283 research outputs found

    Juan M. Hernandez-Campoy and J. Camilo Conde-Silvestere, eds. : The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics. <Book review>

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    Suzanne Romaine は著書Socio-Historical Linguistics: Its Status andMethodology (1982)において,社会言語学的モデルを歴史的データに当てはめるという革新的な研究成果を発表した。その後,30年の間に,コンピュータによるデータ処理が現れ,ジャンル,方言,書き手,そして日付などを表す膨大な歴史的コーパスが編纂され,データが断片的であるという本分野における問題が解消された。Romaineの研究から30年たった今,このハンドブックは,歴史社会言語学という学問分野の力強さを立証するものである。国際的に著名である投稿者の世界各国からの論文を集めた本書は,この分野の包括的で有益である参考書であり,歴史的または非歴史的社会言語学,言語と方言の接触,そして言語変化を扱う研究者,あるいは上級の学生に向けられたハンドブックである。 本稿においては,まず序章(Introduction)をまとめて本書を概観する。その後,通時的研究と共時的研究の関係に関する第1章,社会的ネットワークと言語変化の関係に関する第18章,そして言語の拡散に関する第23章についてその骨子を紹介する

    Neutron reflectometry under high shear in narrow gap for tribology study

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    An operando analysis method has been established for evaluating the interfacial structure of an adsorbed layer formed by an additive on a metal surface under fluid lubricated conditions. A parallel-face narrow gap viscometer installed in an energy-resolved neutron reflectometer is used to evaluate the change in the interfacial structure under high shear. The viscometer was designed to operate at a high shear rate while maintaining a µm-order constant gap between two parallel surfaces. When an additive-free base oil was sandwiched in the gap, the neutron reflectivity profiles without and with upper surface rotation were the same. This demonstrates that the reflectivity profiles can be accurately measured regardless of whether the upper surface is rotated. When a base oil containing a polymethacrylate-based additive was sandwiched in the gap, both the thickness and density of the adsorbed additive layer in the rotation (shear field) condition were lower than those in the non-rotation (static) condition. This demonstrates that the proposed method can be used to analyse the structural changes in the adsorbed layer formed by an oil additive on a surface. This combination of a neutron reflectometer and narrow gap viscometer is a promising approach to near-future tribological studies

    Humidification of Base Flow Gas during Adult High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation:An Experimental Study Using a Lung Model

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    In adult high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) with an R100 artificial ventilator, exhaled gas from patientʼs lung may warm the temperature probe and thereby disturb the humidification of base flow (BF) gas. We measured the humidity of BF gas during HFOV with frequencies of 6, 8 and 10Hz, maximum stroke volumes (SV) of 285, 205, and 160ml at the respective frequencies, and, BFs of 20, 30, 40l/min using an original lung model. The R100 device was equipped with a heated humidifier, HummaxⅡ, consisting of a porous hollow fiber in circuit. A 50-cm length of circuit was added between temperature probe (located at 50cm proximal from Y-piece) and the hollow fiber. The lung model was made of a plastic container and a circuit equipped with another HummaxⅡ. The lung model temperature was controlled at 37℃. The HummaxⅡ of the R100 was inactivated in study-1 and was set at 35℃ or 37℃ in study-2. The humidity was measured at the distal end of the added circuit in study-1 and at the proximal end in study-2. In study-1, humidity was detected at 6Hz (SV 285ml) and BF 20l/min, indicating the direct reach of the exhaled gas from the lung model to the temperature probe. In study-2 the absolute humidity of the BF gas decreased by increasing SV and by increasing BF and it was low with setting of 35℃. In this study setting, increasing the SV induced significant reduction of humidification of the BF gas during HFOV with R100

    Capillary Electrophoretic Characterization of Carbon Nanodots Prepared from Glutamic Acid in an Electric Furnace

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    Carbon nanodots (CNDs) prepared from glutamic acid or glutathione in an electric furnace were characterized by capillary electrophoresis. Two major peaks were detected in the electropherograms by capillary zone electrophoresis, corresponding to anionic and less-charged CNDs. The effective electrophoretic mobility of the anionic CND formed from glutamic acid was almost identical over neutral to weakly alkaline pH range, and the CND would not contain significant amount of amino group. On the other hand, the effective electrophoretic mobility tended to decrease with decreasing pH at weakly acidic pH conditions, suggesting the functional groups of carboxylate moiety on the anionic CNDs. Dodecyl sulfate ion was added in the separation buffer to give anionic charge to the less-charged CND by adsorption. However, the anionic charge induced was little, and the dodecyl sulfate ion was not likely adsorbed on the less-charged CND and the CND would be hydrophilic

    Sliding mode control with disturbance estimation for underwater robot.

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    This paper proposes a sliding mode control with a disturbance estimation for an underwater robot. The mobility performance of an underwater robot is influenced by modeling error, observation noise, and several disturbances such as ocean current and tidal current. Therefore, a robust control system is needed for precise motion control of an underwater robot. This paper uses a sliding mode control, which is one of the robust control methods. In a sliding mode control, chattering tends to occur, if the switching gain is set to a high value. On the other hand, it is desirable to set the switching gain high from the viewpoint of robustness. Therefore, there is a trade-off between the switching gain and robustness. In the proposed method, the disturbance is estimated in real-time, and this estimated value is added to the control input. Most of the disturbances are compensated by this estimated value, and the sliding mode control is used for the rest of the disturbances. As a result, the robust control system is achieved by using the proposed method, even if the switching gain is set to a low value. The validity of the proposed method was confirmed from the simulation and experimental results


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    金沢大学理工研究域金属イオンに対する多座配位子の配位における配位環境の三次元的制御を利用することにより、各種金属イオンおよび陰イオン種の高機能分離分析法を設計することを目的として、以下のような基礎的研究を行った。[1]三脚型3価四座配位子であるトリス(2-ヒドロキシ-3,5-ジメチルベンジル)アミンを用いる13族3価金属イオンのキレート抽出に関する検討を行い、三脚構造による配位環境の束縛とメチル置換基基因の立体障害とを巧妙に利用することによってガリウムイオンのみを選択的に抽出分離できることを見いだした。さらに、配位子結晶のX線構造解析の結果より、中性状態におけるこの配位子の水素結合状態が錯形成反応速度論的に比較的有利な状況をもたらしているということを見いだした。[2]無電荷配位子であるN,N-ビス(2-ピリジルメチル)アミノ基と2価遷移金属イオンとで構成される配位不飽和荷電金属錯体を陰イオン交換基として用いる新たなイオンクロマトグラフ法の開発に関する基礎検討を行い、イオン交換反応と配位子交換反応を巧妙に併用することにより、中心金属イオンのアクセプターとしての特性を利用した、配位性陰イオンの高機能クロマトグラフ分離を実現した。[3]各種のピリジン-2-カルボニル化合物とジアミン類とから合成される無電荷Schiff塩基を錯形成試薬に用いて、水-ニトロベンゼン系における2価遷移金属イオンのイオン対抽出選択性に及ぼすイミン窒素ドナー原子近傍の立体構造の効果について比較検討を行った。その結果、ドナー隣接炭素原子上の置換基や2つのイミン窒素原子間の架橋構造形態が抽出選択性に大きな影響を与えることが確かめられた。研究課題/領域番号:11740409, 研究期間 (年度):1999 – 2000出典:「配位環境の三次元的制御による高機能イオン分離系の構築」研究成果報告書 課題番号11740409(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) ( https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-11740409/ )を加工して作


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    負電荷を持つ窒素原子をLewis電子対ドナーとして用いるスルホンアミド型キレート試薬の抽出試薬としての機能解析を目的として、以下のような基礎的研究を行った。1 β-ケトエノール型キレート抽出試薬のエノール型-OH基をスルホンアミド基(-NHSO_2R)に置換した場合の効果を評価するため、2-ヒドロキシベンゾフェノンの-OH基を-NHSO_2R基に置換したところ、2価銅イオン(Cu^)の抽出能が顕著に低下した。これに対し、ケト基(=O)を=NR\u27基に置換した類縁体の場合には、スルホンアミド化による抽出能の増大が見られた。さらに、R\u27の末端に-OH基を導入すると抽出能はさらに向上した。この結果より、スルホンアミド型キレート試薬の特性は、当該部位以外のLewis電子対ドナーの選択によって大きく変化しうることが示された。2 イオン液体(IL)を抽出相として用いるILキレート抽出系における抽出試薬としてのスルホンアミド型キレート試薬の利用可能性を探索するため、8-スルホンアミドキノリン誘導体を用いた場合の2価金属イオンの抽出挙動を検討した。既存の有機溶媒を用いた場合と比較して、IL系では抽出能が増大し、この型の試薬がILキレート抽出系に有用であることが示された。また、-NHSO_2R基においてR=CF_3とした場合、サイズの小さい金属イオンでは錯形成時の立体障害に起因する抽出能の低下が見られたのに対し、かさ高い金属イオンの場合はCF_3-基とILとの親和性の効果により1:3陰イオン性錯体がイオン交換により優先的に抽出され、結果として抽出選択性に変化が現れた。すなわち、スルホンアミド型キレート試薬を用いるILキレート抽出系では、隣接置換基による選択性制御が可能であると示唆された。Functional analysis of sulfonamide-type chelating agents, which have negatively-charged nitrogen atom as Lewis donor, as extraction agents was performed. In concrete, the following fundamental studies were investigated.1. To evaluate the possible use of sulfonamide-type monoanionic N,N-bidentate ligands as extrative separation agents for divalent metal cations the chelate extraction behavior of copper(II) cation into chloroform with several N-Ca-N- bidentate ligands having the p-toluenesulfonamido group was investigated as a model system. All of the four N-C2-N- ligands studied showed quantitative extractability for copper(II) and the metal-to-ligand ratio in the extracted species was 1:2. Furthermore, the order of the extraction constants for copper(II) with the ligands suggests that the number of π-electrons in the N-C_2-N- structure is an important factor in achieving high complexation ability and extractability.2. Possible use of 8-sulfonamidoquinoline derivatives as chelate extractive separation agents for solvent extraction of several divalent metal cations using an ionic liquid, 1-butyI-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([bmim][PF_6]) as extraction phase was investigated as fundamental approach to develop novel extractive separation agents for ionic liquid extraction system. The studied agents were able to be used as extractants for the metal cations in the [bmim][PF_6] extraction system. Furthermore, their extractability in the [bmim][PF_6] system was superior to that in chloroform system. Most of the extracted species were (hydrated) neutral complexes, whereas, in use of the derivative having trifluoromethyl group, divalent cadmium was extracted as anionic complex accompanied with anion-exchange process.研究課題/領域番号:18550070, 研究期間(年度):2006-2007出典:「スルホンアミド型キレート試薬の分離機能解析」研究成果報告書 課題番号18550070(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))(https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-18550070/185500702007kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作