285 research outputs found


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    Aim : To compare the changes in the pelvis and pelvic floor muscle function in normal pregnant women and pregnant women with cervical incompetence.【目的】正常妊婦と子宮頸管無力症妊婦の妊娠中の骨盤と骨盤底筋機能の変化を比較するこ とである。【方法】対象者は14人の正常妊婦と10人の子宮頸管無力症妊婦であった。会陰腱 中心の長さと骨盤の稜間径、棘間径、大転子間径の測定、さらには骨盤底筋機能の評価の ために、座位での骨盤底筋収縮時の坐骨結節への圧の変化を測定した。測定は妊娠16-19週 (1期)、妊娠24-27週(2期)、妊娠30-33週(3期)、妊娠36週以降(4期)と4回縦断的 に実施した。【結果】正常妊婦の会陰腱中心は、妊娠進行に伴って有意に伸展した(p<0.05) が、子宮頸管無力症妊婦では差がなかった。骨盤底筋機能評価である骨盤底筋収縮時圧の 最大減少率の平均は、妊娠24~27週において子宮頸管無力症妊婦が正常妊婦のより有意に 低かった(p<0.05)。しかし妊娠36週以降の両者の会陰腱中心の長さと骨盤底筋機能の測定 値は同程度となった。骨盤稜間径、棘間径、大転子間径の1期を基準とした4期の相対値 は、正常妊婦が1.02・1.02・1.01、子宮頸管無力症妊婦は3か所すべて1.02であった。【結論】 妊娠にともなう骨盤の広がりは、妊娠経過の異常の有無に関係なく起こる現象であること が示唆された。また、正常妊婦の会陰腱中心は妊娠経過に伴って有意に伸展した。これは、 骨盤底筋の弛緩とそれに妊娠子宮の重みが加わった結果だと推測する。骨盤底筋機能評価 方法には信頼性・妥当性の課題があるが、子宮頸管無力症妊婦においては、正常妊婦と比 べ肛門挙筋や他の筋が妊娠初期から弛緩していることが推察される結果を得た。 Methods : The subjects consisted of 14 normal pregnant women and 10 pregnant women with cervical incompetence. Perineal body lengths, intercristal, interspinous and intertrochanteric diameters, and pelvic floor muscle function were measured at 16-19 (stage 1), 24-27 (stage 2), 30-33 weeks of gestation (stage 3) and 36 weeks of gestation onward (stage 4) longitudinally. Results : Perineal body lengths in normal pregnant women significantly increased as the pregnancy progressed (p<0.05), but no significant difference was found in pregnant women with cervical incompetence. There were significant differences at 24-27 weeks of gestation in pelvic floor muscle function, which was lower in pregnant women with cervical incompetence compared to normal pregnant women (p<0.05). However, in both groups, perineal body lengths and pelvic floor muscle function were similar at 36 weeks of gestation onward. The relative values of intercristal, interspinous and intertrochanteric diameters at stage 4 based on stage 1 in normal pregnant women were 1.02, 1.02 and 1.01, respectively, while those in pregnant women with cervical incompetence were 1.02 at all three sites. Conclusion : This study suggested that widening of the pelvis associated with pregnancy is a phenomenon that occurs regardless of the presence or absence of abnormality during the course of the pregnancy. Length of the perineal body increased significantly in normal pregnant women during the course of the pregnancy. We infer that increased perineal body length is the result of the relaxation of pelvic floor muscles and weight of the pregnant uterus. We need discussion about reliability and validity to assess pelvic floor muscle function. Meanwhile, the result from this research could be that in the first trimester the levator ani muscles and pelvic floor muscles of pregnant women with cervical incompetence are already more relaxed than those of normal pregnant women.[原著:Originals

    Beached Whales : Examining Japan\u27s Rejection of an International Norm (""2004 ISS-OUP Prise"" Winning Article)

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    国際規範に関する分析は概して,システムレベルの規範の普及に着目している.本稿では,そのような分析はネオリアリズム,新自由主義制度派,構造主義などに根ざしており,主に二つの問題があると主張する.一つは,それらの分析が普及に成功した規範の実例に多大な関心を払っているのに対し,失敗したものについては見過ごしていることである.もう一つの問題はそれらの分析が,規範の普及する過程において国際規範と国内構造がどのように関連しているかを検証できていないことである.この関連を見過ごすことにより,システムレベルの研究は国際規範が国内の領域に広がる具体的なメカニズムとプロセスを明らかにできないでいる.本稿は国内構造(特に文化・政治的構造)が国内レベルにおける国際規範の普及を可能にする主要要素であると主張する.日本における反捕鯨規範の受け入れ拒否を分析するにあたり本稿は,このような国内構造が反捕鯨規範の出現や受け入れを阻むフィルターとして機能していると論じるものである.Much of the analysis of international norms has focused on norm diffusion at the systemic level. This study argues that such analyses based on neorealism, neoliberal institutionalism, and constructivism have two major shortcomings. One is that they pay much attention to successful cases of norm diffusion, but neglect failed ones. The other is that they fail to examine the linkage between international norms and domestic structures in the processes of norm diffusion. By neglecting this linkage, systemic-level studies cannot clarify specific mechanisms and process through which international norms reach the domestic arena. This study stresses that domestic structures, in particular cultural and political structures, are the key factors allowing international norm diffusion at the domestic level. Analyzing Japan\u27s refusal to accept an antiwhaling norm, this paper argues that these domestic structures have served as filters to block the emergence and acceptance of this norm in Japan

    Cycloprodigiosin hydrochloride obtained from Pseudoalteromonas denitrificans is a potent antimalarial agent

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    Kim H.S., Hayashi M., Shibata Y., et al. Cycloprodigiosin hydrochloride obtained from Pseudoalteromonas denitrificans is a potent antimalarial agent. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 22, 532 (1999); https://doi.org/10.1248/bpb.22.532.Cycloprodigiosin hydrochloride (cPrG·HCl) is a stable fluorescent red pigment obtained from the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas denitrificans. It was found that the compound was incorporated into Plasmodium falciparum cells upon incubation and exhibited a potent antimalarial activity with the concentration required for 50% of the activity being 11 nM, which is stronger than that of chloroquine, a well-known antimalarial agent. The compound did not affect growth rate of mammalian cells. Antimalarial activity of cPrG·HCl was also observed in vivo. These results indicate that cPrG·HCl is a potent antimalarial drug

    Mechanism of enhanced optical second-harmonic generation in the conducting pyrochlore-type Pb2_{2}Ir2_{2}O7x_{7-x} oxide compound

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    The structural, electronic, and optical properties of pyrochlore-type Pb2_{2}Ir2_{2}O6_{6}O'0.55_{0.55}, which is a metal without spatial inversion symmetry at room temperature, were investigated. Structural analysis revealed that the structural distortion relevant to the breakdown of the inversion symmetry is dominated by the Pb-O' network but is very small in the Ir-O network. At the same time, gigantic second-harmonic generation signals were observed, which can only occur if the local environment of the Ir 5dd electrons features broken inversion symmetry. First-principles electronic structure calculations reveal that the underlying mechanism for this phenomenon is the induction of the noncentrosymmetricity in the Ir 5dd bands by the strong hybridization with O' 2pp orbitals. Our results stimulate theoretical study of inversion-broken iridates, where exotic quantum states such as a topological insulator and Dirac semimetal are anticipated

    Estimation of above-ground biomass of a tropical forest in Northern Borneo using high-resolution satellite image

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    Estimating above-ground biomass is important in establishing an applicable methodology of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation-Plus (REDD+). We developed an estimation model of diameter at breast height (DBH) from IKONOS-2 image that led to above-ground biomass estimation (AGB). The IKONOS image was preprocessed with dark object subtraction and topographic effect correction prior to watershed segmentation for tree crown delineation. Compared to the field observation, the overall segmentation accuracy was 64%. Crown detection percent had a strong negative correlation to tree density. In addition, satellite-based crown area had the highest correlation with the field measured DBH. We then developed the DBH allometric model that explained 74% of the data variance. In average, the estimated DBH was very similar to the measured DBH as well as for AGB. Overall, this method can potentially be applied to estimate AGB over a relatively large and remote tropical forest in Northern Borneo

    Eradication of intractable malignant ascites by abdominocentesis, reinfusion of concentrated ascites, and adoptive immunotherapy with dendritic cells and activated killer cells in a patient with recurrent lung cancer: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Malignant ascites is often a sign of a terminal stage in several malignant diseases. To control ascites, drainage and intra-abdominal chemotherapy are often used in those patients but eradication of ascites is difficult and prognosis is poor.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 55-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital on 26 January 2007 with dyspnea, abdominal distention and oliguria. Abdominocentesis revealed peritoneal carcinomatosis resulting from abdominal recurrence from lung cancer. To alleviate the dyspnea and abdominal distention, we drained the ascites aseptically and infused them intravenously back into the patient after removal of tumor cells by centrifugation, and then concentration by apheresis. After the drainage of ascites, we intraperitoneally infused activated killer cells and dendritic cells from the patient's tumor-draining lymph nodes, together with 4.5 × 10<sup>5</sup>U interleukin-2 in 50 ml saline by 2.1 ml/hour infuser balloon.</p> <p>Drastic decreases in the tumor cell count and in ascite retention were observed after several courses of ascites drainage, intravenous infusion and intraperitoneal immunotherapy. The plasma protein level was maintained during the treatment notwithstanding the repeated drainage of ascites. Cell surface marker analysis, cytotoxic activities against autologous tumor cells and interferon-gamma examination of ascites suggested the possibility that these effects were mediated by immunological responses of activated killer cells and dendritic cells infused intraperitoneally.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Combination of local administration of immune cells and infusion of concentrated cell free ascites may be applicable for patients afflicted with refractory ascites.</p