the implementation of Lesson Study in in-service teacher training. Several tools were designed and used for the data collection. As a result, two possibilities were identified. The first is to introduce the approach in General Pedagogy to better define its theoretical contours and practical implementation through the didactic subjects taught. Second, while some want to use Lesson Study in certain key subjects, such as science and mathematics, most actors recommend transversal use in all subjects. Therefore, some recommendations have been set for the effective implementation of the Lesson Study model during the pre-service training of primary school teachers

    Lesson Study for Special Needs Education: Case Study in Penang, Malaysia

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    Three years attempt to introduce lesson study for special needs education was conducted in Penang, Malaysia. First two years workshop for teachers for special needs education was conducted at university. Workshop consists of lecture to explain lesson study and exercise. Exercise of 2017 focused on the issues of each school and on the way to solve them. Exercise of 2018 was plan and implementation of mock lessons by teachers. Trial lesson study in special needs school was conducted in 2020. Teachers planed lessons by group and conducted two lessons. After the lessons, participants discussed about lessons. Teachers think planning by group is useful because they examine various ideas

    Development of Mathematics Lesson Using Kahoot! as a Transformation of the Lesson through EdTech

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    In this study, we analyzed a case study of ICT use in a mathematics department in Singapore from a subject-specific perspective that deepens students' learning, such as adaptive learning. Based on the suggestions obtained from this study, we developed lessons using Kahoot! in Japanese mathematics classes. The results of the verification of its effectiveness suggested that the use of Kahoot! is effective in promoting students' independent learning and deep learning.departmental bulletin pape

    Changes in qualities and abilities of Japanese teachers through participation in Global Lesson Study on mathematics

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    [Purpose] The authors aim to determine the effects of Global Lesson Study (GLS) - a two-year, one-cycle program defined as “international cooperative lesson study through international exchange among teachers using ICT” - on intercultural competence for lesson study based on pre- and post-survey conducted for Japanese teachers. [Design/methodology/approach] In accordance with the GLS program, mathematics lesson studies on mathematics between Japanese and Singaporean elementary school teachers were conducted over a two-year period. Questionnaire surveys on intercultural competence for lesson study was conducted using 7-point Likert scale and descriptive questions with Japanese teachers (N 5 5). Analysis of Wilcoxon’s signed rank test and correlation analysis were conducted. [Findings] Followings are identified as the effects of GLS for Japanese teachers: (1) Japanese participants felt improvement of their competence in areas of attitude, internal outcomes and outward impact. (2) Participating in a GLS led to the improvement of Japanese teachers’ qualities and abilities for subject teaching related tomathematics education. (3) Improvement of intercultural competence for lesson study was related to each other, and GLS led to improvement of these competences. (4) It was meaningful to have a two-year period to assimilate and adjust to independent experience of the host and guest. [Originality/value] The GLS led to teacher empowerment among this sample, not only as cooperative research, but also at the individual level of teachers where participants continued to develop lessons based on the GLS learning after study completion. This has important implications for the implementation and dissemination of the GLS